Military Heavy

Chapter 29 The letter is sent, waiting for the good news

Chapter 29 The letter is sent, waiting for the good news

After more than ten hours of flight, our group arrived in New York smoothly.

At the beginning of the flight, everyone was full of freshness, but after a few hours, this feeling gradually faded, and I either slept with my eyes closed, or read magazines to pass the time.

When getting out of the plane, Ma Jun even said: "It's finally here, these ten hours are really boring."

Yang Fan smiled, and the others felt the same way, and they all laughed easily. Finally, they arrived in New York, the big city of American imperialism.

After picking up the luggage, a group of us walked out of the airport. As soon as we got outside the airport, Yang Fan saw a middle-aged foreigner holding a sign and looking around. His eyes always fell on these Orientals coming out of the airport.

"Mr. Tang, the people who welcome us have arrived."

"Oh, then let's go there quickly."

Yang Fan walked in the front with his suitcase, and everyone followed.Max Anderson, who came to greet them, also saw this group of people. Seeing that they were all from the East, and there was no discrepancy in the number of people, he knew that this should be the person he came to greet.

Max waved his arm vigorously, and with the other hand, he raised the cards higher.

"Hello, I'm Yang Fan from Donghai Ship Design Institute. This is our deputy chief designer Tang Jianming and the leader of our team."

"Oh, hello."

Max shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically, and introduced himself: "I am Max Anderson from General Electric, and I am in charge of coming to welcome you. I am also in charge of your itinerary for these few days."

After confirming that the other party is a member of General Electric, Yang Fan began to introduce each other to everyone, introducing Max to everyone, and introducing his own people to Max.

After Tang Jianming shook hands with Max, he glanced at Yang Fan with satisfaction. He was worried that Yang Fan might be nervous or lose his composure because he was young and had never experienced such a situation.

But Yang Fan in front of him was not the slightest bit nervous, not to mention losing his composure. Looking forward to this visit.

After introducing each other, the two sides exchanged some polite greetings, and then Max waved: "Come on, let's go to the hotel first."

It was a seven-seater business car, and Max acted as the driver. After everyone packed their luggage and got on the car, he started the car and left the airport.

Sitting in the car, through the glass, everyone is looking at the outside with envy and emotion. Everything they see gives everyone a great sense of visual impact and a great touch.

The same goes for Yang Fan.

Seeing the high-rise buildings and heavy traffic outside, I thought to myself, compared with New York, there is at least 30 to [-] years of difference between Donghai City and New York.

Tang Jianming said with great emotion: "I didn't expect that the US emperor is so developed. You see, there are so many cars, and the skyscrapers can hardly see the top. It's unbelievable."

Yang Fan nodded, agreeing with this point, but also confidently said: "This gap is only temporary. We have reformed and opened up, and our country will develop rapidly. In another two to 30 years, our Donghai City will not It will be worse than New York, and it will definitely become a world-famous international metropolis."

This is not faith, but fact.

In the 21st century, our Donghai City is world-renowned and highly developed, with a population of more than 2000 million. Many large companies and famous institutions set up their headquarters in Donghai City, or set up offices in Donghai City one after another.

From the airport to the hotel, Max drove for almost an hour. Everyone sat in the car and looked at the window, which was enough for the eyes.

This is a small family hotel, but clean and affordable.The owner is an elderly couple.

Max said: "Everyone will stay here today, take a rest, and adjust the time difference by the way, we will go to Boston early tomorrow morning."

Max has already arranged the entire itinerary, and he has communicated with us before. The team leader Tang Jianming is very clear about the itinerary. On behalf of everyone, he said: "No problem, we will stay here and start tomorrow."

Each person has a room. In everyone's opinion, the environment in the room is much better than the guest house of Donghai Ship Design Institute, very quiet and comfortable.

After checking into his room, Yang Fan let out a long sigh of relief, opened his suitcase, took out some necessary things, and then looked at the few letters he was going to send.

The thing has been written a long time ago. It is written in English. There are three copies in total. I plan to mail one copy to each of the three major automobile manufacturers in the United States. location.

In the evening, Max treated the guests on behalf of General Electric, and invited everyone to have a more authentic Western food. After the meal, everyone chatted together and did not return to their respective rooms for the time being.

Max said: "How is this hotel, are you satisfied?"

On behalf of everyone, Tang Jianming first thanked Max for his reception, and then said: "It's just that the price is a bit more expensive. It costs thirty dollars to stay one night."

According to the current exchange rate, thirty U.S. dollars is about 60 yuan. In China, it is basically an ordinary worker's salary for nearly two months.

Staying in the guest house of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute costs more than one yuan for one night. It costs 60 yuan here, which is too expensive. Tang Jianming feels that he can't afford it. Fortunately, the accommodation for these few days does not need to be paid by everyone.

Max smiled and said, "This is the most economical place. If you stay in those star-rated hotels in New York, you will spend far more than this little money per night."

After thinking about it, Max reminded: "The inspection is over, and you will stay in New York for two days after returning from Boston. I suggest you stay here. You can book a room now, and it will be cheaper if you book in advance. "

For the next two days, we paid for it ourselves. Tang Jianming was a little moved when he thought that the accommodation in New York was not cheap.

Yang Fan was completely happy, and almost called God help me in his heart.I was still thinking about how to persuade Mr. Tang to stay in this hotel again after returning from the inspection of General Electric, but Max actually made such a suggestion.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Max is right. The consumption here is considered low in New York, and the price is very high. If you book in advance, you can save a few dollars per person." Yang Fan seized the opportunity and suggested so.

Zhao Yulan also agreed: "Mr. Tang, then we will book the room here, so as not to look around for hotels when we get it."

I am unfamiliar with the place, looking for cheap hotels in New York, I don't know what kind of experience it will be.

Tang Jianming also knew this very well, and agreed: "Yes, then we will book a room here in advance, Xiao Yang, go and have a chat with the boss and his wife."

Yang Fan is very efficient.

As soon as I got back to the hotel, I found the owner and his wife, and chatted with each other in fluent English. I heard that Yang Fan wanted to book a room, and the owner was very enthusiastic.

Yang Fan is obviously an expert at bargaining. He managed to bargain down the room at 25 dollars a night to [-] dollars, and the hotel also provides free breakfast in the morning.

If you can save, you can save. Everyone has little money and limited funds. A free breakfast can save a few dollars, right?

After booking the room, Yang Fan asked for the hotel's detailed address, contact number, etc., and discussed it with the owner and his wife. If there is a phone call, he will be notified in time.

This is the case in capitalist society, where the customer is God, and the boss will agree to general requests, and the hotel owner and his wife agreed to Yang Fan's requests without hesitation.

The owner and his wife have a lot of small things here, mainly to meet the needs of the residents. In addition to razors, hair dryers and other things, there are also cigarettes, coffee, and stamps.

Yang Fan bought a few stamps for a few cents. This was the first time he spent money in the United States. After buying these stamps, he first went to Tang Jianming.

"Mr. Tang, everything is settled, the room has been booked, and each room costs only 25 dollars per night, including a free breakfast every morning."

"Oh, that's great."

Tang Jianming was very happy and praised Yang Fan well.At this time, our country is not rich, and everyone spends two days in New York at public expense. It is of course good to spend less money.

After returning to the room and closing the door, Yang Fan took out the written letters, left contact information at the back of each letter, and attached the phone number and address of the hotel.

And write down your itinerary for the next few days, such as leaving for Boston tomorrow morning, where you will stay for three days and two nights, and then return to New York, where you will stay for two days.

There is only one purpose for disclosing your itinerary like this, which is to facilitate the other party to find you.There is no mobile phone, and no other contact methods, which is really a little troublesome.

After checking and feeling that there was nothing wrong, Yang Fan put them into envelopes respectively, affixed stamps, and without further ado, took them and went out.

Yang Fan had noticed a long time ago that there was a mailbox at the gate of the hotel, so he put the three letters into the mailbox.

The letter has been sent, the next thing to do is to wait for the good news!
Yang Fan thought in his heart, I hope it's not a muddleheaded cow, and whether he can make a fortune depends on the responses to these letters
(End of this chapter)

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