Military Heavy

Chapter 304 Shen Changhai is in a hurry

Chapter 304 Shen Changhai is in a hurry

Luo Jianguo took these things and shouted a report at the door of his boss's office, and soon a voice came from inside.

"Please come in!"

Pushing the door and walking in, Luo Jianguohui reported: "Minister, Comrade Yang Fan from the East China Sea Institute sent the design demonstration report of the 054 ship and their design plan this morning."


Minister Qian, who was looking at a document, quickly put down the things in his hands, showing great interest, "Show me a quick look."

This was a little out of his expectation.

It is only November 11th, and there is still more than a month before the deadline for the final submission, and the East China Sea Institute is actually more than a month ahead of schedule.

Generally speaking, it will not be submitted until the last few days. Even if the demonstration report and design plan have come out, there is no rush to submit, but to continue to improve and modify, and strive to do better.

Submitted so early, there is only one possibility, which shows that Donghai has a lot of confidence, and they feel that they have done well enough.

After receiving the design demonstration report and design plan, Minister Qian carefully flipped through the pages. At the beginning, the speed was relatively fast, but gradually, the speed became slower and slower. Later, each page had to be read one or two times. minute.

Although his expression was normal, Minister Qian was not calm at all.

At his level, even if Mount Tai collapses in front of his eyes, he can still keep his face unchanged. The design plan of Donghai Institute is especially satisfactory to him, but his face has not changed much.

It's just that some could be heard from the tone of his voice. With a hint of excitement, he said with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, Donghai Institute gave us a satisfactory answer."

Luo Jianguo said: "I also think their design plan is very good. In the morning, I chatted with Chief Designer Yang for a long time, and he is very confident."

"Yes." Minister Qian nodded lightly, "It's a good grasp, which means that the risk is small, and the comrades at Donghai Institute are really good."

Then, looking at the design plan of the 054 ship, Wei Wei was a little puzzled and said: "It's a bit beyond my expectation. The 054 ship does not use a diesel-fuel combination, and the power system uses four diesel engines."

Luo Jianguo said: "Aiming at this point, I also specifically asked Chief Designer Yang, and he told him that the main consideration is from the manufacturing cost."

"Oh, and they considered that."

This was a bit of a surprise.

The Navy has not formally put forward the requirements for the construction cost, but the Donghai Institute has considered this in advance, and Minister Qian can't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Yang Fan knows that although the 052 ship is good, the construction cost is high.

When considering the design plan of the 054 ship, Yang Fan fully considered the future construction cost. In the design, he will consider many designs to reduce the construction cost, such as abandoning the expensive gas turbine for the power system and adopting a much lower price diesel engine.

Luo Jianguo said: "Comrade Yang Fan said that considering the construction cost from many aspects, the construction cost of the future 054 ship will not be too high, and it is much cheaper than the current 052 ship."

"In addition, in addition to considering the construction cost, he said that the design will also fully consider the modular construction method of the general section, so that the construction efficiency will be greatly improved, and the construction mode of dumpling will be completely opened in the future."

Let's make dumplings!
This metaphor is good!
Very graphic and appropriate!

Immediately, Minister Qian showed a rare smile on his face, and said with a smile: "This metaphor is good. If one day we can build the 054 ship like dumplings, then our navy's waist will be tough."

After chatting for a while, Minister Qian said: "I personally think there is no problem with the design plan of Donghai Institute. You can organize it, set a date, and discuss it with everyone. If everyone has no problem, the matter will be settled like this."

Luo Jianguo reminded: "Then, as for the design of the northern ships, their progress is relatively slow. As far as I know, they have not come up with a preliminary design plan so far. In many aspects of the design, they have their own disputes It's also bigger."

"Play the piano!"

In the words, with obvious dissatisfaction, Minister Qian said: "Tell them that the feasibility report and design plan of Donghai Institute have been submitted, and ask them to speed up. If they can't submit things before the end of December, let them directly quit."

"Okay, I will notify them." Luo Jianguo said.

At the beginning, the navy originally intended to hand over the design task of the Type 054 ship to the East China Sea Institute, because the East China Sea had all the experience and foundation for successfully designing the Type 052 guided missile frigate, but the Northern Ship Design submitted a written application to compete for this design task.

After careful consideration, the Navy leadership decided that the two units will conduct design demonstrations at the same time, submit design proposals, and choose one of the two at that time.

Whoever has the better design will be adopted.

The East China Sea Institute has already handed in an excellent answer sheet. Both Luo Jianguo and Minister Qian are very satisfied. However, the Northern Institute has not been able to hand over anything, and Minister Qian is somewhat dissatisfied.


Shen Changhai of the Northern Ship Design Institute received a call from Luo Jianguo. After answering the call, his face became extremely solemn in an instant.

The pressure is huge!

He knew that the design plan of the East China Sea Institute might be good, but he never expected that the speed would be so fast, so he had already submitted the feasibility demonstration report and design plan to the navy.

How to do!
what should we do? ? ?
Thinking that he hadn't even come up with the preliminary design plan, and that there were still relatively big disputes in the institute on certain designs, Shen Changhai was very upset.

Sitting alone on the office chair, he thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. In desperation, he took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a big smoke ring.

While smoking a cigarette, he racked his brains thinking.

When the third cigarette was smoked, the door of the office was pushed open, and Wan Xiang, the deputy chief designer, came in. He smelled the smell of smoke in the room, and couldn't help saying: "Old Shen, what's wrong with you? Worried about those differences in design."

Shen Changhai wrung out the cigarette butt in the ashtray fiercely, and said slowly: "Director Luo called me just now and told me that the East China Sea Institute has submitted a design demonstration report and design plan. They were very satisfied with the design proposal and asked us to submit something as soon as possible.”


Wan Xiang showed surprise on his face. Obviously, the speed of the East China Sea Institute greatly exceeded his expectations. This is completely unreasonable. Isn't there still more than a month left?

East China Sea actually submitted things more than a month in advance. Could it be that they are so confident in their design plan that there is no need to discuss and modify it.

In addition to being surprised, Wan Xiang also showed a serious expression, reminding: "Since this is the case, the East China Sea Institute has already submitted the answer sheet, and we have to hurry up."

Shen Changhai nodded, and asked: "Then what do you say, what should we do in our current situation, there are still all differences in design."

Wan Xiang suggested: "There is no need to discuss any more. It will be difficult to unify differences if this continues. You are the chief designer, so just make a decision."

"It seems that it can only be so."

Shen Changhai sighed softly, "Then let's go ahead and call a meeting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will make the decision in person."

The next day, the Northern Institute really held a meeting, chaired by Shen Changhai himself, and decided on a number of designs. Some originally controversial designs, such as the power system, such as tonnage, hull shape, anti-submarine design, etc., were immediately unified.

After these things were unified, under the leadership of Shen Changhai, the North Institute began to come up with a preliminary design plan
Donghai Institute.

Compared with Shen Changhai's huge pressure, Yang Fan felt relaxed all over. The answer sheet has been submitted, and he feels very satisfied, and there is nothing on hand for the time being.

In other words, Yang Fan was temporarily idle.

This kind of rare leisure may only be one or two, maybe not in one or two months. In the future, as the Navy will hand over the design tasks to Donghai Research Institute, Yang Fan will be busy, and the next two or three years will probably be very busy. Busy, leading everyone to design the 054 ship.

Today, Yang Fan sat in his office, went to talk with General Master Pan for a while, and then drove out of Donghai Institute by himself.

When passing by Hongtai Supermarket, I stopped and went in to buy some things, such as two bottles of good wine and toys for children.

Because both Yang Fan and Jiang Yan went to work, Yang Hao basically lived at his grandmother's house all the time, with Jiang Dahai and his wife taking care of them.

Yang Hao and his grandparents are very close, and Jiang Dahai and his wife also like this little nephew very much. Yang Hao, who is almost three years old, can also be sent to kindergarten, but Jiang Dahai and his wife are reluctant.

Two bottles of good wine, this is to honor Jiang Dahai.

After buying the things, Yang Fan drove to the door of his father-in-law's house not long after. He probably heard the movement, and Li Xiuzhen brought Yang Hao out happily.

"Hao Hao, call me Dad."

Yang Hao ran over cheerfully, Yang Fan happily picked up his son, and kissed him hard on the face, "Hao Hao, do you miss Dad."


Yang Hao deliberately dragged out the word "thinking" for a long time, Yang Fan smiled happily again, his son is cute, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Putting down Yang Hao, Yang Fan took the things he bought from the car and took out a robot toy that is very popular nowadays, "Hao Hao, do you like it?"


Yang Hao was very happy when he got the robot toy. He took it and ran into the house to play with the robot by himself.

Yang Fan said: "Mom, where is my dad?"

Li Xiuzhen said: "He is in the backyard. He has nothing to do by himself and is planning to renovate the wall of the backyard."

Yang Fan put the things on the table, and soon came to the backyard, saw Jiang Dahai in the yard, and said hello, "Dad, what are you measuring?"

Jiang Haidao: "The fence is a bit old. If it rains heavily, it will be a safety hazard. If it falls down and people are hurt, it's not good. I'll measure the size and calculate how many bricks I need to buy to rebuild the fence."

Really ready to rebuild the wall ah.

Of course Yang Fan knew about the fence. To save money, he picked up some old bricks, some of which were still in half. It has been built like this for more than ten years. Because of the poor quality, it is now crumbling and in danger of collapsing.

In fact, it is more than just the wall of the backyard.

As time goes by, Jiang Dahai's house, including the old house of Yang Fan's family, is getting older and older. As for the house bought two years ago, because there is no one to live in, it is leaking everywhere .

Yang Fan knew about these situations.

I have thought about these things before, but I have been very busy and don't have much energy to think about them in depth. Now I have time.

Yang Fan looked at the dilapidated wall, then at the old house of his father-in-law's house, and then at the house next door that he bought two years ago, it looked even more dilapidated.

After looking at it like this, Yang Fan had an idea!
After this idea popped up from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't restrain it, and my whole body was slightly excited, and my originally calm mood couldn't be calmed a bit.

The third update will continue today, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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