Military Heavy

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
There has been no movement from the Soviet Union. After two days of anxiety, Yang Fan gradually calmed down, and his mentality improved a lot.

let it go!
There must be a way to the front of the mountain.

Thinking about this point clearly, after going to work today, Yang Fan concentrated his energy on his work, carefully reviewed several design drawings sent over, and then planned to organize a meeting with some designers.

Mainly talk about some issues that should be paid attention to during the design process of the 052B ship.For this ship, Yang Fan's thinking is very clear, and he knows which new technologies and designs need to be adopted compared with the previous 052 ship.

In Yang Fan's conception, the 052B not only has a ship-borne phased array control radar, a missile vertical launch system, a new domestic missile, a 730 near-anti-aircraft gun, and an upgraded version of the combat system, but also try to match the historical 052C. mark.

Strive for close technical performance!

Let the 052B in the design exceed its historical level.

Today's design technology exchange and discussion meeting, Yang Fan is the protagonist, talking about some of his own ideas, and the eyes of everyone sitting there are brightened.

As expected of our Assistant President Yang!
Such a 052B, even if it does not have a world-class level, it is not far behind, definitely close to the world-class level.

More than two hours!
Everyone listened with gusto until the last half hour.Only then did everyone communicate with Yang Fan on design and technology.Not so much communication.In fact, it is to ask some doubts in the mind.

For everyone's inquiries.Yang Fan explained patiently.Sometimes I will draw sketches on the blackboard in the conference room, with pictures and texts.

Yang Fan often holds meetings for everyone in this conference room, and has prepared a blackboard here a long time ago.Sometimes I pick up a pen to write and draw on the blackboard, and talk about some design problems and ideas of 052B, which is a common thing.

The two-hour technical exchange meeting ended.Yang Fan returned to his office.Sitting on an office chair, he took a sip of tea.

I thought in my heart, even if the Soviet Union hadn't disintegrated, I wouldn't think about it so much, just take one step at a time, and there will definitely be a solution by then.

Sit down and look at a few design drawings.If there is any problem with them, Yang Fan will use this pencil to mark it next to it, or directly write and draw with a pencil on the design drawing, and write his design intention on it.

After reading these design drawings, he raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was less than 20 minutes before he got off work in the morning.

I originally wanted to pick up the newspaper and read it, but I still turned on my radio and listened to the news on the radio.

As soon as the radio was turned on and the news broadcast in it, Yang Fan was stunned.

Eyes full of shocking color!
The excitement and joy in my heart were all written on my face at once.

my God!

Did I hear it wrong!

Happiness came so suddenly.It made Yang Fan feel unreal, as if he was dreaming.

Hastily and quietly pinched his thigh with his hands, until the pain came from his thigh, only then did he know that it was not a dream.

All this is true!

Couldn't be more real!
What news does Yang Fan most want to hear these days?
No doubt, just want to hear the news of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The radio was broadcasting the news about the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which could be heard clearly.The announcer announced in a low tone that the Soviet Union had officially disintegrated this morning.

In an instant, Yang Fan laughed uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the door of the office was closed, and Yang Fan was the only one in the entire office.

If anyone else sees this scene, they will definitely be shocked, but our Assistant President Yang also has such a side.

In everyone's impression, Yang Fan has always been a mature and stable image, and he is very calm no matter how big the incident is.

But this time, he really couldn't calm down, and it would probably be the same for anyone.

Other things can control the mood, but this matter really cannot be controlled.

The Soviet Union collapsed!

That's true!

Yang Fan tried his best to calm himself down.He listened to all the news carefully, then turned off the radio and sat in his office chair.

After trying to calm down my mood.Yang Fan thought in his heart, finally succeeded, this time, God has treated me well.

A full 3000 million loan, after two years, [-] million will be repaid.

These 1 million rubles are equivalent to being picked up for nothing!

1 million rubles were originally exchanged for more than 3000 million U.S. dollars.It is also equivalent to picking up more than 3000 million US dollars for nothing.After two years, 3000 million rubles will be repaid, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of dollars can be exchanged for this amount of rubles.

Yang Fan excitedly waved his arm in mid-air, and called out "Olige" loudly!
Just about to get off work, the phone rang quickly.

Picking up the phone, Yang Fang's voice came from inside: "Brother, have you read the news? The Soviet Union has disintegrated!"

His tone was full of unsteadiness. At this moment, Yang Fang really couldn't calm herself down.

Even if she doesn't engage in politics or economics, she can fully predict what will happen to the ruble after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Definitely a huge depreciation!

No wonder she couldn't control her mood, her tone was so excited.

Yang Fan also replied in an excited tone: "Sister, I just found out about this from the radio."

Yang Fang said: "The Soviet Union has disintegrated. I found that I have never been so happy as now. Our 1 million rubles are almost as if they were picked up."

Yang Fan smiled, and after chatting for a while, the two ended the call.

For the next whole day, Yang Fan was full of energy.Although they tried their best to control their emotions, some careful people still found that Assistant General Manager Yang seemed to be in a good mood today.

Could it be that some happy event happened to our Assistant President Yang?

In the afternoon, Commander Huang Keping made a special call.

He said in an unbelievable tone: "Comrade Yang Fan, I never thought that the Soviet Union would disintegrate at this time. I really never dreamed that such a thing would happen."

Yang Fan was in a good mood, and joked with a smile: "Commander Huang, the disintegration of the Soviet Union is a great thing for us."

Of course Huang Keping knew this too.

He also laughed during the phone call, "It's really a great thing. In this way, our cooperation with MD is in an extremely favorable position. I think MD may not be able to sit still."

Yang Fan reminded: "According to the contract, the settlement between us and MD is in rubles. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the ruble will definitely depreciate significantly. I guess it won't be long before MD will contact us to renegotiate the contract."

Huang Keping said loudly: "I want to renegotiate the contract with us. I didn't even check the door. It was clearly written in black and white. They must perform according to the contract."

Feeling the resolute attitude of Huang Zhong's commander, Yang Fan thought comfortably that if the contract was not re-signed, the MD would probably be in the mood to cry.

What will happen in the future, whether the contract will be renegotiated, Yang Fan will not care about these things, this should be considered by Huang Keping and the others or higher-ups.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union had a huge impact.

But it didn't have much impact on our ship business, it just became everyone's idle talk after dinner for a few days.

Some technicians would happily talk about the major event of the disintegration of the Soviet Union during their breaks after work.

After a period of time, everyone talked about this matter gradually less and less.The East China Sea Institute will focus on the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer.

After the Lunar New Year.

In everyone's consciousness, it can be regarded as a thorough entry into 1992.

After New Year's Day, many people subconsciously think that the year is not over yet, but after the New Year is different, everyone knows that this is the beginning of a new year.

The Donghai Institute is also a new year with a new atmosphere. All designers maintain a positive and hard-working attitude, and carry out the design and development of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer in an orderly manner.

Combat system design room.

Almost all the people in the design room gathered together.Whether it is a senior designer or a designer who has just started working.

Everyone listened carefully one by one, taking notes while listening.

On the blackboard in front, Yangfan drew some sketches and schematic diagrams with this brush, and is telling everyone about the design of the combat system.

I don't know how many times this kind of narration has happened.Since the design of 052B was started, there have not been more than a dozen times, at least eight or nine times.

What is Yangfan most concerned about in the entire 052B design?
It is the design of the combat system!
Upgraded and perfected on the basis of the original combat system, the combat system of 052B is destined to be more advanced than the combat systems of the previous two 052 ships.

Only a more advanced combat system can support the phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system.All these things are organically combined, and the combat capability of 052B will also be significantly improved.

Yangfan is telling you about the design of the 052B combat system.Yang Fang is also busy in Shenhai City thousands of miles away.

To be precise, she was looking forward to it!

I'm hoping!

She got accurate information about the latest planning of Shenhai City, especially the detailed planning for Lot No. [-] circled by Yang Fan.

It is said that the official version of the plan will be announced to the public soon.

According to the gossip, Shenhai City intends to center on Lot No. [-], carry out large-scale development and construction in that area, and prepare to build the first central business district in Shenhai.

In the early 90s, domestic cities proposed the concept of central business districts, and it is estimated that there will be no other cities except Shenhai City.

In terms of reform, Deep Sea City is far ahead.

Guo Jiangping, general manager of Hongtai Real Estate, opened the door with joy and walked into Yang Fang's office.

He is not the first deputy general manager now, but the general manager.Yang Fang no longer served as the general manager of Hongtai Real Estate.

As soon as he came in, he said loudly: "Boss, the latest plan has been released. I heard that it will be announced soon. Should we go and have a look now?"

Of course, you have to take a look at the publicized planning map.

This is what Yang Fang wants to see the most, and she wants to know in detail how to plan the No. [-] lot.

He got up and waved: "Go, let's go."

Soon a large group of people left the office building, a total of three cars, and headed towards Lot [-].

What will the plan be like there?

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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