Military Heavy

Chapter 287 Add a "cover"

Chapter 287 Add a "cover"

The construction berth of Dongjiang Shipyard is similar to that of Donghai Shipyard, both of which are open construction berths.

The so-called open type, that is, open-air.

Exposure to the sun and rain, perhaps the workers in the shipyard have long been used to this method, but Yang Fan does not think so. Although the open construction berth has some advantages, it has more disadvantages.

Yang Fan looked at the open-air construction berth in front of him, showing a thoughtful look, and frowned slightly.

Sun Baoguo noticed this look, and immediately asked, "General Master Yang, is there a problem with this slipway?"

He is worried.

This berth was remodeled with great efforts and a lot of manpower and material resources, and a gantry crane was specially installed, which is very suitable for the construction of the general section of the ship.

If there are problems in this way, then the previous manpower and material resources would not be in vain.

After thinking about it for a while, and feeling Sun Baoguo's worry, Yang Fan smiled, "Director Sun, you are worrying too much, your berth is not bad."

Hearing this, Sun Baoguo's heart lightened slightly, he breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said with a smile: "I was scared to death, I thought there was something wrong."

Yang Fan changed the subject, and said in a serious tone: "But there is indeed a problem, I suggest that you carry out appropriate renovations on the berth."

Really problematic!
A stone in his heart had already been put down, but suddenly it hung up again, Sun Baoguo said: "General Master Yang, if you have any questions, just speak up."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "It is open-air and completely open. I suggest transforming it into a semi-closed one. There is a roof on it, that is, a cover."

It is more appropriate to use "cover" to describe it.

It is to add a huge "cover" to the open-air berth to keep out the wind and rain. When the workers are working, they can avoid the sun exposure in summer and prevent rain and snow from falling in winter.

In addition to this, there is another benefit.

Yang Fan guessed that American satellites often visited the Donghai Shipyard and secretly took satellite photos of the Donghai Shipyard at high altitude. They may know when the construction of our 052 ship will start, when it will be launched, and how many ships have been built.

This kind of thing can no longer happen to 054. When will we start building the Type 054 guided missile frigate, when will it be launched, how many ships have been built in total, and how is the progress? We can no longer be exposed to American satellites.

How to do it?

That will add a huge roof above the construction slipway, that is, add a huge "cover" to cover the entire construction slipway.

What is going on inside, the American satellites can't take pictures, so they are anxious.

Yes, do it!
Yang Fan came up with such a suggestion to add a big "cover" to the construction slipway of Dongjiang Shipyard, and transform the completely open slipway into a semi-enclosed one.

After hearing this suggestion, Sun Baoguo thought for a while, and asked: "Is this necessary? I think the open-air, completely open berth is also good, at least it is convenient."

Yang Fan smiled, and talked about the American spy satellite. Immediately, Sun Baoguo's expression became serious, and he said slowly: "If this is really the case, then we really need to renovate our slipway."

After thinking for a while, he agreed, "Yes, I've made a decision. I will accept this suggestion and transform our construction berth according to this requirement."

Hearing this, Yang Fan felt relieved.

In this way, it is impossible for American satellites to capture all the activities on the construction slipway, because there is a huge ceiling blocking it.

After chatting for a while about the renovation of the open-air berth, Sun Baoguo asked about the future 054 ship, especially what divisions will be carried out in the design, and what aspects of construction preparations will be carried out by Dongjiang Shipyard in advance.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Director Sun, you have so much confidence in me, if my design plan fails and the Navy takes a fancy to the design plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute, what should we do? Aren't you working in vain? .”

"No, absolutely not." Sun Baoguo shook his head and said, "Your design is so good, the Navy will definitely choose your design. We will make preparations in advance, and we will definitely not do wasted work."


That being the case, let me tell you about the segmented design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Yang Fan roughly described the sections that the 054 ship will be designed into, and what preparations Dongjiang Shipyard can carry out for these sections.

Sun Baoguo listened carefully, took out his notebook, and recorded while listening.

There were several people following behind them, all of them were Sun Baoguo's subordinates, most of them were middle-level cadres of Dongjiang Shipyard, and seeing this, they took out their notebooks one by one.

One of the middle managers didn't bring a notebook, so he was a little anxious. Seeing Xiao Wu, the technician next to him, take out his notebook to record, he snatched it over, "Lend me your notebook first."

After snatching this notebook, I took out the pen and recorded it carefully while listening.

Xiao Wu has the lowest rank. After seeing that everyone has notebooks and is recording seriously, he smiled helplessly, alas, who made me the lowest rank, forget it.

Next time I meet Chief Designer Yang when he comes to our shipyard, I must bring two notebooks, one for personal records and the other for backup.

Yang Fan stayed in Jiangdong Shipyard almost all day.

After returning to the East China Sea Institute, he devoted himself to work again, not only personally drawing the outline design drawing of the 054 ship, but also deeply considering the stealth design of the 054 ship.

In Yang Fan's conception, the future 054 ship will not only be radar stealth, but also have sonar stealth and infrared stealth functions.

Radar stealth is mainly due to its highly stealthy hull design.In order to reduce the radar cross-sectional area, the 054 ship is destined to have a different appearance from the previous ship type, avoid forming a strong radar wave total reflection angle as much as possible, and control the radar echo in a few directions as much as possible, so that the enemy is not easy to be in a certain position. Continuously obtain complete radar traces in each direction.

Compared with previous ships, the outline requirements of the 054 ship are simpler, and the appearance of the hull and superstructure is required to be very simple, and sharp edges and corners or more complicated shapes are deliberately avoided.

In Yang Fan's future design, there is almost no vertical part on the surface of the 054 ship's hull, and all of them deliberately adopt an inclined design. The ship's side part is inclined inward at 20 degrees to form a V shape, which appears when it is close to the superstructure. Turn, and become an inverted V shape with an outward inclination of 10 degrees.

Sonar stealth means that the noise made by the entire warship is as small as possible.Install the main engine on an elastic base that can absorb vibration and noise, and also reduce the noise of the hull and power system when sailing, and the tip of the propeller releases air bubbles as much as possible to avoid cavitation effect.These measures should enable the 054 ship to have excellent quietness, which exceeds the standard of the Navy.

Infrared stealth requires the reduction of infrared signals. The exhaust gas of the main engine is first mixed with cool air from the outside through the heat exchange system to cool down before being discharged. Special thermal insulation paint.

The stealth design of the 054 ship may be too technically difficult for others, almost unattainable, almost insurmountable, but it is not a problem for Yang Fan.

On the one hand, the technical skills are there. On the other hand, Yang Fan is too familiar with the 054 ship, so he can just copy the hull design of the 054A.

What Yang Fan has to do is to calm down and think carefully. While thinking, he first draws the outline design of the 054 ship.

After a few days of effort, the outline design drawing came out.

There are two kinds of shape design drawings.

One is the outline design drawing of 054, and the other is the outline design drawing of 054A.

There is a certain difference between the two. Yang Fan knows that the appearance design of 054A is improved on the basis of 054, and it should be better and better.

Why draw two kinds of shape design drawings?

In addition to appearing reasonable, Yang Fan also wanted to compare how big the gap between the two designs is, and how big the data difference will be when the towing test is carried out in the future.

According to these drawings, models of the 054 ship can be made. These models are mainly used for towing tests, and such tests must be carried out in specialized pools.

After the design drawings were drawn, Yang Fan called Kuang Wei over, handed the design drawings to him, and gave him serious instructions.

In addition to keeping the technology secret, he was also told to find a professional manufacturer as soon as possible to make the model of the towing test.

In China, because there is no professional towing pool, such tests are not often done. If it is really necessary to do such a test, you can only go abroad.

What Yang Fan set his eyes on was the towing pool in Hamburg. Before his rebirth, Yang Fan had been there several times and had done towing tests on many types of ships, so he was familiar with the conditions there.

The Hamburg tank is undoubtedly world-class in terms of hardware conditions and technical level. Many shipbuilding companies and ship design agencies in the world are doing towing tests for new ships there.

Kuang Wei admired the blueprint of the 054 hull design.

It's only a few days, maybe a week at most!

Mr. Yang, the chief designer, really finished the outline design drawing, and he really did what he said!
In admiration, Kuang Wei nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will finish the model as soon as possible, and the quality will be guaranteed."

Yang Fan said: "Okay, then I will wait for your news."

After watching Kuang Wei leave, Yang Fan thought in his heart that from now on, he must consider going to the Hamburg pool for experiments.

How to contact them?
After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan picked up the phone and called the leader of the Military Industry Bureau, asking them to contact him for help.

I originally wanted to write a letter or send an email to contact, but after thinking about it, I gave up. We once did a pool towing test there in China. There was a cooperation between the two parties. The Military Industry Bureau came forward. It's better to contact yourself.

After making this call there is a wait.

The efficiency of the military industry was very high. A few days later, Li Shunli, the director of the Military Industry Bureau, called in person, "Comrade Yang Fan, the other party agreed, but the price is relatively high."

What, the asking price is high!
If the asking price is really high, will we still do the pool towing test of the 054 ship?
Hearing Li Shunli say that the other party offered a high price, Yang Fan became a little worried.

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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