Military Heavy

Chapter 285 This is the chapter to launch the satellite

Chapter 285 This is the rhythm of launching satellites
It took several minutes before everyone came to their senses one after another, and someone broke the silence.

It was an exclamation!
"My God, if our 054 ship really adopts such a design, it will be of a world-class standard!"


Yang Fan copied the design of 054A, a full ten years ahead of schedule. If such a design was completed in the 90s, and such a 054 ship was built, it would be a world-class guided missile frigate.

Historically, construction of our Type 054 frigate began in 2003, and construction of the Type 054A frigate began in 2006.

Even in the 21st century, our 054A can rank among the top five guided missile frigates, not to mention that it is only in the 90s now.

Although some of the equipment required by the 054A is not yet available, most of them are already complete, such as the missile vertical launching system, phased array control radar, 730 close-in anti-aircraft guns and so on.

Things that are not available for the time being are irrelevant. We can consider replacing them with other ones first, and then replace them when we have them in the future.

Following this exclamation, the expressions on everyone's faces were very exciting.

"Such a design plan is too arrogant!"

"Yeah, much more than we expected."

"Master Yang, how does your head grow? You can also think of such a design plan."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter in the conference room. Everyone admired such a design plan and absolutely supported it.

But someone reminded: "Mr. Yang, such a design plan is nothing to say, it is absolutely advanced, but I am also worried, is such an excellent design plan feasible?"

Everyone is engaged in ship design, not to say that it is enough to make the design plan out of the blue, but to combine the actual situation, such as considering our industrial level, technical strength, whether relevant equipment and equipment are available, etc. wait.

Faced with such a reminder, Yang Fan smiled and said loudly: "That's why there is a design argument for the next one. If you don't have any opinions, the design plan of the 054 ship will be decided in this way for the time being. Next, we will use the sub-system as the unit. , to conduct scientific design demonstrations.”

Whether the plan works or not, it is enough to design and demonstrate it.

Yang Fan divides the work, taking the sub-system as the unit, such as the design and demonstration of the power system in the power system design room, using four diesel engines, whether the power scheme is feasible.

The overall design room conducts hull design demonstrations, whether such a stealth design is feasible, and how technically difficult it is; the weapon system design room conducts weapon system design demonstrations, such as whether the vertical launch system of thermal launch missiles with a grid design is feasible, and so on.

After a series of work arrangements were completed, even though it was already dark outside, no one felt that it was late to get off work today, and they all walked out of the meeting room talking and laughing with great joy.

The East China Sea is a sensation again!

In front of the bulletin board in front of the office building, there were quite a few people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors, stretching their necks, standing on tiptoes, and looking towards the bulletin board.

"Let me go, I'll take a look too."

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze."

"I saw it, haha, I finally saw it!"


There are so many people here, and more and more people rushed over after hearing the news, trying to look into the bulletin board, because there is a huge picture posted inside, drawn with the No. 1 drawing used for drawing, very beautiful.

"What kind of warship is this? It looks so good!"

"Don't you know this? This is the 054 ship that Chief Designer Yang will lead everyone to design. Isn't it beautiful, isn't it ordinary?"

This is the 054 ship!
More than just beautiful!
More than just unusual!
It is inclined at a certain angle, and its hull is like a geometric section. It is simple and capable.

In particular, the painting skills are extraordinary, and many details are clear, such as main guns, secondary guns, vertical missile launch systems, various radars, and so on.

A young designer said: "Its hull design is very different from that of the 052 ship. Is this the stealth design?"

"Yes, it's stealth design."

A veteran designer replied loudly, "And it is the first time that a stealth design is adopted among all the ships in our country."

In the 90s, the stealth design was still a very novel thing. We did not have it in China, and it has just started in foreign countries for a few years.

In terms of stealth design, the French Lafayette class should be the most influential. What makes everyone excited is that our 054 ship will also adopt such an advanced design.

There were more and more people in front of the bulletin board, and the entire East China Sea Institute was almost a sensation.

Ship 054 has not yet been designed, and almost everyone knows that it will be a guided missile frigate with stealth performance, powerful firepower strike capability, excellent ocean-going combat capability, and outstanding long-range warning and area air defense.

In each design room, many designers are elated.

Such as the combat system design room.

Several young designers just came back from the bulletin board. They just saw the appearance of the 054 ship and its general design, and they were still immersed in excitement.

"Ah, you are worthy of Master Yang!"

"This design is really amazing."

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of level the future 054 ship can reach."

"It goes without saying that it must be world-class."


These few designers are talking about the 054 ship, how can the others sit still, they either come over and listen to it with relish, or they put down the things in their hands and happily ran towards the bulletin board in front of the office building .

This kind of situation happens in almost every design office, whether it is a young designer or a key designer who has been working for many years, they all can't hold back.

Donghai Institute is really boiling!
For the whole morning, the front of the bulletin board was full of water. In the afternoon, although the number of people was smaller, there were quite a few people around.

Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard happened to come to Donghai Institute. He mainly wanted to congratulate Yang Fan and ask what the future 054 ship would look like.

When he walked into the East China Sea Institute and walked to the office building, he saw many people surrounded by the bulletin board. He was also curious, so he couldn't help walking over.

When I saw the big picture posted on the bulletin board, I immediately felt a "boom" in my head, and I was stunned immediately, extremely shocked!
Is this our future 054 ship?

I am not dreaming!

So luxurious!

Stealth design, missile vertical launch system, phased array control radar.
He didn't come back to himself at all.Dongjiang Shipyard manufactures the Type 053 missile frigate, but compared with the warship in front of me, the gap is not 01:30 points. It is simply a sky and a ground, and there is no comparison at all.

Donghai is so arrogant!

Big money!

Sun Baoguo admired him so much, he looked in front of the bulletin board for a long time before he left without getting enough, turned around and walked into the office building, knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office.

"Master Yang, your East China Sea is very lively. There are many people around the bulletin board. I walked in and met three or four groups of people in the office building. They were all talking about Ship 054."

"It's unbelievable, is that the 054 ship we are going to design?"

Yang Fan smiled, "Yes, this is the 054 ship we will design in the future. It adopts a stealth design, and its power system uses four diesel engines."

Knowing that Sun Baoguo came here to understand the 054 ship, he was not stingy at all, and introduced him well, and introduced the 054 ship in his mind.

Sun Baoguo, who was already a little calm at first, couldn't calm down after hearing such an introduction. He patted his chest lightly, and said jokingly: "Fortunately, I don't have a heart disease, otherwise, it would be really unbearable. The design is amazing."

"Haha, it looks like our Dongjiang shipyard is going to stand out, and it's exciting to think about building such a missile frigate in the future!"

Looking at Sun Baoguo who was so happy, Yang Fan reminded: "However, everything is still hard to say. We have to compete with the Northern Ship Design Institute. If their design is better, the Navy will choose their design plan and replace 054 Let them design the ship."

Sun Baoguo waved his hand, "I wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death. Their design is even better than yours. I absolutely don't believe it."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled easily.

To be honest, he didn't believe it either.

In Yang Fan's view, since the Navy asked Donghai Institute to conduct design demonstrations and submit a design proposal, things have been roughly settled.

The design of the 054 ship is likely to be handed over to the East China Sea Institute.

in the office.

Liang Zhiquan had a relaxed face, and he could no longer see any worry or pressure. The atmosphere was very relaxed. Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, and another deputy director were sitting on the sofa not far from him.

Liang Zhiquan said with satisfaction: "I didn't expect that Comrade Yang Fan gave us such a big surprise. It's hard for the Navy not to like such an advanced design."

Pan Jinfu smiled, "It seems that our choice is correct. It is more suitable for Yang Fan to be the chief designer of the 054 ship than anyone else."

The deputy director next to him said: "That's right, Comrade Yang Fan is fully qualified to be the chief designer of Ship 054. He just released a satellite for us!"

This design is far beyond everyone's expectations!

In addition to the surprise, it is more appropriate to describe it as "satellite launch".

Yang Fan single-handedly finalized the design plan of the 054 ship. Whether this plan is feasible or not, the design offices of the East China Sea Institute, with each subsystem as a unit, began to design and demonstrate whether such a design is feasible.

Thousands of miles away.

The Northern Ship Design Institute is also busy, they are also discussing the design plan, and will also carry out the design demonstration of the 054 ship.

In their minds, what will Ship 054 look like?
What kind of design will be adopted?

The chief designer and deputy director Shen Changhai once again called everyone to hold a discussion meeting, and formed a lot of unified opinions.

The meeting achieved good results, and Shen Changhai was in a good mood. After the meeting, he returned to his own office, sat on the office chair, and thought about the future design of the 054 ship.

The door of the office was pushed open, and Wan Xiang, the deputy chief designer, walked in happily.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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