Military Heavy

Chapter 288 The Three Lucky Ones

Chapter 288 Two Lucky Guys

How high is the other party's asking price?
Is it within the acceptable range?
Yang Fan is quite familiar with the charges of the Hamburg pool, and he has done towing tests for new ships there many times before rebirth.

As long as their charges are not too outrageous, even if it is a little more expensive, Yang Fan is ready to go there to do this test. After all, the 054 ship adopts a stealth design, and the towing test must not be spared.

Yang Fan asked about the other party's offer, and after hearing what Li Shunli said about the other party's offer, he immediately knew that such an offer seemed relatively high, but it was worth the money.

After all, the other party is one of the best towing pools in the world, with good hardware and technology, and it is normal for the fee to be a little higher, and it has not reached that outrageous level.

Yang Fan said: "Director Li, what we are going to do is the pool towing test of the 054 ship. I think this kind of charge is acceptable."

There was a little silence on the phone, and then said: "Since it is the towing test of the 054 ship, then it's okay, let's contact the other party again."

The matter was settled quickly. After the advance payment was remitted, the other party sent an official email, inviting us to go over to conduct the experiment as soon as possible, and attached the name and contact information of a technical supervisor at the end of the email, including a phone number and email address.

Hummels, a technical supervisor at the Hamburg pool.

Seeing this "familiar" name, Yang Fan couldn't help laughing, it can be such a coincidence.

Before being reborn, Yang Fan went to the Hamburg pool to do towing tests many times, and each time he dealt with Hummels. At that time, Hummels was 60 or [-] years old, and he was regarded as the senior technical director of the Hamburg pool. Now, it is estimated that Only in my early thirties.

This is really interesting.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, as long as it is not the same name and surname, it may be that Hummels, or that arrogant old German man, no, it should be a young German now.

After reading this email, Yang Fan thought in his mind, who will go to Hamburg with me? One person must go to the 054 ship model office, two people should go to the general design room, plus myself, there should be a total of four people.
Yang Fan thought about it this way, the candidate for the model office was determined to be Li Jun, and the person in the overall design office, which one is more suitable?

Yes, ask Kuang Wei.

Soon, Kuang Wei walked into Yang Fan's office, thinking that he was called here to ask about the hull model, and as soon as he came in, he reported.

"Master Yang, the arrangement has been made. They are a professional unit and have cooperated with us many times. The other party promised that the model can be completed within 20 days at most."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled.

"You have done a good job on this matter, but I am not asking about this matter." Yang Fan said: "After the hull model is made, a towing test will be carried out, and we do not have a professional towing test pool in China. I'm going to do it at the Hamburger pool."

Burger Pool!

As a ship owner and the director of the general design office, although Kuang Wei has never been to the Hamburg pool, it does not prevent him from letting him know that it is one of the most professional towing pools in the world.

"Master Yang, it's really surprising that he actually went to the Hamburg pool."

"Yes, go to the Hamburg pool. The hull of our 054 ship adopts a radar stealth design, so we need to do a towing test. Going to the Hamburg pool is the best."

After chatting for a while, Yang Fan got to the point, "Director Kuang, I called you here mainly to trouble you to recommend two candidates to go abroad with me."

"This time I went to the Hamburg pool to do the towing test. There were four people including me. In addition to Li Jun from the model office, two technicians went to the general design room."

There are two places in the overall design room!
Very good!
What a surprise!
Kuang Wei's mood suddenly became better than ever, "Mr. Yang, what request do these two people have, please tell me."

Yang Fan had roughly figured out what kind of two people would follow him, so he said, "One of them should be a technical backbone who has participated in it for more than ten years, and must have a strong technical level in the field of hull design, and the other can be a young man. , but it must be good enough.”

Taking a young designer out for a walk, Yang Fan mainly made long-term plans and considerations, allowing young people to see the world, and also helping to train young people, so as to avoid the phenomenon of lack of acceptance at critical moments.

Such two candidates!

Kuang Wei pondered for a while, and then seriously said: "How about Liao Wenliang, he has been working for 17 years, a senior engineer, the backbone of our design department, and his technical level is excellent."

Yang Fan is of course familiar with Liao Wenliang.

He is indeed a very good person, conscientious and hard-working, with excellent technical level. He belongs to the kind of old scalper. He doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but he completes every design task beautifully.

Yang Fan agreed: "Mr. Liao is not bad, he is one of them."

Kuang Wei thought about it again, and then said: "Among the young designers, I think Xue Bingyuan is good. He has been working for five years, and this year he should be evaluated as an engineer. He was rated as an excellent intern by the institute when he first started working. , active personality, hard work and study.”

Introduced in more detail.

Because Kuang Wei knows that Xue Bingyuan is a young designer who has only been working for four or five years, and Yang Fan may not be very familiar with it.

Yang Fan is indeed not familiar with him, he has only seen him a few times, and he has an impression, he seems to be a nice young man indeed.

"Then the two of them, you are in charge of informing them, and make preparations to go abroad with me to Hamburg, and I guess they will leave next month."

"Okay, I will be responsible for notifying them both."

Kuang Wei felt that he had a lot of face, and General Master Yang agreed to the two people he recommended.

Happily returned to the overall design room.

Without even entering the office, Kuang Wei walked directly into a large office below where the designers worked. Immediately, some designers who were working stopped for a while and glanced at Director Kuang who walked in.

Looking around the entire office and seeing that everyone was working seriously, Kuang Wei nodded in satisfaction, and his eyes stopped for a while on Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan.

Then, he said loudly: "Everyone stop, I am announcing something now."

Everyone stopped and looked at Kuang Wei.

Kuang Wei said: "Master Yang will go to the Hamburg pool next month to do the towing test of the 054 ship. Two people can go to our general design room."

As soon as the voice fell!
The originally quiet big office suddenly became commotion.

Many people were taken aback for a moment, and then they were pleasantly surprised!
How about going to the Hamburg pool, this is going abroad!
In the 90s, going abroad was a big hit. Being able to go abroad for a walk and take a look is something that many people are envious of.

Although Donghai Institute has some people who go abroad every year because of their work, this proportion is definitely not high. Many designers have never had the opportunity to go abroad after working for a lifetime.

In other words, even in Donghai Institute, at least seven or eight out of ten people have never been abroad.Many people dream of going abroad.

"There are two people in our design studio?"

"I don't know which two will be the lucky ones."


Some designers were whispering and chatting in a low voice, and the whole big office seemed to be buzzing. Kuang Wei looked at everyone and couldn't help smiling.

Everything was within his expectations!
I have already thought about it, as long as this news is announced in front of everyone, it will immediately be like throwing a big stone on the calm water, which will definitely cause a lot of commotion.


Everyone's reactions are evident.

After stopping for a while, Kuang Wei coughed softly, feeling that many people were watching him, waiting for the announcement of the result, and then said loudly.

"We congratulate Comrade Liao Wenliang."

Almost everyone looked at Liao Wenliang in unison, and some people who had a good relationship with him shouted loudly and excitedly.

"Old Liao, you want to treat me!"

"Mr. Liao, I must bring back some delicious food from Germany."


Liao Wenliang smiled happily. He did not expect that he would be the lucky one to go to Germany with Mr. Yang. He looked at Kuang Wei with obvious gratitude in his eyes.

Kuang Wei waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me, although I recommended you, but in the end you still have to agree with Master Yang, if you want to thank you, you can thank Master Yang."

There are two people in total, one of them is Liao Wenliang, who is the other one?

Many people had hope in their hearts, especially those backbone and senior designers, each of them hoped that the other lucky one would be himself.

Who knows, after Kuang Wei announced another candidate, many people were stunned and seriously suspected that they had heard it wrong.

How is this possible?
It was Xue Bingyuan!

Although he is good, he seems to have only been working for four or five years!

Noticing everyone's astonishment, Kuang Wei said: "You heard me right, it is indeed Xiao Xue, Master Yang said that the cultivation of young people is also very important."

"Master Yang, mighty!"

Several young designers shouted happily, with the example of Xue Bingyuan here, they knew that there would be opportunities in the future.

Kuang Wei raised his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to calm down, and then ordered: "Mr. Liao, Xiao Xue, you are all ready to leave next month."


"Thank you, Director!"

The two lucky ones were all smiles, very happy.

After Kuang Wei left, there was a complete commotion in the big office, with Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan at the center, the colleagues congratulated, and there was more or less envy in their eyes.

go abroad!

It is still very enviable!

Inside the office.

Yang Fan was answering a phone call. He didn't expect that he would have to go to the north before going abroad. However, he could tell from his expression that this should be a good thing.

It's a big deal too!
As a result, Yang Fan had to adjust his work schedule. He had to go to the north to try to get back before going abroad, and then took everyone to Hamburg to do the pool towing test of the 054 ship.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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