Military Heavy

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
Including the person in charge of the Hamburg pool, everyone looked at Yang Fan, waiting for an answer.

Li Jun kept winking at Yang Fan even more quietly, which meant, Mr. Yang, please hurry up and agree, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Hurry up!

Li Jun was so anxious to death!

He was most afraid that Yang Fan would refuse, and if he missed this village, there would be no next shop.

If he could speak, he would have spoken eagerly. The scene was quiet, everyone was waiting for Yang Fan's answer, Li Jun could only wink.

Yang Fan pondered for a while.

Then, a decision was quickly made, and he said with a little apology: "I'm sorry, I'm still not going to put our hull model in the showroom."

The people around were dumbfounded, they all thought that Yang Fan would agree after visiting the showroom and understanding the difficulty of the exhibition hall, but he refused!
Li Jun's face darkened, he really couldn't figure out why General Master Yang refused.

Li Jun is not the only one who can't figure it out, why is it not the case for other people, all of them can't figure out why Yang Fan refused.

Seeing that Yang Fan refused again, the person in charge of the Hamburg pool could only sigh softly, "Yang, that's a pity, you are also the first person to refuse our request."

The Hamburg tank has been established for decades and is very famous in the ship industry. It can be regarded as one of the best towing tanks in the world. Many design agencies want to put their developed and designed hull models in this exhibition hall.

Some even offered to promise a series of conditions, including paying a lot of money, just to get their models out there.

It's just that the Germans are more rigid in doing things. If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it.

Yang Fan is the first!
Hamburg pool has been established for decades No.1.

He actually rejected the request made by the Hamburg pool.

While being very puzzled, many people thought in their hearts that this is a real genius who refused such a request twice.

The person in charge of the Hamburg pool looked regretful, but he didn't force it any more. He held out his hand on a voluntary basis and said, "Yang, it's a pity, but I still hope that when you design a new ship next time, You can still come here for experiments.”

Yang Fan held out his hand, shook hands with him and said, "If we still didn't have a professional towing test pool in our country at that time, we would definitely come here."

After a few polite words, the middle-aged man left feeling a little disappointed.

Hummels didn't say anything all the time, because the big boss is here, and he can't say anything at his level. After the person in charge of the Hamburg pool left with a group of people, he finally said loudly: "Yang, you are really a big boss!" It's a strange person who actually refused such a request."

Yang Fan smiled, and said loudly: "Our test data has been completed, let's go, we want to watch the hull model be destroyed with our own eyes."

If the test is finished, the customer has the right to destroy the hull model.

The Hamburg pool also has such a system, as well as related equipment.

Hummels smiled wryly, looked at Yang Fan, and thought in his heart, what a strange person, he would rather destroy the hull model than put it on display in the exhibition hall.

Helpless, Hummels had no choice but to take Yang Fan and others to the hydraulic press where the hull model was destroyed, put the hull model into the hydraulic press in front of Yang Fan and others, and then, whether it was the hull model of the 054 ship or the 054A ship, Hull model, all flattened, crushed.

Seeing that the hull model was completely scrapped, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, no one can know the hull design of the 054 and 054A ships, except the technicians of the Donghai Institute.

The test was completed with flying colors.

Yang Fan waved his hand to say goodbye to Hummels, and took Li Jun and others back to the hotel where he was staying. No outsiders were present, so Li Jun finally couldn't help asking.

"Master Yang, why don't you agree to put our hull model in the exhibition hall of the Hamburg pool? What an honor it is!"

Liao Wenliang said: "That's right, others can't let it go if they want to. Master Yang, you actually refused twice."

Yang Fan smiled and explained: "Our 054 project is in the stage of strict secrecy. I don't want it to be completely exposed. The hull model is not placed in the exhibition hall of the Hamburg pool. It is entirely out of confidentiality requirements and strict confidentiality. In comparison, some false names are not important at all."

That's it!

Li Jun and the others understood it completely.

Yang Fan said: "It's still early, let's go shopping nearby, if you want to buy something, you can buy some properly, and we'll find a better restaurant for dinner in the evening."

I won 1000 marks, but I haven’t used them all the time, so I can reward everyone at night.

Immediately, Li Jun cheered up, prepared a bit, and then followed Yang Fan out.

They found that Mr. Yang seemed to be familiar with the road, which bus to take, where there is fun, and where there is a big supermarket.

The next day.

During the whole day, everyone's task was to play, shop, and go out early in the morning. Yang Fan took everyone to a nearby big castle. They had a great time and took a lot of photos.

After coming out of the big castle, we went to the city center of Hamburg, where we ate a western meal. After lunch, we walked into the largest shopping mall in Hamburg.

"Wow, so big!"

As soon as they came in, Li Jun and the others were surprised.

Xue Bingyuan said even louder: "I bet this is much bigger than any supermarket in our East China Sea."

Yang Fan smiled, looked at this supermarket, and said loudly: "Its scale is indeed good, but I believe that within five years, Donghai City will definitely have a super shopping center of this scale."

In this regard, Yang Fan has full confidence.

After entering the mid-90s, domestic economic development began to accelerate, and policies were further relaxed. The key is that the development of Donghai City began to take off.

Under such a background, it is normal for Donghai City to have a large supermarket of this size, and Hongtai Supermarket estimates that there will be a branch of this size in Donghai City.

"Really? There will be such a large supermarket in Donghai City in the future."

Yang Fan said: "There will definitely be, and it won't be too long."

While talking, everyone pushed their shopping carts into this large supermarket. The main task this afternoon is to buy, buy, buy
Li Jun and the other three also knew that the opportunity to go abroad was rare, and they had to seize the opportunity to buy something to bring back, so they began to carefully select.

They specially selected things that were not available in the country, were not expensive, and had high cost performance, and they selected some one after another.

In the cosmetics section, Yang Fan selected several brands of cosmetics, European famous brands, which are not yet available in China.

Seeing that Mr. Yang spent thousands of marks just to buy cosmetics, everyone was shocked and admired again and again, as expected of Mr. Yang.

This generosity, others can only envy!
Yang Fan looked at the reactions of the three, and said with a smile: "You can also buy it. I see if this bottle of perfume is available. It's a special price. The French brand only costs a dozen marks, which is very good value."

Li Jun and Liao Wenliang hesitated a little.

They are all families, and they have been thinking about buying something to give to their wives. This perfume is good, but it is still a bit expensive.

Seeing the worry in the hearts of the two, Yang Fan said: "Buy it with confidence, we probably won't be able to eat up the 1000 marks we won from the bet, and the money for the perfume will be deducted from the 1000 marks."



The two became happy, took a bottle of perfume one after another, and expressed their thanks to Yang Fan repeatedly.

It was an unexpected surprise!
It can actually be deducted from the 1000 marks.

After winning 1000 marks, I only ate two meals, one meal last night, one meal at noon today, and I plan to go back tomorrow morning, and the evening is the last meal.

How can this be used up.

Yang Fan said: "There are more than 700 marks left, let us have a big meal tonight with more than 200 marks, and take out [-] marks to buy things for you, how about it?"

Five hundred marks!

For Li Jun and the other three, this is not a small amount of money, which is equivalent to half a year's salary for one of them. With so much money, they should be able to buy a lot of things.

"Haha, in this way, I can safely buy some things and take them home." Xue Bingyuan laughed loudly.

Liao Wenliang also said happily: "Then I don't have any pressure, I can buy something for my wife and son to take home."

Li Jun said: "General Master Yang, what about you?"

Yang Fan said: "I'm much richer than you guys. I pay for things myself, and I don't deduct from the five hundred marks."

Li Jun said: "This, this is a bit bad."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "What's wrong with this, my sister is the owner of Hongtai Supermarket, you should have heard of this, I really don't need money."

Everyone knows this.

In Donghai Institute, this is almost an undisclosed secret.

Many of them were very envious, how could Mr. Yang be so lucky to have such a rich sister.

With [-] marks, the three of Li Jun became happy and began to pick out some things. Yang Fan also pushed the shopping cart and picked out a lot of things.

In addition to cosmetics, he also picked out leather shoes, bags and other things, and bought two bottles of good wine, which he planned to take back to Jiang Dahai.

Yang Fan also specially selected a famous Swiss watch, which he bought for himself. Wearing it on his hand can be said to be a status symbol.

The three of Li Jun were shocked when they saw what Yang Fan had chosen!
Extremely shocking!
They roughly estimated that the ones selected by Master Yang exceeded [-] marks.

More than 3000 marks!

In 1992, the 1-yuan household was still very impressive and enviable. Yang Fan was so selective, and spent more than [-] yuan.

In front of our Master Yang, what is a million-dollar household!
This kind of shock can't be dissipated in their hearts for a long time.

It wasn't until they finished checking out and walked out of the supermarket that they calmed down a little, and finally gradually became happier, because they also bought a lot of things to take home.

For example, Li Jun bought an electric razor specially for himself, Liao Wenliang picked out a pen worth tens of marks for himself, Xue Bingyuan picked out a pair of leather shoes, etc.

This is beyond their expectations.

Originally, I planned to pay out of my own pocket and gritted my teeth to buy things worth tens of marks to take back. Now, each person bought an average of more than 100 marks, and they didn’t have to pay for it themselves, and they didn’t have to pay a penny.

Carrying the big and small bags, Yang Fan waved: "Let's take a taxi first, put the things back to the hotel, and then go to have a big meal in the evening."


“Great, another free meal!”

The three of them raised their hands in favor of Yang Fan's decision, cheering for joy!
Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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