Military Heavy

Chapter 36 Yang Fan's Formal Proposal

Chapter 36 Yang Fan's Formal Proposal

The car sent everyone directly to the gate of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, but did not drive into it again, because Tang Jianming said that everyone does not have to go to work today, take a good rest, and report to the unit tomorrow.

Everyone got out of the car and waved goodbye to each other. Yang Fan waved to everyone, carrying a large suitcase in one hand and a large luggage bag on his shoulder in the other, and walked directly to the dormitory.

That's the dormitory area, there are several dormitory buildings, the uncle at the door saw Yang Fan's big and small bags, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

Back in his dormitory room, put things on the ground, and closed the door casually, Yang Fan lay on the bed all of a sudden, really didn't bother to move.

After more than ten hours of flying, coupled with jet lag and other factors, he was really exhausted. He just relaxed like this and lay down without thinking about anything for at least half an hour before Yang Fan got up and began to organize his things.

First, he opened the big suitcase, took out some things inside and put them away, and tidied up the big luggage bag.

"I really bought a lot of things this time, everything to eat and use." Yang Fan thought in his heart.


Yang Fan invited Han Jiang to dinner, went to the United States, and how could he forget this good friend when he came back after making a fortune. The two specially found a decent private restaurant.

Braised pork, braised chicken, steamed fish, sweet and sour pork ribs
Han Jiang next to him saw that he had ordered so many dishes, and quickly said: "Enough, enough, we can't finish it at all, Brother Fan, I know you did an excellent job of translating last time, and the institute rewarded you with 300 yuan Money, but you can’t spend it like this, it’s too wasteful.”

He seemed a little pained, so many dishes, all big fish and meat, at least half a month's salary was gone.

Yang Fan smiled.

What is this little money? Now I really feel like a local tyrant, and I really don’t pay attention to a mere one or 20 yuan.

After ordering, Yang Fan took out a pack of Marlboro and threw it to Han Jiang, and then took out a large piece of chocolate, "Try these for you."

Han Jiang took the whole pack of Marlboro in disbelief, looked at Yang Fan in disbelief, and said, "Brother Fan, you didn't rob the US Emperor this time, did you, you are so rich."

A whole pack of Marlboro!
It is enough for ordinary people to show off for a long time if they can smoke one, but Yang Fan just threw out a pack, no wonder Han Jiang would say that.

This time Yang Fan really "robbed" the US emperor, oh no, to be precise, he should have made a fortune from General Motors.

It's just about making money, because the amount is too big, Yang Fan knows that even his good friend Han Jiang can't disclose half of it, this matter must be kept strictly confidential, and he must not mention a word to anyone.

Yang Fan just smiled.

After the dishes were served, he picked up his chopsticks and said, "Let's start eating, it's another toothbrush festival."

In the 80s, the material was not abundant. Ordinary people mainly lived on simple food and light food. It was no longer a problem to have a full stomach, but it was not a few times a year to eat like this.

This can be regarded as a real tooth-fighting ceremony.

the next day.

When Yang Fan went to work, he carried a large plastic bag and walked into the big office where he worked. He hadn't come in for a few days, and now the familiar feeling came back when he came in.

"Yang Fan!"

Immediately, some colleagues greeted in surprise, and some colleagues said excitedly: "I heard that you have gone abroad, is there such a thing?"

In the face of colleagues' inquiries, everyone looked at him one after another. Yang Fan smiled heartily, "With Vice President Tang's honor, I went to the United States."

Really went abroad!
After confirming that this was the case, many colleagues showed envious eyes.Some people even sighed in their hearts that Yang Fan was really lucky. We have not had the opportunity to go abroad for more than ten years, and he went to the United States only one year after he started working.

Feeling those envious eyes, Yang Fan put the big plastic bag in his hand on the table, took out some candy and chocolate brought back from the United States and distributed it to everyone, and took out a pack of Marlboro to distribute to everyone.

After receiving a few candies, a small piece of chocolate and a stick of Marlboro, everyone was very happy. These are rare things, and most people are reluctant to eat them, so they put them away carefully.

After Yang Fan finished distributing the colleagues in the big office, he went to several other big offices in the general design office to distribute some candy Marlboro cigarettes to everyone.

Then, Yang Fan went to Pan Jinfu's office.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Yang Fan stood at the door of Pan Jinfu's office and knocked on the door. He pushed the door open and walked in after hearing the voice from inside, "Mr. Pan, hello."

Pan Jinfu, who was working, put down the things in his hands, and said enthusiastically, "Oh, it's Xiao Yang, please sit down."

Yang Fan said: "I won't sit down anymore, this is a can of coffee I brought back from America, I hope you can accept it."

“American, authentic American coffee!”

Pan Jinfu obviously liked it very much, took a look at the can of coffee with satisfaction, and said, "How much is it, I will give you the money."

"No, no." Yang Fan quickly waved his hand, "I specially gave this to Chief Master Pan, how can I collect your money?"

"You, you."

Pan Jinfu didn't know what to say, "I'll accept it this time, there won't be another time."

"Okay, okay." Yang Fan replied quickly.

After speaking, Yang Fan was about to leave. He knew that Pan Jinfu was very busy and time was precious, so he didn't want to disturb his work too much.

How did you know that Pan Jinfu specially reminded, "You guys who came back from the United States have to write a summary. You write it carefully, and I will read it personally."

"Okay, I'll start writing this summary when I get back to the office," Yang Fan said.

When going abroad for inspection, everyone must write a summary. Tang Jianming has personally ordered everyone to do this work, and Yang Fan knows about it.

Back in the office, after sitting down, Yang Fan took out a pen and paper, and began to think about how to write this summary.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan began to write. The summary is divided into two parts. The first part mainly writes about what he saw, heard, and recorded during this inspection, especially about General Electric and the LM2500 gas turbine. Condition.

In the second part, Yang Fan mainly wrote some suggestions of his own. For example, he specially suggested that the quantity of the first batch of LM2500 gas turbines should be more than eight units, and try to reach ten units.

Because Yang Fan knows very well that after a few years, the supply of LM2500 gas turbines will definitely be cut off, and it will be of great benefit to buy as many as possible before the Americans cut off the supply.

Even if we switch to other gas turbines in the future, there will be a big buffer, and it will not have a big impact on the construction of our 052 ship.

Historically, the 052 ship purchased a mere four LM4 gas turbines. When the Americans cut off the supply, our No. 2500 ship was preparing to go on the berth for construction.

Such a cutoff of supply will bring us great passiveness, because many things of the No. 2 ship have been built. If the construction of this warship is not carried out, it will bring a lot of waste. Moon, I finally saw the construction of the No. 2 ship. If the construction stops, the military's hopes will be dashed.

If the construction continues, it means that the third and fourth LM3 gas turbines will be used, and there are no spare LM4 gas turbines in China.

If the gas turbine of any 052 ship fails in the future, it means that there is no gas turbine to replace.

Historically, the cut-off of the LM2500 gas turbine has caused a dilemma for the top management, and forced us to make major design changes to the 052 ship, which wasted a lot of time and caused a lot of waste of manpower and material resources.

Yang Fan is well aware of this.

Now is a good opportunity, Yang Fan took advantage of this opportunity to write a summary of his study abroad, and solemnly wrote his suggestions on this summary.

(End of this chapter)

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