Military Heavy

Chapter 39 Proposals Adopted

Chapter 39 Proposals Adopted

Huang Keping accepted this summary very seriously, placed it solemnly on the desk, and pressed it with a book, and will definitely read it again when he has time.

The two chatted for a while, and basically agreed.

Huang Keping said: "In half an hour, our design demonstration seminar will be held. How about it, Lao Pan, how about your suggestion to import the first batch of ten LM2500 gas turbines at the meeting?"

"Really, ten units will be imported in the first batch!"

"Of course." Huang Keping said, "Xiao Yang's suggestion has reminded us that we have to be on guard. In case the Americans really cut off the supply, we have at least ten LM2500 gas turbines in our hands."

With ten gas turbines in hand, the situation is probably much better.

If ten LM2500 gas turbines are equipped with four 052 ships, two more gas turbines can be used for backup.

When will four 052 ships be produced? Huang Keping roughly estimated in his mind that it should be ten years later.At present, it has just entered the comprehensive design demonstration stage, which will take a year, and then the comprehensive design stage, which will take several years, and then the ship construction stage, which will take several years.

With ten gas turbines in hand, at least in the next ten years, there is no need to worry about the power of the 052 ship, and there are basically gas turbines available.

As for ten years later, who can say for sure.Perhaps other models of gas turbines are already available.

Pan Jinfu agreed, "There is no problem with this. I will propose it at the meeting later as the chief designer of the 052 ship. It is suggested that we import ten LM2500 gas turbines in the first batch."

"Well, that's it." Huang Keping nodded.

At 09:30 in the morning, the 052 Ship Design Demonstration Seminar was held in Conference Room 1 of the General Command Building. Not only the comrades from the East China Sea Fleet Institute, but also the main comrades from the 052 Ship General Headquarters participated in the meeting. In addition, the Military Industry Bureau, Shipbuilding Comrades from the factory, related institutes and departments participated, a total of dozens of people.

The meeting was presided over by Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship. He first announced the confidentiality of the meeting, and then announced the start of the meeting.

Everyone began to discuss the design and demonstration work of the 052 ship one by one. When encountering disagreements, some comrades would fight red-faced and would not give in at all.

There will definitely be differences and different opinions. Huang Keping and Pan Jinfu are no strangers to it. When some comrades argue with each other, they don't stop them and let them speak freely.

Overall, the meeting went relatively smoothly.

Controversy where it is impossible to unify for the time being will be put on hold for the time being. After the demonstration, we will discuss and study it next time. Where consensus is reached, everyone applauds and records it.

At eleven o'clock, the meeting was coming to an end, and the topics to be discussed had basically been discussed. At this time, Pan Jinfu, as the chief designer of the 052 ship, proposed to import the LM2500 gas turbine.

"Comrades, the comrades we sent to General Electric for inspection have been back for many days. Their inspection has gone very smoothly. They have not only further comprehensively inspected the LM2500 gas turbine, but also reached a lot of intentions with General Electric. We imported LM2500 Gas turbines are no longer a hindrance."

"Oh, nice."

"It's such an exciting situation!"

Everyone was overjoyed for a while, and then they didn't know who took the lead in applauding. In an instant, there was enthusiastic applause in the meeting room, and it took a long time for it to stop.

Pan Jinfu raised his hands and pressed down. The meeting room was completely quiet. He continued: "The power plan of the 052 ship is basically determined. Two high-speed diesel engines and two gas turbines provide power for it. Next, we will We will talk specifically with General Electric about the import of LM2500 gas turbines.”

At this time, Huang Keping confirmed, "That's right, comrades from the relevant departments are actively negotiating with General Electric. It won't be long before General Electric will send people to the capital to discuss specific matters with us. I think we will be able to reach a smooth conclusion." unanimous."

It's going well, hopefully.

The faces of many comrades are full of joy. Everyone knows that if the import of LM2500 gas turbines is settled, it will definitely be regarded as a major event.

Pan Jinfu continued, "I'm going to discuss the import of LM2500 gas turbines with the other party soon. As far as the first batch of imports is concerned, my suggestion is ten units!"

As soon as his words fell, commotion broke out in the originally quiet conference room.

"This is too aggressive, there are too many."

"Yes, this is the first time we use LM2500 gas turbines, and we will import ten sets at a time. I don't think it is necessary at all."


Seeing that the originally quiet meeting room became noisy, Huang Keping, who presided over the meeting, coughed softly twice, and said loudly: "Everyone, calm down first. If you have any opinions, you can raise your hands. Comrades who need to express different opinions can raise their hands to speak."

The meeting room fell silent again.

A few people quickly raised their hands. Huang Keping's eyes swept across this person's face, and then motioned for the comrades in the Military Industry Bureau to speak.

"Lao Li, you speak first."

Li Shunli from the Military Industry Bureau is in his fifties and is considered an old comrade. He said worriedly: "We have never used LM2500 gas turbines. I think we need to be more on the safe side. It is better to import two or three units first. The first batch will be imported ten Taiwan, it's not necessary at all."

Huang Keping nodded lightly, looked at the comrade in the relevant ministries and commissions, "Director Yuan, what's your opinion?"

Director Yuan said: "Comrades, our country is not rich, and our foreign exchange reserves are extremely limited. We can't wait to spend two cents for one penny. Although we haven't discussed the specific price with the Americans, as far as I know, every An LM2500 gas turbine is very expensive, and the first batch of imports will reach ten, which will be a huge sum, and I suggest that the quantity should be at least halved, or even more than half."

Before Huang Keping called his name, a comrade immediately said: "I completely agree with Director Yuan's suggestion. We can import a prototype for experiments and training first. The import of other LM2500 gas turbines can be negotiated with the Americans after a few years." .”

In this comrade's opinion, the design of the 052 ship will take several years, which means that the construction of the first 052 ship will be at least a few years later, and it will not be too late to officially import the LM2500 gas turbine after a few years.

Pan Jinfu couldn't sit still any longer, and reminded loudly, "Comrades, have you considered, what will we do if the Americans get stuck in our necks and stop selling us LM2500 gas turbines?"

"If such a thing really happens, then our loss will be great, not only a huge economic loss, but also a huge waste of time. We will re-select other types of gas turbines. Our 052 ship hull It will take us a lot of time to do a redesign."

Many people fell into deep thought.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

No one can tell what will happen in the future. If something like that happens, the consequences will be unimaginable. Several comrades who originally wanted to speak gave up expressing their opinions.

The conference room became quiet and dull, as if there was an invisible pressure pressing on everyone, and they were a little out of breath.

After a long time, when no one spoke again, Huang Keping stood up and said: "Old Pan's worries are very reasonable. In order to prevent this from happening, we will discuss specific import matters with the people from General Electric next. We propose to import the first batch of ten LM2500 gas turbines."

No further objections were raised.

Everyone knows that importing ten LM2500s does cost a lot of money, but compared to when the supply will be cut off in the future, the resulting loss is much greater than the cost of ten gas turbines.

Pan Jinfu's suggestion was adopted.

To be precise, it should be Yang Fan's suggestion that was adopted. It was Yang Fan who was the first to worry about cutting off the supply, and Yang Fan was also the first to propose the first batch of importing ten LM2500s.

Pan Jinfu stayed in the capital for three days and two nights, mainly for meetings. In addition to introducing the progress of the overall design and demonstration work of the 052 ship, he also listened to some opinions from comrades. People from various departments discussed and studied some things.

After a series of meetings, he returned to Donghai City with several comrades from the Donghai Institute.

The next day, Pan Jinfu called Yang Fan to his office.

 This afternoon, a new book recommendation is published in this book, thank you everyone, and I will update two chapters tonight to thank you for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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