Military Heavy

Chapter 302 Luo Jianguo

Chapter 302 Luo Jianguo

This is impossible!
But the facts are right in front of you, and you can't help but believe it!
Someone asked loudly: "Xue Bingyuan, are these really the leather shoes you bought when you were on a business trip in Hamburg?"

Others pricked up their ears one after another, wanting to hear if this was the case.

Xue Bingyuan admitted: "That's right, I bought this when I was on a business trip in Hamburg."

Yes again!

Exclamations also rang out one after another. Many people have never worn such expensive shoes.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Xue Bingyuan laughed triumphantly, thinking that it would be better to go on a business trip with Master Yang.

At this time, Yang Fan was in Pan Jinfu's office.

Talking about some things in the Hamburg pool this time, especially about the towing test of the 054 ship pool.

After looking through the experimental data, Master Pan said with satisfaction: "It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. You can design such an excellent hull, which is far beyond my expectations."

Yang Fan said modestly: "To be honest, I started thinking about the hull design of the 054 ship two years ago."

The hull design has long been considered, and this makes sense.

Otherwise, why would you be able to draw the design of the hull shape and design such an excellent hull in a few days.

This is a white lie.

Yang Fan didn't intend to deceive Chief Master Pan at all, but just explained that he could design such a hull.

Master Pan didn't think that Yang Fan was lying. As early as two years ago, Yang Fan had indeed drawn up the imaginary renderings of a new generation of missile frigates.

Among them is a colored drawing, which is probably still kept in the drawer of a certain naval leader.

The two chatted for a while about the design of the 054 ship, especially the stealth design of the hull.

As we chatted, we naturally also talked about the Type 05B guided missile destroyer under design.

Master Pan said happily, "Through everyone's joint efforts, the overall design of 052B will be completed in a month or two. It is estimated that there will be no major problems in starting construction before the end of this year."

Although he knows that the design work will be fully completed this year, and it can be predicted that construction will start before the end of this year, but hearing Mr. Pan say this again, Yang Fan still cannot hide his excitement deep in his heart.

This is our Type 052B guided missile destroyer!

For it, Yang Fan is full of hope!

Full of expectations!
At the beginning of the design, Yang Fan put forward many very good suggestions, and even the design of 052B implemented many of Yang Fan's design intentions.

Now, although he does not continue to serve as the assistant to the chief designer, it does not mean that Yang Fan has forgotten 052B.

"General Master Pan, congratulations on completing another great design."

Pan Jinfu said: "You also have contributed a lot. You must have an important part in the merit list of the 052 ship."


The 052B design has entered the final stage, and Donghai Shipyard has become tense again.

Gradually, the tense atmosphere before the war began to pervade again.

Many people know that the construction of 052B will start in one or two months.

This is 052B!

Compared with the two 052 ships built before, they are completely different, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have been reborn.

The 052B not only has a missile vertical launch system, but also has a phased array control radar, an upgraded version of the combat command system, and advanced equipment such as 730 near-anti-aircraft guns.

As the chief constructor, Chen Shaohua became active again, feeling as if he was a few years younger, full of energy all day long.

While construction has yet to begin, some preparatory work has already begun ahead of schedule.

Chen Shaohua himself also went to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute every now and then. Although he didn't ask for the design drawings, he paid close attention to the progress of the design.

He also often sat in Yang Fan's office to chat about the design of 052B.

More is to ask Yang Fan for advice on preparations for the construction of 052B.

Although Yang Fan has said more than once, Chen Shaohua and the others are experts in ship construction.

But Chen Shaohua didn't believe this at all. In his mind, Yang Fan was a genuine expert in the field of shipbuilding.

Even, the modular construction method of the general section was proposed by Yang Fan and taught everyone.

Since it was Chen Shaohua who asked humbly for advice, Yang Fan did not hide it, and communicated with him about the preparations for the construction of 052B without reservation.

Even if he didn't continue to participate in the design work of 052B, Yang Fan still has a very good understanding of the first warship.

Some suggestions Yang Fan said, Chen Shaohua will keep in his heart, and he will definitely do what Yang Fan said after he goes back.

Days pass by.

Time soon entered October, and Donghai Suoma became busy.Not only busy with the finishing work of the design of the Type 052B guided missile destroyer, but also busy with the design demonstration of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.

Under Yang Fan's leadership, the design certification work progressed very quickly and with high efficiency.

Many design arguments have been completed, and there is a thick first draft of design arguments on Yang Fan's desk.

Yang Fan personally proofread this first draft, and will mark any places that need to be revised with a pen, and will improve them in the future.

After months of design demonstrations, a conclusion has basically been drawn.

What equipment and equipment will be used in the future 054 ship, what kind of design scheme will be adopted, and how feasible the design is, etc., are already very clear.

At this time, Yang Fan received a call from the capital, asking him to go to Beijing immediately.

Yang Fan didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately put down all the work in his hands, and only brought Li Zhengjun, the director of the Type Office of the 054 ship.

The two took the plane that day and walked into the Navy Building in the afternoon.

The person who received Yangfan was a leader of the navy named Luo Jianguo.

Luo Jianguo is in his early 40s, without any airs, and seems very enthusiastic.

As soon as Yang Fan entered his office, he not only got up to greet him warmly, but also warmly made hot tea for Yang Fan.

The leader was enthusiastic, Yang Fan quickly said: "Director Luo, don't be too polite, I will do it myself."

Luo Jianguo insisted on making hot tea for Yang Fan, and motioned Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa.

He himself sat down on the sofa next door, took out a cigarette and said proactively, "Will you smoke one?"

Yang Fan seldom smokes, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "I don't smoke."

Wu Jianguo nodded, took one himself, lit it, and took a sip.

"Master Yang, I called you over from Donghai City, mainly to talk about the design of the 054 ship."

"The leader has given me the task, and I will be in charge of the 054 project. If there is anything I need to coordinate, feel free to contact me in the future."

In an instant, Yang Fan understood.

Although the general command of the Type 054 guided missile frigate has not yet been established, Luo Jianguo has already begun to take charge of this aspect of work, and his role is similar to that of the general commander.

Yang Fan said happily: "Great, now we have a leader. If there is any difficulty in work, I will take the initiative to report to you."

After the two chatted for a while, Luo Jianguo took the initiative to ask about the design demonstration work of the 054 ship.

After listening to Yang Fan's report, he said with great satisfaction: "It's really beyond my expectation. Your work is progressing so smoothly."

"Do you know, just yesterday, I called the people from the Northern Ship Design Institute and asked about their design certification work."

"They told me there were all kinds of difficulties, technical and non-technical."

"Do you really have no difficulties? This really makes me a little unbelievable. You must not tell lies, only report good news and not bad news."

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "We really don't have any difficulties for the time being, the design demonstration is progressing very smoothly, and the preliminary design plan has come out."

So fast!
The North Ship Design Institute also said that they encountered various difficulties.

You actually came up with a design plan!

The contrast is too stark!

Luo Jianguo was taken aback for a moment, but when he came back to his senses, his heart was full of surprises.

"Tell me quickly what your general design plan looks like."

He had just taken over the work in this area, and he didn't know much about the design of the 054 ship, and it was the first time he had to deal with Yang Fan.

Yang Fan looked at Luo Jianguo who showed surprise, and then introduced the design plan of the 054 ship without reservation.

This deeply impacted Luo Jianguo.

Stealth design!

Missile vertical launch system!

Phase heavy control radar!
Advanced Combat Command System

730 near anti-gun system!

The future 054 ship is so amazing.

Such a design is so luxurious!

In particular, radar stealth, sonar stealth, infrared stealth and other stealth designs are also used.

Although Luo Jianguo is not an expert in this field, he still has a certain understanding of technology and is a technical cadre.

I also knew the difficulty of this series of stealth designs, so I asked a little worriedly.

"Is there any difficulty in the design, especially the radar stealth, as far as I know, requires a special ship design."

Yang Fan said confidently: "There is no problem. We have already completed the design of the ship shape, and conducted a delay experiment in the Hamburg pool. The data is very good."

Luo Jianguo was stunned again!
Then he quickly said: "I remembered that not long ago, a leader mentioned this to me, saying that you have conducted a very good towing test in the Hamburg tank, and the Hamburg tank still wants you to keep the hull model in their showroom."

By the way, Yang Fan talked about the situation of the experiment in the Hamburg pool.

The performance turned out to be so good.

So amazing!

Reminiscent of the series of difficulties faced by the northern ship design yesterday, Luo Jianguo already had the answer in his mind.

If there is no accident, the Navy will definitely adopt the design plan of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

Even if he hasn't seen the design plan so far, even if the design plan is only a first draft now.


Time to enter the end of October.

At this time, the East China Sea Ship Design Institute seemed a little different.

Almost everyone's face was filled with joy, and many people even felt a sense of relief.

From last year to this year, nearly two years, 052B finally completed the comprehensive design work.

At the same time, Yang Fan also completed the first modification of the design scheme of the Type 054 guided missile frigate.


Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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