Military Heavy

Chapter 291 Shen Changhai's mentality collapsed

Chapter 291 Shen Changhai's mentality collapsed

The next day.

Shen Changhai, Wan Xiang and others were having breakfast together, chatting while eating.

Wan Xiang said: "Old Shen, are you really going to sit with Yang Fan and discuss the design of the 054 ship?"

Shen Changhai nodded, "Yes, knowing ourselves and the enemy, I want to know about the design plan of Donghai Institute. Only when we know more about our opponents can we be more confident of winning."

Wan Xiang said: "I don't think there is any need to further understand. In our 054 ship design plan, we will also use a missile vertical launch system, a phased array control radar, and a diesel-fuel combined power system. The hull design is also more advanced than that of the East China Sea. It is more stable and scientific, and our fundamentals are sure to win."

Shen Changhai shook his head persistently, "No, it's better to have a better understanding of the design of Donghai Institute, it won't hurt."

Wan Xiang reminded: "What if Yang Fan puts on airs, shows embarrassment, and doesn't want to reveal their designs?"

What will happen?

Shen Changhai raised his heart, and said slowly: "It shouldn't be too late."

As a result, Shen Changhai's mood became obviously heavier, worried that he would encounter such a situation, and prayed in his heart, hoping that this would not happen.

About 5 minutes before the appointed time, Yang Fan arrived at the reception room of the military guest house, ordered the service staff to make hot tea and bring it over, then sat on the sofa and took a general look at the environment here.

The reception room is small in size.

But also clean and tidy.

There are several reception rooms like this in this reception, and the layout is similar.

After waiting for a few minutes, Shen Changhai came over, smiling all over his face as soon as he came in, cupped his fists and said, "Master Yang, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Yang Fan smiled generously, "No, I have only been here for a few minutes."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the two sat down and chatted while drinking tea.

First of all, let's talk about yesterday's test. Shen Changhai was not stingy in his praise, and praised the missile vertical launch system and combat command system designed by Donghai.

After boasting a lot, Shen Changhai said: "Master Yang, I heard that these two systems were designed by you, can you introduce them to me?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with hope.

He also prepared for the worst in his heart.

If Yang Fan doesn't want to disclose it, then forget it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan smiled heartily, "No problem, then I will tell you about these two systems, first let's talk about the missile vertical launch system."

"This missile launch system adopts cold launch, with eight units installed as a module, which can be combined with any modules"

Shen Changhai was secretly pleasantly surprised!
Unexpectedly, Yang Fan was so interesting that he told him about this type of missile vertical launcher system without any concealment.

Why did Yang Fan do this.

How about telling him these things without reservation?
Mainly from a long-term perspective, in a few years, high-level officials will systematically integrate various domestic ship design institutes and establish a Chinese ship research and design center. The ship design institutes that were previously scattered in various places will either be merged, eliminated, or established. division.

Like the current East China Sea Ship Design Institute, it should be the East China Sea Branch of China Ship Research and Design Center in the future.

Since we will all be one system in the future, both belong to the Chinese ship research and design center, and are both Chinese ship design technical force, there is no need to hide many things.

Sharing with everyone in advance, so that everyone can intervene and understand these things in advance, will only be of great benefit to improving the domestic ship design technology.

Standing at such a selfless height, Yang Fancai and Shen Changhai described this missile vertical launch system in more detail.

The speech lasted about two or three ten minutes, and it was relatively comprehensive and detailed. During this period, Shen Changhai also interrupted several times to make inquiries.

After hearing such a detailed and comprehensive account, Shen Changhai was pleasantly surprised!
No, it should be said that I was a little excited!
A heart can't calm down at all.


His face showed obvious joy, "Master Yang, this missile vertical launch system is really good, you are really good, to tell the truth, in our design plan of the 054 ship, we plan to use this kind of missile vertical launch system." machine system."

Yang Fan agreed: "Okay, our new generation of missile frigates really must have a missile vertical launch system, and the existing inclined launch method is too backward."

"Yes, the missile vertical launch system must be used."

Shen Changhai also fully agreed with this point, and also asked: "Master Yang, you should also use this vertical missile launcher in the design plan of your 054 ship."

After speaking, he looked at Yang Fan.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

Shen Changhai was puzzled for a moment, and thought to himself, could it be that the design plan of the 054 ship of the East China Sea did not plan to adopt a vertical missile launch system.

If they don't use the missile vertical launch system, then what do they use? Going back to the past, they still use the missile launch method.

This should be impossible!
Shen Changhai was puzzled and confused!

Yang Fan smiled and did not hide anything, "Our 054 ship design plan definitely uses a missile vertical launch system, but it is not this one. I am going to redesign a more suitable 054 ship. The launch method is not cold launch, but preparation Use thermal emission."

Redesign one more!
More suitable for the missile vertical launch system of the 054 ship? ? ?

Shen Changhai was startled for a while, and then his mentality collapsed a little.

He was also planning to copy this missile vertical launch system, but he didn't expect that people would not use it, but would design a more suitable one for the 054 ship.

Do you want people to live!
We don't have such design ability, so we just plan to copy it. Who knows, Yang Fan plans to redesign it.

After the mentality collapsed a little, Shen Changhai pinned his hopes on Yang Fan's successful design of the new missile vertical launch system, but he was not sure.

So, he asked tentatively: "Master Yang, how sure are you of redesigning the new missile launching system?"

Yang Fan said: "[-]% to [-]% sure."

There are [-]% to [-]% certainty!

With such a high degree of confidence, doesn't it mean that it will basically succeed and there will be no major problems.

Comrade Shen Changhai's mentality collapsed again.

After a full ten seconds of silence, he originally wanted to know about the successful combat command system designed by Donghai, but Shen Changhai changed his mind and asked about the stealth design of the 054 ship.

He believes that the stealth design of the ship is the first in China, and he has never had experience in this area. It is estimated that Yang Fan is just too hot-headed, and if he adopts such an eye-catching design, the possibility of success should not be great.

"Master Yang, I heard that the hull design of the 054 ship is going to adopt a stealth design. Is there such a thing?"

Yang Fan nodded and said: "Yes, we are indeed planning to adopt a stealth design. In my vision, the future 054 ship will not only have radar stealth, sonar stealth, but also infrared stealth."


Yang Fan talked about his invisibility design, exuding a strong confidence all over his body, and told Shen Changhai clearly.

The design of the hull shape has been completed, and the hull model for the pool towing test is being manufactured. Next month, it will leave for Hamburg, Germany, where it will conduct a professional pool towing test.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, the reception room was extremely quiet!

Shen Changhai's mentality completely collapsed!

It's a mess!
He is proud and full of self-confidence. He feels that the competition with Donghai is sure to win, and he doesn't pay much attention to the young Yang Fan.

now what? ? ?
It's not the same thing at all!

His design is much more advanced than his.

Originally thought that the stealth design was just a gimmick, just a gamble for attention, and the possibility of success was basically low, but after listening to Yang Fan's talk about the stealth design just now, and feeling the strong confidence, Shen Changhai's mentality instantly collapsed, completely collapsed .

Long time, long time.

Shen Changhai sighed, thinking in his heart, it is estimated that our Northern Ship Design Institute can withdraw from the competition early, and their design plan is much better than ours.

The tone was a little low, "Assistant President Yang, I still have something to do, let's stop here today."

Yang Fan looked at Shen Changhai, stood up, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and encouraged him: "It's okay, if you have anything to communicate with us, welcome to Donghai Ship Design Institute to find me."

Shen Changhai said with a strong face: "Okay, okay."

After watching Yang Fan leave, Shen Changhai sat on the sofa in a daze, and it took several minutes before he came back to his senses.

He sighed softly again, "Oh, how did I meet such an opponent, it's over, there is basically no chance of winning."

"How does his head grow? He is so young. He is so powerful at only 30 years old. He has such a high level of technology in the field of ships, which he has never seen in his life!"

Sigh, sigh with emotion.

Only then did Shen Changhai leave here bitterly.

Wan Xiang, the deputy chief designer, has been waiting. He is mainly worried that Yang Fan will put on airs and Shen Changhai will put his face on someone's cold ass.

Seeing Shen Changhai, especially noticing his complexion, Wan Xiang said in his heart, sure enough, I guessed right, our old Shen must have come back with a bad nose.

"Old Shen, your face is so ugly, what's wrong?"

Shen Changhai sighed again, without fighting spirit, and said in a low voice: "We are really frogs in a well, and we always thought that we were sure of winning. The design plan of Donghai Institute is a hundred times better than ours."

Hearing this, Wan Xiang was stunned!

He thought it was chief designer Shen who had a bad nose, but it didn't seem to be the case, so he hurriedly asked.

Shen Changhai roughly explained the situation just now. After listening, Wan Xiang was also silent. If this is really the case, they really don't have much chance of winning.

Unlike Shen Changhai, Wan Xiang and others, Yang Fan was relaxed.

The first phase of the first multi-system joint test has been completed, and the performance is satisfactory, so Yang Fan can go back.

After lunch, the three of Yang Fan were sent to the airport by a military vehicle, where they bought air tickets for the evening. A few hours before boarding the plane, the three of them wandered around casually and bought some things to take back.

He was in a hurry to go back because Yang Fan still had a lot of things to do.

Since he became the chief designer of the 054 ship, Yang Fan has found that he has more things to do, and the time seems to be gradually running out.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered.

(End of this chapter)

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