Military Heavy

Chapter 289 Old Acquaintances

Chapter 289 Old Acquaintances

This is a very important test.

It is also the first joint test of the domestic phased array control radar and missile vertical launch system, as well as the combat command system, which was carried out at a shooting range in the north.

In fact, the real test should be carried out on a warship and at sea, but that is a matter for the future. The land test should be carried out first, and after confirming that there is no problem, then consider conducting the test on a warship.

Even if he is busy and has no time for such an experiment, Yang Fan still wants to take a look.

At the beginning, Yang Fan gave a lot of guidance on the research and development of the phased array control radar, and Yang Fan presided over the design of the missile vertical launch system and the combat command system.

It's a donkey or a horse coming out for a walk.

Yang Fan wanted to have a look at the results of the experiment, so that he could know what was going on, and if he could find some problems or deficiencies, it would be easy to rectify and improve the design.

After answering the call, Yang Fan made arrangements.

Including myself, a total of three people will go to the northern test range, accompanied by Shi Wei, director of the combat system design office, and Zhang Xiang, director of the weapon system design office.

As for Zhou Ping, the former director of the Weapon System Design Office, due to his age, he no longer served as the director. Zhang Xiang, the deputy director, took over and was promoted to the full director.

Now, there are already several key designers at the East China Sea Institute on the shooting range. They not only participate in the experiment, but also provide technical support for the experiment.

A few days later.

Yang Fan, Shi Wei and Zhou Ping arrived at Donghai Airport.

I didn't choose to take the train. On the one hand, the journey is a little far away and time-consuming.On the other hand, Yang Fan's level can travel by plane.

After completing the check-in procedures and sitting in the waiting hall waiting for the plane, Zhang Xiang said jokingly: "Master Yang, thanks to you, we can go there by plane."

Yang Fan smiled, and said jokingly: "Since you have been honored by me, after you arrive, you want to treat guests, treat us to a local feast."

Hearing this, Shi Wei beside him also laughed.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

After chatting for a while, I started to board the plane. After more than an hour's flight, I arrived at the city closest to the shooting range. When I walked out of the airport, people from the military had already come to greet me.

It was a military green military jeep with a military plate, and the driver was a second lieutenant.

Yang Fan took Shi Wei and Zhang Xiang into the car happily, and the second lieutenant was also very enthusiastic, helping everyone put their luggage on the car.

In fact, there is not much luggage, because it is summer, there is not much luggage, each person just carries a bag, a few changes of clothes, and some toiletries.

Military vehicle, Lieutenant!
This caused a lot of people to look sideways.

"Who are they? They are riding in military vehicles."

"Keep your voice down, it must be someone from the military."


Such words drifted into his ears, and feeling the gazes of the people around him, Yang Fan couldn't help but smile softly.Ordinary people have an innate awe of the military.

Shi Wei and Zhang Xiang looked at each other with a smile, both felt that they had more face, and got into the car happily one after another.

The car departs and leaves the airport.

The second lieutenant said while driving: "You can take a rest in the car, the distance is a little far, about two hours' drive."

The shooting range is far from the city.

It was already dark when the three of them arrived at the shooting range.

Although it is in the suburbs, the conditions here are not bad. They stayed in the military guest house on the shooting range. All three of them received meal cards and could eat for free in the canteen of the guest house. Not far from the shooting range, there was also a military camp where a group of troops.

After settling down, they went to the cafeteria to eat together under the leadership of Yang Fan. The food was not bad. The three of them chose a table and sat down, talking and laughing, chatting while eating.

Zhang Xiang said: "The fly in the ointment is that it would be great if I could drink a little wine."

Yang Fan said: "Don't think about wine, go back to your room after eating, watch TV and go to bed early, tomorrow is the first joint experiment."

As he was saying this, a surprised voice sounded beside his ear, "Master Yang, it's really you!"

Feeling that the voice was familiar, Yang Fan turned his head quickly, and immediately saw a familiar figure. It was Sheng Wenjun, chief designer of shipborne phased array control radar of a certain radar research institute.

They are here too!
Seeing an acquaintance, Yang Fan was overjoyed, "Master Sheng, when did you arrive?"

Sheng Wenjun shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically, "We just arrived this afternoon, and you have just arrived, too."

When the two met, they exchanged polite and pleasant greetings.

Invited by Yang Fan, Sheng Wenjun sat down, and the two chatted very speculatively, and the topic was of course related to the phased array control radar.

Yang Fan said: "You guys are really amazing. You only started research in 89, and the first test machine was produced in just three years."

Sheng Wenjun said: "We are able to achieve such success thanks to you, brother. Without your suggestions and guidance, we would probably still be figuring it out. You saved us a lot of detours."

"Where, where."

Yang Fan felt humble for a while.

There were several people sitting next to a table. They were all subordinates of Sheng Wenjun and the backbone of the research and development of phased array control radar. They listened with their ears pricked up while eating.

That is Yang Fan!

So young, I can't imagine it!
They have heard Yang Fan's name more than once. During the design and development process of the phase array control radar, Sheng Wenjun mentioned Yang Fan many times. Although they have never met Yang Fan, they have long remembered Yang Fan's name.

I always thought that Comrade Yang Fan mentioned by Master Sheng should be an old man, or a professor of a certain university, or a senior expert of a certain research institute.

Seeing Yang Fan with his own eyes, he is so young!
Surprised, they couldn't help but look at Yang Fan a few times, keeping Yang Fan's appearance firmly in their hearts.

Bull man!
This is definitely a master!
Feeling these gazes, Yang Fan smiled at them and nodded slightly.

Noticing this, Sheng Wenjun patted his head lightly, "Look at me, I forgot to introduce it, these are all the technical backbones of our unit, this is"

Following Sheng Wenjun's introduction, these backbones came forward to shake hands with Yang Fan one by one, each with a very humble attitude.

After the introduction and handshake, Sheng Wenjun was still chatting with Yang Fan.

When Yang Fan asked about the situation of the phased array control radar, Sheng Wenjun seemed a little lacking in confidence, and said in a low tone: "This joint test is a prototype of ours. To be honest, I don't know how it performs. Not much confidence."

Yang Fan comforted: "Don't worry too much, anyway, it is also a phased array control radar, and its performance will definitely not be too bad."

"Even if there are some problems during the test, it doesn't matter. The design can be improved and perfected. Our 052B is still under design, and there is still some time before construction. You also have time to improve the phased array control radar."

This is true.

The pressure on Sheng Wenjun seemed to be a lot less, and the conversation became more intense. He not only chatted with Yang Fan about the phase array control radar, but also about the missile vertical launch system, and even talked about the 054 ship.

"You are competing with the Northern Ship Design Institute and starting the design of the 054 ship at the same time. How about it? It's very stressful."

Yang Fan said: "There will definitely be some pressure, but this way, we feel more motivated and full of energy throughout the day."

After chatting for a few words, Sheng Wenjun revealed: "Did you know that Shen Changhai from the Northern Ship Design Institute also came over, and it seems that they also arrived in the afternoon."

Are they coming too?

Yang Fan was really a little surprised. Logically speaking, Shen Changhai and the others shouldn't be here. Could it be that they are also interested in tomorrow's experiment.

It certainly is.

Yang Fan figured it out soon.

I heard that in Shen Changhai's design plan, the 054 ship is also planning to adopt a phased array control radar and a vertical missile launch system. It is estimated that it is aimed at these things. I want to see the test results tomorrow.

Although these things are not the research results of the Northern Ship Design Institute, they are also domestic ship design systems, and they can also use these things. The phased array control radar, missile vertical launch system and other things are used on the 054 ship they designed.

This is interesting.

Shen Changhai and the others actually came over.

Yang Fan couldn't help laughing, "I really didn't expect them to arrive too."

Sheng Wenjun reminded: "They are also working on the design of the 054 ship, and they have taken a fancy to the phased array control radar developed by us. Last month, he came to our institute specially and sat there for a long time, trying to gain a deeper understanding of the phased array control radar we developed. Phased array control radar."

"It's just that I know that they are in a competitive relationship with Donghai Institute, and many things have not been disclosed to him. I guess, after this experiment, he will come to me again."

Yang Fan glanced at Sheng Wenjun approvingly, he is a good person, he does things well, and knows how to think about problems from the perspective of our East China Sea Institute.

The next day.

On the shooting range that can't be seen at a glance, everything is ready. The phased array control radar, the missile vertical launch system, and the combat command system have been integrated into a whole.

The first intercept test will take place today.

Yang Fan and others got up early, and after having breakfast in the cafeteria, they came to the combat command room on time. Through the glass, they could see the radar prototype in the distance and the familiar vertical missile launch system.

This is the missile launch system designed by Yang Fan himself. It is an eight-unit module equipped with domestic Hongqi air defense missiles.

On the future 054 ship, Yang Fan also plans to use this missile as an air defense missile, which can not only attack incoming enemy aircraft, but also intercept incoming missiles.

In the combat command room, all the personnel have already taken their positions, and the operators are all military personnel. The technicians of the Radar Research Institute and the East China Sea Institute are only doing technical guidance and technical data recording.

Yang Fan looked at Sheng Wenjun, and saw a trace of nervousness from the opponent.

This is the first multi-system joint trial.

For Sheng Wenjun, it was undoubtedly a big test.

Compared with Sheng Wenjun, Yang Fan seemed much calmer, with calm eyes, looking through the glass at the vertical missile launch system erected in the distance.

Every now and then, check the time.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the voice of the military commander came to everyone's ears, "The first joint test of multiple systems begins now!"

As soon as the sound fell, the whole scene quickly fell silent.

A pre-war tense atmosphere permeated invisible.
Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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