Military Heavy

Chapter 298 The most beautiful data I have ever seen

Chapter 298 The most beautiful data I have ever seen

Hummels can't calm down!

His eyes were firmly attracted by this thing.

I can't wait for him to do it himself, open it first and have a look, no, taste it first.

Seeing Hummels like this, Yang Fan smiled understandingly, knowing that a foodie has no resistance in front of delicious food.

What did Yang Fan bring from China?

For Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan, this is very familiar, and they often eat it. Among them, go to the right outside the gate of Donghai, about one mile, there is a century-old shop facing the street, this The taste of the store is the most authentic and delicious.

Yang Fan gestured, "Will it be opened?"

"Should be." Hummels quickly replied.

Yang Fan said: "I specially brought Liu Ji's pot meat from China. You probably haven't eaten it, so I gave it to you."

What is jar meat?

It is to use high-quality pork belly, go through many processes, especially the secret formula, put it in a jar and seal it for more than a month, and you can eat it directly after opening.

Hummels doesn't know what jar meat is, but that doesn't prevent him from knowing that it's delicious.

Li Jun and the others know this thing.

When I was in China, I occasionally went to Liu Ji’s old store to buy some and came back to make a tooth festival. The taste is very good, but it’s a little expensive. With everyone’s salary level, it’s not as free as jar meat. It’s very good if you can eat it a few times a month. up.

It was packed in two catties and sealed in a clay jar, which contained two catties of meat. Yang Fan bought it and brought it to Hamburg. Originally, he wanted everyone to try the jar meat from his hometown if they were tired of eating Western food.

Now, send Hummels to forget.

Yang Fan looked more and more pleasing to Hummels.

Hummels "studied" it, and finally opened the clay jar. At that moment, a fragrant smell spread out.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

Hummels looked intoxicated, took a deep breath, then picked up the fork, forked a piece from the small jar, and put it in his mouth. Immediately, his expression brightened!

This is simply delicious!
The world is delicious!
Seeing him like this, Yang Fan smiled and said in his heart, this is a proper foodie. Although the "jar meat" of Liu Ji's old shop tastes good, it is not to this level.

Well, I don't care about your intoxicated expression.

We eat western food.

Well, the western food is good.

Yang Fan picked up the knife and fork and signaled everyone to start to enjoy the authentic western food.

As for Hummels, he still felt unsatisfied after eating one piece. After eating another piece, he closed the lid with unsatisfied satisfaction. He probably wanted to treasure it and eat one or two pieces occasionally.

Even though it was covered, the fragrant smell did not dissipate, but spread in this western restaurant, and many foreigners could smell it.

"What does this smell like? It smells so good!"

"It must be something delicious. Just smelling it makes me want to eat it."


These foreigners looked around, looking for the source of this fragrance.After not finding anything, someone went to ask the owner of the restaurant.

The boss was also puzzled, he didn't know where the scent came from, he shrugged innocently, and spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know.

Hummels treats.

Still very rich.

A free, big lunch.

After the meal, Hummels still enthusiastically sent Yang Fan and others to the Hamburg pool, and specially arranged a reception room for everyone to sit down, drink coffee and take a rest.

"Yang, my people are already preparing for the test of the second hull model, you wait here for a while, you can test it, and I will inform you."

Yang Fan nodded and said, "OK, no problem."

After watching Hummels leave, Yang Fan took a sip of coffee, thinking in his heart, Hummels became more enthusiastic after delivering this jar of meat.

Of course, Li Jun and others also felt this. Compared with Hummels, who didn't even bother to show his face when he first arrived in Hamburg, it was a heaven and an underground.

"Master Yang, you are amazing, two bottles of chili sauce, one jar of meat, Hummels is obedient and becomes extremely enthusiastic."

"Master Yang, how do you know he likes these things?"

Faced with the question, Yang Fan just smiled heartily without explaining why.

Before being reborn, Yang Fan and Hummels had explained to him many times, and of course they knew the character of this fellow, so they specially brought these things from China.

It didn't cost much and the effect was huge!
It's worth it!

At the same time, Yang Fan could also feel that Li Jun and the others respected him even more. After this incident, everyone watched Yang Fan handle Hummels in person and admired them so much that they almost shouted "General Master Yang is mighty", The more respect you have in your heart.

The four of them were sitting in the reception room, drinking coffee, blowing on the air conditioner, chatting relaxedly, very comfortable.

Not only talked about the hull towing test, but also talked about the experience and feelings in foreign countries, and expressed their desire to go around and have a look.

Li Jun asked on behalf of everyone: "Master Yang, if everything goes well, we can finish the experiment today, and take us for a walk tomorrow, how about it?"

no problem!
Yang Fan agreed immediately, and immediately surprised the three of them.

It's really worth it to come out with Mr. Yang, eat delicious food, drink spicy food, enjoy delicious western food, and start shopping around tomorrow.

The current material conditions of Western capitalist countries are better than ours, and the commodities are also more abundant than ours, no matter in terms of quality or variety, because it is only 1992 now.

Of course, it will be different in another 20 years. At that time, the quality and variety of our domestic products will not be inferior to those of Western countries.

Yang Fan suggested: "Starting tomorrow, let's take a good look around. If you want to buy something, don't hesitate. If you miss this opportunity, you don't know how many years it will be before you have the opportunity to travel abroad again."

This is true.

Opportunities to go abroad are rare. Many people have never been abroad in their entire lives. The three of them are lucky to be able to go out with Yang Fan for a walk.

After chatting relaxedly for nearly an hour, I felt that I had almost rested and finished my coffee. At this time, Hummels came in.

"Yang, the preparations have been completed, and the experiment can begin."

Yang Fan stood up, waved his hand and said, "Come on, let's do the experiment. After this experiment, we're done."

There are two kinds of hull models. In the morning, the pool towing test of the 054 hull model was done, and the test data are very satisfactory.

In the afternoon, he was going to do the towing test of the 054A hull model. To be honest, Yang Fan was slightly looking forward to it and wanted to know how the test was going.

Because the 054A ship is improved and perfected on the basis of the 054 ship, the test data should be more perfect. As for how perfect it can be, it needs to be known through experiments.

Yang Fan got up and walked in front with big strides, and everyone followed one after another. Soon, he came to the side of No. 1 pool.

Li Jun immediately reminded softly: "Master Yang, look at those Dutch people, they seem to be preparing to conduct experiments."

Yang Fan has already seen it, and they have changed to another hull model, which is obviously not the one in the morning, and they are going to continue the test in the No. 1 pool.

No, their trials have already begun.

Yang Fan said: "Leave them alone, we will do our experiments."

People do not offend me and I do not offend others.

Yang Fan doesn't want to cause trouble, but he will never be afraid of trouble.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Fan focused on the situation of the No. 2 pool. Soon, the test began. Hummels led several technicians to carry out the towing test seriously.

As the experiment progressed, things gradually became different.

Hummels ran over and said in disbelief: "Yang, from the data point of view, the experimental data of this model is more beautiful than the data in the morning."

"Oh God, I have never seen such beautiful test data, Yang, how did you design such a good hull, I can't believe it!"

Listening to Hummels' words, Yang Fan smiled.

Have a good laugh.

I thought in my heart, it is indeed the hull model of 054A, it is really awesome, look, people in the Hamburg pool were frightened, and they said that they have never seen such beautiful data.

The movement is getting bigger and bigger!
Every time the model in the pool completed a trajectory and every test data came out, the technicians who were doing the test couldn't help but exclaimed.

This kind of movement made Li Jun and the others smile, and gave thumbs up quietly one after another. Master Yang is arrogant, and designed such an excellent hull!
Such movements, of course, also aroused the idea of ​​No. 1 pool.

Blind and the others looked at this side in confusion at first, and after knowing the situation, their faces darkened, not knowing what kind of blow they would receive.

The hull model that Yang Fan and the others had in the morning was already good enough, but now, there is an even better one, so do we need to live on it?

It's just unreasonable!

No, it's simply science!
China's industry and technology are not particularly developed, how could they design such an outstanding thing, Blinder shouted in his heart, God, this is obviously unscientific.

No matter how much you call on God, it is useless, regardless of whether it is scientific or not, the facts are right in front of you.

Yang Fan looked at the No. 1 pool and saw those Dutch people looking downcast and shocked. He wondered happily whether such frustration would seriously damage their confidence.

In the huge hall, the two pools form a sharp contrast!
Pool 1 was dull, even filled with a depressing atmosphere.

The No. 2 pool is extremely lively!
You don’t need to get too close to feel this strong atmosphere. Many people from the Hamburg pool heard the news and came, and more and more people around the No. 2 pool.

"Oh God, I can't believe it!"

"I have never seen such beautiful experimental data!"


Shouts of exclamation came from the mouths of these technicians in the Hamburg pool from time to time. They couldn't calm down and couldn't control their mood at the moment.

More and more people are watching.

Even the test in the No. 1 pool was temporarily stopped, and several technicians who were in charge of the test there ran to the No. 2 pool to look at the test data.

The technicians gathered around the No. 2 pool to watch the wonderful towing test, and Blind dared not put a fart in it. Who made the test data of the No. 2 pool so beautiful.

If his hull model test data can reach this level, he can also be arrogant and stop the tests in other tanks.

Unfortunately, he can't.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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