Chapter 34

Sandy Secuk gave a sorry look, he got up and left temporarily, and John Newton accompanied Yang Fan while drinking coffee and chatting.

John is a technical engineer. The content of the chat between the two is related to this stamping technology. There are some doubts for the time being, so he asked them one by one.

Time passed quickly, about ten minutes later Sandy Sekuk walked in and sat down at his original seat, "Yang, I just talked to our BOSS, your $50 The offer is simply too high."

Yang Fan smiled, his heart was like a mirror.

It is very clear that Sandy should have basically settled the matter after going out and making phone calls for so long. His boss should have given a quotation, and it may be very close to 50.

Yang Fan said: "How amazing my technology is, I think you all know very well that the price of 50 US dollars is indeed not high at all."

"No." Sandy Saikuk said, "It is still an unproven technology, and there are risks in it. $50 is too high. If it is $[-], we are willing to take the risk It buys it."

One hundred thousand?
This is really a good bargain, a bit too hard.

Yang Fan refused to budge, "One hundred thousand dollars is absolutely impossible. If your company can't afford it, I will go to Ford or Chrysler."

"Oh no, I believe you won't do that." Sandy was obviously a little anxious. In his heart, this technology must not fall into the hands of their competitors.

"Yang, we can add a little to the price, how about $15."

Yang Fan was extremely happy in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face. US$15 is equivalent to RMB 30 at the current exchange rate.

In the mid-to-early 80s, a few thousand yuan was a huge sum of money, and the savings of many families were still at the level of hundreds. There are very few people who can have 30 people, and there may not be one in a million people.

No one thinks too much money. Of course, Yang Fan wants to make as much money as possible from the US Emperor, and of course he will not be satisfied with the 15 US dollars.

Yang Fan said: "The gap between us is really big, it seems that I really need to try my luck with Ford or Chrysler."

"No." Sandy quickly waved his hand, "Yang, you give me a reserve price, how much can you sell this technology to us?"

Yang Fan deliberately pretended to think about it seriously, and then said slowly: "I can make a little concession, [-] dollars less on the basis of [-] dollars."

Hearing this, Sandy Cusek's face collapsed, and the price of 48 was still far beyond his bottom line.

Of course, he was very unwilling to give up this technology like this, so he started a tug-of-war with Yang Fan, and the two talked for a long time on the price.

In the end, the two parties finally settled the deal at a price of 41 US dollars.

All are happy.

Needless to say, Yang Fan, more than 40 U.S. dollars is definitely a windfall, and he even thought in his heart, besides ship technology, he should think about it carefully, and sort out what other technologies can be used Sell ​​for a little money.

Sandy Cusek also let out a long sigh of relief, and the matter was finally settled. If this technology can be successfully promoted and used by General Motors, then more than 40 US dollars is very, very cost-effective.

The two got up and shook hands happily.

Then Sandy opened its briefcase, took out an agreement that had been prepared a long time ago and filled it out a little and gave it to Yang Fan.

It seems that they have prepared for a long time and prepared the agreement in advance, only the transfer price is empty, now fill in the price and both parties can sign it.

The agreement was in duplicate. Yang Fan took it and looked at it roughly. He felt that there was no problem, so he picked up a pen and signed it.

Sandy Cusek signed on behalf of General Motors, one agreement per person, and the two happily shook hands.

Opening the briefcase, Sandy took out a cash check from it, quickly wrote a check for 41 U.S. dollars, and handed it to Yang Fan. This is 41 U.S. dollars after tax. after the price.

Yang Fan looked at the cash check with satisfaction, and carefully put it in his pocket.Then, Yang Fan handed over all his technical materials to John Newton.

The three got up and left. Sandy and John accompanied Yang Fan out of the coffee shop. Not far after going out, there was a business hall of Citibank within a few minutes' walk.

In the opposite hotel, Ma Jun has been waiting for Yang Fan.

Seeing that Yang Fan and two foreigners had entered the opposite coffee shop for almost an hour and hadn't come out, he was secretly anxious.

Finally, he saw Yang Fan and the two foreigners coming out, chatting and laughing, instead of going back to the hotel, they walked away along the street.

Ma Jun raised his heart again, thinking in his heart, Yang Fan wouldn't just run away like this.

However, this thought only flashed in his mind. He thought that Yang Fan had already begun to show his talents in the East China Sea at such a young age, and his development prospects were immeasurable.

A few minutes later, the three of them entered the business hall of Citibank. Yang Fan opened an account with his passport and deposited 41 US dollars. A thick stack, very gratifying.

As for the income tax, General Motors helped to pay it, which was a lot of money.

After the matter was done, Yang Fan carefully put away the passbook, and put the five thousand dollars in cash into the wallet, and the deflated wallet suddenly swelled up.

Why choose Citibank to open an account? Although there is no branch of Citibank in China, there is one in Hong Kong Island. If you go to Hong Kong Island in the future, you can withdraw the money or convert it into RMB.

"Yang, goodbye!"

At the gate of the bank, Sandy and John shook hands with Yang Fan to say goodbye. They need to go back quickly to verify this stamping technology as soon as possible.

"Goodbye, if you have the opportunity to come to our country in the future, you must come to me, and I will treat you to dinner." Yang Fan said enthusiastically.

Saying goodbye to Sandy and John, Yang Fan was in a turbulent mood, thinking in his heart that he is truly rich when he is rich, and it took him a long time to calm down.

When he got back to the hotel, Ma Jun waited a little impatiently. When he saw Yang Fan walking in, he said, "Good guy, it's almost half of the morning, if you come back later, I will think you ran away alone."

Yang Fan laughed loudly, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to New York for a good stroll."

Yang Fan is very familiar with New York and knows which places are worth visiting within a limited time.So, next, Ma Jun opened his eyes and saw what the prosperity of a capitalist country is.

At noon, Yang Fan treated guests and found a KFC restaurant for lunch.Ma Jun directly said that the hamburgers and fried chicken in this restaurant are very delicious, and by the way, there is also Coke.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan took Ma Jun into a large-scale supermarket. The variety of goods in it made Ma Jun secretly speechless.

Seeing so many commodities and thinking that he only had a mere one hundred dollars, Ma Jun began to think about what he could buy with the one hundred dollars to take home.

Yang Fan didn't seem to have any concerns about this. He pushed the shopping cart and walked ahead. He first took a Marlboro and put it in the shopping cart, then took a large bag of coffee and threw it into the shopping cart. After a while, he took a belt and a pair of leather shoes.

Seeing that Ma Jun was secretly worried that Yang Fan had no money to pay the bill, he roughly estimated that Yang Fan bought at least a few hundred dollars, maybe even more than a thousand dollars.

After visiting this supermarket, Ma Jun couldn't believe his eyes when he checked out. He clearly saw Yang Fan take out a bulging wallet with a thick stack of green banknotes in it, all of which were [-] yuan. Dollar bills.

I was wrong, it must be my eyesight.

Ma Jun thought so in his heart, rubbed his eyes secretly and took a closer look, almost staggered and fell to the ground.

my God
I'm not mistaken, Yang Fan's wallet is full of dollar bills
(End of this chapter)

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