Chapter 31

This is something Yang Fan is looking forward to very much.

It has been several days since they were sent, and they must have been sent to the three car manufacturers separately. If they have any ideas, they should send someone over.

At the end of each letter, Yang Fan left the detailed address and contact number of the hotel. Yang Fan is not in the hotel for the time being, and they can leave a message through the hotel owner to pass the information to Yang Fan.

Walking into this hotel again, everyone's faces became relaxed.The matter of going abroad to inspect the LM2500 gas turbine has been successfully completed, and the next step is to relax. You can go shopping in New York for two days and feel the development and prosperity of this capitalist city.

Yang Fan's face remained normal, but he was a little nervous in his heart. Whether he could make a fortune or not depended on this. He thought in his heart, hoping to get a call.

Entering the door is the lobby and front desk of the hotel. The hotel owner and his wife are busy. Seeing everyone come in and put down their work, they showed enthusiastic smiles.

Yang Fan took two steps forward and said in English: "We are back, we will stay here tonight and tomorrow night, and we will leave the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. You can take us to our room now."

"OK." The hotel owner replied readily, took out a bunch of keys, and led everyone to the reserved room.

There is still one room per person, a total of six rooms.

Yang Fan accompanied the hotel owner, first sent everyone back to their respective rooms, and then he was the last to enter the room he stayed in.

The hotel owner took out the key to help Yang Fan open the door, and gave a piece of the key, "Yang, if you need anything, just call the front desk."

"No problem." Yang Fan nodded. After thinking for a while, seeing that there was no third person here, he couldn't help asking, "Mr. Ryan, did you call me these two days?"

After speaking, Yang Fan looked hopefully at the hotel owner Ryan Merriman, waiting for the other party's answer.

To Yang Fan's deep disappointment, Ryan Merriman spread his hands and shrugged, "Yang, I don't have your call for now."

No phone!
Deep down in Yang Fan's heart, he was extremely disappointed. He had hoped that he would receive a reply after the three letters were sent out, but now there is no news.

He also thought about going to the door with the technical information in his hand, but Yang Fan denied this method.

In this era, there are strict disciplines for Chinese people to go abroad for inspections, and one of them is that they cannot act alone.

Because it always happens that someone takes advantage of the opportunity of going abroad for inspection, sneaks away as soon as they arrive abroad, stays abroad and never comes back.

Yang Fan has a good relationship with Tang Jianming, Zhao Yulan, etc. If he applies for a walk around the neighborhood alone for no more than two or three hours, he may be approved, but going out alone for one or two days like this may even take two , Three days, I will definitely not agree.

After seeing off the hotel owner, Yang Fan closed the door, feeling a little lost in his heart. He originally hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to go abroad to make a good fortune, but now it seems that his hope has come to nothing. There is no response from the three car manufacturers. .

"It seems that this money is not so easy to earn. It is difficult to make money."

Yang Fan lay on the bed, disheartened.

I originally wanted to make a fortune in order to get rid of my poverty, but I was disappointed, and I don't know when I will have such a good opportunity.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

I don't know how long it took before there was a knock on the door, and Ma Jun's voice came in from outside, "Yang Fan, Mr. Tang said that we will cook and eat by ourselves these two days, and you need to negotiate with the hotel owner. Let's go to the kitchen and cooker."

Everyone is not rich, and the funds for going abroad in our country are also very limited. People who went abroad in the early days usually cook for themselves, because it is too expensive for everyone to eat in restaurants outside.

If six of you go out to eat a meal, even a relatively cheap restaurant may cost hundreds of dollars, at least tens of dollars.

How much is everyone's monthly salary? Although it is said that they can go back and get reimbursed, but one meal eats up a person's salary for several months, and anyone would feel extremely heartbroken.

This is not the first time Tang Jianming has gone abroad. He has experience in this field and knows that it is the most cost-effective for everyone to cook by themselves these two days.

Yang Fan adjusted his mood, temporarily put aside the fact that the three American car companies did not reply, got up and opened the door of his room.

"I'm going to talk to Mr. Ryan right now, it shouldn't be a big problem." Yang Fan said.

This is a family hotel, and Yang Fan has long noticed that there is a public kitchen and some prepared tableware, which should be prepared for the staying guests.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Fan and Lao Ruien made a request, the other party immediately agreed. The kitchen, cooking utensils, including the tableware in the kitchen can be used casually, just a little bit, and they should be cleaned up after use and placed neatly.

This is of course no problem, and it should be.After the matter was settled, Yang Fan knocked on the door and entered Tang Jianming's room, reporting: "Mr. Tang, the kitchen has been settled, we can cook by ourselves."

"Oh, that's great, we can save a lot of money this way."

Tang Jianming answered happily, and then waved everyone over to divide the work. Starting from dinner tonight, everyone will do it by themselves.Zhao Yulan and Jiang Yi, who are good cooks, are in charge of cooking, Yang Fan and Ma Jun are in charge of buying ingredients, Tang Jianming and Shen Bin are in charge of washing dishes, including cleaning the kitchen.

"Xiao Yang, this is fifty dollars, save a little."

Yang Fan took the money and said with a smile: "I still know this. I noticed that there is a big supermarket nearby, so Ma Gong and I will go buy ingredients now."

"Go and come back quickly." Tang Jianming waved.

Yang Fan and Ma Jun walked out of the hotel, and within a few minutes' walk was a large Wal-Mart supermarket, which contained a lot of things, including all kinds of fresh ingredients.

Ma Jun followed behind Yang Fan, and said with great emotion: "There are more things here than any department store in our Donghai City."

In addition to the rich variety of goods, you can choose everything by yourself, unlike domestic department stores, where everything is placed on the counter, and you need to ask the salesperson to take out what you want. The key is that some things need tickets.

There is still a big gap between our country and developed countries like the United States, and it will take a long time to catch up.

In the 21st century, there are supermarkets like this everywhere in our country, and the variety of goods is also very rich, but in the middle and early 80s, few people in China have seen American supermarkets.

Ma Jun felt that his eyes were wide open, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"Tsk tsk, beef is actually cheaper than vegetables." Ma Jun found it incredible.

Yang Fan smiled and was selecting beef.Because the funds are limited, we must choose the one that is cheaper and more cost-effective.

There are many grades of beef in the United States. High-grade beef is of course very expensive, but beef from parts that Americans don’t like to eat is very cheap. It’s really cheaper than some vegetables. No wonder Ma Jun has an unbelievable expression .

I picked a few pounds of beef, and then bought pork, chicken and other meat dishes, but I bought fewer vegetables, and only bought two kinds of cheaper ones.

Of course, I also need to buy some seasoning, salt and oil are essential, and then I found a bottle of chili sauce. I wanted to buy soy sauce, chicken essence, light soy sauce and cooking wine, but I haven’t found it yet. This kind of thing may go to Chinatown to buy.

After thinking about it, I bought another bottle of wine worth two or three dollars. The quality must not be bad. In China, such a bottle of wine is definitely a high-end product.


Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go, let's go back first, Director Zhao and the others are probably waiting for these things to be cooked."

Ma Jun still has a little bit of homesickness. How can there be so many commodities in Donghai City now? He feels very regretful that he is relatively shy in his pockets, otherwise he can buy some and bring them back to relatives and friends.

in the kitchen.

Zhao Yulan and others are already busy, everything is ready, just waiting for Yang Fan to come back from shopping.Hearing footsteps at the door, Zhao Yulan shouted loudly: "Xiao Yang is back, let's see what we bought."

Yang Fan was smiling, followed by Ma Jun carrying a shopping bag, and the two walked into the kitchen one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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