Military Heavy

Chapter 30 Formal Inspection

Chapter 30 Formal Inspection
Early the next morning, after breakfast, everyone packed their luggage and set off under the leadership of Max, leaving New York for Boston.

When they arrived there, everyone was warmly received and arranged to stay in a local hotel.

After settling in, Tang Jianming took everyone and the people from General Electric to sit together in the afternoon. First, they exchanged polite greetings, and then gradually got to the point.

Maybe it is due to the huge market in our country. General Electric wants to enter this huge market. For a moment.

The business contacts were handled by Sean Kyle, a senior GE executive, and a technical engineer named Jack Hall.

Sean Kyle was very talkative. First, on behalf of General Electric, he warmly welcomed these guests from the East, and then began to introduce some information about their company.

Including introducing their LM2500 gas turbine.

Of course, technical engineer Jack Hall is in charge of the specific technical introduction. He introduced it in more detail and prepared a lot of materials. This kind of introduction is far more comprehensive than what you can learn from some materials when you are in China.

Yang Fan served as the translator, fluent in English, accurate translation, even some obscure professional terms and terms, as if there was no difficulty at all.

Thanks to Yang Fan's excellent translation, there was no obstacle in communication between everyone. Tang Jianming, Shen Bin, Ma Jun and others became serious, as if they were afraid of revealing anything.

Some materials issued by the other party were also carefully kept, especially some technical materials of the LM2500 gas turbine.

Tang Jianming also asked a lot of questions, a large proportion of which were related to the LM2500 gas turbine, and the other party generally answered them. Tang Jianming recorded them one by one, and more and more things were recorded in the notebook.

Time passed like this, passing quickly.

As twilight fell, everyone ended the conversation with unfinished business, and went to a western restaurant in Boston for dinner at the invitation of the other party.

After the meal, Max drove everyone politely to the hotel where they stayed.After returning to the hotel, everyone did not return to their respective rooms. Starting today, they officially entered the working state and became completely nervous.

Everyone gathered together for a meeting, summed up some gains this afternoon, and proposed some things that need to be investigated tomorrow. Everyone’s speeches were very enthusiastic. The meeting lasted for more than two hours. Back to the room to rest.

Yang Fan also felt a little tired. Seeing that it was late, he had to go to the LM2500 manufacturing factory for inspection tomorrow, so he went to bed after washing up.

the next day.

As always, Max came earlier and took everyone to the LM2500 manufacturing plant.When they arrived at the factory, Sean and Jack had already arrived there.

We met at the gate of the factory, and after a few polite words, we walked into the factory together.After entering the factory, everyone was touched a lot. Except for Yang Fan, everyone did not expect that the manufacturing level in the United States is much higher than ours.

Needless to say, the environment and hardware facilities in the factory, the products on the manufacturing site are not simple and have high technological content.

Our domestic industrial strength is still relatively weak, and of course we cannot compare with world-renowned manufacturing companies like General Electric. After the reform and opening up, our development speed will become faster and faster, and this gap will only become smaller.

Except for Yang Fan, everyone finally saw the real LM2500 gas turbine for the first time. Not only were there finished products at the production site, but workers were also assembling the LM2500.

When these American workers saw Tang Jianming, Yang Fan and others, perhaps out of curiosity, some of them even took the initiative to smile at everyone.

"This is a LM2500 gas turbine."

Engineer Jack Hall introduced this gas turbine to everyone. The introduction was very detailed and professional. Yang Fan translated Jack's introduction to everyone.

It can be seen that whether it is Tang Jianming, Shen Bin or others, everyone's eyes are shining when they see this LM2500, as if they saw a favorite treasure.

Yang Fan was dumbfounded. Regardless of the supply cutoff, the LM2500 gas turbine is indeed a very good naval gas turbine. Even the warships of the US Emperor use this machine as power.

Because you can't take pictures, everyone can only look carefully.

Tang Jianming and Shen Bin are all technical experts, they read very carefully, firmly remembered some details, and also recorded some things in the notebook they carried.

One morning, almost all stayed at the production site, and everyone was reluctant to leave, and the time for direct calls was too little.

According to the itinerary, this kind of on-site inspection is only half a day, and the afternoon will not come to the site, but will be spent in the conference room.

In the afternoon, everyone sat together and began to discuss the introduction of the LM2500 gas turbine. At this time, Tang Jianming and Jiang Yi from the Military Industry Bureau were the protagonists.

Of course, it is impossible to negotiate the specific import of LM2500 in one afternoon, because import involves all aspects, and everyone's purpose is to reach an agreement on some things.

The progress is also relatively smooth, and considerable results have been achieved. At least in many aspects, the opinions between the two parties are gradually unified.

In the evening, after returning to the hotel where he stayed, Tang Jianming called everyone for a meeting.Time is so precious and no one wants to waste any of it.

Tang Jianming said happily: "Everyone has seen that our investigation has been relatively smooth. We have reached a lot of intentions on the import of LM2500 gas turbines this afternoon. We will continue the discussion tomorrow and hope to reach more intentions."

For specific negotiations, there must be a second round, or even a third round.It is indeed gratifying to be able to achieve some intentions now.

At this meeting, everyone’s speeches were still very enthusiastic. When it was Yang Fan’s turn, he suggested: "Mr. Tang, I think the delivery date of the first test prototype should be as early as possible. A lot of our work will focus on this test prototype. In addition, the quantity of the first batch of deliveries should be as large as possible, it is best to reach ten units, if it cannot reach ten units, we must try our best to reach eight units.”

Historically, we only imported four LM2500 gas turbines. Later, because of the Western technology blockade against us, General Electric no longer supplied LM2500, and then this gas turbine was completely out of stock. Our 052 ship fell into a situation where there was no rice to cook dilemma.

If we could import more than four LM2500 gas turbines to six or eight before the technical blockade of the West, then even if the supply is cut off in the future, the situation may be much better.

Tang Jianming agreed: "Well, Xiao Yang's suggestion is very good. We will make this request tomorrow."

In the morning of the next day, everyone sat down and continued to negotiate. Generally speaking, it went smoothly and some intentions were reached. Tang Jianming also specifically asked for the first batch of ten LM2500 gas turbines to be imported, but the other party did not give a clear answer.

At noon, the two parties signed a memorandum of cooperation, writing some of the agreed intentions into the memorandum.

Tang Jianming warmly sent out an invitation, hoping that General Electric would send a team to us to continue the second round of negotiations as soon as possible. Sean Kyle accepted the invitation on behalf of General Electric.

There are some things that Tang Jianming or Jiang Yi can't decide, and they need a bigger leader to decide.In the next round of negotiations, the location will be in Donghai City, and we will also have higher-level leaders to come forward.

Everyone stayed in Boston for three days and two nights, all of them were spent at work, and they didn't even have time to go out for a stroll.

Now the work is considered complete. After the signing of this memorandum, it means that the inspection has successfully concluded.

Sean Kyle, Jack Hall and others sent everyone to the car, and Max accompanied everyone back to New York, back to the hotel where they stayed when they first came to New York.

At the entrance of the hotel, Max shook hands and said goodbye to everyone. His mission has ended, and the next two days will be the relaxation time for our staff. We will mainly take a look around in New York City.

After saying goodbye to Max, everyone came to this hotel again with their luggage and will stay here for two nights.

When he walked into the hotel, Yang Fan was a little nervous, but also a little expectant, thinking in his heart, I don't know if there was any reply to my three letters after they were sent.

(End of this chapter)

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