Military Heavy

Chapter 297 A Small Win of 1000 Marks

Chapter 297 A Small Win of 1000 Marks
Blind looked at Yang Fan proudly again, his eyes seemed to say, you are doomed, and the 1000 marks will soon belong to me.

As for his subordinates, they were so excited that they almost cheered and yelled, as if their experiment was very successful.

"Oh God, we finally made it!"

"Compared to the last test data, the data this time is really beautiful."

"Haha, we won!"


After seeing the reactions of his subordinates, Blind took a few steps forward and walked in front of Yang Fan, extremely arrogant, "Would you like to take a look at our test data, this time, you lost."

Yang Fan wasn't worried or depressed at all.

It didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, but he took the test data calmly, looked through it roughly, and soon got a clear idea.

If the full score is 100 points, in Yang Fan's opinion, the score of their experimental data is about 75 points.

Not bad!
But it's definitely not perfect!

After knowing it in his mind, Yang Fan became more confident, at least 054% to [-]% sure, the test data of our [-] ship should be better than theirs.

However, Blind was obviously not optimistic about the 054 ship. He looked at the hull model in the No. 2 pool with disdain, and said loudly to Hummels: "We have won, I don't think there is any more competition, please put Then give me a total of 2000 marks."

Hummels sighed softly, then looked to Yang Fan for advice.

To be honest, he was not optimistic about Yang Fan's hull model, and he probably lost. In order not to embarrass himself, he suggested that he simply admit defeat now and give the money to Blind.

Of course Yang Fan disagreed.

He waved his hand and said, "No, we haven't started the towing test yet, how can we draw conclusions, just wait a little longer."

After finishing speaking, he asked: "Mr. Hummels, when can we start the towing test, we should be almost ready."

Hummels smiled wryly and shook his head. He really wanted to persuade Yang Fan that he would just admit defeat and give the money to Blind. After they left, he would quietly finish the towing test, which would make him look better.

Seeing that Yang Fan was determined to conduct the experiment in front of Blinder, he had no choice but to truthfully say: "Hurry up, the experiment will start in less than 10 minutes."

Yang Fan said loudly: "You all come and have a look, and watch the whole process of our experiment with your own eyes, so as to save time and money."

Blind almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Will we default?

Obviously you are the loser, okay?
Blind, who almost vomited blood, had no choice but to take his men to the side of the No. 2 pool, preparing to watch the towing test this time.

After a while, the experiment can begin.

At this moment, no matter whether it was Li Jun, Liao Wenliang or Xue Bingyuan, all of them became nervous without exception, thinking in their hearts, what would happen if our test data were ugly? ? ?
I dare not continue to think about it.

If that's the case, I'll lose face!
Li Jun prayed in his heart, God bless us, our test data should not be too ugly, at least we should barely face it.

Unlike Li Jun and the others, Yang Fan seemed very calm.

Trials began soon.

Hummels and a few technicians did not dare to be careless. After all, this is related to the 1000 mark bet, and he must strive to be fair and just.

The test equipment in the No. 2 pool started to work, and several technicians in the Hamburg pool were also busy. However, it didn't take long for these technicians to be surprised.

One of the technicians even asked loudly: "Boss, come over and see if there is something wrong with our equipment!"


Hummels showed doubts on his face, walked over to take a serious look, and after confirming again and again, he said: "There is no problem with our test equipment, it is very normal."

Very normal!

Then these test data are a little "abnormal"!

The technician looked like he had seen hell. They had to do towing tests several times a month. Over the course of a year, they had tested not hundreds of ship models, but at least dozens of them.

Such beautiful test data as now is very rare!

Observing their words, Li Jun and the others vaguely understood something, and suddenly, their hearts were beating uncontrollably. At this moment, they couldn't calm down at all!

Yang Fan said lightly, it seems that all this is normal, as if it was expected, "Our test data is perfect, and the technicians in the Hamburg pool once suspected that there was something wrong with their test equipment."

Oh my God!

Li Jun, Liao Wenliang, and Xue Bingyuan seriously suspected that their ears had misheard. Our test data was actually perfect!

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes!
It turned out to be a false alarm!
Damn it, just now I suspected that Master Yang would lose.

It really shouldn't be like this!
The three cheered up and were extremely happy!

The eyes looking at Yang Fan are full of admiration. This is the admiration from the bottom of my heart. I am so impressed that Master Yang is so amazing!

They all know that the shape of the hull of the 054 ship was designed by Mr. Yang himself, and he drew the design drawings himself, and then made a hull model for the tank towing test in proportion to these design drawings.

As soon as the towing test started, beautiful test data came out one by one!
Master Yang is mighty!

This is a real bullshit!
In stark contrast to Li Jun and the other three, Blind's face gradually became serious, and then gradually changed from serious to ugly, then gloomy.

When the experiment was over, Blinder's face was so gloomy that he could pinch water.

The one who was sure of winning, unexpectedly overturned on the spot!

It is also a stealth design, but the Chinese hull design is obviously better, as can be seen from the towing test.

Blind's face was ugly, and his subordinates lost their voices collectively. They were still talking and laughing before the test, and their words were full of disdain. Now, their faces are probably a little hotter.

After the test is completed, the data is printed out.

Yang Fan took these test data, raised it to Blinder and others, and said loudly: "Would you like to take a look at our test data."

It's red-blooded and ugly for Blinder.

Sure enough, Blind's complexion turned even darker.

He really didn't have the face to stay in the No. 2 pool anymore. He was so dejected that he took his people back to the No. 1 pool. Seeing them like this, Yang Fan smiled happily.

I feel better than ever!

Not only did he win the 1000 mark bet, but also, the hull of the 054 ship was well designed and passed the pool towing test, so he felt a lot easier.

What about Li Jun and the others?
At this moment, he was so happy that he laughed loudly, and the laughter spread far away, probably reaching the ears of Blind and the others next to the No. 1 pool.

"Haha, it's so cool!"

"Looking at their dingy looks, I can't help but want to laugh."

"Master Yang has always been so calm, so he already knew that he would win!"


Seeing how happy the three of them were, and the words wafting into his ears, Yang Fan smiled happily again, and said loudly: "They don't have the face to look at our test data, you all have a look."

After speaking, he gave the test data to Li Jun and others.

The hull design of the 054 ship is good, and the data of the pool towing test is also good. If the full score is still 100 points, Yang Fan thinks that it can score at least 85 points, which is 10 points ahead of Blind and the others.

10 points difference!

This also shows that there is indeed a relatively large gap between the two.

It is also the stealth design of the hull, the gap is a little big.

Hummels is an expert, knowing that Yang Fan won, he took out the 2000 marks that he kept, handed it to Yang Fan, and said loudly: "Yang, congratulations!"

Holding the stack of banknotes, Yang Fan said: "See, we have food money for the next few days, so we can go to restaurants every day instead of cooking by ourselves."

Travel funds are limited.

Although it has been more than ten years since the reform and opening up, it is still not rich, and there is still a big gap compared with Western developed countries.

It is impossible to go to restaurants every day. In order to save money, Yang Fan is considering whether to cook by himself in the hotel where he is staying, which can save a lot of money.

No need now, 1000 marks, you can eat for a few days.

Raising his hand to look at the time, Yang Fan said: "It's already noon, let's go to dinner, Mr. Hummels, how about going to dinner with us?"

After speaking, he raised the 2000 marks in his hand.

Hummels seemed a little hesitant.

Yang Fan knew Hummels too well, smiled heartily, and said mysteriously: "In addition to chili sauce, I also brought another delicacy, don't you want to try it?"


Hummels incomparable surprise!
He had long noticed that Li Jun was carrying a bag in his hand. He thought it was information, or something like a tool, but it turned out to be something to eat.

Hummels' glutton was hooked all of a sudden.

Wei Wei rubbed her hands excitedly, and then said: "Then let's go to dinner together, let me treat you, and take my car."

Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed out loud.

Another Hummels treat!

If you can save a meal, you can count it as a meal. If you go to an outside restaurant to eat a meal, it will cost tens of marks for at least three people, and one or two hundred marks if you eat a little better.

A meal costs more than Li Jun's monthly salary.

Hummels took the initiative to treat guests, this is better!

The four of them got out of the Hamburg pool, and Hummels drove to a western restaurant a little further away. The environment was good.

After Hummels ordered the meal, he looked at the bag in Li Jun's hand, and asked tentatively, "Yang, what kind of food is in it, can you give me a taste first?"

Yang Fan smiled.

He took the bag and put it on the table. Under Hummels' surprised gaze, Yang Fan took the things out of the bag and put it on the table.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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