Military Heavy

Chapter 296 Who Has the Prettier Experimental Data

Chapter 296 Who Has the Prettier Experimental Data

Seeing the group of people coming in, Li Jun reminded softly: "Master Yang, they have come in and will conduct experiments in the No. 1 pool."

Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan also looked over and looked at those people.

For them, even Yang Fan did not have any good impressions, let alone Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan, because the original plan to do experiments in the No. With one kick, he jumped in line abruptly.

Do you still need to say "first come, first served"!

How can there be such a random jump in line!

Therefore, everyone was displeased with these Dutchmen. When they saw them coming in for experiments, they all looked at them displeasedly. experiments, they do their experiments."

Withdrawing his gaze, he continued to watch Hummels lead several technicians to prepare for the test, put the berth model of the 054 ship into the pool, install a series of sensors, conduct a series of pre-test inspections, and so on.

Yang Fan took out his pen and notebook, and wrote down a lot of things.

Pool 1 next door.

Several technicians in the Hamburg pool are also making preparations, and it seems that they are almost done, and it is estimated that the test will not take long.

Those Dutch people were talking and laughing by the pool. Gradually, they probably noticed that the No. 2 pool will also start the experiment, and there were a few yellow-skinned, black-haired orientals standing beside the pool. Some people looked at this side, and pointing.

They are talking.

"Are they Japanese, or Chinese?"

"Looking at their hull model, it is actually a stealth design."

"It should be Chinese, they seem to speak Chinese, not Japanese."


Yang Fan felt the other party's pointing, and also vaguely heard something, so he couldn't help looking towards them, and looked at the hull model in their pool.

It is obviously also a stealth design. This is probably a new type of ship designed and developed by them, but it is not clear for the time being whether it is a guided missile frigate or a guided missile destroyer.

This is interesting.

Also used is the stealth design.

When Yang Fan didn't expect it, two people from the other party came over, walked to the side of No. 2 pool, and looked at our hull model. They were surprised at first, and then turned out to be contemptuous and disdainful.

One of them said very impolitely: "Do you Chinese also understand the stealth design of the hull? I think you are just trying it for the first time, and you are still far away from mastering the real stealth design."

Another person also said: "For such a hull model, the test data must be very bad. I really want to see how bad it can be."

They spoke English, and Yang Fan could hear them clearly.

Although Li Jun, Liao Wenjun, and Xue Bingyuan have limited English proficiency, they don't understand anything. If you pay attention to the expressions of these two people, you can roughly guess something.

Suddenly, the expressions of the three of them changed!
This is simply Chi Guoguo's door-to-door provocation!
Our experiment has not yet started, they come here to make irresponsible remarks, asserting that we don't understand stealth design, and the test data is terrible.

Xue Bingyuan is a young man with a fresh blood, so he raised his middle finger at them immediately!
Shit shit, get out of here.

You don't understand stealth design!
Your test data is really bad!

Although they don't understand Chinese, they understand this international common gesture. Immediately, the expressions of the two Dutchmen changed and they became angry.

Relying on his height and strength, he looks like he is ready to use force.

Conflict is imminent!
Yang Fan stood in front of Xue Bingyuan and the other three, and said loudly to the two Dutchmen in English: "What do you want to do, if you want to fight, we will accompany you!"

Afraid of wool!

Even if you know that fighting during a business trip abroad is not a good thing, but when someone bullies you, it is clear that they want to fight you, and you must not back down.

Hummels, who was preparing for the experiment, noticed the situation here, ran over immediately, and shouted loudly: "What do you want to do!"

After receiving the two bottles of chili sauce, Hummels had completely sided with Yang Fan, and did not give the two Dutchmen a good look.

The other party immediately became timid.

Because Hummels is from the Hamburg pool and seems to be a supervisor, they dare not offend or do anything in front of Hummels.

The distance between the two pools is not far, and the people over there have also noticed the situation here, and Blind came over aggressively with a few people.

He asked loudly, "Chinese, what's going on?"

Yang Fan was not timid at all, and said calmly: "Take care of your people, don't cause trouble here."

Blinder's face darkened, and he asked his people. After understanding the reason, he looked coldly at the model of the 054 ship that was put into the pool, and said disdainfully: "They are right, don't you Do you really understand stealth design? Doing towing tests here is purely a waste of resources and money.”

Yang Fan retorted: "It's okay, you'll know once you do the experiment, don't be so confident, your experiment data may not necessarily be better than ours."

Regarding the 054 ship, Yang Fan is quite confident.

It is not without reason that the Type 054 guided missile frigate can firmly occupy the top five positions of the world's frigates. One of the reasons is that its ship shape design is very good.

Obviously, Blinder was not satisfied.

"Young man, let's compete, dare you?"

Yang Fan laughed, the other party actually wanted to compare the experimental data with him.

Since Blind proposed it on his own initiative, we must not let him down. If he shrinks back, the other party must think that he is really scared, thinking that our test data is really bad.

"Compare, compare, how do you compare."

Seeing that Yang Fan really wanted to compete with him, Blinder smiled complacently, and the people behind him also laughed happily, as if they were sure of winning.

Blinder said: "It's very simple. Let's compare whose test data is more beautiful. Since it is a test, there must be something. I know that you are poor and have no money, so let's bet 500 marks, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with provocative eyes.

It seems that Yang Fan can't afford to lose 500 marks.

It seems certain that Yang Fan will retreat in the face of difficulties.

How do you know, Yang Fan said: "How can a mere 500 marks be enough, double it, let's bet 1000 marks, dare you?"

Blind was slightly surprised, but soon realized that it was Yang Fan's bluff, and said even more proudly: "No problem, then 1000 marks."

Yang Fan said: "Win or lose, just take a look at the hull model in our pool, whose towing test data is more beautiful."

After speaking, he took out his wallet, took 1000 marks out of it, and handed it to Hummels, "Mr. Hummels will be the referee, and the money will be handed over to him."

Blind thought he would definitely win, so he took 1000 marks and handed it to Hummels, and the bet was settled.

Li Jun was a little worried.

I really wanted to remind Yang Fan in a low voice, but I never had a chance. I quietly winked beside him, but Yang Fan didn't seem to see it either.

Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan were also anxious.

The two had the same thought in their hearts, it's over, it's over, Master Yang will definitely lose.

Blind gave Yang Fan a look of "I'm sure to win", and then led his men back to pool 1.

Their preparatory work was almost done, and soon, the towing test began, and various experimental data began to be displayed on the test instruments.

Hummels reminded: "For the sake of fairness, let's all go and have a look."

Yang Fan also wanted to know the level of the other party, what kind of technical level the ship they designed had reached, so he nodded, and took Li Jun and the three to the side of No. 1 pool to watch their towing test.

The time is 1 minute, and 1 minute has passed.

According to the test program, various towing tests were carried out to verify the sailing performance of the hull, and a large number of test data were recorded.

The test equipment is working, and the printer also starts to print the test data.

The towing test was completed according to the test outline, and the data was printed out. Blinder took the test data and looked through it, showing satisfaction.

This is not the first time they have conducted the towing test of this ship type. This is the third time. The data of the first towing test is not good, and they have improved the hull design.

After the second towing test, the hull design was improved. After this series of improvements, Blind is confident that the test data this time must be good.

Sure enough, after reading the test data, he showed satisfaction.

Noticing the other party's expression, Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan's hearts sank, and they all thought that Master Yang would definitely lose.

That's all for today's update, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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