Chapter 37
The big office is very quiet. Colleagues are busy with the things at hand, some are seriously drawing design drawings, some are carefully reviewing technical documents, and some are doing other things.

Yang Fan was serious and fully in the mood. The whole morning seemed to pass quickly, and when he got off work at noon, he finally finished all the writing. He wrote three pages with great clarity and detail.

The focus is mainly on the proposals for LM2500 gas turbines, especially the risks in case the supply of LM2500 gas turbines is cut off.

The 052 ship uses LM2500 gas turbines as power, and I don’t know if the above people have done a risk analysis. Anyway, Yang Fan has done a more detailed risk analysis in this summary, and listed the possible hazards and possible losses. very clearly.

"Oops, it's past 11:30."

Putting the cap on his pen, Yang Fan looked at the time casually, feeling a little startled, he didn't expect that the morning had almost passed.

Surprised, Yang Fan said in his heart, "Well, there is still a little time, check again, whether there are still some areas that need to be improved and modified."

So I took this summary and read it carefully again, and marked some places that need to be revised and improved.

At noon, Yang Fan still ate in the canteen of his unit, and he was still with Han Jiang. After eating, he didn't go back to his dormitory, but came to the office early.

Taking out a pen and taking out a few pages of paper, Yang Fan began to copy seriously, with neat handwriting, and perfected some places that needed to be revised when re-copying.

About an hour later, the summary was re-transcribed, picked it up and read it carefully, and Yang Fan said in his heart, "Well, there should be no problem, you can hand it in."

At this moment, Yang Fan felt relieved, as if he had accomplished a great event.

After getting up and looking at his colleagues who were working hard, Yang Fan took this summary and went out, knocked on the door of Model Office, opened the door and walked into Zhao Yulan's office.

"Little Yang is here!"

Zhao Yulan was very enthusiastic, put down the materials in her hands, got up and picked up a water bottle to make a cup of hot tea for Yang Fan.

Yang Fan nodded, and said loudly, "I've finished writing my summary, I'm here to hand over a job."

"Oh, it's finished so soon, I only wrote a draft, at least it won't be finished until tomorrow." Zhao Yulan took the summary while saying so.

According to the requirements, everyone who went abroad for inspection had to write a summary, which was to be completed within three days, and then handed over to Zhao Yulan in a unified way, and then sent to Tang Jianming's desk after collecting all the summaries.

At the beginning, Zhao Yulan didn't take it seriously, and subconsciously thought that it was the first time for a newcomer like Yang Fan to go abroad for investigation, and the summary must be so-so, and it would be good to be able to do business.

Taking it over to take a look, first of all the handwriting was neat, and then after a general look at the content, Zhao Yulan gave a thumbs up and praised: "Xiao Yang, you once again impress me, such a high-level summary, even I may not understand it." Can't write it."

"Director Zhao is too modest." Yang Fan said.

After looking at Yang Fan's summary again, Zhao Yulan reminded: "Your suggestion in the summary is good, but it is unlikely to have any substantive effect."

Yang Fan was a little puzzled, and asked: "Why, is there something wrong with my suggestion?"

"No problem." Zhao Yulan said, "But you are a soft-spoken person, so it may be difficult to attract the attention of the higher-ups. In addition, it is difficult for your suggestion to be fed back to the upper-level, and it cannot affect the decision-making of the higher-ups."

Oh I see.

Yang Fan was slightly disappointed in his heart, and he said lightly that this was an objective fact. If the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship made such a suggestion, or Pan Jinfu, the chief designer, the effect might be different.

Disappointed, Yang Fan could only comfort in his heart, I have tried my best to remind the LM2500 gas turbine of the risk of supply cut-off in written form, if the upper management does not accept it, or it cannot be fed back to the decision-making level of the 052 ship, then I will not either Method.

Feeling a little lost, Yang Fan casually chatted with Zhao Yulan and then walked out of the model office. After returning to his place, he remained silent for a long time, really not knowing what to do.

I even thought in my heart, it seems that I have to work hard to climb up, have a more important position and identity, and speak more weight.

Our Comrade Yang Fan had the idea of ​​"becoming an official" for the first time, and was gradually affected by this, and began to think about how to sit in a higher position.

After two or three days in a row, Yang Fan's mood gradually improved, especially when he returned to the dormitory, opened his drawer, and saw the nearly 4000 dollar bills under the book, his mood improved a lot.

In addition to this money, there is another 41 US dollars lying in the bank. If they can be withdrawn in Hong Kong Island in the future, it will be a huge sum of money.

All the summaries of everyone's overseas inspections have been handed in, and they first went to Tang Jianming, and now they are all on Pan Jinfu's desk.

He was sitting on the office chair and was carefully reading each summary. In addition to these summaries, the technical information on the LM2500 gas turbine brought back by Tang Jianming from General Electric was also placed on Pan Jinfu's desk.

"Hey, this is actually Xiao Yang's summary."

I feel that this summary is written very well, with prominent points and clear organization. The key is that the handwriting is very neat. Pan Jinfu was surprised for a while.

After a brief surprise, he read it again carefully, and the more he read it, the more he felt the level of the summary, especially a suggestion mentioned in the summary.

"Well, this really needs to be considered. Although the possibility of cutting off the supply is very small, if it is true as Xiao Yang said, the blow to our 052 ship will be too great, and the damage caused will be huge." Very huge."

Pan Jinfu thought about it for a while, so he took out Yang Fan's summary and put it in his briefcase. Tomorrow, he will have a meeting at the headquarters of the 052 ship in the capital, and plans to report this report to Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship. The general took a look.

If Yang Fan knew about Pan Jinfu's decision, he would definitely sweep away the depression and disappointment of the previous few days, and instantly become extremely happy.

Of course, if other people knew that this summary would appear in front of Huang Keping, they would probably be so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time.

One is a rookie designer who has only been working for a year, and the other is the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship.

The suggestion made by a rookie designer can actually reach the commander-in-chief.

Of course Yang Fan didn't know about it.

At this moment, Yang Fan was sitting on the bus and was going to buy a bicycle as a means of transportation. For this reason, he asked Kuang Wei for half a day off.

According to Yang Fan's current financial resources, he can definitely buy a more stylish motorcycle. In this era, owning a motorcycle is more prestigious and has much more status than a small car now.

But the price of a motorcycle is 4000 to [-] yuan. If Yang Fan really bought a motorcycle and came back, it is really hard to explain where the money came from.

In addition, you need a ticket to buy a motorcycle, and it is difficult to get it.

Bicycles are different. Although they require tickets, they are much simpler than motorcycle tickets. Another bicycle costs more than 100 yuan, and those brand bicycles only cost between [-] and [-] yuan.

Yang Fan decided to buy a bicycle, and then buy a motorcycle when the conditions are ripe in the future.

Hearing that Yang Fan asked for half a day off to buy a bicycle, Kuang Wei immediately agreed and asked if he could help him to apply for a bicycle ticket inside the office.

Take the bus near the gate of Donghai Institute, and within 10 minutes, Yang Fan will get off the bus. After walking [-] meters, you will see a supply and marketing cooperative next to the street, where there are bicycles for sale.

(End of this chapter)

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