Military Heavy

Chapter 293 Hamburg Pool

Chapter 293 Hamburg Pool
Everyone was about to get in the car, but Li Jun and the others were obviously stunned and a little shocked.

Xue Bingyuan even exclaimed: "Wow, it is indeed a corrupt capitalist country, look!"

Liao Wenliang and Li Jun stood in place without moving.

In the past few years, Donghai City has developed well, and there are more cars on the road, and it is no longer an army of bicycles.

But what about here?

There are cars everywhere, more cars than people!
The key is to focus on Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW.

Seeing the reaction of the three of them, Yang Fan scolded with a smile: "You have a little future, okay? If they have more cars, they will be stunned."

Xue Bingyuan said: "Master Yang, their car ownership is indeed larger than ours, and they are more developed than us."

It is necessary to speak to them.

Yang Fan said: "This is only temporary. Come back in 20 or 30 years, and you will find that it is far behind us."

Thirty years later, Donghai City has been able to beat Hamburg by several streets, and now their lead is only temporary.

Everyone get in the car.

Sitting in the car, Yang Fan talked to everyone again. After talking like this, the three of them were obviously much better.

Li Jundao: "In this way, we will come from behind."


Yang Fan described the future development blueprint and development prospects to everyone.

Xue Bingyuan said excitedly, "Haha, I can rest assured that they are only temporary, and the days are fading away."

"It turns out that our development potential is so great. Mr. Yang, you must be right. The development of these years can also prove this. We don't envy them at all."

"Yes, I'm not envious!"

"What a pity for them, it has already begun to go downhill!"


The three chatted like this, and the conversation was very interesting.Fortunately, the young German who was driving could not understand Chinese. If he could understand, he would probably retort a few words.

About an hour or so, everyone arrived at the hotel.The young man who drove did not intend to get out of the car, "Mr. Yang, this is the hotel you are going to stay in. I will pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Ok." Yang Fan readily agreed, then waved and said, "Here we are, let's take our luggage and go to the hotel, and go to the Hamburg pool tomorrow morning."

It is not far from the Hamburg pool, and it takes only half an hour to walk there, and it is even closer by car.

Everyone was happy, got off the car with their luggage, and walked into the hotel under the guidance of Yang Fan.

Obviously, this is just a small hotel, and I was a little worried about the living environment, because every room is very cheap.

After carrying the luggage and entering the room, Yang Fan realized that he was overthinking. The environment of the room was good, and it was obviously an affordable hotel.

"How about it, are you satisfied?"


"Simply satisfied!"

"It's still a room for one person. I thought it was a room for two people?"

The three were very satisfied and happy, and took the room keys from Yang Fan one after another.

Yang Fan said loudly: "After half an hour, everyone will gather in my room, and then we will have dinner together."

"it is good!"

"no problem."

"I'm really a little hungry."

The three of them went back to their rooms first, put away their luggage, and familiarized themselves with the environment of the room. After half an hour, Yang Fan gathered in his room and went to eat together.

After leaving the hotel, I found a western restaurant with a good environment. The business inside was good, and many locals were dining there.

A restaurant with good business will definitely not be bad, Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Let's go, this is the restaurant, we will have western food tonight, I'll treat you."

"Master Yang is mighty!"

Everyone cheered and happily followed Yang Fan into the restaurant.

This is Yang Fan's personal treat.

Inviting everyone to have a meal is conducive to establishing prestige, and everyone can be more closely united by Yang Fan's side.

It's just a meal, and it's estimated to be more than 100 marks. To Yang Fan, it's a drop in the bucket.

I sat down at a long table by the window, which is the long table for western food. The four of us sat face to face. Through the glass, we could see the bright lights of thousands of houses outside!
First came the appetizer soup, a small bowl for each person, followed by salad, and then the main course, steak.

There are many kinds of staple food in this western restaurant, but Yang Fan considers that everyone is going abroad for the first time, it is better to try steak for the first meal.

While eating, chatting.

"It tastes really good, it's better to go abroad."

"This time I got the honor of Chief Master Yang."

Chatting, chatting, and gradually we got to the point.

Liao Wenliang said: "Master Yang, we can conduct the towing test tomorrow."

Yang Fan skillfully cut a piece of steak and put it into his mouth, while saying: "If there is no accident, the experiment can start tomorrow."

Li Jundao: "Master Yang, I feel that there is a lack of enthusiasm for the Hamburg pool. Just send a young man over to pick it up, and leave us in the hotel."

Although he has never been abroad, but he has heard some people who have gone abroad and talked about their going abroad, so he knows something.

Compared with what I heard, this time seems to have a big difference.

The other party obviously lacks enthusiasm!

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled, "Just be content with it, I think it's very good and satisfying to have someone pick you up at the airport."

Li Jun glanced at Yang Fan in astonishment, and thought in his heart, is Chief Master Yang satisfied?

In fact, Yang Fan is of course dissatisfied!

Knowing that the other party lacks enthusiasm, Hummels' haughty look can't help appearing in his mind. He still clearly remembers that before his rebirth, the first time he dealt with him, he was very cold and ignored Yang Fan and the others.

This time it was the same again, Hummels never showed up, just arranged for a young man to be picked up from the airport by everyone, and then it was over.

With Hummels' personality, it seems normal.

Li Jun and the others felt that they lacked enthusiasm, but Yang Fan said that they could accept it.

The next day.

After everyone had breakfast at the hotel where they stayed, the young man came over yesterday, still driving the 7-seat commercial vehicle. It is estimated that this car will be your means of transportation in the next few days.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Go, everyone, get in the car and go to the Hamburg pool!"

Yang Fan is very "familiar" with the Hamburg pool. Before being reborn, he had done several towing tests here, and had many conversations with Hummels.

In more than ten minutes, everyone arrived at the Hamburg pool.

First enter through a gate, there are high walls around, big trees are planted inside, and there are two buildings inside the wall. Seeing all this, Yang Fan thought in his heart that basically nothing has changed, but everything looks newer.

There is a small three-story building, which is their office building.

There is also a large building, which is not high but covers a large area. This is the well-known Hamburg pool in the industry, and there are many specialized equipment in it.

At the entrance of this large building, Yang Fan and others met Hummels, a German youth in his thirties and a technical director of the Hamburg pool.

"Mr. Yang, this is our supervisor, Mr. Hummels." The young man who brought everyone over helped to make an introduction between the two parties.

Hummels extended his right hand formally, shook hands with Yang Fan and said, "Yang, I'm Hummels, and I'm in charge of your experiments."

Yang Fan said enthusiastically: "Mr. Hummels, hello, I will trouble you about our experiment."

"Let's go, I'll take you in, but I want to remind you that you absolutely cannot shoot after entering this door."

This is easy to understand, it is for the need of technical secrecy, after all, they are excellent professional hull towing tanks.

Under the leadership of Hummels, the four walked into the Hamburg pool, and soon after entering, they saw a huge hall.

In the center of the hall, there are two huge pools, as well as a large number of specialized instruments and equipment. There are several people in one of the pools, and it seems that they are checking the pool or something.

Hummels introduced: "We have two pools, and the No. 2 pool is just undergoing routine maintenance. It is estimated that it will take two days. The No. 1 pool can be used normally, and your test will also be carried out in the No. 1 pool. conduct."

Yang Fan looked at the two pools and nodded lightly, "Mr. Hummels, we can start the experiment today."

This was communicated in advance.

Before coming to Germany, Yang Fan and Hummels agreed to start the test preparation this morning, and start the tank towing test of the hull model this afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Hummels shook his head slowly, "Yang, things need to be adjusted slightly. The No. 1 pool will start the test today, and you can only do the test in the No. 2 pool."

What, a temporary pool change?
Yang Fan was a little startled, what he had said beforehand changed his mind.

It seemed that someone had jumped in line temporarily.

Who is this jumping in line?

Hummels spread his hands, and said calmly: "I didn't adjust this, but our head. There is a Dutch customer who wants to do a test in the No. 1 pool."

The "head" in his mouth is his superior.

Since it was decided by his superior, Yang Fan also knew that even if he said all the good things, he would not change it.

Well, pool 2 is pool 2.

Yang Fan said: "Pond No. 2 is under maintenance, when can we start the test at the earliest?"

Hummels looked at the No. 2 pool, "Tomorrow will be overhauled for another day, and the test will not start until the day after tomorrow at the earliest."

The soonest will be the day after tomorrow.

That is to say, this afternoon and the whole day tomorrow, I can only make soy sauce.

Yang Fan didn't want to procrastinate like this. The original plan was to start the test today and spend two or three days to complete the towing test. After the business was done, he would take everyone to play in Hamburg for two days to experience the customs of a foreign country and buy some more. Bring something back.

The matter is not finished, and my heart has been hanging like this. Even if I have time to play this afternoon and the whole day tomorrow, it is not practical.

Yang Fan felt a little depressed.

Unfavorable start, people will tell you as soon as you come, you have been cut in line, they have priority, you have to wait.

Perhaps knowing that Yang Fan and the others were in a bad mood, Hummels suggested: "Your hull models have already arrived, otherwise, I'll take you to see those models."


Yang Fan could only agree that the towing test could not be done for the time being, and someone jumped in line, so he went to have a look at those hull models.

Led by Hummels, everyone walked towards a distant room. Before they had walked a few steps, Yang Fan saw movement outside the hall, and then a large group of people walked in.

Post a chapter first, I have something to go out today, and I came back too late.

(End of this chapter)

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