Military Heavy

Chapter 275 panicked 1 batch

Chapter 275

Today is February 12.

Last night, Yang Fan didn't sleep well. Jiang Yan knew this best. When he woke up in the middle of the night, seeing Yang Fan tossing and turning, he asked a few questions with concern.

Why can't anyone catch it?
That's because it's exciting!

Because excited!
If I remember correctly, Yang Fan knew that the Soviet Union would disintegrate today.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the ruble plummeted and its depreciation was very severe.Before the disintegration, 2.8 rubles could be exchanged for one dollar, but after the disintegration, more than 1000 rubles were needed, and more than 3000 rubles were needed to exchange for one dollar when the devaluation was the most severe.

Knowing that the Soviet Union would disintegrate, Yang Fan asked Yang Fang to find a way to borrow 1 million rubles from a Soviet bank. The loan contract stipulated that a total of 1 million rubles would be repaid with the principal and interest after two years.

The 1 million rubles at the time of the loan can be exchanged for more than 3000 million U.S. dollars.

Two years later, the 1 million rubles cannot even be exchanged for 30 U.S. dollars.

Once the Soviet Union disintegrated, it would be profitable.

No wonder Yang Fan was so happy that he couldn't sleep.

Except for the loan of 1 million rubles, under Yang Fan's suggestion and insistence, the series of contracts signed between us and MD were all settled in rubles.

Negotiate the total value of the contract, pay [-]% of the total payment first, and pay off the remaining one year later. Once the Soviet Union disintegrates, we will take advantage of it.

Didn't sleep much all night.

Really can't sleep, the sky is slightly bright, Yang Fan got up, happily made breakfast, fried two eggs, went outside to buy two steaming baskets of fried dumplings, and made two cups of milk by hand.

"Brother Fan, why did you wake up so early and be so happy?"

When they sat down to eat breakfast, Jiang Yan asked.

Yang Fan smiled happily, "It's nothing, we have made good progress in the design, I am happy and in a good mood."

This is a white lie.

How can it not be said that the Soviet Union will disintegrate today, and then the ruble will depreciate wildly.

Jiang Yan smiled. She was very smart and didn't ask any questions. Instead, she happily finished her breakfast and was ready to go to work.

She has already worked in Hongtai Group and is currently an ordinary accountant. She is very low-key. Only the head of the finance department knows the relationship between Jiang Yan and Yang Fang.

"Brother Fan, I'm off to work."

Yang Fan said: "Be careful on the road, drive slowly."

"Don't worry, I know."

When Jiang Yan leaves the house, most of the time she will drive the big off-road vehicle to go to work. If Yang Fan needs a car, she will squeeze the bus.

Yang Fan once suggested that Jiang Yan should also buy a car, but she said that having a car at home is already eye-catching, and buying another car would draw too much attention from others, which is not a good thing.

After clearing the dining table, Yang Fan went to work.

It's not far to walk to the unit, it only takes ten minutes. Because of his good mood, Yang Fan occasionally hums a ditty.

"Good morning Assistant President Yang!"

"Assistant President Yang, good morning."

On the way to work, I met colleagues from Donghai Institute, and they greeted Yang Fan one after another. Careful people will find that Yang Fan is in a good mood today.

Why is Assistant President Yang in such a good mood!

Could it be that some great event happened.

Walking into his office and sitting down on the office chair, the joy on Yang Fan's face has not faded, he hummed a song, picked up today's newspaper and read it.

After reading the newspaper, I made another cup of tea, and then turned on the radio to listen to domestic and international news.The news Yang Fan most wanted to hear was about the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, there is no such news for the time being.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan had to get up and leave the office because there was a design exchange meeting for the 052B ship.

Let's discuss some design issues of the 052B ship.

This kind of exchange meeting is often held, basically every three to five times. Everyone speaks freely and discusses some design issues without any scruples. The environment is very relaxed, even some new designers can speak and express their own opinions. .

This kind of exchange meeting usually takes more than two hours, at least it takes more than one hour, but there is a little exception today, which is less than an hour.

Yang Fan said loudly: "The issues that should be discussed have been discussed, today's discussion meeting will be held here, and the meeting will be adjourned."

After speaking, Yang Fan closed his notebook and walked out of his office first.

Everyone was shocked.

This is not like the style of Mr. Yang's assistant.

What happened today?

Many people were at a loss and speculated that Assistant General Manager Yang had other important matters. Well, it's likely to be the case.

In fact, Yang Fan wanted to go back to the office and listen to the radio.

At this time, there was no Internet in China, and the fastest way to learn about current affairs news was to listen to the radio, listen to the radio, or watch TV.

Watching TV is definitely not allowed during working hours, and listening to the radio has become the first choice.

After returning to the office and closing the door, Yang Fan turned on the radio, while listening to the radio, he opened a design drawing and looked at it leisurely.

The efficiency of viewing pictures today is bound to be slow. Originally, it only took ten minutes, and at most two or three ten minutes to finish reading a design drawing. Today, I didn’t finish reading it in more than half an hour.

Yang Fan also knew that his efficiency was a little low, so he simply stopped looking at the design drawings and just concentrated on listening to the news on the radio.

One morning passed like this.

After getting off work in the morning, I ate alone in the cafeteria, and then went home, and the first thing after entering the door was to turn on the TV.

Jiang Yan wasn't there, she usually didn't come back at noon, she had dinner at the company, and she didn't come home until after get off work in the afternoon.Yang Hao is also not at home, most of the time at his grandmother's house.

What's the matter?
It is basically domestic news or advertisements, and there is very little foreign news.

Even if there is foreign news, it is rarely about the Soviet Union, let alone about the disintegration of the Soviet Union.It's already noon.

Yang Fan only remembers that the disintegration of the Soviet Union was on December 12th. I really don’t know the exact time, but it’s already noon and there is no news yet, so I feel a little abnormal.

The originally happy mood gradually cast a shadow.

The trajectory of history will not shift.

Well, let's wait, don't be in a hurry.Yang Fan comforted himself like this in his heart, forced himself to calm down, and watched TV for a long time until it was time for work in the afternoon.

After turning off the TV and checking the time, Yang Fan went out and walked into the Donghai Office. He basically spent the afternoon in meetings and listening to the radio when he had free time.

Back home in the afternoon.

Compared with the cheerfulness in the morning, Yang Fan's expression was a little more dignified and serious. To be honest, Yang Fan was already a little panicked.

Since I was reborn, I have never panicked, no matter how big things happen, I have always been as stable as Mount Tai, but I did panic a little today.

Jiang Yan had already arrived home and was busy in the kitchen.

"Brother Fan, watch TV first, wait a moment, the food is almost ready."

Yang Fan first turned on the TV and let it play, then walked to the door of the kitchen, "Honey, let me do it, you are quite tired after working all day."

"It's okay, I'm not tired." Jiang Yan didn't notice Yang Fan's expression for the time being, with his back turned, he was cooking while talking.

The dish is fried quickly.

One meat, one vegetable and one soup, a typical home-cooked dish, just enough for two people.

When he sat down to eat, Jiang Yan finally noticed something wrong with Yang Fan's expression, as if he was a little too serious.

She asked with concern: "Brother Fan, what's the matter, are you unhappy?"

Yang Fan finally realized that he had written his mood on his face. In order not to worry his wife, his face immediately changed, and he smiled relaxedly, "It's okay, I was thinking about some design matters just now, it's okay, let's have dinner."

Seeing his husband smiling all over his face, Jiang Yan was relieved.

The two chatted while eating, talking and laughing.

After dinner, we went for a walk outside together, and after we came back from the walk, we watched TV together on the sofa, and went to bed around ten o'clock in the evening.

Yang Fan sighed softly.

There was no news about the disintegration of the Soviet Union on TV.

Lying on the bed, looking at Jiang Yan who was sleeping soundly in his arms, Yang Fan couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

Last night I couldn't sleep because of excitement, but today I couldn't sleep because I was worried.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, has history changed?
Is it because of me, a little butterfly, that history has undergone tremendous changes, and the Soviet Union, which was supposed to disintegrate, will not disintegrate?

I don't know how long it took to finally fall asleep.

Anyway, the quality of sleep this night was not good at all, the best way to describe it was bad.

The next day.

Yang Fan still pays attention to the news in newspapers, radio, and TV, hoping to hear or see the news of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

But without any such news, there seemed to be no sign of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

It was like this for three days in a row.

Gradually, Yang Fan was completely disappointed.

It has been basically confirmed that history has deviated, and the Soviet Union should not have disintegrated like it did in history.

If the Soviet Union does not disintegrate, Yang Fan thought in his heart, then the situation would be a little bit worse for him.

For a loan of 1 million rubles, high interest will be repaid after maturity, which is much higher than the interest on domestic bank loans.

In addition, this is also the most terrible.

In the contract we signed with MD, the Soviet Union will not disintegrate, and the ruble will not depreciate. Not only will we not take advantage of anything, but we will be in a relatively passive position.

So what to do!
It's terrifying!

Yang Fan felt that his head was a little big. Today is the 28th. After going to work, he couldn't get into the mood for a long time. When reviewing the design drawings, he had been distracted many times.

Really unable to calm down, Yang Fan simply put down the pencil in his hand, not going to review the drawings for the time being, and first brewed a cup of strong tea to adjust his mood before talking.

After making tea, he calmed down alone in the office, and gradually, his heart knot was also opened.

Afraid of wool!

Worry about a ball!

Take one step at a time, and there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. I don't believe that the Soviet Union will not disintegrate, and it will drive me into a desperate situation.Yang Fan's state of mind suddenly brightened.

Originally, I no longer had any hope for the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but in the afternoon, a surprise suddenly came.

This is something Yang Fan never expected!
Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

On the penultimate day of this month, this month is about to end. Comrades who have votes in their hands, please help to cast a vote. Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are all available, and you don’t dislike it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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