Military Heavy

Chapter 305 Self-built Villa

Chapter 305 Self-built Villa
This idea grew wildly in my heart like a weed.

In the past, Yang Fan may also have this idea, but it has never been as clear as it is today. Even if he thought about this aspect, he did not go deep into it, let alone put it into action, because he focused on ship design. Take time and energy to think about these things.

It's different now.

There is relatively plenty of time, and there is no task pressure.Seeing that Jiang Dahai was about to renovate the fence, his previously vague thoughts suddenly popped up.

Yes, it's totally possible to do that.

Taking advantage of my free time for a month or two, I can do these things, and besides, my father-in-law can help, Yang Fan thought in his heart.

"Dad, don't be in a hurry to renovate the fence, let's take a look around here first."

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Yang Fan's gourd, Jiang Dahai still obeyed his son-in-law, and immediately nodded and said, "Yes, let's take a look."

So, Yang Fan and Jiang Dahai walked around the surrounding area to see the situation here.Since buying the house of Uncle Zhang's next door, the houses of the three families have become a whole.

The entrance is a big road, which can be said to be a big street now. With the development of the market economy, many people have started to set up shops and stalls. The same is true here.

Good location.

Really good!

Yang Fan thought in his heart, after so many years, the house is getting older and older, instead of repairing it, it is better to tear it down and build a new house here.

The area is so big!
This takes some good planning.

Yang Fan said: "Dad, I have an idea, just demolish our old house and build a new house on this foundation, what do you think?"

Build a new house!

This is of course good!
Jiang Dahai almost agreed with both hands, "Of course it's good. After the house is built, you and Jiang Yan can come back to live, and our family can live together."

Seeing that his father-in-law agreed, Yang Fan felt relieved.

I thought excitedly in my heart, such a large piece of land is more than 1000 square meters, it is completely possible to build a luxurious villa, with a gate, surrounded by walls, and the kind with front and rear gardens inside.

The urban area of ​​Donghai City!
Knowing the future development prospects of Donghai Institute, which will become an international metropolis in the future, and owning a luxurious villa in such a city, Yang Fan's excitement suddenly became stronger.

In the future, although this is not the core urban area of ​​Donghai Institute, it is still an urban area. It is estimated that many people will be envious of having a big villa in the urban area.

Not only excited, Yang Fan was a little excited.

Jiang Dahai was different. After agreeing to the decision, he showed hesitation, "Yang Fan, it is good to build a new house, but it will cost a lot of money. I am not ready for so much money yet."

I thought it was something.

It was about money.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Dad, you don't have to worry about the money. Leave everything to me and let me do these things. You don't have to pay a penny."

Jiang Hai said: "I don't pay a penny, that's not good."

Yang Fan said: "What's wrong, if you really feel sorry, when the new house starts to be built, you can help me watch it, and just put in a little effort."

Hearing this, Jiang Dahai nodded in agreement, "That's fine. Anyway, I have plenty of time after I retire. I'll keep an eye on the construction team for you. If you want to buy materials, I can also run around."

Yang Fan smiled.

Have a good laugh.

Of course, there is no need for his father-in-law to work hard, Yang Fan has already thought about it, leaving everything to professional people, and he only needs to make a request.

Just do what you say, and after returning to work in the afternoon, Yang Fan called Yang Fang and expressed his thoughts.

Yang Fang said on the phone, "Brother, even if you don't tell me, I'm going to find an opportunity to talk to you about it. The location and location of our old house are so good. It's really wasteful to leave it there all the time. Jiang If Uncle agrees to build a new house, that would be great."

The siblings talked on the phone.

Yang Fan meant to push all the things on the land, and then build two adjacent villas there.

Plant some flowers and trees around the villa, and there is a wall around it. You can even leave a small open space behind the villa to grow some vegetables for your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After listening to Yang Fan's ideas, Yang Fang said: "Leave the matter to me. I have professionals. When the design renderings come out, you can take a look and then start construction."

Hongtai Real Estate is engaged in real estate development, and building two villas here is just a small project, and there is not much difficulty.

Yang Fang is very efficient.

The next day, professionals came there, carefully measured the size, and checked the surrounding environment. Combined with Yang Fan's opinion, the planning and design began immediately.


Because there are not many things at hand, Yang Fan is resting these weekends, and today he made an appointment with Yang Fang to meet at the old house.

The design plan has been prepared, and Yang Fang will bring the design renderings.

Yang Fan was driving, and Jiang Yan was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and asked, "Brother Fan, we are really planning to build a big villa, then don't we have a villa to live in in the future?"

Yang Fan said loudly: "We have lived in a small house for many years, it's time to change it, how comfortable it is to live in a big villa, that is life."

Now this house of [-] to [-] square meters is a "luxury house" in the eyes of others, and many people envy it, but Yang Fan already thinks it is a little small.

Jiang Yan felt happy for a while, but he also reminded: "We live there, what about you going to work, the distance is much farther."

The place where I live now is the welfare housing of my unit. Even if I walk, it only takes about ten minutes from my home to the office of my unit.

After the villa is built, the distance to live there is indeed far away, but Yang Fan is not worried at all, and said with a smile: "It's not that far away. Don't we have a car? It takes two or three 10 minutes to drive to the unit."

Not far indeed.

In another 30 to [-] years, many people will go to work much farther than this, squeeze the bus, squeeze the subway, and it will take more than an hour to go to work.

While driving, he chatted with his wife.

He arrived at the destination before he knew it, and Jiang Yan smiled and said, "It really doesn't seem that far away, and we'll be there in a while."

Soon after, Yang Fang also arrived.

She brought over the renderings designed by professionals. Yang Fan took the renderings and waved, "Sister, go to my father-in-law's house."

Walking into Jiang Dahai's home and spreading out this rendering on the big table, Jiang Dahai was the first to be stunned. He pinched himself hard, feeling like a dream.


I never dreamed that it would be so beautiful!
In the middle are two villas with red walls and green tiles, about one to 20 meters apart, independent of each other and not far apart.

The front of the villa is open, and the back is a garden, planted with flowers and trees, surrounded by beautiful walls, and green trees.
Yang Fan felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart, basically meeting his expectations.

Yang Fan asked, "Dad, are you satisfied with this design?"

Jiang Dahai laughed so hard that he could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear.


I am so satisfied!

Yang Fan himself has no objection, "Sister, the design is good, we will build according to this design, we are all waiting to live in a new villa."

Yang Fang said: "Since there is no problem, I will notify the engineering team to enter the site, and I will send people to handle the relevant procedures. We are professionals."

They are indeed professional.

Yang Fang is already preparing to establish Hongtai Real Estate's Donghai City branch, and is planning to enter the real estate development of Donghai City next year. She has someone on hand, so Yang Fan doesn't have to worry about everything.

"Sister, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it's a phone call, and there are a lot of people below us." Yang Fang replied.

the next day.

Jiang Dahai was busy moving, and moved some things to the temporary rented place. There were a lot of things to be moved, but Yang Fan said that those old furniture were no longer needed, and only some daily necessities, clothes, quilts and other things were moved. can.

The dilapidated things will not be used in the future villas, and all will be bought new.Although Jiang Dahai felt it was a bit of a pity, but thinking that his son-in-law was rich, it was fine. He didn't want many things and gave them to some nearby neighbors.

This made the neighbors very happy. In addition to removing the old furniture they needed, they also helped Jiang Dahai move. Everyone worked together, with a large number of people and great strength. In less than one morning, all the things that needed to be moved were removed. .

The room became empty.

Jiang Dahai looked at the house he had lived in for many years, with mixed feelings in his heart, and even more reluctance, after all, he already had feelings for the old house.

But thinking that there will be a new house to live in soon, and it's still a villa, I suddenly feel happy again.

In the afternoon, the construction team entered the site, and with the push of an excavator, the old house collapsed, and all these things will be flattened.

There are many spectators around, all of them are neighbors from the surrounding neighborhood.

Jiang Dahai was also there, cheerful.

"Old Jiang, you are enjoying the blessings of your daughter and son-in-law, do you really not need to pay a penny?"

Jiang Hai said: "I don't need to pay for it."

Suddenly, many envious eyes looked over from all around.

Someone said with emotion: "It would be great if I had such a son-in-law."

Immediately someone said: "The premise is that you must have a beautiful girl."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Northern Ship Design Institute.

When the time entered late December, their design demonstration report and design plan finally came out, and Shen Changhai specially sent them to Luo Jianguo.

After coming out from there, Shen Changhai let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Finally handed in the paper.

He thought in his heart, but he didn't know what the design demonstration report and design plan of Donghai Institute looked like. We used it for more than a month than them, so the quality should not be worse than theirs.

Today is the third update, and the third update is here!

thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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