Military Heavy

Chapter 295 Arrangement Tomorrow

Chapter 295 Arrangement Tomorrow

A group of us went out of the Hamburg pool.

After parking a lot of cars outside, Hummels took out the car keys and said enthusiastically, "If you don't mind, then take my car!"

A BMW was parked not far away, and Hummels opened the door, "Gentlemen, please get in the car."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled!
Never thought of this situation!
Our Chinese chili sauce really has this much power!
Before, Hummels did not come to the airport to welcome him, and he has not shown up. What about now?
So enthusiastic!

After getting in the car, everyone including Yang Fan laughed, happy!

What made everyone even happier was that after Hummels got into the car, he drove himself and said, "Yang, do you eat Chinese food or Western food? I treat you!"

my God!

Not only enthusiastic, but also offered to treat guests and ask everyone what they want to eat.

Yang Fan smiled happily: "Let's eat Western food!"

It’s hard to come out for a trip. Whatever Chinese food you eat, you must eat Western food.

We have Chinese food in China, and it is far more authentic than here!

"Then eat western food!"

Hummels nodded, and then drove everyone to a good western restaurant, where he took the initiative to order after sitting down.

Completely treat the four of Yang Fan as VIPs!

Yang Fan also put the chili sauce he brought on the table, Hummels' eyes lit up immediately, and he swallowed secretly.

He remembered that when he went to China last year and tasted chili sauce, the taste was simply a permanent memory!

For a foodie, it is extremely regrettable that a delicacy can no longer be eaten, or it is difficult to eat it again.

It's all right now, two bottles of chili sauce are placed in front of him, firmly attracting his attention.

Seeing Hummels' expression, Yang Fan smiled and took out one of the bottles of chili sauce, "Mr. Hummels, you really like our Chinese chili sauce."

"Yeah." Hummels nodded vigorously, "Yes, it's this kind of delicacy. After eating it last year, I haven't had the chance to taste it again."

Yang Fan said: "This bottle is for you!"


Hummels was very pleasantly surprised. After taking the bottle of chili sauce, he quickly opened it, scooped it up with a fork, spread it on the slice of bread, and put it in his mouth to taste it.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

Everyone felt a little unbelievable, it's just chili sauce, do you need to be so intoxicated?
Hummels is really intoxicated!

Close your eyes, full of intoxication and satisfaction!
You are awesome!
There is probably no one who can eat chili sauce like this!
Seeing this, Yang Fan couldn't help laughing again, Hummels is a talent in the foodie world!
After tasting a little and feeling very satisfied, Hummels carefully closed the bottle of chili sauce, "Yang, your chili sauce is really delicious."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Let's start to eat and taste the deliciousness of our burger."

The western food is very rich, the staple food is steak and barbecue, both taste good.

While eating, everyone chatted about the towing test, Yang Fan asked, "Mr. Hummels, do we really have to start the test the day after tomorrow?"

If it was before, without this bottle of chili sauce, Hummels would have been aloof and said businesslike, sorry, you have to wait until the day after tomorrow.

Now, he was a little embarrassed.

Hummels looked embarrassed, "Yang, our No. 2 pool is still under maintenance, and it will take at least one more day."

Yang Fan smiled meaningfully, "I still have a bottle of chili sauce here, what if I give you this bottle too?"

For Hummels, Yang Fan really "knows too well!"

Before being reborn, Yang Fan had dealt with Hummels many times, but Hummels was already in his fifties at that time, and the difference now is that he is only in his thirties.

In any case, the essence of foodie should not change. He loves chili sauce from our country very much. Sure enough, it was the same when he was in his fifties, and it was the same when he was young.

"Yang, is it really for me?"

There was surprise in his tone, but also a little apprehension, and he just looked at the bottle of chili sauce like this.

Yang Fan said: "Of course, but I have one condition."

Hummels said: "Just say it."

Yang Fan said: "We want to experiment as soon as possible, and don't want to wait until the day after tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan looked at Hummels, and Li Jun and the other three also looked at him.

How would he answer?
Will you still insist on doing the experiment the day after tomorrow?
Soon, everyone will be pleasantly surprised!

Hummels said in a comprehensive manner: "Don't worry about this matter, I will arrange it, and the experiment will start tomorrow."

That's right!

Didn't it mean that the test can only be done the day after tomorrow? Didn't it mean that the No. 2 pool is under maintenance?

In addition to being happy, Yang Fan deliberately asked: "Mr. Hummels, is it really okay to arrange the test tomorrow?"

Hummels said: "Don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Hearing this, Yang Fan smiled happily, "Then I'm relieved, I'll give you this bottle too."

After taking the bottle of chili sauce, Hummels carefully put it away. At this moment, he was satisfied.

The atmosphere was also unprecedentedly better, everyone was talking and laughing while eating.

After a meal, everyone was extremely satisfied, and Li Jun even said: "Master Yang, the food in this restaurant is good, not worse than yesterday's."

of course!

This restaurant is really good. After such a meal, it is estimated to be much more expensive than yesterday.

Yang Fan beckoned to the waiter to come and pay the bill, and he was ready to pay.

Unexpectedly, Hummels was in a hurry and said loudly: "Yang, I'll pay the bill, you can't compete with me."

A world apart!

After two bottles of chili sauce, not only did things get better, but they rushed to pay the bill.


Since you are rushing to pay the bill, then I will not argue with you, Yang Fan said: "Thank you then."

"It's okay, it's just a meal." Hummels took out his wallet and paid the bill readily.

I went out of the restaurant together with everyone, and Hummels said: "Yang, I will come to pick you up tomorrow, and the experiment will start tomorrow."

It is of course the best to start the experiment tomorrow. As for what method Hummels adopts, that is his business.


The next day.

Sure enough, Hummels arrived at the hotel where Yang Fan and others stayed early in the morning, not the young man from yesterday.

"Yang, get used to breakfast."

Yang Fan said: "The breakfast in this hotel is good. There are milk, eggs, bread slices, ham, etc. It is very complete and rich."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and then everyone got into the car and went to the Hamburg pool. Today, the towing test can begin.

Instead of waiting until tomorrow!

Li Jun and the other three looked at Yang Fan who was sitting in the passenger cab, all with expressions of admiration.

Everyone knows that Master Yang is awesome.

Hummels was actually dealt with with two bottles of chili sauce, and the other party's attitude changed 180 degrees. Moreover, it has been arranged that the experiment can be carried out today.

Shortly after, everyone enters the Hamburg pool.Walking into this huge hall, you can see two professional large pools in front of you.

There is no one in the No. [-] pool for the time being, probably because the group of Dutchmen have not come yet.

The No. [-] pool was originally under maintenance, but now it is ready for experiments.

Yang Fan guessed that everything was due to Hummels, and he must have thought of some way to complete the maintenance work ahead of schedule.

Finally ready to experiment!
At this moment, Yang Fan is slightly looking forward to what will happen to the data of his several overall models during the experiment.

Can the experimental data be good or excellent?
Yang Fan has not conducted the pool towing test of the hull of the 054 guided missile frigate.

Because at that time, he was just a newcomer who had just joined the work, and the hull towing test was not yet his turn.

Hummels led everyone to open the large iron cabinet where the hull model was stored, and took out the hull model of 054 at the request of Yang Fan.

Do the towing test of 054 first, and then do the towing test of 054a.

Hummels also got busy with several technicians, making some preparations before the experiment.

The towing test was entrusted to the Hamburg pool, and we paid a high fee for the test. Yang Fan and others didn't have to do it themselves, they just watched from the sidelines.

It is also a rare opportunity to watch Hummels and others conduct experiments.

Yang Fan told everyone to carefully watch the experiment process and record some necessary things in the notebook.

While the preparations before the test were being carried out in an orderly manner, there was movement outside the gate, and the group of Dutchmen from yesterday walked in.

They will conduct towing tests in the No. [-] pool.


Let’s post a chapter first. Today, I drove back to my hometown to pick red bayberries. It took more than 300 kilometers to and fro, and I was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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