Military Heavy

Chapter 40 Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief

Chapter 40 Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief
"Xiao Yang, please sit down."

Pan Jinfu motioned Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa, and he sat down himself, and said, "I went to the capital for a meeting, and I just returned to work yesterday afternoon."

He briefly said this, and then apologized: "Your summary is very good, especially the suggestions in it are very good, I personally agree with it very much, and I brought this summary to Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping. "

Without Yang Fan's consent in advance, this is the main reason for Pan Jinfu's slight apology, after all, this summary was written by Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said happily: "It's a trivial matter. I have to thank Commander Pan for this summary of mine to appear in Commander Huang's place."

Summaries and reports written by ordinary people are qualified to appear on Huang Keping's desk. This is an honor, and Yang Fan is very proud.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't have any dissatisfaction, Pan Jinfu was completely relieved and told Yang Fan the good news, "Xiao Yang, I made your suggestion at the meeting. It has been decided that the number of the first batch of imported LM2500 gas turbines should be around ten."


Hearing this news, Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, no one knew the important meaning better than him.

If we can really import eight or even ten LM2500 gas turbines, then our 052 ship will not have to worry about power for the next ten years.

Yang Fan knows clearly that the 052 ship entered the design stage in 1984, and began to enter the construction stage a few years later. It was not until 1994 that the first 052 ship was finally fully built.

In other words, with these eight or ten LM2500 gas turbines, even if the Americans cut off the supply, we will not need more gas turbines until the middle and late 90s.

At that time, the UGT-25000 gas turbine of Ukraine can be selected.As for the selection of UGT-25000 gas turbines now, it will definitely not work.

On the one hand, our relationship with the Soviet Union is there. It was not until the early 90s that we began military cooperation with the Soviet Union. Now they will definitely not sell UGT-25000 gas turbines.

On the other hand, UGT-25000 itself is a civilian product, and now there are only early models, which are not suitable for powering the 052 ship at all.

That is to say, UGT-25000 can be used instead of LM2500 in the future, but it is definitely not possible now. For the time being, only General Electric's LM2500 gas turbine can be used.

A meeting resolution has been formed, and the first batch will strive to import ten, or at least eight, LM2500 gas turbines. No one is happier than Yang Fan.

"Master Pan, in this way, the power system plan of our 052 ship can be formally finalized. The next step is the design demonstration of the hull, followed by the design demonstration of the combat system and so on."


Pan Jinfu nodded sternly, "It may not be long before General Electric will come to discuss formal cooperation with us, and we will soon have the first LM2500 gas turbine for experiments and training, and subsequent gas turbines will be in place one after another. "

After the two chatted for a while, Pan Jinfu revealed another situation, "Xiao Yang, we are in active contact with country F, and the report in our institute has also entered the stage of approval. Maybe in a few months, we will Can send people to country F to visit their new warships and inspect their new warships' combat systems."

Yang Fan agreed: "Many domestic comrades have never been exposed to combat systems, and they really need to go abroad to learn from them."

The two chatted for at least half an hour.

When he walked out of Pan Jinfu's office, Yang Fan still had a happy expression on his face, and he was still thinking in his heart, trying to import eight or ten LM2500 gas turbines, our 052 ship will avoid many detours.

Time passed quietly while working, and it entered autumn in the blink of an eye. The originally hot Donghai City seemed to have a little bit of coolness, especially in the morning and evening, it was obviously cooler.

These days, the waves can't help.

Yang Fan has no major affairs at hand for the time being. His daily job is to sharpen pencils, and then complete the design tasks assigned by the leader one by one. At least several design drawings must be completed every week.

Jiang Yan insisted on writing letters to Yang Fan almost every week, and Yang Fan insisted on replying to her every time, and occasionally went back to the old house a few times.

Every time I went back, I saw Jiang Yan. It was summer vacation, and she was at home almost every day. Every time she saw Yang Fan coming back, she would take the initiative to come and play with Yang Fan.

I have been back to the old house a few times, but I have not been to Yang Fang's house yet. I agree with this sister from the bottom of my heart, but I am not ready to visit the house yet.

Until I received a letter from Yang Fanfang.

In the letter, you can feel Yang Fang's deep concern from the lines, asking about her health, and at the end of the letter, she tactfully mentioned that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and whether Yang Fan has time to go to her place for the festival, especially mentioning , his brother-in-law Xie Guoqing was looking forward to Yang Fan's passing.

Yang Fan read this letter no less than three times, hesitating all the time in his heart whether to go or not. After struggling for several days, he finally made a decision. He picked up a pen and wrote a reply letter, telling Yang Fang that on the Mid-Autumn Festival he would Go to Yang Fang.

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

A group of five from General Electric, led by a vice president of the aero-engine division, went to the capital and began to discuss specific cooperation matters with us.

Both Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming went to the capital. They sat together and began to discuss some details of cooperation, including the timing of importing LM2500 gas turbines, the price of each unit, the quantity of imports, and so on.

Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, and several comrades from the navy participated in the negotiation.The cooperation negotiations between us and General Electric have been going on for five days, and finally reached a formal cooperation agreement, and the two parties signed a formal contract.

According to the formal agreement between the two parties, we first imported eight LM2500 gas turbines from General Electric, as well as a prototype for training and testing.


If Yang Fan knows this, he will definitely be happy again. This means that we will have at least eight LM2500 gas turbines in the future. After the first batch of eight are delivered, we still hope to renew the contract in the future and import another batch of LM2500 gas turbines.

Pan Jinfu, Tang Jianming and others are far away in the capital city. They have already participated in the cooperation negotiations with General Electric and are preparing to return to Donghai City.

Our Comrade Yang Fan is going to visit Yang Fang.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional festival in our country.

At night, Yang Fan stayed in his dormitory to clean things up, thinking about what to bring as gifts.

When I went to the US last time, I bought a lot of things. There are still some chocolates and candies left, and there are still a few packs of Marlboro. I plan to take all these things with me.

After packing them up and putting them into the luggage bag he bought from the United States, Yang Fan thought in his heart, well, get up early tomorrow, and then go to the supply and marketing agency to buy something to take there.

The next day, Yang Fan went out early, and the supply and marketing agency had just opened. Yang Fan bought two catties of mooncakes, eight in total, and weighed two catties of pork, and bought a toy submachine gun for his little nephew as a gift.

Thinking that brother-in-law Xie Guoqing seemed to like to drink a few sips, he simply bought two bottles of the best wine from the supply and marketing cooperative.I pulled a few feet of "Daoliang" fabric with floral patterns for my sister, and she could make a new dress.

Put all these things into the luggage bag, put the bag on the back seat of the bicycle, and tie it carefully. After seeing that there is no problem, Yang Fan set off on his bicycle.

With a bicycle, there is no need to take a bus. Although the distance is a bit far, you can get there by riding for an hour.

Soon joined the army of bicycles on the street, Yang Fan rode his permanent brand [-] bars and set off towards the destination, because it was autumn and it was not hot, Yang Fan in his shirt felt very comfortable, an hour Riding is not tiring.

Not far ahead is Yang Fang's home. Suddenly, Yang Fan, who was originally calm, felt a little nervous
(End of this chapter)

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