Chapter 35
After recovering, the figures of the two foreigners in the morning involuntarily appeared in Ma Jun's mind, and he guessed in his heart that Yang Fan's money might have something to do with these two foreigners.

Well, it must be because of the two Americans, Ma Jun was sure.

Yang Fan has a lot of things, all kinds of things, almost full of a shopping cart, for convenience, I also bought a large luggage bag, this bag cost tens of dollars, it is a bit expensive, but the quality is good , It is also useful after returning home.

Ma Jun had much less stuff, so he picked and picked, and finally picked those cheap things that were not available in the country, which cost about fifty or sixty dollars.

Even so, Ma Jun is still very heartbroken, this is equivalent to his salary for several months, and even wants to buy less to save the money and bring it back to China.

Yang Fan has already settled the bill, but has not yet paid, so he said generously: "Ma Gong, let's pay the bill together."

"No, no." Ma Jun said quickly, "How can this work? It's fifty or sixty dollars, not just a few cents."

Yang Fan said indifferently: "It's okay, let's pay the bill together."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan motioned to the blond cashier to check out together. Under Yang Fan's insistence, Yang Fan finally paid all the money. This made Ma Jun grateful, no matter how grateful he was, he was even a little flattered.

It makes sense to do so.

Yang Fan himself met Sandy Cusek and John Newton of General Motors today, and made a fortune of more than [-] US dollars.

Ma Jun knew that Yang Fan had met those two Americans. Although he didn't know their identities, let alone that Yang Fan sold a technology and made a fortune, he inevitably had some guesses in his heart. Say something out there.

Making a fortune silently is the kingly way.

For the sake of safety and to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Yang Fan did this in order to seal Ma Jun's mouth and make him rot in his stomach forever what he saw this morning.

Sure enough, after paying the bill and walking out of the supermarket, Yang Fan was casual, as if talking about something unimportant, "Ma Gong, I hope you don't tell anyone about the matter that two Americans came to me this morning. Help me keep this a secret."

Take others' hands short, eat others' mouths short.

Just now, Yang Fan boldly settled the bill for Ma Jun and helped him pay more than 50 dollars. Of course, Yang Fan’s small request was not too much. , even my wife wouldn’t say it.”

Seeing this, Yang Fan smiled.

Knowing this matter, it is very difficult for other people to know about it. After getting along with Yang Fan for the past few days, he still knows Ma Jun quite well. Such a person will definitely not be a "big mouth", and generally can keep secrets very well.

It was already evening when the two returned to the hotel where they stayed. Yang Fan originally thought that the two of them should have come back relatively late, but who knew that the two of them were the first to come back.

This is just right, Yang Fan went back to his room, sorted out the things he bought, put some in the suitcase, and put the rest in the luggage bag he bought this afternoon. Yes, the overstuffed and heavy luggage bag was emptied a lot, and it was also a lot lighter.

But everything should add up to no more than [-] kilograms, so it's no problem to get on the plane.

Yang Fan will definitely not let others know what he bought specifically, as if showing off, even if other people can be vague when asking, try to be vague as much as possible, otherwise it is really difficult to explain the purchase of thousands of dollars.

Not long after, Zhao Yulan, Tang Jianming and the others came back one after another, probably because they were reluctant to spend money to eat out, maybe they just bought something to fill their stomachs, and they all complained that they were hungry after they came back.

Everyone cooks together, the one who washes the rice washes the rice, the one who washes the vegetables washes the vegetables, Jiang Yi's cooking skills are good, and he cooks the dishes.

There are still a lot of ingredients left from the ingredients I bought yesterday, so I don’t need to go shopping again. Just yesterday’s ingredients are enough to make a hearty dinner.


"Me too, I was almost so hungry that my back was pressed against my front."


Although everyone said this one by one, they all had happy expressions on their faces. While eating, they chatted about what they had seen and heard today, how they felt, and what they bought today.

This meal was very lively.

"Director Shen is really generous. He bought the most things. He probably spent more than 200 dollars."

Shen Bin smiled proudly, "Actually, it's not much, it cost 170 dollars."

Everyone was dumbfounded, buying so many things is basically equivalent to a year's salary of an ordinary person.Apart from the one hundred dollars that Tang Jianming gave out yesterday, Shen Bin must have spent a lot of money.

Seeing that Yang Fan was basically acting as an audience, Zhao Yulan asked with concern, "Xiao Yang, what did you buy?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Fan said, "I also bought a lot of things, but I didn't dare to pick the expensive ones. I only chose the cheapest ones. The one hundred dollars was basically spent."

Everyone laughed happily. Yang Fan's words made everyone feel deeply. When choosing things, they really looked and looked.

Yang Fan has a lot of things, but if Yang Fan doesn't tell you how much it is, others will never know. The same big bag of things is not worth much if it is all cheap, but some things are a little more expensive. Again, it could be two, three hundred, or even hundreds of dollars.

This makes sense.

Things are cheap, a hundred dollars can only buy a large bag full of luggage.

Zhao Yulan reminded: "Xiao Yang, you shouldn't buy so many things. You need to spend less money. In the future, you will have more places to spend money. Getting married costs money, and after having a child, you need money even more."

"Director Zhao, I haven't considered getting married yet." Yang Fan was a little embarrassed, so he hurriedly said so.

Perhaps because she knew that Yang Fan was thin-skinned in this regard, Zhao Yulan did not continue this topic, but chatted about other things.

After eating happily, everyone cleaned up together again.

I'm going to the airport tomorrow morning. The hotel provides free breakfast, so I don't need to cook here anymore. Everyone tidied up the kitchen and washed the dishes clean.

After the meal, everyone still didn't go out for a stroll, but went back to their respective rooms one after another to recharge their batteries. Every morning, they could sleep late and then take the car to the airport.

the next day.

Everyone generally got up late. The hotel owner and his wife were very kind and reserved breakfast for everyone. For example, the restaurant where Yang Fan entered after [-] o'clock in the morning, but there were still milk, bread and eggs, and even the eggs were still warm.

After breakfast, everyone didn't have time to go out for a stroll, but went back to the room to pack up their things, and then gathered in the hotel lobby one by one with their suitcases.

The six people took two taxis to go to the New York airport respectively, and this trip abroad came to a successful conclusion.Boarding the plane, flying at an altitude of [-] meters, Yang Fan closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking in his heart, this calculation is really rewarding.

The public work was successfully completed. Not only did everyone have an in-depth understanding of the LM2500 gas turbine, but they also reached a lot of intentions with General Electric.

My personal harvest is even greater. Not only are there more than [-] US dollars lying in Citibank, but there are nearly [-] US dollars in my wallet. In addition, the suitcases and luggage are full of the things I bought.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane arrived at Donghai Airport smoothly.

The moment he got off the plane, Yang Fan felt relieved and came back with a full harvest.

A group of people dragged or carried suitcases, and walked out of Donghai Airport under the leadership of Tang Jianming. As soon as they got out of the airport, Yang Fan saw the cars sent by the office to pick up his six people, a black car and a military green jeep .

(End of this chapter)

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