Military Heavy

Chapter 299 Is it a permanent collection?

Chapter 299 Is it a permanent collection?
The movement is getting bigger and bigger!

More and more people gathered beside the No. 2 pool.

The experiment was finally finished, and the whole scene burst into cheers, and then a burst of warm applause rang out, with Hummels taking the lead in applauding happily.

"Yang, congratulations!"

He took the initiative to come over and shook hands with Yang Fan enthusiastically.

Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan looked happily at Chief Master Yang and Hummels shaking hands, and thought almost at the same time in their hearts: "Excited, our hull towing test has attracted so many people to watch, and it has become the entire Hamburg pool. Focus."

This is absolutely unexpected!
Can't even dream.

In addition to being overjoyed, Li Jun looked at the No. 1 pool, was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a very happy smile on his face.

Pool 1 is empty, not a single person!
Those Dutch people didn't know when they had already quietly left, and there was not a single one left. They probably didn't have the face to stay there any longer.

Li Jun thought in his heart, how ridiculous they are, they are simply watching the sky from the bottom of a well, not knowing the heights of the sky and the earth, and even betting with Chief Master Yang.

As the test was completed and the test data was printed out, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

Yang Fan got the test data, looked through it happily, and carefully put away the data after reading it.


No wonder Hummels said that this is the most perfect test data he has ever seen!
The eyes of many people around fell on the test data in Yang Fan's hands. Don't think about it, they really wanted to see what the test data looked like and how perfect it was.

Unfortunately, they can only take a look enviously.

Yang Fan has no intention of sharing the data with them, let alone showing off, basic confidentiality is still needed, this is the hull tank towing test of our future 054 ship.

The test was completed, and the test data was also collected by Yang Fan. The crowd was about to disperse, when suddenly there was a commotion among the crowd.

"Oh God, who do I see!"

"It's unbelievable how he came here!"


Some people were stunned and showed expressions of disbelief, including Hummels, who also showed a very surprised expression.

Several people came in from outside the gate, and the leading middle-aged man was the person in charge of the Hamburg pool and also Hummels' immediate boss, the super boss in everyone's eyes, he actually came too.

Except for the middle-aged man, the people who followed him were not small characters, not supervisors, but middle-level managers of the Hamburg pool, and they also followed.

The middle-aged man walked to the No. 2 pool and said loudly: "Hummels, I heard that a very good experiment was done here just now, isn't it?"

Hummels quickly controlled the excitement in his heart, tried to calm down a little, and replied: "Boss, this is indeed the case. Look, the hull model for the test is still in the pool."

The middle-aged man looked over, saw the hull model, and said in surprise, that it was still designed for stealth.

"Hummels, where are the test data, show me."

The test data was in duplicate, and the Hamburg pool would keep one copy. Hummels quickly sent the data left by the Hamburg pool with both hands.

After receiving these test data, the person in charge of the Hamburg pool looked through it carefully, and the surroundings gradually quieted down.

There were also some people who looked at Yang Fan enviously, and said in their hearts, you are so arrogant, just do an experiment, even our big boss was alarmed.

After reading the test data, the middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, and said in a loud voice: "This kind of test data is indeed beautiful, and it is not common in our Hamburg pool."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Yang Fan, and he said enthusiastically: "You are Mr. Yang from China, right? I am the person in charge of the Hamburg pool."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man actively extended his right hand.

Yang Fan shook hands with him, "Yes, I am Yang Fan, from China's Donghai Ship Design Institute."

The two shook hands tightly.

After exchanging a few words, the middle-aged man said: "Your test data is really beautiful, I have a suggestion, can you put the hull model of your test in our showroom?"

my God!

There was a sound of gasping all around!
Showroom for the Hamburg Basin!

This is not an ordinary place, not any hull model is qualified to be placed there, all hull models that can be displayed there are all excellently designed, representing a supreme honor!

No wonder the reaction from others at Hamburg Pool was so huge!
Staring blankly at Yang Fan's side, they seriously suspected that their ears had misheard.

Very envious!

A lot of eyes just looked at Yang Fan like this, they were happy for Yang Fan, Hummels almost congratulated Yang Fan on the spot, but seeing the big BOSS present, he held back temporarily.

A shocking scene happened!

This is beyond everyone's expectations.

Yang Fan declined and said: "Thank you for your kindness, I have no plans to put the hull model in the Hamburg pool exhibition hall for the time being."

No way!
Did you make a mistake!
This is the showroom of the Hamburg pool!

The hull models that can be placed there all represent a kind of identity, the recognition of the Hamburg pool, and a great honor.

Yang Fan actually refused!
The people around were stunned!

After a long while, someone said: "He must not know what's going on in the exhibition hall of the Hamburg pool, he definitely doesn't know, otherwise, he wouldn't refuse."

"If he had known about the showroom at the Hamburg pool, he wouldn't have said that."

"He should regret it."


Words like these floated around, and the originally quiet scene gradually became noisy again. The person in charge of the Hamburg pool suddenly realized, couldn't help smiling, and thought in his heart, so he didn't know the showroom of our Hamburg pool.

So, he invited: "Mr. Yang, don't refuse me in a hurry, how about this, I will take you to visit our showroom first."

Yang Fan wanted to shake his head, but hesitated for a moment, and nodded anyway.

Is Yang Fan unfamiliar with the exhibition hall of the Hamburg pool?

No, not at all unfamiliar.

Before the rebirth, I had visited several times and had a better understanding of the situation there. All the exhibits there were hull models that had performed towing tests in the Hamburg pool and performed very well.

Since he has been there many times, why did Yang Fan nod and agree to visit.As long as there are two reasons, first, I want to see what the showroom looks like now, and what is the difference between it and 30 or [-] years later.

Second, I have visited it myself, but Li Jun, Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan have not been there. It is only good for them to go and have a look to broaden their horizons.

So, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, the four of Yang Fan went to the exhibition hall of the Hamburg pool, followed by several people, such as Hummels.

Yang Fan and others left the No. 2 pool, but more people did not leave. They stayed where they were, first staring blankly, and then frying the pot.

"I'm not dreaming, the big boss personally took them to visit the showroom."

"This kind of situation, led by the big boss, doesn't happen a few times a year."

"These people are too good."

"No, the hull model they designed is too arrogant."


They failed to go to the exhibition hall together, and stayed in the No. 2 pool, and none of them could calm down. Their big boss personally took Yang Fan and others to visit the exhibition hall, which was obviously beyond their imagination.

Soon, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, the four of Yang Fan entered the exhibition hall.

This is an exhibition hall with an area of ​​two to three hundred square meters.

The decoration is very good, the light is bright, and there are ship hull models in each transparent glass cabinet, and there is an introduction next to each model.

Taking everyone to visit, the middle-aged man personally explained: "This is the exhibition hall of our Hamburg pool. A total of 21 hull models are displayed here. Since the completion of our Hamburg pool, at least thousands of hull models have been made here. Passed the tow test."

He introduced the situation himself.

Thousands of models have been tested in the Hamburg pool, but only 21 are eligible to be placed here.

While listening to the introduction, Yang Fan looked at the situation here.Compared with 30 or 30 years later, the area here has not changed, only the number of hull models is different. In Yang Fan's memory, there are about [-] to [-] hull models displayed here after [-] or [-] years.

The middle-aged man not only introduced the basic situation of the exhibition hall, but also highlighted several hull models. They are all very famous warships and have already entered service.

Yang Fan carefully read the introduction of these hull models, and thought to himself, there is no Arleigh Burke class or Lafayette class. It is estimated that these ships did not conduct pool towing tests in the Hamburg pool, but probably did towing tests in their own countries.

It's a small exhibition hall, and I watched it for two or three 10 minutes.

Yang Fan's mood was relatively calm all the time, but Li Jun and the others couldn't calm down at all, and felt that it was like a dream.

Li Jun even thought in his heart, it would be great if the hull model of our 054 ship could be permanently stored here.

Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan couldn't calm down either.

Looking at the hull models displayed here, the two of them thought almost the same, our hull model is placed here, that is to say, it can be placed in the same exhibition hall as those models of famous ships.

After the visit, the middle-aged man said enthusiastically: "Yang, as long as you agree to put the hull model here, we promise to keep it permanently and let it show its extraordinaryness to every visitor."

Yang Fan smiled happily.

Do you want to promise the Hamburg pool to let them permanently collect the hull model of the 054A ship?
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(End of this chapter)

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