Military Heavy

Chapter 303 Submit Design Proposal

Chapter 303 Submit Design Proposal
East China Sea is very lively.

The design of 052B was fully completed, and the military organized expert review.

Although Yang Fan is no longer the assistant to the chief designer, he played a major role in the design of 052B and was invited to participate in this review.

This is a great honor!
It is also a great affirmation of Yang Fan!

The reviewers agreed that the design of 052B not only met a series of design requirements, but also exceeded the expectations of the military. Compared with the previous 052 ships, the technical and tactical indicators were greatly improved.

Huang Keping spoke on behalf of the military.

His words were full of joy and affirmation of the 052B design work.

After two days of review, the expert group unanimously determined that 052B passed the design review and could start construction.

Immediately afterwards, Donghai Shipyard became lively.

They have already made the preparations before the construction, and they have been eager to try it. With an order, the whole factory moved into action and started the construction of the first 052B.

On the same day, Donghai Shipyard also held a groundbreaking ceremony.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping specially participated in the groundbreaking ceremony, and many people from Donghai Institute also participated, including Yang Fan.

At the festive groundbreaking ceremony, Yang Fan thought in his heart that the design of 052B is excellent. According to the current level of missile destroyers in various countries in the world, 052B is enough to rank among the world's first-class industries. I don't know how many ships the military will build in one go in the future.

Will the dumpling mode be turned on?
It's kind of exciting.

Yang Fan knows 052B very well, knowing that it is better than the 052B in history, and should be close to the level of 052C.

The reason why it didn’t reach the level of 052C is mainly due to the limitations of the times. At this time in 1992, we didn’t have some things, so we had to replace them with other things temporarily, which lowered the level of 052B. Otherwise, it would definitely be comparable to 052C. flush.

It is already very good to be close to the level of 052C in the future, because it is only 1992 now. With the development of domestic equipment, 052B will gradually be replaced with some more advanced equipment, and the level still has room for improvement.

After returning from the Donghai Shipyard, Yang Fan focused his energy on the design demonstration of the 054 ship, organized some technical backbones to hold a meeting, and discussed the design demonstration report again.

The East China Sea Institute has completed the overall design of the 052B, and everyone can completely free up their hands to start the design of the 054 ship.

This is going to be another major project!

Many designers are full of enthusiasm!

After the meeting, under the leadership of Yang Fan, Donghai Institute began to complete the design demonstration report for the last time, striving to make this report better and more scientific.

Yang Fan himself modified the design of the 054 ship.

The military's requirement is to submit the design demonstration report and design plan before the end of December, but Yang Fan has decided to submit these things in advance.

11 month 20 day.

Yang Fan walked into Luo Jianguo's office again, and placed the revised and improved 054 ship design demonstration report and design plan on Luo Jianguo's big desk.

"Director Luo, this is what we submitted!"

Although he had received a call from Yang Fan before and knew that Yang Fan had come to submit these things, Luo Jianguo was still full of surprise when they were put in front of him.

That's it!

This is the design demonstration report and design plan of the 054 ship!
Didn't the Northern Ship Design Institute say that it was extremely difficult and that there were many difficulties?

After being stunned for three or five seconds, Luo Jianguo came back to his senses, and said slightly excitedly: "Okay, okay, you are doing well!"

After saying a few words like this loudly, he tried his best to calm down the turbulent mood, sat on the office chair, picked up these things, and prepared to look through them first.

"Master Yang, drink some tea first, and let me take a look at your things first."

The waiter had already made hot tea and brought it over, and put it on the tea table. Yang Fan sat down on the sofa next to the coffee table, "Director Luo, just take a closer look."

Luo Jianguo nodded softly, and then looked through these things carefully.

At the beginning, his face was quite calm, but after a few minutes, it gradually became difficult to calm down, and expressions of surprise, shock, excitement, and excitement were intertwined on his face.

You can see how he feels at the moment!

Can't be calm at all!

There is already a huge wave in my heart!
I cried out in my heart more than once, is this the design proposal submitted by Donghai?So unbelievable, so amazing!

He even wanted to stop and ask, there is no joke in the military, this is not a joke, you really can design such an excellent guided missile frigate!
It can be seen from the design scheme that this missile frigate is amazing!

No wonder Luo Jianguo's mood is so restless!
It's just that reason told him that Yang Fan didn't dare to joke about such an important matter, and Donghai Institute didn't dare to joke even more.

This design is sure to be real!
In other words, the East China Sea is fully confident in designing such an excellent guided missile frigate, instead of talking big and empty words.

Finally finished reading these things.

Luo Jianguo looked at the young man in front of him and thought, who would have imagined that Comrade Yang Fan, who was only 30 years old, could lead everyone to design such an excellent missile frigate.

This missile frigate is certainly excellent.

Not only excellent, but also very mature in technology!
It is completely against the later Type 054A guided missile frigate.

The only difference is that there are some things we don't have yet, and Yang Fan replaces them with other things, but this is only a small part, we have most of the things.

Not only can it be designed, but it can also be built in the future.

The famous Type 054A guided missile frigate was moved by Yang Fan, a full ten years ahead of schedule. No wonder Luo Jianguo was a little restless.

"Master Yang, you guys are really planning to launch a satellite!"

Yang Fan smiled confidently, "We are sure to design it. Give us three years, and we will be able to complete its comprehensive design."

What, only three years!
This is a little impossible!
You know, this is a brand new ship!

Thinking back to the 052 ship back then, it took four years for the East China Sea. Could it be that the design of the 054 ship can save a full year of time.

Luo Jianguo reminded: "This is not a joke, three years will pass in a flash."

Yang Fan said seriously: "Three years is enough!"

Why are you so confident!

There are two reasons.

First, Yang Fan is very confident in his technical level. This is a copy of the future Type 054A guided missile destroyer, and he has already taken a shortcut. Many things do not even need to spend a lot of time and energy on verification, which saves a lot of time.

And second, Yang Fan has already considered that the design of the 054 ship is no longer purely manual work, but is going to use computer-aided drawing, which can save a lot of time.

The use of computer-aided drawing in 1992 seemed a little premature at first glance, but Yang Fan felt that it was very operable. In foreign countries, people began to use computer-aided drawing in the 70s and [-]s. We can no longer blindly work purely by hand.

Because of these two reasons, Yang Fan roughly estimated in his heart that with the design volume of the 054 ship, the East China Sea Institute estimated that it would take a little more than two years to complete the overall design, but just to be on the safe side, Yang Fan said it would take three years. time.

It took three years to complete the overall design. Luo Jianguo already felt a little unbelievable, and he "kindly" reminded that three years would pass by in a flash.

If he knew that Yang Fan estimated that it would be a little over two years, I don't know how he would feel.

Seeing that Yang Fan was full of confidence, Luo Jianguo didn't say anything. For the military, of course, the sooner the design is completed, the better.

For such an excellent missile frigate, the military certainly hopes to complete the design and construction as soon as possible, so that they can be put into service as soon as possible.

Next, Luo Jianguo tried his best to calm his turbulent mood, and asked Yang Fan a lot of questions. The two chatted for almost a whole morning.

In this way, Luo Jianguo's understanding of Ship 054 gradually deepened, and the deeper he got, the more excited and happy he became!
What made him even happier was that Yang Fan gave him an extraordinary "gift".

Yang Fan opened his bag and took out a painting he had drawn, "Director Luo, this is a painting I drew by myself. I don't know if you like it."


Luo Jianguo felt very surprised that Yang Fan wanted to give him a painting. His first thought was to refuse, because soldiers have discipline and cannot accept gifts from others casually.

But he heard that it was painted by Yang Fan himself, not a precious famous painting, so he gave up this idea and looked at the things in Yang Fan's hands.

He laughed because it was clearly a drawing on blank engineering paper, the kind of paper he was all too familiar with.

The drawings were folded together, and it was temporarily unclear what was drawn on them. It was probably not something valuable. Immediately, Luo Jianguo didn't feel any pressure in his heart.

Smiling Gao: "Master Yang, you drew this yourself, so I will accept it."

After speaking, he opened the painting carefully, and immediately, he exclaimed, and then he was very happy!

It is actually a color rendering of the 054 ship!
The painter is good, the 054 ship on paper is very beautiful!
Especially the various details are clearly visible.

Luo Jianguo's originally calm mood could not be calm all of a sudden.

Because his leader also has such a painting, he has seen it several times.

The leader cherishes that painting very much, and usually does not take it out, but carefully keeps it in a drawer, and only takes it out occasionally to appreciate it.

Knowing that the painting was of Ship 054, Luo Jianguo was very envious, and wanted to ask where this painting came from, if there was any more, and if he could give him a copy.

it's good now.

He also has a painting like this.

It turned out that Yang Fan painted it himself.

Luo Jianguo said happily: "Mr. Yang, I can't see it. Then your painting level is so high. I like this gift, so I accept it!"

Rarely, he took the initiative to invite Yang Fan to dinner.

At noon, the two had dinner together and chatted for a long time about a series of things about the 054 ship.

After the meal, Yang Fan returned to Donghai City, while Luo Jianguo walked into his leader's office with the design demonstration report and design plan of the 054 ship.

Today is the third update, and the first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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