Military Heavy

Chapter 277 It's Really Adding Value

Chapter 277 It's Really Adding Value
This is the second building developed by Hongtai Real Estate.

It was also the land parcel No. 086 that was auctioned in Shenhai City. After obtaining this land, Hongtai Real Estate carried out the planning and design of the real estate.Construction has now started.

The huge land is like a huge construction site, with excavators waving their long arms, muck trucks running back and forth, and tower cranes standing tall.

The most noticeable thing is that a luxurious sales department has been established.

This completely adopted Yang Fan's original suggestion.The real estate development will build the sales department as soon as possible and open it to the outside world.

A total of three cars soon arrived at the gate of the sales department of this real estate.As soon as the car stopped, a large group of people came down from above.

Like the stars and the moon, everyone centered on Yang Fang.Next to it are the general manager and deputy general manager of Hongtai Real Estate and other high-level executives, and a little further outside are several middle-level managers of Hongtai Real Estate and the person in charge of the real estate.

Of course, Yang Fang brought everyone here not to look at the real estate under construction, but to take a look at the planning map that has been announced to the public.

When she got out of the car, she saw a huge public notice board not far away, so she waved and said, "Come on, let's go over there and have a look."

Yang Fang walked in the front, and the others followed, and soon came to this huge public notice board.

Above is a huge planning and design drawing, which clearly shows the planning here and is clear at a glance.

The center of the planning map is the plot numbered 086, followed by two straight and spacious main roads.

Plot 086 is located at the intersection of these two main roads.

My goodness!


can not imagine!

A gasp sounded around Yang Fang.

It was such a planning design.In an instant, everyone was surrounded by deep surprises, and some people even became uncontrollably excited.

"This is the future central business district of Shenhai City."

"Mr. Yang, our real estate is located in the core area of ​​the entire central business district."

"We've made a lot of money. The location of this land is so good. I never thought of it!"


Listening to the words of the subordinates and feeling their mood at the moment, Yang Fang smiled happily.

I am determined!

What a surprise!

I thought in my mind, at the beginning, my brother said that this place would increase in value, and his guess was correct.

In fact, it is more than value-added!
It's like going to heaven, a piece of land that was originally inconspicuous, few real estate companies were interested in it when it was first auctioned.

Hongtai Real Estate bought this land for just over 5000 million yuan.

With the publicity of this plan.It is estimated that many real estate companies will regret it, especially the few real estate companies that participated in the auction and raised their cards several times.

Their bosses are probably in the mood to hit the wall.If they had known about such a plan, they would have won this piece of land no matter what, even if it was [-] million or [-] million.

At this moment, Guo Jiangping was so excited and excited that he couldn't keep calm at all.

At the beginning, Yang Fang said that the land would increase in value, but he just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

It's only been a few months!

When it comes to value-added, it really increases in value, and it is still in a sharp upward trend.

The blind man also knows that with the publicity of the planning map and the establishment of the central business district in the future, the housing prices in this area will definitely double.

made money!

Make big!
Guo Jiangping said loudly: "Boss, we were still discussing the opening price of this real estate a few days ago. Everyone agreed to set it at around [-]. It seems too conservative now."

Yang Fang waved her hand domineeringly, and said domineeringly: "The starting price is [-], and if it's one cent less, we won't sell it,"

With an opening price of [-], there are probably not many real estate projects in the entire Shenhai City.

It is simply domineering!
The people next to them were shocked!
With the official publicity of the planning map of the central business district.The plot of land that was not expected here has suddenly risen.

Deep sea TV stations, newspapers, etc. have carried out publicity and reports, which greatly increased the popularity of this place.

Quite a few people have already started to inquire at the sales department of Hongtai Real Estate, showing a strong willingness to buy.

Soon, the planning renderings of the entire building of Hongtai Real Estate were also publicized and posted in the most conspicuous position of the sales department.

In the central hall of the sales department, there is a real estate model with an area of ​​tens of square meters.

This is a scaled down version of the property.

More and more people know that a commercial plaza and a high-end residential area will be built here.

The name of this commercial plaza is Hongtai Plaza, and there will also be a large super shopping plaza here called Hongtai Supermarket.

Recently, Guo Jiangping has become more humble in front of Yang Fang. There is no other reason, because Yang Fang said that the real estate will increase in value, and it turned out to be greatly increased in value.

With such a vision, Guo Jiangping admired him deeply.

With awe in mind, the attitude will naturally become more humble, and the work will be very hard.

He is very smart and knows that as long as he works hard with Yang Fang, his future achievements will definitely not be small, and he himself will reach a very high level.

This is the second piece of land that Hongtai Real Estate has won, and it is also the second real estate developed and constructed in Shenhai City.

There was nothing outstanding about the first real estate, it could only be said to be a small business, quite satisfactory.

But the second real estate is completely different, whether it is the scale, location, or the vision and courage to win this land, it is not comparable to the first real estate.

With the development of this real estate, Hongtai Real Estate has finally gained a little reputation in the deep sea.

Guo Jiangping is becoming more and more in awe of Yang Fang. If he knows that there is a map of Shenhai City in the safe in Yang Fang's office, what kind of reaction will he have?

A total of 22 red circles are drawn on this map, and this real estate is only one of the red circles.

In the future, using these red circles as a reference, Yang Fang will win the second land, the third land, and the Nth land.


Yang Fan not only received a call from Yang Fang, but also read about the planning and construction of the first central business district in Shenhai City in the newspaper.

Immediately my heart lightened!
Although history has changed slightly, the general direction of development remains unchanged.

There is no problem with the areas that I circled at the beginning.They will one by one become the busiest and most valuable locations in Deep Sea City.

Yang Fan is no longer worried about the future development of Hongtai Real Estate.

Not to mention going to the deep sea to take a look. There is Yang Fang there, and it will definitely develop better and better.

Yangfan still puts his main energy on the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer, and now it is entering a critical period of design.

Yang Fan, every day is very fulfilling.

Tired, but happy and full of energy.

Compared with the previous 052 ship, 052B is more advanced, with better overall performance, higher technical and tactical indicators, and a more fulfilling design.

When the East China Sea Institute went all out to start the design work of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer.Something is happening in the capital thousands of miles away.

This is definitely a far-reaching event in the history of our country's ships.

Several leaders of the Navy sat together. This is the second time to discuss the design and construction of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future.

After two lengthy discussions, most leaders agreed that it is necessary to start the certification of the second-generation guided missile frigate.

However, for the sake of prudence, it is necessary to consult professional opinions before formally conducting design demonstrations.

The professionals in the eyes of naval leaders are naturally the comrades of the East China Sea Institute, the comrades of the shipyard, and possibly the comrades of related units and scientific research institutes.

It wasn't long before word spread quietly.

Some comrades in Donghai also heard the news, but they were not quite sure.

Regardless of whether the news is uncertain, many people think it is not groundless.

After work, many designers began to discuss this matter.

"It's so exciting. I heard that the design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates is going to be launched."

"Yes, I've also heard about this incident. I thought it was a rumor. Now it seems that the news should be reliable."

"The Type 052B guided missile destroyer is still under design, and now we are going to discuss the design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigate. Our naval leaders are really courageous."


Of course Yang Fan had also heard the news, but he was also not sure.

I thought in my heart, it would be great if the news was reliable.

Thinking of his favorite missile frigate, Yang Fan inevitably thought of the famous 054a missile frigate in the future.

For this reason, he also specially drew a color map of 054a, and this color map was also given to Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping.

Yang Fan even thought in his heart, if the design and demonstration of the new generation of missile frigate in the future is really carried out, should I fight for it myself?

Yang Fan has full confidence in the design of 054A.

I am also very familiar with and understand 054a, because I participated in the design of 054a before rebirth.Although I was not a senior designer at that time, I at least participated in it.

Later, I boarded 054a countless times, and participated in its future design improvement and perfection. I became more and more familiar with this guided missile frigate.

Yang Fan was even thinking about what would happen if he was the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates.

After thinking about it, he himself smiled dumbly.

The possibility of this is too small.

It is almost impossible for such a young person to serve as the chief designer of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

While thinking about these things, there was a knock on the door.

Han Jiang pushed the door in, and asked, "Brother Fan, is the higher-ups really planning to start the design demonstration of a new generation of missile frigates? Many people in our institute are talking about it."

Obviously, Han Jiang is also very interested in this matter.Want to confirm the authenticity of the message.

Glancing at Han Jiang, I could feel that he was a little urgent.Yang Fan said softly: "I've heard about it too. As for the truth, I'll probably know after a while."

After thinking about it for a while, combined with what he heard, Yang Fan still reminded: "In my opinion, the reliability of the news is relatively high."


In an instant, Han Jiang was extremely happy.


Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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