Military Heavy

Chapter 274 Launch of No. 2 Ship

Chapter 274 Launch of No. 2 Ship
Although he was not optimistic about this piece of land, but his boss took it personally, Guo Jiangping said happily: "Boss, congratulations, we got this piece of land."

Yang Fang smiled happily and reminded: "Look at it, the price of this land will rise soon, and its appreciation space will exceed anyone's imagination."

Guo Jiangping smiled.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he was not very optimistic about this land, and he didn't take Yang Fang's words about the huge appreciation space.

Successfully acquired the land.

After going through the relevant procedures, Yang Fang happily returned to Hongtai Real Estate Company and announced the good news to the company's middle and senior management.

In the evening, the company's middle and high-level executives had dinner to celebrate.

According to Yang Fang's intention, this land will be developed for both commercial and residential purposes, and a commercial plaza will be built, named Hongtai Plaza.

The outermost will be a combination of a top-level office building and a supermarket. The lower floors will be group buildings. Not only will there be Hongtai Supermarket, there will also be restaurants, coffee shops, cinemas, etc., shopping, eating, drinking, playing and leisure. .

Above the Hongtai Supermarket, it will be a high-end office building with at least [-] floors.The inner part of the plot will be a high-end residential area, and elevator buildings will be built one after another to form a large community.

After this piece of land is obtained, Hongtai Real Estate Company will immediately start the development, first of all, the planning and design of the whole piece of land will be carried out completely according to Yang Fang's intention.

After arranging everything and handing over the next work to the management team of Hongtai Real Estate, Yang Fang returned to Donghai City.

This time, she returned happily.

The first thing to do when you return to Donghai City is to report this matter to Yang Fan.

"Sister, you have come back."

"Yes, it's back."

After the two chatted on the phone for a few words, Yang Fan said: "Okay, then let's see you tonight, we will have dinner together and then we will have a more specific chat."

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan looked at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not long before he got off work in the afternoon.

Picking up a few design drawings on the table, I looked at them carefully, and marked out all the problematic places, and signed the drawings without problems, and then put them aside.

The 052B ship has entered the comprehensive design stage.

Some design drawings have already begun to be sent to Yang Fan's desk, and Yang Fan will review and check them.

Sometimes, technical meetings are held one by one, and everyone sits together to discuss some design issues.

With an assistant like Yang Fan, Master Pan felt relieved for a while.

A few days ago, when he was chatting with Liang Zhiquan, the leader of the institute, he talked about this matter in particular, saying that Comrade Yang Fan performed well and had strong abilities, and that he, the chief designer, is now very relaxed.

This is unimaginable.

When the design of the 052 ship was started, Chief Pan was so tired that he was hospitalized. What about now?

The whole body is relaxed.

Liang Zhiquan said happily that our group of people is getting old gradually, some things can be handed over to young people, and it is time for them to take over.

Director Liang will retire in two years, and General Master Pan will be in his fifties and almost 60 years old. Yang Fan and other younger generations have grown up and can start to play the leading role.

In this way, General Master Pan intentionally or unintentionally handed over some work to Yang Fan. While he was relaxed, he was never disappointed. Yang Fan always did things beautifully.

After reading these design drawings, it's time to get off work.

After tidying up briefly, Yang Fan left his office, went home to pick up Jiang Yan, and the two drove to a star-rated hotel.

Yang Fang has arranged dinner and is waiting there.

The two siblings were of course very happy to meet each other. They sat down, ate and chatted about Hongtai Real Estate.

Yang Fang said: "Brother, we have already taken another piece of land, and this piece of land is at the No. 1 location you marked on the map."

No. 1 position!
It's actually a piece of land in position 1!

Of course, Yang is very clear about this location. It started to be developed in the middle and early 90s, and became prosperous in the late 90s.

Entering the 21st century, it has gradually become the most famous central business district in Shenhai City, where every inch of land is expensive and housing prices are astonishing!

Now, Hongtai Real Estate actually got a piece of land there.

Yang Fan's interest immediately rose, "Sister, tell me about the situation of that land, especially its specific location."

Yang Fang briefly introduced the situation of the land.

Yang Fan is really a bit against the sky!
He stared blankly at Yang Fang, and then realized that Yang Fan, who had always been strong in heart, lost his composure this time.

If there is no mistake, this is the most central and core piece of land in the central business district. It is at the intersection of the two most main streets in the central business district.

The golden location among the golden locations!
The core of the core!
No wonder even Yang Fan was stunned, showing that surprise on his face, which was a bit inconsistent with his usual calm personality.

Jiang Yan noticed this and asked, "Brother Fan, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Fan smiled, "It's nothing, I was so happy just now, come on, let's toast and congratulate my sister for getting another piece of land."

The three raised their glasses and touched each other lightly.

No alcohol, all juice.

Substituting fruit juice for wine, I took a big sip.

While eating, the two chatted about the future development and construction of this land. Yang Fan was not stingy, and shared some of his insights and understandings.

In the 21st century, Yang Fan has seen too many central business districts and too many bustling commercial plazas. Talking about these a little bit, Yang Fang's eyes will shine.

As expected of my brother!

It is level and insightful!
While listening, Yang Fang looked at this younger brother from time to time, her eyes couldn't hide her admiration, which came from the bottom of her heart.

As for Jiang Yan, he mainly listened while eating dinner slowly.Seeing that what Yang Fan said was very novel, there was deep admiration in my heart, and a strong sense of happiness.

This is my Brother Fan, many people are not worthy of carrying his shoes.

In early November.

Yang Fan drove to the pier of Donghai Shipyard. From a distance, he saw this newly dressed guided missile destroyer in the car.

It is the 052nd ship of the 2 ship.

After such a long construction, it is finally completely completed, and a grand launching ceremony will be held here tomorrow.

At the pier, Chen Shaohua waited for a long time.

Seeing Yang Fan getting off the car, he walked over quickly, and stretched out his right hand from a long distance, "Comrade Yang Fan, how do you feel when you see our brand new No. 2 ship?"

Shaking hands with Chen Shaohua tightly, Yang Fan said heartily: "Of course I'm in a good mood. Our No. 2 ship is finally going to be launched. This is really an exciting thing."

After speaking, his eyes were deeply attracted by it.

The hull number "113" is very eye-catching. Yang Fan knows that this is the famous Qingdao in the future. Compared with the first ship Harbin, it has a higher degree of localization and better overall performance.

If we say that the completion and service of the first Type 052 ship 112 "Harbin" is not enough to fully demonstrate China's true capabilities and standards in this field in the 20s.

Although the 113 Qingdao, which was in service immediately, is not different from the "Harbin" in terms of overall layout, it is actually quite different from it due to the adoption of more domestic systems.

A large number of new technologies, new equipment, and new materials were used in the construction of the Qingdao ship, which also indirectly promoted the development of China's shipbuilding, metallurgy, electromechanical, aerospace, and weapon industries.

Compared with the later 052 ships, it is not outstanding, but it will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of the development of the Chinese navy, and it will definitely leave a strong mark in the development history of the 052 ships.

Seeing this warship, Yang Fan was in awe!
A sense of pride arises spontaneously.

Our future Qingdao is completed and will be launched tomorrow.

After watching for more than a full minute, Yang Fan took a deep breath to calm himself down as much as possible, then waved and said, "Old Chen, let's go up and have a look."

The two boarded the deck.

First of all, I looked at its ship-borne weapons, such as main guns, secondary guns, missile systems launched at an angle, warning radar and so on.

Chen Shaohua said: "The No. 2 ship is very good. Compared with the first ship, it is an improvement, but I still can't help but want to start the construction of 052B earlier."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled.

He expected the same.

The 052B currently being designed has greatly surpassed the historical 052B guided missile destroyer, and its performance is already comparable to that of the 052C.

Ship-borne phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system, and an improved version of the combat command system, 730 near-anti-aircraft guns and so on.

The use of these things has made the combat power of 052B soar. As its designer, Yang Fan hopes that his design results will become visible and tangible as soon as possible. He hopes to see the construction of 052B ship start sooner. .

While chatting, the two looked at Ship No. 2 for a long time.

The next day.

Donghai Shipyard held a grand launching ceremony, its scale and excitement were no less than the launching ceremony of the first ship.

Those who participated in the launching ceremony included not only people from the general headquarters, but also people from related units and scientific research institutes, as well as many people from the military.

Some leaders of the navy came all the way to attend the launching ceremony of the 113 ship, and spoke highly of the ship.

Yang Fan was fortunate to witness the historic moment of the launch of the 113 ship!
When the warship was successfully launched into the water, a large white spray was aroused. At that moment, Yang Fan was excited and felt his eyes were slightly moist.

The days were full of passion and gradually returned to calm.

Yang Fan also puts his main energy into the design and development of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer. He not only reviews the design drawings sent by everyone, but also basically goes to each design room every day to take a look and guide everyone's design.

From time to time, Yang Fan also hosted a design exchange meeting to communicate or discuss some issues in the design of the 052 ship with the designers.

Days go by.

When the time entered late December 1991, careful people discovered that our Assistant President Yang liked to read newspapers, listen to the radio, or watch news on TV.

No one will ever know.

Yang Fan is quietly watching whether the Soviet Union will disintegrate on December 12 as it did in history.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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