Military Heavy

Chapter 294 Two Bottles of Chili Sauce Done

Chapter 294 Two Bottles of Chili Sauce Done

Not only Yang Fan looked over.

The same goes for Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan, who looked over one after another.

A large group of people came in from the outside, there were no more than ten people, at least eight or nine people, there were men and women, old and young.

The two middle-aged men who walked in the front were obviously the leaders, and the others walked in almost surrounded by them.

Seeing such a scene, Xue Bingyuan first said: "Wow, who are they, they look very arrogant."

Liao Wenliang and Li Jun had almost the same expressions. They were very curious about the identities of these people, but they didn't ask directly like the young Xue Bingyuan.

Without asking Yang Fan, Hummels introduced: "The person walking in the front is Mr. Rudiger, one of the persons in charge of our Hamburg pool, and the other is Blind from the Netherlands. No. 1 pool for towing test."


Yang Fan understood, it turned out that this group of people jumped in line, and their leader was called Blind, that is, the middle-aged man walking on the right in front.

Li Jun was barely able to speak English, and he vaguely understood what Hummels said, so he asked, "Mr. Yang, who are they!"

Yang Fan looked at the coaxing people indifferently, and said slowly: "They are the people who jumped in line. They originally arranged for us to do experiments in the No. 1 pool, but now they are replaced by the Dutch people."

It was they who jumped in line!
Including Li Jun, even Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan's expressions changed, and they looked at this group of people angrily.

It's them who robbed our No. 1 pool!
Hmph, we could have started the experiment today, but we have to wait until the day after tomorrow.

Feeling everyone's anger, Yang Fan didn't want to escalate the situation, so he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's leave those people alone and take a look at our model first."

These hull models are sent from China. After long-distance transportation, whether they are damaged, deformed, and whether there is any problem with the quality is what Yang Fan cares most about.

As for the Dutch who jumped in line, that's not so important, so we can put it aside for a while.

Led by Hummels, the four walked into the room where the hull model was stored. The thick door was opened, and inside were several large cabinets, each with a door more than two meters high.

Apparently, the Hamburg tank has done a professional job in this aspect. After the customer's hull model arrives, they put it in these cabinets, which is very safe.

Hummels took out the key and opened one of the cabinets, "Yang, this is your model, let's see if there is any problem."

These models were sent by Li Jun and others, and he could tell at a glance that they hadn't even been unpacked, and they were still the same.

Yang Fan waved and said, "Take them out and check them first."

Li Jun and others moved the model out of the thick iron cabinet, unpacked the thick packaging, unpacked a thick layer of foam, and then a thick layer of packaging bubble film, and finally put the model take it out.

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Hummels, do you have any measuring tools, such as calipers?"

"Yes, yes."

Hummels took a large caliper. After Yang Fan took it, he did not measure the size of these models, but carefully checked the appearance for any abnormalities.

After reading it once, I knew it well, and there was nothing unusual about the appearance.

He picked up the caliper again and measured several main dimensions, and there was no problem. Immediately, Yang Fan was completely relieved that these models were not affected in the slightest by the long-distance transportation.

Hummels has been watching from the side. Gradually, he showed surprise on his face. Obviously, he was very surprised.

It is true that he was responsible for receiving these models, but they were stored in the cabinet without even opening the packaging, and he did not know what kind of hull model it was.

Now, finally see them.

Although there are some differences between the hull model used for the pool towing test and the real ship, it is not [-]% scaled down, but some things are omitted, especially some things on the deck, but it does not hinder Hummels You know, this is a warship with stealth capabilities.

He was surprised!

Very unexpected!
In his impression, China's industrial and technological strength is not yet strong, and he thought that the design should be an ordinary conventional ship.

It's actually a stealth design!
Never thought of it!
After Hummels was stunned, he finally came back to his senses and looked at Yang Fan and the others slightly differently.

If they were careless in the past and didn’t pay attention at all, now they pay a little attention and are a little curious. What will happen to the test data when their hull models are towed?

Yang Fan noticed Hummels' expression and smiled slightly. He was a little depressed at first, but suddenly healed up a lot.

Yes, this is our stealth design!

How about the data of their towing test, we will know in two days.

After checking these models, Yang Fan said: "There is nothing wrong with the models, Mr. Hummels, we should put these models back into the cabinet."

Hummels nodded.

Li Jun and the other three put the hull models back into the cabinet just now, and Hummels locked the door of the cabinet in front of everyone.

Raising his hand to see that the time is still early, since he is here, there is no need to rush back, Yang Fan suggested: "Mr. Hummels, if possible, show us a tour of your place, how about it?"

After a little hesitation, Hummels agreed, but solemnly reminded: "I will lead you to visit, you can't run around casually, and in addition, you can't take pictures, let alone video."


Yang Fan readily agreed, and then, led by Hummels, visited the entire Hamburg pool.

During the visit, Yang Fan confessed: "You guys read it carefully, there are some things recorded in the notebook, and you should summarize them after you go back."

Liao Wenliang was a little puzzled, "Assistant Yang, we just came here to do a towing test, there is no need to record these things."

Yang Fan said: "It is absolutely necessary. After I go back, I will apply. We will also build a professional towing pool. In the future, we can do the towing test at our own home, instead of traveling thousands of miles to ask others to help us do the test."

We build our own pools!
That's a great idea!

Then you don't have to be bullied by others.

Like this time, I had made an appointment in advance, but I was cut into the queue by someone else, and I felt very angry!
Li Jun was the first to say: "Don't worry, Chief Master Yang, we will look carefully and record carefully. If there are some things, draw a sketch and take them all back."

Yang Fan nodded, "After we go back, we will build a first-class professional pool and let foreigners come to us to do a towing test. Do one test and charge them one time."

Xue Bingyuan said: "Look who is unhappy, we won't do it for them if we give money."

Hearing this, everyone laughed happily.

Hummels was confused because he couldn't understand Mandarin.

After visiting a large circle, everyone also wrote and drew in their notebooks, recorded a lot of things, and even drew a lot of sketches.

Including Yang Fan, they also took notebooks and pens and wrote down a lot of content.What Yang Fan records is deeper and more valuable.

Hummels also reminded a few words at first, but then he didn't care about it. He was sure in his heart that it would not be of any use to just take a look and memorize some things he saw.

Yang Fan has a lot of ideas. Since he has started to serve as the chief designer of the 054 ship, some necessary laboratories must be built as soon as possible.

Such as a specialized towed pool laboratory, in addition, there is an electromagnetic interference laboratory.

At the beginning of the design of the 052 ship, we did not have a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory, and even the measuring instruments and methods were relatively simple. At that time, we suffered a lot.

If there is a specialized laboratory, it will be different, convenient, fast, and efficient, and there is no need to travel thousands of miles to Europe for experiments.

Near noon.

Hummels said: "Yang, let's come here this morning, and you can come here the next morning. In the afternoon and tomorrow, you can only start the test after the maintenance of the No. 2 pool is completed."

Yang Fan nodded and invited: "Mr. Hummels, it's lunch time, how about we go have a meal together?"

Hummels hesitated.

He obviously didn't want to eat this meal.

Yang Fan smiled meaningfully, and then said: "You will regret it if you don't go, but I brought delicious food here, you will definitely like it."

A delicacy appeared in Hummels' mind, which he had the honor to taste when he went to China last year.

Don't look at Hummels as arrogant as most Germans, but he is actually a proper foodie, and he has absolutely no resistance to all kinds of delicacies.

Such as our Chinese chili sauce!
He went to China last year. After trying our chili sauce, he always felt that the aftertaste was endless, and eating other things became boring.

Hummels' eyes lit up, and he couldn't believe it: "Yang, what delicious food did you bring, can you show me?"

Yang Fan laughed.

After beckoning, Li Jun quickly put the bag he brought from the hotel into Yang Fan's hand. He never understood what Mr. Yang was doing with two bottles of chili sauce. He guessed it might be at lunch today, and he took it out for everyone. Appetizer.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

Yang Fan took the bag and opened it, took out a bottle of chili sauce and waved it in his hand, then put it back in the bag, "How about it, do you want to have dinner with us?"

"Go, let's go now."

I was still hesitating just now, but now I am a little impatient, walking in the front and leading everyone out of the Hamburg pool quickly.

Li Jun and the other three looked at all this in disbelief, and thought in their hearts, what's going on, Hummels is in such a hurry to eat.

Could it be because of these two bottles of chili sauce?
Seeing the questioning eyes of the three, Yang Fan smiled heartily, "Yes, you guessed it right, Hummels took a fancy to these two bottles of chili sauce in my hand."

It really is such a thing!

Immediately, the three of them fell in admiration for Yang Fan.

Two bottles of unremarkable chili sauce are so useful!

There are only two updates today, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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