Military Heavy

Chapter 283

Chapter 283
After reading the resume attached to the application report again and again, the leader thought to himself, I know this young comrade.

A young face appeared in my mind.

Thinking in his heart, he said again, "The Donghai Institute actually recommended Yang Fan as the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates in the future. This is really beyond our expectations."

Opening the drawer, the leader took out a colored picture and spread it out on the desk, his eyes fixed on the warship.

This is a color picture drawn by Yang Fan. A 054A guided missile frigate on it is very attractive. The leader took it out more than once to have a look.

Can he really lead the comrades of the East China Sea Institute to design such a missile frigate?
Can he do it?

After looking at it for a long time, he carefully folded the painting and put it in a drawer. It is his treasure. When he has spare time, he always takes it out to have a look.

Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Yang Fan is in his office, carefully reviewing the design drawings of the 052B ship. As the design work is fully carried out, more and more design drawings will be sent here.

On the big table in the office, there are at least dozens of design drawings neatly arranged. Some of them have already been reviewed, and some have not yet been reviewed.

Spreading out one of the design drawings, Yang Fan watched intently, not even noticing that the door of the office was pushed open and someone walked in.

"Tsk tsk, Brother Fan, you are really calm, admire, admire!"

It was Han Jiang who pushed the door and came in. He was the only one who could come in directly without knocking. Who made him have a good relationship with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan put down the pencil in his hand, and cursed with a smile: "I'm so free, come, come, help me to have a look at these drawings."

Han Jiang quickly waved his hand, "I can't do this job, the design drawings of the power system are still barely there, and the other design drawings are just blind."

The two chatted for a while, and Yang Fan said: "Why come to me when you have time, have you completed the design drawings of your power system?"

In the design of 052B, the power system has been greatly changed, and two UGT-25000 gas turbines are used to replace the original LM2500 gas turbine.

If the gas turbine is replaced, of course the power system needs to be redesigned. However, fortunately, the power cabin basically does not need major changes, and the design workload is not very large.

Han Jiang looked surprised, "Brother Fan, don't you know? It's going crazy outside, saying that you will be the chief designer of the new generation of missile frigates."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Fan and waited for the answer.

To be honest, Han Jiang himself didn't believe it a little bit. Although Brother Fan was great and his technical level was no worse than anyone else, he was too young and his qualifications were far from enough.

30-year-old chief designer!

That's scary enough.

He, Han Jiang, is also 30 years old, and he is still only a team leader under the power system design room. Does Yang Fan really want to be the chief designer?

Yang Fan smiled.

Since he is a good friend of his own, he should not hide it, and said truthfully: "There are indeed considerations in this regard, but the most urgent task at present is to win the design task. If we can't get the design task, everything will be empty."

The Shenma design task and the like were directly ignored by Han Jiang.

He was very pleasantly surprised!
Even a little excited!
The rumors are actually true, it's not groundless, but there is a real intention in the institute to let Brother Fan be the chief teacher, this...
Han Jiang couldn't accept it for a while.

This impact is too great.

The 30-year-old chief teacher has broken the national record!

After staying for a long time, Han Jiang tightly grasped Yang Fan's hand, and said very excitedly: "Brother Fan, you are so awesome, you are my idol, and my admiration for you is like the waves of the river."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's alright, it's alright, my skin is about to get goosebumps."

Han Jiang also laughed.

"Brother Fan, if you really become the chief teacher, you must cover me. From now on, I will mix with you. If you want an assistant to the chief designer, you can give priority to me."

Sometimes, Han Jiang is a living treasure.

Yang Fan knew his character very well, so he didn't take it seriously, smiled happily, and reminded: "This matter has not been written down yet, so don't yell around for now."

Han Jiang still knew this.

Although he sometimes doesn't have a regular shape and is joking and joking, he is not a big speaker. There are some things he knows well, and he doesn't yell around.

Days pass by.
It has been more than ten days since the Donghai Institute submitted the written application, and there has been no news. Many people were discussing this matter, but gradually it became cold.

Some people were even slightly disappointed, thinking rather pessimistically, whether the design task has been wasted, or whether the navy is preparing to hand over the design task of a new generation of guided missile frigate to other ship design units.

Even some senior executives in the institute couldn't sit still. For example, a deputy director knocked on the door and entered Liang Zhiquan's office.

Full of worry, he said: "Old Liang, our written application has been sent up for more than ten days, and there has been no news. It's like a mud cow sinking into the sea. I'm still anxious."

Liang Zhiquan pondered for a while, and then asked slowly: "Then what do you think, what should we do now?"

The deputy director suggested: "Why don't we send people to the navy to find out the news, and let them know the determination of our whole institute."

This suggestion seems good.

Liang Zhiquan agreed: "This is a good idea. There is no need to send others. I will go for a run myself."

It was said that the deputy director was overjoyed, and the head of the company would go for a run in person, and it should be effective.

While he was happy, he did not forget to remind, "Liang Suo, we must lobby the navy's leaders to let them hand over the design task to us."

"I know."

Liang Zhiquan nodded.

He acted immediately, bought a plane ticket that day, and flew to the capital immediately.

Director Liang went to the capital, and many people in the East China Sea knew about it. Immediately, many people had strong hopes in their hearts.

"The top leader dispatched himself, it should have an effect."

"I hope so. I look forward to Director Liang bringing back good news."

"It seems that the competition is really great. The leadership of the Navy still can't make up their minds about which unit to give the design task to."


It was a topic that was quite cold at first, but after Liang Zhiquan went to Beijing in person, many comrades in the East China Sea Institute began to discuss it.

Everyone was full of hope, looking forward to good news.

Yang Fan seemed much calmer and did not participate in everyone's discussions. He knew that the navy's leaders were probably still carefully considering and weighing.

If Director Liang goes to Beijing for a run in person, then there is no need for the people who eat melons to worry about it. What we need to do now is to settle down and complete the design of 052B as soon as possible.

Only by completing the design work of 052B as soon as possible, freeing up hands and making preparations for the design of a new generation of guided missile frigates, will the Navy be more likely to hand over the design tasks to the East China Sea Institute.

Liang Zhiquan arrived in the capital and met the leadership of the navy.

He tried his best to persuade the leaders of the navy to let them hand over the design task to Donghai Institute.

However, the naval leaders did not make any decisions in person, nor did they make any promises, they just listened carefully.

He asked some questions from time to time, and Liang Zhiquan answered them one by one.

Liang Zhiquan stayed in the capital for three days and two nights and met several naval leaders. He was very happy at first. Although he didn't get any promises, at least after some lobbying, there should be some effect.

When he was about to leave, he unexpectedly met the head of the Northern Ship Design Institute in the Navy Building.

When the two met, they were friendly on the surface, but in fact they were swords and swords.

Leaving the Navy Building, Liang Zhiquan felt a little heavy and felt the pressure again.

No need to ask, you know that the top leader of the Northern Ship Design Institute must be here to lobby the leadership of the navy.

In this way, it is really hard to say who will win.Perhaps it was to hand over the task to the East China Sea Institute, or to the Northern Ship Design Institute.

Everything is unknown!

Everything is hard to say!
With worry and pressure, Liang Zhiquan returned to Donghai Institute with a little helplessness.


Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

There was a power outage at night, and it took two hours for those with mobile phone codes, so I sent it so late.

(End of this chapter)

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