Military Heavy

Chapter 32 A Good Tooth Sacrifice

Chapter 32 A Good Tooth Sacrifice

Zhao Yulan didn't dare to have too many extravagant hopes.

The same is true for Jiang Yi. Everyone knows that funds are limited, and the standards for business trips are set there. You must save food and money. You must choose the cheapest things to buy. All kinds of vegetables must be the cheapest. For meat dishes They dare not think a little.

Ma Jun happily put a bag full of things on the kitchen table like a great hero, and said loudly, "Everyone, take a look and see what we bought."

so many things!
Zhao Yulan saw a lot of meat dishes, thought she was mistaken, and hurriedly stepped forward to open the shopping bag, and after seeing the contents clearly, she immediately said nervously: "I bought beef, pork and chicken, basically all of them are It's nasty, Xiao Yang, alas."

She shook her head and sighed secretly, her expression seemed to say that Yang Fan was extravagant, buying so many meat dishes must have cost a lot of money.

The same is true for Jiang Yi, who shook his head and said in his heart that young people are still unreliable, and they don’t know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt if they are not in charge. He reminded: "Xiao Yang, our country is not rich yet, and the standards for business trips are very low. If you are in a country with a high altitude, that amount of business travel funds is simply not enough to make such a fuss.”

Yang Fan smiled happily, knowing that the two of them misunderstood, "Director Zhao, Director Jiang, you may not know that in the United States, beef is cheaper than many vegetables, and pork and chicken are also not expensive. Take a look, this is shopping. Small ticket, so many things only cost more than 30 dollars, and I still have a dozen dollars left to return."

And shopping receipts!

The two of them got together and focused all their eyes on this small ticket. After seeing the price of each item on it and the total price, they couldn't believe it.

After recovering, the two looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had misunderstood Yang Fan just now.Zhao Yulan said apologetically, "Xiao Yang, I just now."

Knowing that she wanted to apologize, Yang Fan waved his hand and interrupted: "It's okay, do you need my help next?"

"No, no need." Zhao Yulan said: "You have worked hard, wait a moment, we will prepare today's dinner soon."

Jiang Yi started washing rice and cooking, Zhao Yulan started to process these ingredients, and the two were busy.Yang Fan took a look and saw that he really didn't need his help, so he led Ma Jun out of the kitchen.

The meal in the evening is very rich.

Stir-fried beef, stewed beef, boiled pork slices, braised chicken.
Usually everyone does not have such a good meal in China, and this is almost in time for the Chinese New Year. Everyone is very happy, saying that this time is a tooth festival.

Yang Fan opened the wine himself. After opening the bottle of red wine, he picked up several glasses and poured a glass of wine for each person.Tang Jianming glanced at Yang Fan happily, then picked up the wine glass, and said loudly: "Come on, let's toast together to celebrate the first meal we made by ourselves in a foreign country."


Everyone's cups were clinked together, and the atmosphere was very warm.During the meal, everyone chatted and focused on where they would go for a stroll tomorrow.

It's rare to come to the United States once, and you must go for a walk and see the world.The only regret is that everyone doesn't have much money in their pockets. If they have money, they can buy some things and take them home.

Tang Jianming seemed to know what everyone was thinking. After finishing his meal, he took out his wallet and took out a handful of US dollars. According to his visual inspection, there were hundreds of dollars.

"Comrades, our investigation went very smoothly. Let's take a good look around tomorrow. This is everyone's travel allowance. I will give you a part of it in advance."

According to the business trip system, there is a business trip subsidy for foreign business trips, which is usually calculated on a daily basis. For Yang Fan and the others, in addition to the government reimbursement for travel expenses, there is also a subsidy of at least one or two hundred dollars, which can be put into private pockets.

This is why so many people envy others to travel abroad, because there are a lot of subsidies.One or two hundred dollars is almost the annual salary of an ordinary person in China.

I have money!

Everyone's eyes lit up, they took the money happily, and looked at it happily.Ma Jun was thinking in his heart, what to buy tomorrow to take back.

Yang Fan also took one hundred dollars from Tang Jianming, a total of two brand new fifty-dollar bills.I thought in my heart, save a little, and I can buy some things.

Originally, I planned to use this opportunity to come to the United States to earn a sum of money from the American automobile manufacturers, but my hope may have been lost. Yang Fan, who was a little disappointed at first, felt much better when he saw these two brand new banknotes. .

After distributing one hundred dollars to each person, Tang Jianming said: "Tomorrow, you can move freely, but I still want to emphasize the discipline. You can't go alone. At least two people need to be together. In addition, you must come back before dark."


Everyone nodded one after another, and everyone knew this.

Ma Jun said happily: "Yang Fan, I'll be with you tomorrow. Let's take a stroll around and see if there is anything we can bring back."

"Yes you can."

Yang Fan agreed immediately.

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with New York, USA. He has been to this city no less than dozens of times before he was reborn. He often came to New York when he was studying in the United States. After taking part in the work, as an excellent ship designer of the Republic, he also came here several times. , mainly to participate in some academic exchanges, or technical meetings.

After the meal, everyone seemed very excited.

Someone might be too happy to sleep tonight.For the sake of safety, everyone didn't go out at night, and after chatting for a while, they went back to their rooms.

Back in his room, Yang Fan turned on the TV and watched, then lay on the bed thinking about his three letters.

After thinking about it for a while, he said with great emotion in his heart that it seems that making money is not so easy. Maybe after these three letters were sent to these automobile manufacturers, they didn't take them seriously at all.

It seems that we need to re-plan. When we go back, we should think about what opportunities to make money we can take advantage of.

Kong has three or 40 years of foresight than others. If he is so poor and only has such a small salary every month, Yang Fan really feels a little bit unwilling.

There is a lot of technical knowledge about ships in my head, and I must not waste it. I will make good use of this knowledge to make a contribution to the shipbuilding industry of our country.

But other knowledge in the head should not be wasted, such as being familiar with the development pulse of the times and seizing opportunities to make some money. This does not conflict with ship work.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Fan fell asleep in a daze.

Because today is free time, it is not necessary to get up early, Yang Fan got up late, and the knock on the door woke Yang Fan up.

"Yang Fan, are you awake? If you don't wake up, you won't have breakfast."

Hearing Ma Jun's voice, Yang Fan looked at the time and smiled dumbly, it was really late.So, she turned over and got up, opened the doorway, "Come in and sit down first, and wait for me to wash your face."

After washing up in a hurry, Yang Fan and Ma Jun went downstairs together.

Ma Jun said: "We were the last to go out, Mr. Tang and the others had already gone out."

Yang Fan smiled apologetically, and had breakfast with Ma Jun in the restaurant on the first floor.Bread, eggs and milk, not too bad.

Seeing that Yang Fan came so late, the hotel owner smiled at Yang Fan, as if to say that he would collect things 10 minutes later.

After breakfast, Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go, let's go out for a stroll too."

After leaving the restaurant and walking to the lobby of the hotel to go out, Yang Fan noticed that there seemed to be two new guests who were talking with the proprietress there.

At the beginning, Yang Fan didn't take it seriously, because this situation is very normal, and there are new guests every day.

But after walking a few steps, before reaching the gate, Yang Fan stopped abruptly, his ears pricked up instantly.

Because Yang Fan heard that they seemed to mention his name!

Thanks to the "librarian administrator" book friend for the reward of 2000 starting coins! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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