Military Heavy

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
While many people were discussing the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, Donghai Institute received a call from the capital asking to send someone to the Navy Building in the capital to attend the meeting.

Soon, Master Pan called Yang Fan to the office.

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, he said bluntly: "Xiao Yang, get ready, we will have a meeting at the Navy Building tomorrow morning."

go to a meeting!
And it's going to the Navy Building in the capital!
Yang Fan suddenly thought about something, and quickly asked: "Master Pan, is it true that the Navy is preparing to start the design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates as rumored?"

Pan Jinfu nodded, and said clearly: "The navy intends to build a new generation of guided missile frigates. This time, I also said it on the phone. I called everyone to demonstrate the feasibility of designing and building a new generation of guided missile frigates."

Feasibility demonstration.

It is for everyone to discuss whether our current technical strength and industrial foundation can meet the design and construction of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

if not.

The new generation of guided missile frigates will be delayed for a few more years, and this project will not be carried out until our technology and industrial strength are stronger.

If it could work.

There is no doubt that this project will start in the near future, start the design argument, develop the design, and then build it.

Hearing this, Yang Fan was slightly excited!
"General Master Pan, it would be great if we could start the design and construction of a new generation of guided missile frigates."

As a military worker, Master Pan certainly hopes to see our new missile frigate built and launched as soon as possible.

However, hope is hope, he is still very calm, and reminded: "Xiao Yang, don't be too happy, even if you pass the feasibility study, you don't know which design firm the design task will eventually go to."

The meaning is obvious, the above does not necessarily place the design task on Donghai Institute.

On the one hand, the East China Sea Institute is not the only domestic ship design institute.On the other hand, the East China Sea Institute currently has design tasks and is launching the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer, and has entered a critical period.

Realizing this, Yang Fan's heart sank slightly.

I thought in my heart, if we want to start a new generation of guided missile frigates, we must hand over the design task to Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan really wants to participate in the design of the new guided missile frigate.

Not only have confidence, but also have the technical strength.

Asking himself if the design task is handed over to Donghai Institute, Yang Fan believes that under his leadership, or under his leadership, the design will definitely be excellent.

Master Pan noticed Yang Fan's expression, said a few words of comfort, and reminded: "It's still early, don't think too much, get ready, and go to the navy meeting with me tomorrow."


Yang Fan nodded, indeed everything is still early.

Such calls not only reached Donghai Institute, but also several shipbuilding companies such as Donghai Shipyard and Dongjiang Shipyard.

After receiving such a call, Chen Shaohua remained calm and did not affect him much.His positioning is very accurate. Donghai Shipyard specializes in building guided missile destroyers, rather than being interested in a new generation of guided missile frigates.

Sun Baoguo of Dongjiang Shipyard didn't think so. He had been looking forward to this matter for a long time, and this phone call had a great influence on him.

Soon, he arrived at Donghai Institute.

Walking into Yang Fan's office, Sun Baoguo said hopefully, "Comrade Yang Fan, in your opinion, given the current situation in our country, how feasible is it to start the project of a new generation of missile frigates?"

Yang Fan was very clear about Sun Baoguo's thoughts.

Dongjiang Shipyard has been carrying out technological transformation in recent years, not only has the hardware facilities up, but also has the experience and foundation of the modular construction method of the general section.

The whole factory has long been looking forward to the day when they can start the construction of new guided missile frigates.

Facing the question, Yang Fan thought for a while and said, "I don't think there is any technical difficulty in starting the new-generation missile frigate project."

In Yang Fan's view, the feasibility is extremely high.

First, we have experience in designing and building 052 ships.Second, we also have a lot of things that guided missile frigates need, and they will be almost successfully developed, such as phased array radar, missile vertical launch system, new combat systems, and so on.


Sun Baoguo said: "It is very feasible, so I am relieved. We have been waiting for this day for many years."

The next day.

Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer, and Yang Fan, the assistant chief designer, left the Donghai Institute, took a plane, and arrived in the capital at noon.

Almost non-stop, I checked into a good hotel, walked into the Navy Building after a hasty lunch, and walked into the conference room prepared by the Navy.

So lively!
so many people!

In the huge meeting room, there are at least dozens of people sitting, including people from ship design units, comrades from shipyards, and people from related units and research institutes. In addition, the military has the most people, and it is estimated that the to several departments.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, several naval leaders walked into the meeting room.

The originally noisy conference room suddenly became quiet, and everyone sat upright, and Yang Fan did the same. He sat up straight and listened carefully to the speech of the naval leader.

"Comrades, I called you here during your busy schedule, mainly to discuss the feasibility of launching a new generation of guided missile frigates."

Straight to the point.

Without beating around the bush, I first said that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the feasibility of designing and building a new generation of guided missile frigates.

From the words, everyone can understand the Navy's urgent need for a new generation of guided missile frigates.

With the completion of two 052 ships, the more advanced 052B has entered the comprehensive design stage. The navy needs guided missile frigates, and only guided missile destroyers are not enough.

Yang Fan thought in his heart that the navy is in such an urgent need, once the design and construction of a new generation of guided missile frigates really starts, it will be ten years earlier than the historical period.

Ten years ahead!

Yang Fan was slightly excited and felt that it was very challenging, but he liked such a challenge and wanted to try it out ten years in advance, whether the Type 054A guided missile frigate could be produced.

The naval leader described the current situation and their urgent need for a new generation of guided missile frigates, and then made some requirements.

Of course you have to ask.

Only when a series of requirements are first put forward, can everyone discuss with these requirements, whether to start the design and construction of such a guided missile frigate with the current technology and industrial strength.

The Navy's requirements are clear.

First of all, the new generation of guided missile frigates are required to have ocean-going warfare capabilities.

Obviously, like the 052 ship, it will also be a warship that is heading towards the deep blue, rather than satisfying a turn around the offshore.

Secondly, a strong air defense capability is required, and a missile vertical launch system is required.

Third, excellent anti-submarine capabilities are required.

The Navy leader laid out a series of demands.Obviously, these requirements were carefully considered through detailed discussions in advance.

In addition to a series of requirements, the naval leader also said that the cost of the 052 ship is too high, and the cost of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future will be greatly reduced.

The afternoon meeting is only about two hours long.

The real feasibility analysis and discussion will start tomorrow. This afternoon, the navy will ask for a mention. After the meeting is over, everyone will digest it and prepare for tomorrow's discussion.

After the meeting.

Sun Baoguo of the Dongjiang Shipyard found Yang Fan. He seemed stressed and worried, "Comrade Yang Fan, the navy's request is too high. I think this matter will fall through."

The person who least wants things to die prematurely is probably Sun Baoguo.

He hopes to start the design of a new generation of guided missile frigates as soon as possible, and then hand over the construction task to their shipyard to start construction work as soon as possible.

Is it too demanding?
Yang Fan doesn't think these requirements are normal, but everyone is used to the current Type 053 frigate, and at first hearing such requirements, they feel that they are unattainable.

Such as Sun Baoguo.

The Dongjiang Shipyard built the 053 frigate. Sun Baoguo knew this type of frigate well and was very familiar with it. In comparison, the new frigate that the Navy wanted was too advanced. He predicted that with the current technical strength and industrial foundation, It is difficult to design and develop.

Yang Fan looked at Sun Baoguo and said confidently: "I don't think so, such requirements are normal. The new type of frigate in the future must be an excellent all-rounder. , anti-ship and other aspects must be equally good."

Sun Baoguo looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

"Comrade Yang Fan, what do you mean to say that with our current technology and industrial strength, there is no big problem in designing and developing such a guided missile frigate."

Yang Fan said: "There will definitely be difficulties, but I think it is still possible to establish a project to start design and development, and it will definitely succeed."

The surprise came very suddenly.

Sun Baoguo, who was originally worried and worried that this matter would fade away, suddenly saw strong hope after hearing Yang Fan's words.

If someone else said that, he might still be skeptical, but Yang Fan said these words, so that's another matter.

He knows Yang Fan better and knows that Yang Fan usually doesn't talk big.In addition, Yang Fan is engaged in design, and his level is not low. If a master in design says so, the possibility is even greater.

All of a sudden, Sun Baoguo was in a good mood.

He said cheerfully: "Let's go, I'm treating guests, let's go to eat boiled mutton, and have a good chat while eating."


Yang Fan is also happy, and someone treats guests to dinner.I originally planned to go to the navy cafeteria to eat tonight. Going to a restaurant outside to eat a meal of hot-boiled mutton is of course much more enjoyable than eating in the cafeteria.

Although it is spring now, the weather in the north is still cold. Eating instant boiled mutton warms the body and nourishes Qi and blood. The two went to a nearby restaurant.

Sitting next to the warm copper stove, drinking some wine and eating hot-boiled mutton, while chatting and laughing, the content is of course about the new generation of missile frigates.

After this meal, the pressure in Sun Baoguo's heart was gone, and he was full of confidence in the new type of guided missile frigate in the future.

the next day.

The huge conference room is almost full, and everyone will start discussing the feasibility of designing and developing a new generation of missile frigates.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

Ask for votes, ask for votes, ask for votes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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