Military Heavy

Chapter 41 Strong Family Affection

Chapter 41 Strong Family Affection

However, that trace of tension quickly disappeared from the bottom of my heart, Yang Fan thought in his heart, that is my own sister, not someone else.

Riding a bicycle, I arrived at the door of the house very quickly. This is a two-story brick house with red bricks and black tiles. Although it is not big, it looks relatively new. It should have been built shortly before Xie Guoqing got married.

This is a typical rural area. In addition to the well-organized farmhouses, there are also large vegetable gardens and farmlands, especially those golden rice fields. They look very beautiful, and the air seems to be filled with the fragrance of rice.

What a beautiful rural scenery!

After staying in the urban area of ​​Donghai City for a long time, seeing such a scene, he was in a good mood. Yang Fan got out of the car, pushed the car to the door of this house, and rang the bell on the car.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

The melodious bell sounded, probably because of the sound, Yang Fang ran out of the house with a face of joy, and said very happily: "Brother, you are here so soon, come in quickly."

Yang Fan smiled, supported the bicycle, untied the big luggage bag from the back seat of the car, took it off and carried it in his hand.

Yang Fang's attention was on this brand-new, well-maintained bicycle, and she asked in surprise, "This bike is so new, you borrowed it from someone else, so don't break it."

Although he asked this question on his lips, he was a little uncertain in his heart. Who would lend such a new bicycle so generously.

Yang Fan smiled again, and proudly said: "I bought this new one, and it cost me 178 yuan and 5 cents. This time, I happened to ride it here, and it was very convenient. It took less than an hour."

"You bought it!"

Yang Fang glanced at Yang Fan in disbelief, then her face gradually sank, and she said very seriously: "How do you have so much money to buy a bicycle? Tell me quickly, did you make a mistake and took up the unit's money?" .”

Yang Fan understood what was going on in an instant. It turned out that his sister was worried that he had not followed the right path and had embezzled public funds.

"How could it be? Where did you think it was? My money came from a legitimate source, not what you thought." Yang Fan replied.

Looking at this brand new bicycle, and remembering that Yang Fan bought a new watch for more than 100 yuan a few months ago, Yang Fang really didn't believe it.

Seeing that Yang Fang didn't believe it, Yang Fan simply explained: "I was awarded 200 yuan as the annual outstanding intern of the unit before, and I was awarded another 300 yuan for an excellent translation task in the unit. I went there two months ago. U.S."

Summarize the main things in general.

Of course, he didn’t mention the fact that he earned more than 40 U.S. dollars from General Motors, because it was too scary. Even if the other party was his own sister, Yang Fan didn’t mention a word. hundred dollars.

Seeing that Yang Fan had a serious face, and what he said was clear and coherent, it didn't seem like he was lying at all, Yang Fang believed it, and she was sure of it.

Gradually, her face turned from cloudy to sunny, and the sun became brighter, and she said proudly: "My brother is finally successful, finally successful!"

In addition to being happy, I am also completely relieved in my heart.

Seeing the big luggage bag in Yang Fan's hand, she asked, "What are these?"

"I can't just come to the door empty-handed if I buy something casually."

"Why do you still pay attention to these things, just treat this as your own home." Yang Fang blamed deliberately.

Yang Fan smiled, carried his things into the room, and when he entered, he saw a spacious main room.As soon as he came in, a three- or four-year-old boy rushed out, holding a toy pistol made of wood in his hand, and said mischievously to Yang Fan: "Bang, bang, bang."

"Xie Dong, don't call him uncle yet." Yang Fang pretended to be angry and said loudly.

Seeing that his mother seemed to be angry, the little boy immediately became honest, lowered his head, and called his uncle softly.

Yang Fan touched Xie Dong's head affectionately, and said softly, "Do you really like guns?"

Xie Dong nodded, and said seriously: "Well, when I grow up, I want to be in the People's Liberation Army."

Opening the big luggage bag, Yang Fan took out the plastic toy gun he bought from it, "This is for you, it's a gift from my uncle."

Xie Dong's eyes lit up, and after receiving the toy gun, he immediately came alive, ran outside loudly, and said loudly: "Oh, oh, I have a gun."

Originally, he wanted to give him a few candies and chocolates, but when he saw the little guy ran out of the house, Yang Fan could only smile and shake his head.

"You bought so many things for me!"

Seeing the things in the big luggage bag, Yang Fang was surprised. She was worried that Yang Fan spent a lot of money, but also very happy. This younger brother is really sensible, especially knowing how to care for her sister.

Yang Fan was about to say that he didn't buy anything when a young man came in from the back of the house. He was of medium height with dark skin and looked very strong.

He was dressed in old clothes, with bare feet, and there were a lot of coals on his trousers and feet. This was Yang Fan's brother-in-law Xie Guoqing. He was picking lotus root coals behind the house.

"Yang Fan is here."

Yang Fan hesitated for a moment, then called brother-in-law, and then said with a smile: "Just arrived, what are you doing, there are so many coals on your feet and trousers."

Yang Fang said: "He said that the weather is good today and he needs to collect some lotus root coal. It should be finished soon."

Xie Guoqing nodded and said, "It will be finished in about 10 minutes. You sit down first, and I will finish the bit of lotus root coal."

"Well, go get busy." Yang Fan said.

Xie Guoqing smiled apologetically at Yang Fan, and went to collect lotus root coal again.

Yang Fan sat down, took a sip of the hot tea poured by Yang Fang, and took a little look at the situation in the house.

Obviously, my sister and brother-in-law are not rich, and they are no different from ordinary rural families. It is estimated that they have just solved the problem of food and clothing, and it is difficult to have a little extra money.

After sitting and chatting, Yang Fan wanted to take a look around, so he said: "Sister, you are busy with your work, don't worry about me, I will go to the back of the house to take a look."

This "sister" finally called out smoothly.

My younger brother is here, and today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Yang Fang has to be busy preparing lunch. The big rooster that is going to be killed has not been killed yet, and some other dishes have to be prepared.

"Go, your brother-in-law will be collecting lotus root coal behind the house."

Yang Fan got up, went out the back door of the main room, and went to the back of the house.

The back of the house is quite open, with a concrete floor of [-] square meters. Xie Guoqing was mining lotus root coal. When he saw Yang Fan coming, he stopped to say hello.

Yang Fan seems to be very interested in lotus root coal. This is a unique product of the 90s and [-]s. Common people usually buy loose coal by themselves, mix some loess in it with water and mix it evenly, and then use a briquette machine to beat it one by one. After drying in the sun The stacks are neatly stacked, and these lotus root coals are used for boiling water and cooking.

After watching for a while, and chatting with Xie Guoqing for a while, Yang Fan basically has a general understanding of the life of his sister and brother-in-law.

They mainly rely on farming. They grow vegetables and food by themselves. When the farming is off, they often carry vegetables to the city to sell, which is their main source of income.

Yang Fan made a rough calculation. It is not easy to pick a vegetable from here to the city, and it takes about seven or eight miles to walk.

The lunch is very rich.

All the meals were made by Yang Fang alone, a large table was full, and Yang Fan could feel the deep family affection from the sumptuous meals.

Even if it's the Chinese New Year, I'm afraid it's not so rich, because Yang Fan came here, so there are so many meals.

Yang Fan felt warm in his heart, and from time to time, he quietly looked at his sister several times, and even thought in his heart, if there is a chance in the future, he must help them, improve their living standards, and let them live a prosperous life.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan bid farewell, he needed to go back, and had to go to work tomorrow.

Under the reluctant eyes of Yang Fang and Xie Guoqing, Yang Fan rode his bike away gradually, and the afterglow of the setting sun stretched the shadow very long.

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(End of this chapter)

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