Military Heavy

Chapter 280 Project 054

Chapter 280 Project 054
Not a few days after Yang Fan and others came back, the accurate news spread to the East China Sea Institute, and all the staff in the office were immediately excited.

"What, I'm really going to start the design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates!"

"The navy is mighty and generous!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. It would be great if we could participate in the design work!"


The comrades of the East China Sea Institute have been discussing the new generation of missile frigates in the future. Many people are looking forward to getting official news. Now, happiness is so sudden!

Design demonstration will be officially conducted!
Some people even quietly went to the offices of Master Pan and Director Liang to inquire about further information, especially about the specific design demonstration work.

For example, Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, asked enthusiastically: "Mr. Pan, when will we start the specific design demonstration work? Will we undertake the design task?"

Pan Jinfu said: "I think there will be official news about when the specific design demonstration work will start. As for whether we will undertake the design task, it is still hard to say. It is estimated that the competition will be relatively large."

Big competition? ? ?

Kuang Wei's eyes widened, it was beyond his expectation that there would be competition.

Pan Jinfu said seriously: "Of course there is competition. It's not just us who want to undertake this design task. After all, it will be a very honorable task to undertake the design and development of a new generation of missile frigates."

This is true.

Kuang Wei nodded lightly, and felt a little heavy in his heart, feeling some pressure.

When he walked out of General Master Pan's office, he prayed in his heart: "God bless, our Donghai Institute must win this design task."

It wasn't just Kuang Wei who quietly walked into Chief Master Pan's office to inquire about these matters, but also the directors, deputy directors, or veteran designers of other design offices.

Or ask Mr. Pan, or sit in Liang Zhiquan's office.

Where's Yang Fan?
He didn't ask General Master Pan or Director Liang, because he knew more about this matter, knew that there was competition, and knew the navy's urgent need for a new generation of guided missile frigates.

What makes Yang Fan feel pressured is not the technical obstacles in designing and developing a new generation of missile frigates, which do not exist in Yang Fan.

Yang Fan is still very confident in his skills.

He is very familiar with and understands the 054A guided missile frigate. If Yang Fan leads the design and development of this guided missile frigate, he only needs to copy the 054A.

Even if some equipment is not currently available, it doesn't matter, it can be replaced by other equipment temporarily.For example, missiles can be temporarily replaced with other missiles, and they can be replaced when there are newer and more advanced missiles.

Yang Fan is under pressure, will this extremely glorious design task be handed over to Donghai Research Institute?
If it is handed over to Donghai Institute, who will be the chief designer?
Is it still the chief teacher Pan, or is it a certain deputy director?Or simply Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer?

Will there be hope for myself?
Thinking of this, Yang Fan couldn't help but smile wryly.Although the technical level is okay, the qualifications are too shallow and too young.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Han Jiang gently pushed the door in. "Brother Fan, the navy is preparing to build a new generation of missile frigates. You went to the capital for a meeting a few days ago. What is the specific situation like?"

Han Jiang is also paying attention to this matter.

He didn't go to Master Pan to inquire, let alone Director Liang, but opened the door and entered Yang Fan's place because he and Yang Fan had a good relationship.

Yang Fan gave a general overview of the situation, and then reminded: "It's hard to say which unit will undertake the design task."

That's it!
Han Jiang's expression suddenly became serious, and he said anxiously: "Brother Fan, we can't just sit and wait for death, let alone watch other design units say that the task is taken away, we have to find a way and fight for it!"

Fight, definitely have to fight!

How to fight?

Yang Fan is already thinking about this problem, but there is no specific method yet.

"Of course we have to fight, and we must go all out to transfer the design tasks as much as possible." Yang Fan said clearly.

Fight, definitely have to fight!

How to fight?

Yang Fan is already thinking about this problem, but there is no specific method yet.

"Of course we have to fight, and we have to go all out to get the design task as far as possible." Yang Fan said clearly.

This is not selfishness, not for the sake of oneself, but for the future Type 054A guided missile frigate. Looking at this era, no one has higher technical attainments than Yang Fan, and no one has a longer-term perspective than Yang Fan.

That being the case, we must work hard to win over the design task and design it well so that the navy has a world-class guided missile frigate with excellent overall performance.

Seeing Yang Fan being so determined, Han Jiang felt relieved, "Brother Fan, I am relieved when you say that. I believe you will be able to win the design task."

After chatting for a while, Han Jiang left happily.

Not only does he know that there will be huge competition for the future design task of a new type of guided missile frigate, but he also knows that Yang Fan will work hard for this task.

It is not only Yang Fan who wants to fight for this glorious design task, but also the top management of Donghai Institute, especially the leader Liang Zhiquan.

In two years, he will retire, and he wants to leave a strong mark before retiring, and draw a successful conclusion to his own career.

in the office.

Liang Zhiquan sent a middle-level cadre away, sitting on an office chair and meditating. In the past two days, he fully felt the high fighting spirit of the whole firm and the eagerness to win this design task.

He himself is the same, hoping that the higher-ups will hand over the design task to Donghai Institute.

"If we in the East China Sea undertake the design task of a new generation of missile frigates, who will be the chief designer?"

"Old Pan, or Tang Jianming, or..."

One name after another flashed through his mind, and he denied them one by one. These people are either old and will retire in a few years, or they cannot leave their bodies for the time being and have arduous design tasks on them.

For example, Pan Jinfu, although he has a good level, is very suitable to be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future, but the 052B is entering a critical period of design, and there may be 052C and even 052D in the future. Chief Pan must take the lead to organize the design of these.

In addition, Pan Jinfu is already in his fifties and will retire in a few years
After thinking about it for a long time, Liang Zhiquan found that if he really wanted to compete for the design task of a new generation of missile frigates, Donghai would not be able to accept them, and he would be at a huge disadvantage.

Immediately, Director Liang became anxious!

He seldom smoked, but he took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and thought unwillingly, it was so difficult to watch this design task fall to the heads of other ship designers.


Absolutely not!

Liang Zhiquan thought this way in his heart, frowning, and after thinking for a long time, he decided to have a chat with Master Pan. Two people are better than one.

Picking up the phone, he was about to call Pan Jinfu, but after hesitating for a while, he put down the phone, walked out of the office, and was about to go to find Pan Jinfu in person.

At this moment, Pan Jinfu is in the office.

Some of the more critical and important design drawings are brought over from the reference room, and they are carefully reviewing these design drawings there.

All these design drawings were submitted to Yang Fan for review, and the name signed in the approval column was "Yang Fan" strong and powerful.

Take another look at these design drawings. It's not that you don't feel worried about Yang Fan, but that you have some spare time, so let's take another look at these design drawings.

Compared with when the 052 ship was originally designed, Chief Master Pan is much more relaxed now, and he also has some free time to consider more and more far-reaching issues.

After reading several design drawings in a row, Master Pan nodded approvingly. There was nothing wrong with the design drawings. Not only that, but there was a design on the design drawings that caught Master Pan's eyes.

He knew that such a high-level design must have come from Yang Fan, not a masterpiece from a certain design studio below.

It is estimated that Yang Fan talked about such a design idea with the design office below, and may have drawn a design sketch, and then some designers carried out the specific design, which led to such an excellent design.

Pan Jinfu, who was looking at the blueprint, was taken aback for a moment, and then said enthusiastically: "Old Liang, why did you come to my place? If there is something to do, I can come to your office right away with a phone call."

While talking, he poured a cup of hot tea.

After taking the hot tea and putting it on the tea table, and then sat down on the sofa next to the tea table, Liang Zhiquan said, "Old Pan, do you have time? Let's chat."

Pan Jinfu realized that this must be something very important, otherwise Director Liang would not come here in person, so Pan Jinfu hurriedly said: "I have time, since I have Comrade Yang Fan as my assistant, I have a lot of time."

After speaking, he also sat down on the sofa.

After the two chatted for a while about the current design of 052B, Liang Zhiquan said: "Lao Pan, the navy has already decided, and the design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates is about to begin. I want to fight for this task. What's your opinion?"

Pan Jinfu almost raised his hands in agreement: "Of course I agree. I guess the whole firm will support your decision."

Liang Zhiquan nodded, knowing this, and continued: "If we win the task, who will be the chief designer?"

Yes, who will take the lead!
Who will be the chief designer?
Pan Jinfu also thought about it.

To be honest, he has not seriously considered this issue, because he knows that he will definitely not be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future.

On the one hand, it is impossible for people in their fifties to serve as the chief designer of a certain type of ship. On the other hand, 052B is being designed, and there may be 052C and even 052D in the future.

During his career, being able to serve as the chief designer of the 052 ship is already very satisfying. Pan Jinfu's idea is that after the successful design of the 052B, in a few years, he will be very content to lead everyone to develop a more advanced 052C.

As for being the chief designer of a new generation of guided missile frigates, and also the chief designer of two types of warships, he never thought about it.

Facing Director Liang's question, Pan Jinfu's mind flashed one name after another, and finally, a person's name stopped in his mind.

Yes, it is him!
No one is more suitable than him to be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates in the future.

There are two updates today, and the second update will be delivered!

I wish all the big friends and children a happy holiday!

(End of this chapter)

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