Military Heavy

Chapter 286 Hull Model

Chapter 286 Hull Model
"Old Shen, I have found out clearly."


Shen Changhai immediately showed a very interested look, "Tell me quickly, what kind of design plan Donghai adopts."

Anyone who is familiar with Shen Changhai knows that he is a very stable person, and he pays attention to knowing himself and the enemy in everything he does.Since the navy ordered the two units to conduct design demonstrations at the same time, he has been trying his best to inquire about the movement of the East China Sea Institute.

If external forces want to inquire about the design progress of our 054 ship, it is definitely impossible, because the 054 project is in the stage of strict secrecy.

But in the same system, they are all domestic ship design units, so it is really not difficult to inquire and understand the situation of brother units.

Wan Xiang basically got it clear, and said happily: "Yang Fan is still too young and too aggressive. In their design plan, the 054 ship is going to adopt a stealth design. In addition, the power system also abandons the combined power of diesel fuel. Instead, it is going to be powered by four diesel engines."

After simply listening to these situations, Shen Changhai felt relieved, knowing that he was worrying too much. He originally thought that Yang Fan would continue to use a large number of designs on the basis of the 052 ship, but he did not expect such a big change.

His face softened a lot.

He smiled and said, "Our Comrade Yang Fan is still too young. The Navy will definitely not adopt such a rash design."

"Absolutely not adopted."

Wan Xiang said with certainty, "Take the stealth design as an example. No ship in our country has adopted such a design, and we have no experience in this area at all. We don't even have a towing pool."

The hull adopts a stealth design, so there are bound to be many unique geometrical sections, which will affect the sailing performance of the ship.

How much it will affect the sailing performance requires specialized tests in a specialized towing pool, but there is no such towing pool in our country.

Shen Changhai nodded, and said in agreement: "Even if their stealth design is relatively successful, if the sailing performance is sacrificed, the loss outweighs the gain."

Wan Xiang said: "In addition to the stealth design, the power system is also a big failure. It does not use gas turbines, only four diesel engines, and the maximum speed cannot be increased at all."

Shen Changhai nodded in agreement.

For the first time, I was full of confidence, as if I had already won the design task.

His design is much more conservative, he did not use the stealth design, and improved on the basis of the 053 ship, and then he is also preparing to use the missile vertical launch system and the phased array control radar.

The missile vertical launch system belongs to the research results of the East China Sea Research Institute. It is manufactured and tested by a certain weapons manufacturing group. It has entered the test stage and the effect is good.

However, they are all in one system and belong to the same domestic ship design institute. If Shen Changhai adopts the missile vertical launch system design on the 054 ship, he can enjoy the research results of the East China Sea Institute.

The design of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute is aggressive.

The design of the Northern Ship Design Institute is stable and the risk is small.

In the end, it is self-evident to Shen Changhai whose design plan the navy will adopt. He feels that he has a certain chance of winning.

Donghai Institute.

The overall design office will be responsible for the design of the 054 ship's hull in the future, and now, it is conducting the demonstration of the hull design, and the stealth design of the hull is the first time for them.

Hull stealth, mainly radar stealth.

The hull is designed as a unique geometric slope to reflect the opponent's radar waves to another direction, so that the opponent cannot receive the radar echo, thereby achieving the effect of stealth.

The engineers in the general design office are very clear about this principle, but it is very difficult to actually operate it.

"The stealth design is really good, but it's too difficult."

"It's very difficult, and it is estimated that we will have to spend a lot of effort."

"For the first time, I have no confidence. Even if our hull design achieves the stealth effect, we have no idea how much it will affect the sailing performance."


The people in the general design office felt that their heads were bigger, and Kuang Wei, the director of the design office, was also under pressure. In desperation, he knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office.



As soon as he entered the office, Kuang Wei said: "Commander Yang, the 054 ship adopts stealth design, comrades are under a lot of pressure, and everyone has no experience and foundation in this area."

What do you think?

It turned out to be this matter.

Yang Fan smiled, and said relaxedly: "Don't worry about the stealth design, I will draw the design of the hull shape myself, and you just need to do one thing for me."


Mr. Yang personally draws the design of the hull shape!
Kuang Wei thought he heard it wrong, he was stunned for a while, and after recovering, he was very pleasantly surprised: "Really, then we don't have any pressure."

While relaxing, he asked: "If you need us to do something, just tell us."

Yang Fan said seriously: "After the design of the hull shape is completed, we will conduct towing experiments, and we do not have a professional towing pool in China. I am going to do towing experiments abroad, which requires the use of a hull model."

roughly speaking.

Kuang Wei understood at once. Yang Fan drew the outline design of the hull, and the general design office found a professional manufacturer to make the hull model according to a certain proportion. Such a hull model must be used for professional towing tests abroad.

Yang Fan has already thought about where to do the towing test.

Go to Hamburg, Germany, where there is the most professional ship towing pool in the world, where our 054 ship can do towing tests.

Looking for a professional manufacturer and making a few hull models according to the design drawings, Kuang Wei almost patted his chest and said: "No problem, I am sure to finish the thing within half a month."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I don't ask you for half a month, I will give you a month. Remember, the quality must be guaranteed, and the model must match the design drawings."

"I know this, you can rest assured about the quality." Kuang Wei assured.

After sitting and chatting with Yang Fan, Kuang Wei happily went back to the general design room. His mood was completely different from when he came here just now.

I am extremely impressed!

Chief designer Yang is of high standard!

He drew the design of the hull shape by himself, which was really unexpected!

Back in the overall design room, as soon as I sat down, several key design staff came in and tentatively asked, "Director Kuang, how are you doing?"

After speaking, everyone looked at Kuang Wei with hope.

Seeing them like this, Kuang Wei smiled, and said loudly: "I tell you some good news, the hull shape design of the 054 ship was drawn by Master Yang himself."


Am I not mistaken? ? ?
Kuang Wei laughed, extremely happy, and said loudly: "Don't be stunned for a while, thinking that you heard it wrong, you heard it right, it is indeed Chief Designer Yang who drew the drawing himself."

Very good!
After confirming that they had heard correctly, the backbone designers cheered up one by one, and all smiled happily. The stone that was pressing on them was gone.

Chief designer Yang is mighty!

Draw the design yourself!
Bull man!
They happily left Kuang Wei's office, and after returning to their seats, they still felt like they were in a dream, an unreal feeling.

Xichuan Aero Engine Group, Gas Turbine Branch.

After more than half a year of preparation, the assembly of the UGT-25000 gas turbine can finally be started. The Russian technical documents have already been translated, and all the technicians have almost digested them.

All the parts are provided by MD. Many parts have been taken out from the warehouse and put on the assembly site. Besides the workers, technicians and managers of West Air, there are also several foreigners.

They are Soviet experts, no, they should be called Ukrainian experts now, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they became Ukrainians.

Li Xianwang, the head of the Gas Turbine Branch Company, and Liu Hui, the vice president of technology and chief engineer, all stayed at the site and personally witnessed the final assembly of the first UGT-25000 gas turbine in China.

Under the guidance of Ukrainian experts, workers began to assemble some components.The components are assembled first, and then the entire gas turbine is assembled.

On the assembly table, several assembly workers put the compressor blades into the compressor wheel one by one, very focused and did not dare to be careless.

Next to the assembly table not far away, several workers are assembling the accessory mechanism, and a Ukrainian expert is guiding them.

Looking at the scene in front of him and the assembly of the first UGT-25000 gas turbine components, Liu Hui couldn't help thinking of Yang Fan.

Thanks to Mr. Yang's assistant, no, it should be called Mr. Yang's designer now!

Without him, how could we carry out the assembly of such an advanced gas turbine here, and now, the first one has already started.

After staying at the assembly site for at least an hour, Liu Hui went to their precision machining center with great interest and saw the turbine blades being manufactured.

The high-temperature alloy imported from Ukraine is used to imitate the turbine blades of the LM2500 gas turbine.Because the process verification has been carried out with other brands of superalloys before, the imitation is now relatively smooth.

Today, Yang Fan was invited to Dongjiang Shipyard.

Sun Baoguo warmly invited him here. What he meant was that he asked Yang Fan to take another look at the current Dongjiang Shipyard to see if there were any areas that needed to be remodeled and those equipments needed to be added.

Yang Fan reminded: "Director Sun, I think the design of the 054 ship may not necessarily be placed in our Donghai Institute. If it is designed by the Northern Ship Design Institute, their requirements for the shipyard may be different from mine."

Sun Baoguo shook his head directly, "Your design is so advanced, the Navy will definitely hand over the design task to Donghai Institute."

Of this, he was convinced.

Seeing that Sun Baoguo was so determined, Yang Fan could only smile, and then visited and inspected the shipyard. After looking at it, he was very satisfied.

Compared with a few years ago, the strength of Dongjiang Shipyard has improved again, and its hardware facilities have also stepped up to a higher level. Yang Fan believes that there is no problem in putting the 054 ship in Dongjiang Shipyard for construction.

Yang Fan looked at the construction berth of Dongjiang Shipyard, and thought.
Today is the third update, and the third update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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