Military Heavy

Chapter 284 Simultaneous Design Argumentation

Chapter 284 Simultaneous Design Argumentation
Liang Zhiquan returned to Donghai Office with pressure and worry. As soon as he came back, several deputies knocked on the door and entered his office to inquire about the outcome of the matter.

Hearing that the Navy did not give a clear answer, and met the top leader of the Northern Ship Design Institute in the Navy Building, these deputy officers were all worried, and they didn't know what to do.

what should we do?

Could it be that he really watched the Northern Ship Design Institute snatch the task away?

At the suggestion of a deputy, Liang Zhiquan held another office meeting, and everyone sat together to discuss what countermeasures to take to win the task.

However, at the office meeting, everyone did not come up with a good solution. Just when everyone was under great pressure, news came from the military that the East China Sea Ship Design Institute and the Northern Ship Design Institute simultaneously launched a design demonstration of a new generation of guided missile frigates.

The time is 6 months.

That is, before December 12 this year, both design units must submit design demonstration reports and design proposals to the Navy.

The Navy clearly stipulated that the new generation of guided missile frigate code-named 054 officially announced that the 054 project was launched and entered the design demonstration stage.

Obviously, there will be an alternative in the future.

Whichever unit's design plan is more reasonable and better, the navy will choose which design plan in the future, and will hand over the design task to which unit.

"The pressure is huge!"

"Yes, such a competition will definitely be very fierce."

"To be honest, I don't have a clue."

"I heard that the office will hand over the task to Assistant General Manager Yang. I don't know what kind of design plan he can come up with in the end, and whether it will stand out."


The East China Sea Institute immediately held another office meeting, and clearly assigned this task to Comrade Yang Fan. Soon, a red-headed document from the East China Sea Institute was sent to each design office and posted on the publicity bulletin board.

The document clearly stipulates that the 054 ship model office will be established, with Li Zhengjun, deputy director of the power system design room, as the director, and Li Jun as the deputy director.

These are two "lis" and also two "armies".

The document also clearly stipulates that Yang Fan will be the chief designer of the 054 ship.

As soon as the document came out, there was a commotion in the East China Sea!

Such a young chief designer!

Even though I had heard some rumors before and had a little psychological preparation, the official announcement of the document brought a completely different shock.


If it wasn't for the clear writing in black and white, and the bright red seal of Donghai Institute, many people would think it was a prank, some people were joking.

At this moment, many people are in admiration!

Ox fork!
At the age of 30, he has reached the pinnacle of life that many shippers dare not even dream of!
The chief designer of the Type 054 missile frigate!
in the office.

Yang Fan has no arrogance and arrogance, and his attitude is still humble. He is handing over work with Chief Pan. Starting today, Yang Fan will no longer be the assistant to the chief designer of the 052 ship, but will focus on the design of the 054 Argument above.

"Comrade Yang Fan, congratulations!"

After handing over work matters, Pan Jinfu took the initiative to extend his right hand, and no longer called Yang Fan "Little Yang", but "Comrade Yang Fan."

Yang Fan held Master Pan's big hand firmly, and said humbly: "It is an honor to be the chief designer of Ship 054, and I am also grateful to Master Pan for his training, thank you."

This is a heartfelt thank you.

On the way of growth, Pan Jinfu gave Yang Fan a lot of help, and even served as the chief designer of the 054 ship, which was recommended by Pan Jinfu.

Pan Jinfu smiled happily, looked at Yang Fan with satisfaction, and thought in his heart, there are successors, even if my old Pan retires, our ship business will not be affected in the slightest, on the contrary, it will develop rapidly and our strength will improve step by step .

Because there are outstanding young people like Yang Fan.

"Comrade Yang Fan, you don't need to thank me. Everything is the result of your own efforts. Work hard and strive to design a world-class guided missile frigate."

"Well, I'll try my best."

Yang Fan nodded vigorously, exuding confidence all over his body.

Handover of old and new.

This is the handover between two generations of shippers.

Since then, our ship business has entered the Yang Fan era. Starting from the 054 ship, we will design a series of advanced ships in the next few years.

in the conference room.

It was the first time for Yang Fan to hold a meeting as the chief designer. Not only the chief and deputy directors of the newly established 054 Ship Model Office participated in the meeting, but also the chief and deputy directors of other design offices, and some senior design experts in the institute.

The 054 project has already started, what kind of answer sheet will Donghai Institute submit and what kind of design plan will it propose?

Everyone sits together and prepares to have a discussion.

"It's really exciting. Project 054 has started."

"The navy is really courageous. When it started the design and construction of the 052 ship, it also started the design of the 054 ship."

"I'm really looking forward to it. What will the future 054 ship look like?"


Before the meeting started, everyone was discussing and communicating like this. When Yang Fan walked into the meeting room, the originally lively discussion gradually quieted down.

Careful people noticed that General Master Yang exuded a faint majesty all over his body.

Sitting down in his seat and looking at everyone with satisfaction, Yang Fan nodded lightly, and then said loudly: "Let's sit together today and have a good discussion on the design plan of the 054 ship. First, let's take a look. Look at what the Navy is asking for."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan made a little gesture.

Li Jun, deputy director of the model office, had a mental meeting, and immediately put the prepared slides on the slide projector, and zoomed in through the projection to clearly show them in front of everyone.

Yang Fan personally introduced: "From these requirements, it can be seen that the navy's requirements are still very high. Compared with the current 054 guided missile frigate, the new generation of 053 ships has spanned a whole generation. The 054 ship is a veritable second-generation guided missile frigate."

After introducing the requirements put forward by the navy, Yang Fan said: "Combining these requirements, everyone discusses what the design plan of our 054 ship will look like."

Soon, everyone started a discussion.

In one morning, many places have been unified.

In the afternoon, the meeting continued.

Such an important discussion cannot be completed in half a day. After the discussion continued in the afternoon, the opinions were further unified.

Everyone agrees that the future 054 ship will use ship-borne phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system, domestically produced new missiles, diesel-fuel combined power system, and the hull design will learn from the design of 052 ship, etc.

Many things are consistent with Yang Fan's thoughts, but there are also many differences.

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Yang Fan said loudly: "Everyone's opinions are good and basically unified, but I have some ideas for your reference."

"The first is the cost. Our design plan must consider the future construction cost. I think the combined diesel-fuel power system is too expensive, and the diesel engine can be used as the power."

The diesel-fuel combined power system is denied, but all diesel engines are used.

The person in the powertrain system design office reminded: "Master Yang, if we don't use gas turbines, the top speed of our 054 ship will be greatly reduced."

Of course knowing that the maximum speed will drop, Yang Fan nodded and admitted: "The maximum speed will indeed drop, but if a 054 ship uses four high-speed diesel engines, the speed can reach about 28 knots, which is enough."

Gas turbines are cool and high-end, but the cost is too high.

Yang Fan is well aware that the 054 ships in history did not use gas turbines as power, mainly because of cost considerations.

Facts have proved that without the use of gas turbines, the 054 ship has not been greatly affected. The diesel engine power is fully usable, and the cost has dropped by a large margin.

The 054 ship can be built like dumplings, and the cost is low, which is a key factor.

Yang Fan continued: "The power system uses four diesel engines, and the missile vertical launch system uses four sets of eight vertical launch units. It adopts a grid design and 'hot launch'. Each vertical launch system module has eight tubes."

After talking about the vertical launch system, Yang Fan simply walked to the front and posted a color effect drawing drawn with the No. 1 design drawing in front of everyone.

It is the first time for most people to see such color pictures.

Suddenly, the collective was stunned!
Is this our future 054 ship?


Someone couldn't help asking loudly, "Master Yang, is this our 054 ship? It's so beautiful, so handsome!"

054 looks great!
This is the rendering of the Type 054A guided missile frigate drawn by Yang Fan from his memory. It is very beautiful and the details are very clear.

"Assistant Yang, did you draw this 054? Its hull design is very different from any of our current warships. Is this the stealth design?"

Yang Fan said: "Yes, I drew this by myself. It is the 054 ship I imagined. The hull design has also changed from the traditional one and adopted a stealth design."

Really stealth design!
Everyone is engaged in ship design, and immediately realized the extraordinary design of this design, thinking in their hearts, the stealth design should be a highlight of 054.

Yang Fan combined this picture to tell you about the design of the future 054 ship.

Everyone listened with gusto.

Hear it so convincingly!

This is what our 054 ship should look like. Stealth design, ultra-long range, powerful regional air defense and long-range warning capabilities, powerful firepower strike capability, relatively low cost, simple and concise shape design, excellent air defense , anti-ship and anti-submarine capabilities.
Everyone was mesmerized!

Totally forgot about time.

At this moment, it has been a long time since get off work, but no one is aware of this and is immersed in this advanced design.

Yang Fan talked for more than an hour, roughly finishing the design plan of 054.

After the speech, the conference room fell silent.

Everyone has not recovered yet, still immersed in it.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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