Military Heavy

Chapter 279 Very Intense

Chapter 279 Very Intense

The Navy still presided over the meeting.

In the meeting room, everyone sat neatly and quietly, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the naval leader who presided over the meeting.

The naval leader looked around the entire meeting room, nodded slightly, and then said loudly.

"Everyone, yesterday we put forward the general requirements for the new generation of missile guards. It has been a whole night. I think everyone has some thoughts and considerations. Let's talk freely."

Soon into the discussion section.

The main purpose of holding this meeting is to brainstorm together to discuss the possibility of designing, developing and building a new generation of guided missile frigates.

As far as the navy is concerned, it is of course hoped to build a new generation of guided missile frigates as soon as possible to enhance the navy's ocean-going combat capabilities.

But the naval leaders also know that this kind of thing is not built at will, and the opinions of relevant experts are very important.

The design, development and construction of a new generation of guided missile frigate involves all aspects, especially with the current level of technology and domestic industrial strength.

Soon, an expert stood up and said loudly: "I think it's too early to consider the design and development time of the new generation of guided missile frigates. Five or eight years is the most appropriate time."

The naval leader who presided over the meeting signaled: "This expert comrade, please share your specific views."

The expert continued: "We already have 052 guided missile destroyers, and this type of ship is relatively advanced. In the next few years, we should concentrate our main financial and material resources and focus on building this type of ship."

"As for guided missile frigates, we currently have Type 053 guided missile frigates, and the latest type of 053H guided missile frigates have not been finalized for a few years. Considering a new generation of guided missile frigates now means that the 053H guided missile frigates that have not been finalized may withdraw from the stage of history. A huge waste of manpower and material resources."

This view has been recognized by some people, but more people oppose it.

Someone immediately stood up and said with a clear view: "I don't think so. With the design and development of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer and the improvement of domestic industrial strength and technological strength, the conditions for considering the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates are now complete. Mature."

As soon as the voice fell, someone said: "Although our current industrial strength and technical strength have improved to a certain extent, our national strength is still not strong and our wealth is limited. It is too late to consider the design and development of new missile frigates now." Early, wait until our economy is more developed and financial resources are stronger in a few years, then it will not be too late to think about it.”


The meeting was heated.

Different people hold different viewpoints. The typical public says that the public has the right, and the reasoner says that the woman is right, and they don't give in to each other.

The Navy did not express any opinions, but recorded what the experts said one by one, as a record and future reference.

The whole morning was spent in heated arguments between you and me.

No one convinced anyone, and no one made concessions.

The afternoon session continued.

After the meeting started, the intensity of the morning continued. Some naval leaders couldn't help but shook their heads with wry smiles, knowing that there would be no results if they continued to fight like this.

Simply, the naval leaders who presided over the meeting began to roll their names, and they were humane to the person in charge of a certain ship design institute that participated in the meeting.

"Director Shen, you are an expert in ship design, what's your opinion?"

In everyone's eyes, a tall middle-aged man stood up. He was the person in charge of a domestic ship design institute.

In our country, there is not only the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, there are several similar ship design units, but everyone's focus is slightly different.

Some design units are good at the design of missile frigates and destroyers, some units are good at the design of transport ships and minesweepers, and some units focus on the design of hospital ships and supply ships.

Director Shen's statement was loud and clear, and everyone could hear it clearly.His point of view is also very clear, straight to the point, without beating around the bush.

"If I were to talk about my opinion, I think the conditions for the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates are now mature."

As soon as such a point of view came out, there was a slight commotion in the entire meeting room.

Those who were in favor of starting the design and development of a new generation of guided-missile frigates were shocked, while those who opposed it were prepared to wait for a rebuttal.

It's just that the navy didn't give them a chance to refute. The navy leader who presided over the meeting asked: "Director Shen, can you be more specific."

Shen Changhai said: "Imagine that when we started the design demonstration of the 052 ship, we were poor and had nothing to do. Under such circumstances, we all successfully designed and built the 052 ship."

"Compared to the situation ten years ago, both national strength and financial strength have increased significantly, not to mention technological and industrial strength. I don't think there is any problem in starting the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates."

"If the leadership of the navy entrusts this research and development task to our institute, we will feel very honored and have full confidence to complete this task excellently."

Many people looked at Shen Changhai.

This is a very clear research and development task, and they want to take the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates into their pockets.

Some people even think that this is a competition for the design task with Donghai.

In fact, in the field of research and development of guided missile frigates, Donghai Institute and Shen Changhai have their own strengths and strengths.

Shen Changhai and the others have participated in the design and development of the 053 frigate, and have relevant experience and foundation in frigates.

However, the East China Sea Institute also has the basis for successfully designing the 052 ship.

Yang Fan also secretly looked at Shen Changhai, thinking in his heart, this is the biggest competitor.

If the military is determined to start the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates, Shen Changhai and the others will definitely try their best to fight for it.

Now that the design and development of a new generation of missile frigates has not yet been written off, Shen Changhai clearly stated that they are willing to undertake this research and development task.

The naval leader nodded slightly, and then looked at the comrades of the East China Sea Institute.He asked loudly: "As for the Donghai Institute, who will stand up and talk about your views and opinions."

Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan, and his eyes seemed to say: "Xiao Yang, you speak on behalf of Donghai."

Immediately, Yang Fan was overjoyed.

And he looked at Master Pan gratefully.

Yang Fan stood up on behalf of Donghai Institute. Many people didn't know Yang Fan, so they were slightly surprised.

Why is it not Pan Jinfu who spoke?

Who is this young man?

Under everyone's surprised and puzzled eyes, Yang Fan's expression was calm, his thinking was clear, and his point of view was very clear.

"Everyone, on behalf of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, let me talk about the design and development of the new generation of missile frigates in the future."

"Actually, we started thinking about this new ship design two or three years ago. For this reason, I personally drew several imaginary pictures of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, and I brought them all here."

Yang Fan took out a large watercolor painting, unfolded it in front of everyone's eyes, fixed it on the wall of the meeting room with pushpins, and displayed it in front of everyone.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted by this huge watercolor picture.

On the picture, it is a guided missile frigate that everyone has never seen before.

Its shape is concise, showing a unique geometric section, the phased array control radar on the ship, the missile vertical launch system, etc. are clearly visible.

"What a beautiful warship!"

"Will our future missile frigate look like this?"

"The level is not average. Without two brushes, it is absolutely impossible to draw such a warship."


These words of everyone drifted into his ears, and Yang Fan felt happy for a while, at least this painting got everyone's approval.

Pointing to this painting, Yang Fan said: "In my mind, this is what our new generation of missile frigates will look like in the future. It not only has excellent ocean-going combat capabilities, but also has strong regional air defense and long-range warning capabilities..."

After briefly introducing the future guided missile frigate, Yang Fan continued: "Now that the conditions for the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigate are fully mature, our technology and industrial strength can fully support this design and development."

"If our Donghai Ship Design Institute undertakes the design task, we are confident that we will hand in an excellent answer sheet, and the future missile frigate will definitely rank among the world's first-class frigates."

A strong self-confidence exudes from the whole body.

Yang Fan also made it clear that he wanted to take future design and development tasks into his arms.

Many people think in their hearts, this is more interesting.

It has not yet been determined whether to carry out the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates, and now there are already two ship design institutes that clearly want to undertake this design task.

Several leaders of the Navy also smiled happily. In their opinion, this is a good thing.

If you push three obstacles and four obstacles, you feel that there are many difficulties and arduous tasks, and no one wants to take the initiative to undertake the design task, then it will be a headache.

The navy leader who presided over the meeting also smiled slightly, and then said loudly: "Thank you, comrade, for your speech. It was very wonderful."

There was warm applause in the meeting room.

Obviously, Yang Fan's speech convinced many people.

Some people who didn't know Yang Fan were quietly asking who this young comrade was.

Regarding the discussion on the feasibility of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, the meeting lasted all day.

Even when the meeting adjourned, the navy did not announce whether it would carry out the design and development of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

This is a big deal.

Also a very important decision.

The navy will not make a decision rashly. They will conduct comprehensive consideration and evaluation based on the situation of this meeting and the opinions of experts.

Maybe some time later, the Navy will make an announcement.

It's just that everyone didn't expect the efficiency of the navy to be so high.

After the meeting, in just a few days, the official news came out.


There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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