Military Heavy

Chapter 282 Written Application

Chapter 282 Written Application
Striving for the design task of a new generation of missile frigates is something that almost everyone in the East China Sea Institute hopes to do, including the senior management in the institute.

At the beginning of the office meeting, Liang Zhiquan made it clear that he would strive for this design task, and immediately, many people showed joy.

This is a wise decision!

"Great, that's exactly what I wanted to say!"

"Director, I agree with this 100%."

"Yes, even if the competition is difficult, no matter what, our Donghai Institute must go all out to compete and never give up!"


Several leaders of the institutes made speeches, and their opinions were very unified. They all agreed to go all out to strive for the design task of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

Immediately, Liang Zhiquan felt relieved.

If everyone agrees, it will be easy to handle.

However, a leader of the institute reminded: "Old Liang, our institute's technical strength is fine, but we lack a suitable leader. Who will be the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates?"

Yes, the candidate for the chief teacher must be determined.

While they were happy, everyone calmed down and thought about suitable candidates in their minds. At least half of the people couldn't help but look slightly disappointed. They didn't have a suitable person in their minds.

One or two people looked at Pan Jinfu, "Lao Pan, Lao Jifu, how about you do it again and lead everyone to design a new generation of missile frigates?"

Pan Jinfu smiled.

After laughing, he declined and said: "I am old, in my fifties, and I will retire in a few years. In my lifetime, I can make our 052 ship go further and lead everyone to design 052C. It would be very good."

"As for the new generation of guided missile frigates, I'm afraid it's because I'm old, old, this should be something young people do."

Yes, Pan Jinfu is in his fifties.

Then who will be the chief engineer? If the East China Sea Institute does not propose a suitable candidate for the chief engineer, it may be difficult for the Navy to assign the design task to the East China Sea Institute.

This is a tricky question.

One of the deputy directors looked at Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer, and asked, "Old Tang, why don't you come and be the chief engineer?"

Tang Jianming smiled helplessly, "It's okay to be a deputy chief engineer, but I don't have the ability to be a chief designer."

Just when everyone felt that there was no suitable candidate, Liang Zhiquan smiled and waved: "Everyone, don't worry about the candidate for the chief teacher. I already have a very suitable candidate in my heart."

There is already a suitable candidate!
Who would that be?
In the astonishment, many people thought of names one by one in their minds, and shook their heads lightly.Some people looked at Yang Fan.

This is the office meeting in the institute. Logically speaking, Yang Fan is not high enough to attend the meeting, but today he is sitting in the meeting room.
Thinking of this in my heart, I was suddenly startled.

No, absolutely not.

Comrade Yang Fan is only 30 years old, where is the chief designer who is only 30 years old.

In the history of Donghai Institute, the youngest chief designer is over 40 years old, generally around 50 years old.

The new generation of guided missile frigates is so important and highly technical that it cannot be controlled without two skills.The requirements for the chief designer are very high. Not only must he have a high technical level, he must also have an extraordinary vision. He must have a good understanding of domestic and foreign ship technology and related industrial levels.
In short, the requirements are very high, and there are many requirements in various aspects.

Many people came to the conclusion in their hearts that it should not be Yang Fan.

Liang Zhiquan smiled again, and no longer kept his secrets, straight to the point, with a loud voice, "Maybe some comrades have already guessed it, yes, it is Comrade Yang Fan!"

It's really Yang Fan!
My God, I am not dreaming!
Comrade Yang Fan is only 30 years old, such a young chief designer, this is a record!

Liang Zhiquan said affirmatively: "That's right, it is Yang Fan. I think this comrade is the most suitable to be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates. Apart from being younger, he has no problems with his technical level, let alone his vision of seeing problems." "

After talking about the advantages of Yang Fan, Liang Zhiquan changed the subject and said in a serious tone: "Being younger is not a bad thing. Being young means daring to venture, being aggressive and passionate."

After Director Liang finished speaking, the conference room was extremely quiet.

Everyone is still digesting the shocking news.

The 30-year-old chief designer is unbelievable!
After a full minute or two of silence, after finally digesting the news, a deputy secretary was about to say something.

At this time, General Master Pan said, "The director is right, and my opinion is also the same. Comrade Yang Fan is very suitable to be the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates, especially in terms of technical attainments, he has no problems. "

Pan Jinfu said confidently: "I believe that once we win the design task, under the leadership of Comrade Yang Fan, the whole institute will be able to design an excellent missile frigate."

The chief designer of the 052 ship said so, which means that Yang Fan is fully qualified to be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates.

Gradually, everyone agreed.

Liang Zhiquan said: "Comrade Yang Fan, you should also say a few words to everyone."

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan stood up, his eyes were clear, and he said loudly: "Thank you for your trust in me. If I am really asked to be the chief designer of the new generation of guided missile frigates, I will definitely go all out and do my best." My greatest ability is to lead everyone to design a world-class guided missile frigate."

World-class standard!
From top to bottom, she exudes strong self-confidence!
No one thought it was bragging and telling lies. After feeling this confidence, everyone thought it was not bragging, but all thought that Yang Fan had this confidence.


As expected of a young man, dare to speak, dare to act, and confident!

Liang Zhiquan looked at Yang Fan with satisfaction, and then said: "Since the candidate for the chief teacher has been decided, the next thing we have to do is to win over the design task. My opinion is to make a written application in the name of the institute." , the collective signature we are sitting here, we actively ask the naval leaders to design tasks."

"I think I can."

"It's fine to do that."

"I agree."


Almost everyone agreed to do this. The written application, coupled with the collective signature of the leader, after the navy received this application, would definitely consider it carefully, and it is very likely that the design task will be handed over to the Donghai Institute in the end.

In addition, the East China Sea Institute has successfully designed the 052 ship, and the newer 052B has also entered into a comprehensive design, and the design is progressing very smoothly. In view of the successful design of the 052 ship, the Navy will definitely give priority to the East China Sea Institute.

So it's settled.

A formal written application, affixed with the bright red seal of the Donghai Institute, followed by the collective signature of the leaders, was sent to the capital like this.

In order to show that he valued it, Liang Zhiquan, the top leader, personally took this written application to the capital and handed it over to the main leaders of the navy in person.

The written application for the design task of a new generation of missile frigate was not kept secret at all in the Institute, and soon, more and more people knew about it.

Immediately, almost the entire Donghai Institute cheered up.

"The leader is wise, and firmly believes that we can successfully win the design task."

"It was Director Liang who went to Beijing in person and handed over the written application to the main leaders of the Navy."

"Great, it seems that I have to make preparations to participate in the design of a new generation of guided missile frigates."

"Haha, it's not just you, we are always ready."


Whether it's in spare time at work or when eating in the cafeteria at noon, many designers are excitedly discussing this matter.

One by one very exciting!


Since hearing the gossip, until now, people in the East China Sea Institute have been discussing this matter, and they all very much hope to participate in the design of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

As a military worker, it is an honor to participate in such a design!
While it was hotly discussed that Director Liang would go to Beijing in person to try to get the design task, some rumors gradually came out and spread among some designers of Donghai Institute.

"Have you heard? I heard that Assistant General Manager Yang will be the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates."

"No way!"

When they first heard the news, quite a few people were astonished and couldn't believe it, and more people were skeptical about the news.

"Absolutely impossible. How old is Assistant President Yang? The one who worked with me for a year is only 30 years old this year."

"The 30-year-old chief designer, do you believe it?"


Many people are discussing it like this. In the past few days, Yang Fan seems to have heard something, especially feeling some different gazes.

Have admiration!
And doubts.

In any case, Yang Fan didn't seem to be affected, and still focused on the design of the 052 ship. Just now, some people were called to hold a meeting to discuss some technical issues in the design.

The capital is thousands of miles away.

There are a total of two written application reports on the desk of a major leader of the navy. He has read them carefully. Sitting on the office chair, he thought with relief.

"This is really interesting. The East China Sea Ship Design Institute and the Northern Ship Design Institute have submitted formal written applications. In addition, there is another ship design institute that has not submitted a written application, but has expressed its willingness to undertake the design task. idea."

This is more interesting.

Which ship design institute should the design task be handed over to?
After pondering for a long time, I couldn't make up my mind for a while, so I picked up the two written applications and looked at them, especially the written application of Donghai Institute. Behind this application, the handwritten signatures are very conspicuous.

In addition to the signature, a resume is attached, and the face in the photo is very young.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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