Military Heavy

Chapter 281 Candidate for Chief Teacher

Chapter 281 Candidate for Chief Teacher

Watch your words.

Liang Zhiquan seemed to have guessed something, and asked: "Old Pan, do you have a suitable candidate? Once our Donghai Institute succeeds in the design task, who is more appropriate to be the chief designer?"

There was even a trace of surprise in his tone.

He thought for a long time but couldn't find a suitable candidate, either because he was too old, or his skill level was slightly lacking, or he was not suitable at all.

If there is no suitable candidate, Donghai Institute will definitely not be able to obtain this extremely glorious design task, and Liang Zhiquan will feel extremely regretful. When he finally retired, he could not draw a successful conclusion.

Who could he be?

Liang Zhiquan looked at Pan Jinfu in surprise, and each name flashed in his mind, but he really couldn't figure out, looking at the entire Donghai Research Institute, who is suitable to be the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates in the future.

This is the chief designer!
Ask to stand alone.

Not only must you have strong courage and organizational skills, but more importantly, you must have deep technical attainments in order to be competent for the role of chief designer.

"Old Pan, tell me quickly, who is the candidate in your mind!"

Sensing Director Liang's eagerness, Pan Jinfu didn't hold back, and said directly, "What do you think of our Comrade Yang Fan?"

Yang Fan?
It was Yang Fan! ! !
Liang Zhiquan was surprised at first, and then said with a little reassurance: "Is Yang Fan good? He is only 30 years old!"

That's right, Yang Fan is exactly 30 years old this year!
Pan Jinfu said: "Besides being a little younger, I think Comrade Yang Fan is the most suitable candidate. He has ideas, passion, ability and skills."

That's it!
Liang Zhiquan pondered, and after thinking for a while, he still felt a little uneasy and said, "I know that Comrade Yang Fan is indeed good, but he is too young. Will the Navy be relieved and let him be the chief designer of a new generation of guided missile frigates? ?"

Master Pan said with a straight face: "I don't think the problem is big. If you are worried about Lao Liang, you can have a good chat with Comrade Yang Fan."


Finally, Liang Zhiquan nodded, ready to adopt Chief Master Pan's suggestion, chat with Yang Fan first, and then make the final decision.

For the time being, Yang Fan didn't know that Chief Master Pan had recommended him.

Not long after he came back from the combat system design room, he sat down and took a sip of tea when the phone on his desk rang. He thought it was General Master Pan calling, but after picking up the phone, Yang Fan was slightly taken aback.

It turned out to be a call from Director Liang, the leader.

As soon as the phone was connected, Liang Zhiquan's voice came from inside, "It's Comrade Yang Fan, I am Liang Zhiquan, come to my office if you are free."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

Putting down the phone, Yang Fan immediately stepped out of his office.I guessed in my heart that Director Liang didn't call me many times in person, and it was probably something very important.

Is it something to do with the 052B design?
Or is it related to the new generation of guided missile frigates that everyone is discussing?
While walking, Yang Fan thought in his heart.He naturally hopes to have a relationship with the new generation of guided missile frigates.

Soon, Yang Fan walked to the door of the director's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and Liang Zhiquan's familiar voice came from inside.

"It's Comrade Yang Fan, push the door and come in."

Yang Fan pushed the door open and walked in, "Director Liang, you are looking for me."

Liang Zhiquan glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, and said enthusiastically and kindly: "Comrade Yang Fan, sit on the sofa here, let's have a chat."

He walked over and sat down on the sofa first.Yang Fan also walked over and sat down on another sofa.

Liang Zhiquan raised his hand and said, "This is the tea I brought back from my last business trip. It's not bad. Try it and see how it tastes."

Two cups of tea have been brewed in advance.

The best tea is used. The last time Liang Zhiquan went on a business trip to his brother's unit, the top leader specially gave it to him. It is a very good Biluochun.

If other people in Donghai Institute know, they will probably be envious again.

We went to director Liang, why didn't we get such treatment.

Not only did director Liang make the tea well in advance, but he also used such good tea.

Yang Fan felt proud for a while, this kind of treatment, probably not many people in the whole East China Sea, took the teacup, lifted the lid, blew gently, and took a small sip.

Mouth full of tea.

Can't help but praise: "Leader, although I'm a layman to tea, it doesn't prevent me from knowing that this is a very good Biluochun."

Liang Zhiquan laughed happily.

At the beginning, I didn't get into the main topic, but asked Yang Fan about his life and work like an elder.

Then he asked about the progress of the design of 052B. Finally, Liang Zhiquan said: "Comrade Yang Fan, the navy is preparing to build a new generation of guided missile frigates. You should be more clear about this matter."

Yang Fan nodded and replied: "It's relatively clear, and I can fully feel the Navy's urgent need for a new generation of missile frigates."

Liang Zhiquan said with a serious face: "If our Donghai Institute wins the design task, if you are the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates, what do you think?"

Should I be the chief designer?
Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly happy in his heart.

It's just that this kind of joy was not shown on the face, and he said with a straight face: "If I am responsible for the design of the new generation of guided missile frigates, I will do so."

Not nervous at all.

The thinking is very clear.

As if facing an old friend, Yang Fan talked about some of his designs, showed the 054A ship he was familiar with, and shared some of its designs.

Liang Zhiquan listened carefully.

Gradually, gradually.
Director Liang's calm face gradually changed, but his heart was already in turmoil, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Did I hear it wrong!

I am not dreaming!

Our Comrade Yang Fan has such a clear mind, some designs are bold, but also very scientific and in line with the actual situation, Liang Zhiquan's eyes are brightened.

If this is the design, then our future new generation of guided missile frigates will definitely rank among the world's first-class level!
As expected of Comrade Yang Fan!
I'm impressed again!
Liang Zhiquan was very pleased and very lucky.I was still worried that there was no suitable candidate for the chief teacher, but now I have.

While he was happy, Liang Zhiquan also tried to maintain his rationality. He is a very cautious person. To be on the safe side, he asked Yang Fan some questions.

All are related to the future generation of guided missile frigates.

Yang Fan answered them one by one.

Liang Zhiquan couldn't calm down anymore, he said in his heart, the young man in front of him is simply a genius, a real genius!
Before, he had heard Pan Jinfu say many times that in the field of ship design, talent is very important. Regarding this, Liang Zhiquan just smiled and didn't take it too seriously.

Because he has always believed that what is most needed in the field of ships is the accumulation of time and hard work in peacetime.

What now?
It firmly believed in Pan Jin's words!

Yes, in the field of ships, the first thing to talk about is talent. For example, Yang Fan, who is about 30 years old, has a high level of technology, and Liang Zhiquan is very pleasantly surprised.

We have a suitable candidate for our chief teacher!

Liang Zhiquan, who was extremely relieved in his heart, patted Yang Fan's shoulder lightly, and encouraged him: "Comrade Yang Fan, work hard, the future belongs to you."

It is not mentioned that Yang Fan will be the chief engineer of the new generation of guided missile frigate in the future, because it is still early, and the first thing to do is to come to the office to make a collective decision, and then win the design task from the navy.

After sending Yang Fan away, Liang Zhiquan walked into Master Pan's office again.

As soon as he came in, he said happily: "Old Pan, Comrade Yang Fan is really good..."

After briefly talking about the situation just now, the look of relief on his face was very obvious.

Pan Jinfu smiled reassuringly, "Lao Liang, now that we have a candidate for our chief teacher, the next thing we need to do is how to win the design task."

Without design tasks, everything is empty.

At present, the competition for design tasks is fierce, and several design units are staring at the design tasks.

Liang Zhiquan nodded and said, "Yes, our next priority is to win over the design task from the military."

Liang Zhiquan is still very confident about the technical strength of the Donghai Institute. Now that the candidate for the chief teacher is already available, he must do everything possible.

"Old Pan, what's your plan, what can you do, let's discuss it, how about it?"

The two sat down and talked for a long time about the matter.

The next day, the Donghai Institute held a special office meeting on this matter.

Generally speaking, those who participated in the office meeting were the chief and deputy directors, chief and deputy secretaries, and chief and deputy chief engineers of Donghai Institute.

Although Yang Fan's rank is half a rank higher than that of the directors of the design offices, he is not considered a high-level executive in the institute, and generally cannot attend such meetings.

Today is different, Yang Fan sat in the conference room, the leaders who participated in the meeting walked into the conference room, most of them were slightly taken aback when they saw Yang Fan, feeling a little strange.

Why is Comrade Yang Fan sitting here?
Several leaders of the institute had a big question mark in their minds.

Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, walked into the meeting room. After a moment of surprise, he happily greeted Yang Fan.

He also happily sat next to Yang Fan. Gradually, the people attending the office meeting arrived one after another, and Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu came in last.

The two walked in talking and laughing. Just now, the two had a private exchange, which further unified their opinions.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the office meeting officially began.

Liang Zhiquan personally presided over the meeting, looked around the entire conference room, and said loudly: "Comrades, our meeting today will mainly discuss the design work of a new generation of missile frigates in the future."

"My idea is very clear. I must do everything possible to win this glorious task."

As soon as the voice fell, many people showed excitement!
This is awesome!

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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