Military Heavy

Chapter 301 General Design Office of Fryer

Chapter 301 General Design Office of Fryer


Yang Fan specially took everyone into a relatively high-end restaurant and ordered very authentic local western food. The staple food was steak, and he also ordered dessert after dinner.

After winning 1000 marks, he ate two meals, and after shopping, there were still more than 200 marks left. Yang Fan didn't have any left, so he ate them all tonight.

Walking out of the hotel, before going to dinner, Yang Fan specifically asked if he would still eat Western food tonight, or should he change his taste, such as Chinese food.

But the three of them spoke almost in unison and unanimously asked for Western food.

Yang Fan smiled and said in his heart, if you stay for a few more days, you will get tired of eating Western food for a day, but now it is full of freshness, and you still want to eat Western food.

I remember that before I was reborn, I went abroad on a business trip and ate Western food for a week. Yang Fan felt that Chinese food was the most delicious. No matter how good Western food was, it was not suitable for Easterners to eat every day.

Plenty, starter soup was served.

It is still a bowl for each person, talking and laughing while drinking the appetizing soup.

Li Jundao: "Master Yang, I now find that the Dutchman is very cute. Without his 1000 marks, how could we buy so many things, and we don't have to pay for every meal there."

Liao Wenliang said: "He is too arrogant. If he knows that we have a big meal here with his money, he will probably faint from crying."

Xue Bingyuan said: "Why doesn't he gamble a little more? It would be great if he lost one or two thousand marks more."


Seeing that everyone couldn't stop talking while eating, Yang Fan also smiled, "We are lucky to have such an opportunity, otherwise, we have to pay for our own meals and shopping."

Travel funds are limited.

In order to save money, many Chinese people go to the supermarket to buy a little food and cook by themselves.

This saves money!

I ate more than 200 marks for this meal. I originally wanted to eat all of it, but I couldn't eat it anymore, and there were more than [-] marks left.

After paying the bill, Yang Fan said: "There are more than 20 marks left. We have the fare to the airport tomorrow, so we don't have to pay for it ourselves."

And such a good thing!
For the plane tomorrow morning, the ticket has already been bought. If there is no accident, after breakfast at the hotel where you are staying, you need to take a taxi to the airport by yourself.

The next day.

Everyone packed their bags and got ready to go home.

When he came, Yang Fan's suitcase was empty at first, but now it was full, and he couldn't fit some things, so he put some in Li Jun's suitcase.

In the suitcase, apart from the stuff that was full, Yang Fan sorted out the test data, packed them in a waterproof file bag, and put them in the suitcase.

Let's go!
Yang Fan looked at the time, then at Li Jun and the other three who had finished breakfast, and said loudly: "Everyone should take a short rest and leave later, or leave now and wait at the airport."

"Let's go to the airport."

"Go to the airport first and go through the check-in procedures. It is better to wait for the plane in the waiting hall."

Yang Fan accepted everyone's opinions, and was about to leave with his suitcase and go to the street outside to hail a taxi, but he thought, Hummels is here.

He knew what time Yang Fan was on the plane, so he drove here specially to see Yang Fan and the others off.

Seeing Yang Fan and the other four who hadn't left yet, Hummels breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were gone, it seems that my luck is pretty good."

"Hummels is here!"

Yang Fan was slightly surprised. When he saw the car parked outside the hotel, he immediately knew what was going on and was pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Hummels, you are too enthusiastic."

Hummels shook hands with Yang Fan, "I have a car, it's very convenient to take you to the airport, can I go now?"

"of course."

Yang Fan said: "We are getting ready to go, thank you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands and said loudly: "Pick up your luggage, let's go, Mr. Hummels will take us to the airport."

"Oh, nice!"

After knowing what was going on, the three of them cheered for a while. They didn't expect such a good thing to happen. This was a real big surprise.

I thought I was going to find a taxi!

I thought I had to pay for it myself!

Now, not only is Hummels taking everyone to the airport, but even the fare is saved, and there is no need to pay for the twenty-odd marks.

Happily, everyone picked up their luggage and went out, and Hummels even opened the trunk of his car. This is an off-road vehicle, very spacious, and everyone's suitcases can be put in the trunk.

The moment the car door was closed, Yang Fan thought comfortably, two bottles of chili sauce and a jar of meat, the power is not small, this is a big profit.

Sitting in the car, everyone talked and laughed.

Hummels concentrated on driving, occasionally chatting with Yang Fan.

The main reason is that the chili sauce and jar meat are very delicious. I thanked Yang Fan again, and at the same time showed a regretful expression. After eating these things, it will be difficult to have them again.

"Yang, when can you come to Hamburg again."

Yang Fan said: "This is not necessarily the case."

Hummels said: "Yang, if you come again next time, be sure to bring me those things, try to bring as much as possible, I will thank you."

"no problem."

Yang Fan readily agreed. As for when he will be able to come to the Hamburg pool again, it is really uncertain. Maybe after two or three years, he may not come again.

Goodbye, burgers!

Hummels, goodbye!
At the gate of the airport, Yang Fan waved goodbye to Hummels and walked into Hamburg Airport with Li Jun and the other three dragging their luggage.

Master Yang is back from a business trip!
Many people knew about this matter, and some even went to Yang Fan's office to sit and chat for a few words.

Yang Fan was also polite, and anyone who came to the door would either bring out chocolates, candies, etc. brought back from Germany, or take out the cigarettes they brought back.

The large office of the general design office is very lively.

Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan, who were on a business trip, came back and went to work today, bringing a lot of chocolates and cigarettes to share with everyone.

At the Hamburg airport, Yang Fan bought all the remaining [-] marks and distributed them to everyone. No, there were a lot of chocolates on the big table originally used to draw design drawings, and there was also a pack of opened ones. cigarette.

"Xiao Xue, how do you feel going abroad with Master Yang?"

Xue Bingyuan beamed with joy and said: "That's simply very refreshing, delicious and spicy food, Western food, and all of them go to high-end restaurants."

Just blow it!

Some senior designers who have been abroad, they didn't believe it at all, they couldn't help curling their lips, or smiled indifferently.

That expression seemed to say that Comrade Xiao Xue was obviously bragging.

Thinking of them going abroad on business trips, they spend every penny in half to save food and use it lightly. They dare not go to local restaurants for dinner. They always go to the supermarket to buy some cheap ingredients and cook for themselves.

"Xiao Xue, it's really a Western meal, don't lie to us."

"What I said is true, if you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Liao." Xue Bingyuan said.

So, someone asked: "Old Liao, is it like this, you eat Western food every meal, this is impossible, I heard that the prices abroad are so expensive, a meal is basically equivalent to half a month's salary for us."

Liao Wenliang smiled proudly, "Xiao Xue is right. We didn't cook our own meals. The first few meals were treated by people from the Hamburg pool, and we paid for it ourselves."

Out of pocket?
Everyone looked at Liao Wenliang and thought in their hearts, if they paid for it themselves, wouldn't it be possible for a few meals to eat up at least two or three months' wages.

This is too expensive!
Are you willing?
Knowing that everyone might have misunderstood, Liao Wenliang wanted to explain a few words, but Xue Bingyuan couldn't help but said loudly: "Then don't ask us to pay for it ourselves, it's like this."

Simply, it happened that the Dutch were also doing towing tests in the Hamburg pool, and even jumped in line to occupy our pool, and looked down on us, and then bet with Mr. Yang
After finishing these things, the originally lively scene became quiet in an instant!

Everyone is stunned!
Totally stunned!
There is still such a wonderful thing, the data of the towing test of the hull model of our 054 ship is so beautiful, and Chief Master Yang also won 1000 marks from the Dutch.

my God!

Oh, 1000 marks!
After regaining consciousness, the huge office exploded with a bang. Everyone's expressions were very exciting, and each one was more excited than the other. They pestered Xue Bingyuan and Liao Wenliang to talk about what happened in Hamburg back then.

Master Yang is amazing!

There are really two brushes!
Not only did the Dutch win very beautifully, but the hull model of the 054 ship they designed was also amazing. It was actually invited by the Hamburg pool, and the other party wanted our hull model to enter their showroom.

This face is not ordinary!

Absolutely elated!
In addition to being excited, many people admired General Master Yang, and more people looked at Liao Wenliang and Xue Bingyuan with envy.

They all thought in their hearts, why don't I have such good luck, if one day I can go on a business trip with Master Yang, that would be great.

You can't go abroad, you can go on a business trip in China, as long as you follow Master Yang, you can go anywhere.

Suddenly, someone noticed the leather shoes on Xue Bingyuan's feet.

Those who knew him thought to himself, Xiao Xue didn't seem to have worn such leather shoes.

Hey, these leather shoes are obviously brand new. Could it be that they were bought during a business trip in Hamburg.

Thinking of this in my heart, I immediately asked, "Xiao Xue, the pair of leather shoes you are wearing seems unusual, and they look very classy."

Immediately, many people noticed this, and many eyes focused on the pair of leather shoes Xue Bingyuan was wearing.

The shoes are brand new, very classy!
Seeing that everyone was looking at his leather shoes, Xue Bingyuan smiled triumphantly, stretched his feet specially so that everyone could see them more clearly, and then said coquettishly: "You guessed right, these are the shoes I bought in Hamburg. Yes, not bad, it cost me nearly a hundred marks."

Xue Bingyuan bought a pair of [-]-mark leather shoes!

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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