Military Heavy

Chapter 33 General Motors

Chapter 33 General Motors
At first he thought it was a hallucination, but after he stopped, Yang Fan pricked up his ears and listened seriously.Obviously, the two "new residents" were asking the hotel proprietress something.

That's right.

Yang Fan heard one of the "new residents" mention his name again. Even though the other party spoke faster, Yang Fan, who is proficient in English, could still hear clearly.

"Yang Fan!"

Hearing the name mentioned by the other party, Yang Fan, who had not had much hope for the three letters, became eager instantly, and great hope was ignited in his heart.

Unable to hold back anymore, Yang Fan turned around and looked over, the hotel proprietress saw Yang Fan, she waved with a smile on her face, motioning for Yang Fan to go over.

So, Yang Fan walked over, his heart beating uncontrollably, this is the first time since he was reborn that he was so restless, attending those important meetings, facing some big leaders, and even knowing that he can go abroad for inspection, all these None of them made Yang Fan like this.

Seeing Yang Fan approaching, the proprietress of the hotel introduced: "Mr. Sandy, this is Yang Fan you are looking for."

The tall white man stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically, "Hi, I'm Sandy Cusek, a senior manager of General Motors. You can call me Sandy."

Yang Fan calmed down his mood, held the other party's hand, and introduced himself: "Hi Sandy, I am Yang Fan, you can call me Yang, I sent you that letter."

After confirming that it was correct, Sandy Cusek nodded, and then introduced Yang Fan: "This is our engineer John Newton."

Yang Fan shook hands with John Newton.

The three exchanged polite greetings, and Sandy Cusek took the initiative to say: "Yang, maybe we should have a good talk."

"Of course, I think so too." Yang Fan agreed happily, "Wait for me a moment, my technical documents are in the room, and I'll take them down now."

Sandy made a gesture of "Please go ahead", signaling Yang Fan to go upstairs to get them.

Yang Fan happily went upstairs, and quickly took down all the prepared things. They were packed in a file bag, a bulging bag.

When Sandy Kusek saw these things, he smiled with satisfaction. He thought to himself, maybe it’s worth rushing over this time, hoping that the other party can surprise us.

As a large number of RB cars entered the US market, they had a strong impact on the US automobile manufacturing industry. They needed to adapt, or launch new models, or carry out technological innovations to reduce production costs and increase profits.

They are very tempted by the stamping technology mentioned by Yang Fan in the letter. If there is no exaggeration, then this technology will greatly reduce the stamping cost of the car body and increase the profit margin.

Sandy Cusek invited: "There is a coffee shop across the way, let's go there and talk over coffee."

"no problem."

After agreeing to Sandy Cusek, Yang Fan turned to Ma Jun and said, "Ma Gong, I have some personal matters to discuss with these two Americans, please wait for me in the hotel, don't worry Well, it won't take long."

Ma Jun looked at Yang Fan, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Then I will wait for you at the hotel, go and come back quickly."

He was very surprised, he didn't expect that Yang Fan had overseas relations, and he also knew people in the United States.

In fact, Ma Jun misunderstood a little. This was not Yang Fan's overseas relationship. It was also the first time he met these two Americans.

Just now Ma Jun was a little hesitant and didn't agree to Yang Fan immediately, mainly because he still had discipline in mind.In order to prevent overseas inspection personnel from staying in the United States and not returning, discipline does not allow them to act alone. If they go out, at least two people are required.

Ma Jun finally believed in Yang Fan, and after thinking about it, he agreed and agreed to wait for Yang Fan in the hotel.

Sandy Cusek and Yang Fan walked in front side by side, followed by John Newton. The three of them left the hotel gate under the eyes of Ma Jun, crossed the street, and entered the opposite cafe.

The three of them sat down in a quieter place, ordered three cups of coffee, and started talking.After chatting for a while, we got to the point. Sandy Cusek asked: "Yang, you said it in a relatively simple letter. Can you introduce this technology in your hands in more detail?"

Yang Fan nodded, and immediately introduced it formally, "This is a stamping technology for car bodies. It has strong versatility and high stamping efficiency. Compared with the current car body stamping technology, it can be said to be a great revolution in stamping technology. "

Historically, it was not until the 90s that a well-known automobile manufacturer developed this technology and applied for a patent.

This technology has almost subverted the previous stamping technology, greatly improved stamping efficiency, and greatly reduced the production cost of automobiles.

Yang Fan introduced this technology more comprehensively, and both Sandy Cusek and John Newton listened very carefully.

After introducing this technology, Yang Fan took out the blueprints he had prepared and introduced them in more depth.

As for leaking secrets, there is no need to worry, there is no genius who can master this technology just by looking at these blueprints and listening to the introduction.

It must have the drawings provided by Yang Fan. Without the technical data on the drawings, it is impossible to just master this stamping technology.

John Newton is a very senior technical engineer of General Motors, especially good at stamping of automobiles.

He picked up these blueprints, looked at them, nodded from time to time, and even gave Sandy Cusek more than one look.He is an expert, and he has fully seen that Yang Fan is not bragging, this skill is indeed remarkable.

Sandy Cusek is not a layman who doesn't understand anything. On the contrary, his technical attainments are not bad. He holds the same point of view as John Newton.

After carefully listening to Yang Fan's detailed introduction of this technology, Sandy Cusek said seriously: "Yang, this technology is really good. If you make a price, how much will it cost?"

Here comes the point.

Yang Fan was secretly delighted, but there was no expression on his face, but he said more seriously: "If it wasn't for the lack of money, I would never sell it. Since you want this technology, at least it must be this technology. price."

In the eyes of Sandy Cusek and John Newton, Yang Fan stretched out a palm, a total of five fingers.

Asking price $50!

Sandy Kusek looked at Yang Fan in disbelief. He probably did not expect that the other party would ask for a price of 50 US dollars. When he was inquiring, he also roughly estimated it in his heart. He felt that it was 10,000 US dollars, or [-]+ US dollars. Both are acceptable.

"Oh, God, your asking price is too high."

The other party's exclamation was completely within Yang Fan's expectation. Asking prices all over the sky and paying back the money on the ground have always been the same truth through the ages.

Yang Fan did not immediately lower the price because of the other party's exclamation, but patiently lobbied: "After your company has this technology, the stamping cost of each car can be reduced by at least [-] US dollars, as long as [-] cars are produced. You can get your money back."

The huge General Motors Company must be far more than producing [-] vehicles a year, but counting in millions.

"In addition, your company can apply for a patent for this stamping technology, and if you authorize other automobile manufacturers to use this technology, you can collect patent fees. This is definitely a profitable business."

Faced with Yang Fan's lobbying, Sandy Cusek felt that this was exactly the reason, but the amount of 50 US dollars was a bit large, so he proposed: "Yang, I need to make a call now, please wait a moment one time."

Yang Fan nodded and agreed, "No problem, you can call your company right now."

(End of this chapter)

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