Military Heavy

Chapter 292 Heading to Hamburg

Chapter 292 Heading to Hamburg
Back at the East China Sea Institute, Yang Fan devoted almost all his energy to the design demonstration of the 054 ship.

Ten days later, the model for the pool towing test arrived.

There are two models in total, one is the model of the 054 ship, and the other is the model of the 054A ship.

Kuang Wei from the general design office happily knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office, and reported loudly: "Mr. Yang, what you asked for has arrived."

"Oh, so fast!"

Yang Fan was pleasantly surprised, waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and bring it here and let me have a look."

Kuang Wei was followed by several young designers. They brought in the model and placed it on the large table in Yang Fan's office for reviewing drawings.

Excitedly looking at these two models, Yang Fan said: "Thank you for your hard work."

After being praised, those young designers all seemed very happy, and even a little bit excited, maybe they were talking in their hearts.

"Master Yang said that we have worked hard."

"It's a compliment to us."

Kuang Wei felt relieved, "Mr. Yang, if there is nothing else, we will go out first."

Yang Fan nodded, and after they went out, he took out a caliper from the desk and thought excitedly, great, the model is finally ready.

First I happily looked at these two models, and then I took the caliper to measure it myself, and I was completely relieved.


Top quality!
Nodding in satisfaction, he thought to himself, Director Kuang is really good at doing things, not only with high efficiency, but also with good quality.

The model for the tank towing test arrived. Yang Fan turned on his computer and sent an email to Hummels, informing him that the hull model for the tank towing test would be mailed, and asked him to check it.

In the entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute, there are not many people with office computers, and very few of them can access the Internet, but Yang Fan is one of them.

Not only is there a 486 computer in the office, but it has also applied to connect to the external network and can send emails.

About an hour later, Hummels replied to the e-mail, telling Yang Fan that the things could be sent, and he would keep and check them for him.

After reading Hummels' reply email, Yang Fan called Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan over.It could be seen that apart from Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan were somewhat nervous and cramped.

Yang Fan smiled slightly and told them: "The hull model has arrived, we are about to leave for Hamburg, Germany, you are ready to prepare."


The model has arrived!
Yang Fan nodded and made arrangements: "This is the mailing address. Please work hard to pack the model and send it to this address first."


Li Jun nodded quickly, and took the note with the address from Yang Fan.

If it was a few years earlier, it would be much more troublesome to mail things abroad, but now it is better, and it is not so cumbersome. After the unit has issued a letter of introduction, you can go to the Donghai City Post Office to mail.

Then, Yang Fan reminded some things to pay attention to before going abroad, which is like holding a meeting for them in advance.

A few days later.

Yang Fan, Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan had a meeting together again. Yang Fan took out the passports and air tickets and distributed them to everyone.

"For the air ticket tomorrow afternoon, board the plane at Donghai International Airport and fly directly to Hamburg, Germany. After we have lunch, we will gather at my place at 01:30 noon and set off for the airport together."



The three of them put away their passports and air tickets, and they couldn't hide their excitement.This is going abroad, something that many people dream of.

Even in Donghai City, a large number of people have worked for more than ten years, but they have not had a chance to go abroad.Traveling abroad is definitely the envy of everyone.

After collecting the air tickets and passports, Xue Bingyuan was a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "Assistant President Yang, is it just the four of us?"

Yang Fan said: "That's right, it's just the four of us."

Xue Bingyuan was confused, and reminded: "Shouldn't there be an interpreter? This person is unfamiliar with the place, so he can't do without an interpreter."

Yang Fan smiled.

Li Jun and Liao Wenliang also laughed!
Xue Bingyuan was even more puzzled, and looked at the three of them inexplicably.

Li Jun laughed so hard that tears almost came out. He suppressed his smile and patted Xue Bingyuan's shoulder lightly, "Little Xue, don't you know that our Master Yang's English is very good?"

Xue Bingyuan was very surprised.

He didn't know that Yang Fan's English was very good, so he couldn't blame him entirely. On the one hand, he had been working for a short time, and he hadn't heard of many legends about Yang Fan.

On the other hand, English talents have gradually increased in recent years, so it is not necessary for Yang Fan to act as a translator. Many young designers do not know that Yang Fan's English is actually very good.

Seeing Xue Bingyuan's surprised expression, Yang Fan also smiled.

"Xiao Xue, English is the common language in Europe, and many Germans can speak English fluently. If I work as a part-time translator, there will be no problem in communication, and I won't lose everyone abroad because of communication problems."

Xue Bingyuan blushed and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Seeing Xiao Xue like this, Li Jun and Liao Wenliang laughed kindly.

The atmosphere relaxed invisibly.

Yang Fan talked about a lot of things, not only including the precautions before departure tomorrow, but also a lot of things that need to be paid attention to when going abroad.


It was rare for Jiang Yan to come back early. There was a sumptuous meal on the dining table, and Jiang Yan and Li Xiuzhen were busy in the kitchen.

On the sofa in the living room, Yang Fan was chatting with Jiang Dahai, and next to him, Yang Hao was having a great time by himself.

After lunch, Yang Fan was going on a business trip abroad, so the family specially had a meal together, which meant sending Yang Fan off.

After a while, the last dish was ready and served on the table, Jiang Yan called out sweetly: "Dad, Brother Fan, bring Haohao over to have dinner together."

The family sat down to prepare for dinner, Yang Fan got up and took out a bottle of Moutai from the wine cabinet, "Dad, how about you drink this wine today?"

Jiang Dahai took the bottle of wine, looked at it, and was [-]% satisfied, "Wow, this wine is good, I haven't had it for a long time."

This is Moutai!
No wonder Jiang Dahai was so happy, he opened it himself, poured himself a full glass, and said, "Yang Fan, you should have a drink too."

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "Dad, I won't drink with you anymore, the plane in the afternoon."

"Oh, yes, yes."

Jiang Dahai capped the wine bottle, took a sip from the wine glass, and said with a satisfied expression, "Tsk tsk, it's really Moutai, it's really different."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chopsticks dish, put it in his mouth, and said while eating: "Eat, everyone eats, don't just stand still."

Both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan laughed.

Especially Yang Fan, said with a smile: "Dad, you can eat more. If you like this wine, there is still a bottle in the wine cabinet. Let's take them all back and drink slowly."

There is one more bottle!
Very good!
Jiang Dahai was completely happy.

He doesn't drink good wine like this often, usually during festivals or birthdays, his daughter and son-in-law will honor one or two bottles of good wine, but usually he can't afford it.

While drinking and eating, Jiang Dahai looked at Yang Fan several times with satisfaction, the kind of smiling, this son-in-law, he is [-] satisfied.

The family is happy.

Yang Fan said: "Dad, Mom, I am going on a business trip to Germany this time, if you want something, I will bring it back for you."

Li Xiuzhen said: "We don't lack anything, and we don't need to bring anything."

Jiang Dahai didn't think so, and immediately said: "Don't listen to your mother, if you can, bring me a bottle of foreign wine. I haven't drunk that kind of foreign wine yet."

Yang Fan smiled, waved and said, "No problem, I'll bring you two bottles back."

Immediately, Jiang Dahai was so happy that he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, opened the bottle again, and filled the glass himself.

After eating.

Yang Fan went out with the suitcase, and everyone sent it downstairs. Jiang Yan told him: "Brother Fan, you should be more careful when you are out alone."

Yang Fan said: "Don't worry, I will pay attention, and I will call home when I arrive."

These days, very few people have landline phones at home. Yang Fan's family installed a landline phone this year, which makes communication much more convenient.

Sometimes if there is something, you can call back by picking up the phone of the unit.If Yang Fang has something to do, she can also directly call this number.

Waving his hand, Yang Fan dragged his suitcase and walked towards the East China Sea.

I arrived at my office about ten minutes earlier, and soon, Li Jun and others came from the model office. They probably came earlier and have been waiting in the model office.

Everyone is here.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the airport ahead of time and start now."

Yang Fan walked in the front with strides, and the three of them followed one after another. The jeep of the trolley class had already parked in front of the office building.

Put the luggage on the car, and the four of them headed to Donghai International Airport.

After more than ten hours of flying, he arrived at Hamburg Airport smoothly. After walking out of the airport, Yang Fan saw a young man holding a sign to greet him at the exit.

That's not Hummels, Yang Fan could tell at a glance.

I was also a little surprised. I thought it was Hummels who came to pick me up at the airport, but I didn't expect it to be a young man in his early twenties.

Whoever he is, it would be nice if someone came to pick him up.

Yang Fan walked over and said in fluent English: "Hello, we are from China, my name is Yang Fan."

"Hello, nice to meet you."

The young man was also fluent in English. He shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically, and then led the four of them to walk not far away, where a seven-seater commercial vehicle was parked.

Except for Yang Fan, the eyes of Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan lit up, showing unbelievable expressions!
Seeing the scene in front of them obviously shocked them a lot!
Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

Another 9000 words, the code is very hard, and I will ask you for a few monthly tickets, or recommend support, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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