Military Heavy

Chapter 38 Permanent Card

Chapter 38 Permanent Card

Supply and marketing cooperatives are a product of this era. Yang Fan remembers that they gradually declined after entering the 90s, and it is almost difficult to see them in the 21st century.

Now it is the mid-to-early 80s, and it has not gone downhill obviously. The common people basically go to the supply and marketing cooperatives to buy things.

There are bicycles here.

Yang Fan saw a lot of bicycles in the supply and marketing cooperative from a long distance, and he could see clearly through the gate.

Invisibly, he quickened his pace, and soon reached the door of the supply and marketing cooperative, and walked in.

The area is not too small, and it feels quite spacious after entering. There are a lot of goods in the counter, including soap, kerosene, bowls, and even brooms.

There are not too few people, a few salesmen are busy, some people are pulling cloth, which is still a popular "Zeliang" nowadays, maybe they are going to find a tailor to make a new dress.

Someone was making soy sauce, and the voice was still loud, "Give me half a catty of soy sauce, hurry up, my wife is at home waiting for me to go back and cook."

Yang Fan took a general look at the situation in the supply and marketing cooperative, and finally his eyes fell on the row of bicycles, and he was happy after looking carefully.

It turned out to be a permanent brand bicycle.

Yang Fan has certainly heard of this brand. It is one of the best bicycles in the 80s.

There is only one brand, all of which are permanent, but there are two styles, one is shorter, and it is a ladies' bicycle.The other one is higher, that is the [-]th bike, that is the men's bicycle, which is the favorite of men nowadays.

"Young man, do you buy bicycles too?"

Yang Fan was seriously looking at the [-]-bar bicycle, when suddenly, a voice sounded in his ear, and he quickly turned sideways and looked at him.

This is a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a half-worn white long-sleeved shirt, a pair of army green trousers, and a pair of liberation shoes on his feet.Yang Fanchao smiled and nodded towards the other party, "Well, I'm going to buy one, so that commuting to and from get off work will be more convenient."

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, "Little brother, I don't know what to choose, can you refer to it for me."

A bicycle costs 200 or [-] yuan, which is a lot of money for ordinary people. They are often very cautious when buying such a "big item", fearing being cheated, especially worrying about the quality of the bicycle.

Yang Fan understood the other party's heart, and said with relief: "Uncle, there is no need to worry or worry. The quality of Yongjiu bicycles is very good, so you can buy them with confidence."


Yang Fan replied affirmatively: "Really, if it is well maintained, it can be ridden for at least ten years."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man felt relieved, and smiled gratefully at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan nodded at the other party, then looked at a salesperson who had just finished working, and shouted loudly: "Comrade, I want to buy a bicycle."

The salespersons were quite busy just now. This salesperson just weighed a catty of white sugar for a customer. After weighing it, he skillfully wrapped it in yellow paper, tied it with matting, and handed it to the customer.

Hearing the shout, she came over and stretched out her hand, "Where is the ticket, give it to me."

Instead of talking about how much the bike costs, first of all, we need to look at the ticket, because tickets for buying bicycles are still in short supply at present.

Yang Fan took out the ticket he had prepared and handed it to the other party, and pointed to a [-] big bar and said, "I want to buy this one."

I saw it just now, and the quality of this black permanent [-] big bars is very good, the paint is brand new, and there is no scratches at all.

The salesperson was not very enthusiastic, and looked like he was doing business, "It's 178 yuan and 5 cents in total, come here to pay."

Yang Fan followed her to the counter, took out his wallet, took out a handful of "Great Unity" that he had prepared a long time ago, counted 18 cards, and gave them to the other party, a total of 180 yuan.

The salesperson took the money, counted it skillfully, and gave Yang Fan 1 cents after confirming that the amount was correct.

After getting the bicycle, Yang Fan happily pushed it and was about to leave the supply and marketing cooperative. Just now the uncle was about to buy one too. Seeing that Yang Fan was pushing the bicycle away like this, he quickly reminded: "Little brother, you don't deserve a small basket in front of you." ?"

Many people like to configure a small basket in front of the car, mainly for the convenience of storing things. Some people who want to send their children to school even install a sitting basket on the horizontal bar of the bicycle so that their children can sit on it.

Yang Fan looked at his brand new bicycle, and said loudly: "Thank you, there is no need for a small basket for now."

A small basket installed in front of the front of the car seems rather awkward and rustic to Yang Fan.

Riding his own bicycle, gathered in the army of bicycles rolling on the street, Yang Fan thought comfortably in his heart, from now on, I can be regarded as a person with a car.


Pan Jinfu arrived here yesterday and began to attend the meeting non-stop. Now he took a breath and chatted in Huang Keping's office about the design demonstration of the 052 ship.

This four-story building has a Soviet architectural style, with red walls and black tiles, solemn and solemn. As the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, Huang Keping's office is on the east end of the fourth floor.

"Old Pan, the burden on you is not light. We have given a design argument for a year, and now it has passed a few months, and the time left for you is only a little more than half a year."

Pan Jinfu said: "Well, we also feel the pressure, but there is still no problem in completing the comprehensive design demonstration within the specified time node."

"I knew you could do it."

Huang Keping said with a relieved smile.Pan Jinfu also laughed, with a sense of confidence in his smile.The two continued to chat while drinking tea.

Gradually, the two chatted about sending people to General Electric to inspect the LM2500 gas turbine not long ago.

Hearing that the investigation went very smoothly, many items have been reached with General Electric, and phased results have been achieved. Huang Keping praised it a lot.

"Comrades have worked hard and performed well." After a few words of praise, Huang Keping said: "The General Electric LM2500 gas turbine is really good, and our 052 ship will use such an excellent gas turbine as power."

Pan Jinfu said: "It is good that we can buy LM2500, but I am a little worried that our domestic industrial technology strength is completely unable to manufacture similar gas turbines. If General Electric cuts off the supply in the future, the risk is too great."


Huang Keping glanced at Pan Jinfu solemnly, thoughtfully, and then slowly said after a long time: "This possibility should be very small, it is simply negligible."

Pan Jinfu said: "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. One of our comrades who went abroad for inspection also had this concern. He even suggested that we should import as many gas turbines as possible in the first batch, and it would be better if we could reach ten. .”

"Which comrade, he actually has the same worries as you." Huang Keping asked.

Pan Jinfu took out Yang Fan's summary from his briefcase, "Old Huang, take a look at this first."

Huang Keping took the summary and read it carefully. After reading it carefully, he sighed with emotion, "This comrade is really far-sighted in seeing problems, and it is worth learning from."

After feeling so emotional, his eyes fell on Yang Fan's name, which felt a little familiar, and after thinking about it, he finally remembered it.

"Is this Yang Fan the young man who drew the 052 ship?"

"Yes, it's Xiao Yang." Pan Jinfu said, "His English is very good. He is the interpreter for this trip abroad. He has completed the translation task excellently. Everyone speaks highly of Xiao Yang."

"It's really him."

The appearance of Yang Fan appeared in Huang Keping's mind. The last time he went to the Donghai Ship Design Institute for a meeting, he met Yang Fan who was present at the meeting.

"Old Pan, leave this summary here. I need to take a closer look at it. I need to seriously think about this suggestion put forward by Xiao Yang."

"No problem, I brought this summary specially for you." Pan Jinfu said.

(End of this chapter)

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