Military Heavy

Chapter 306 Program Review

Chapter 306 Program Review
in the office.

Luo Jianguo once again flipped through the design plan of the 054 ship sent by Shen Changhai, shaking his head slightly while looking at it.

There may not be such a strong feeling without contrast!
Comparing the two design schemes, which one is better, even Luo Jianguo, who is not specialized in ship technology, can see one or two. If he is asked to score, there is at least a gap of more than 10 points.

10 points!

The difference is at least one grade!
"Forget it, let's discuss collectively."

Luo Jianguo gently closed the design plan submitted by the Northern Ship Design Institute. He had already made up his mind and organized relevant military experts to discuss it. If necessary, he could call the two chief designers Yang Fan and Shen Changhai over. .

Just do it.

Donghai City.

Yang Fan drove to his father-in-law's house, and Jiang Yan was with him. After sitting down and taking a sip of tea, Yang Fan said, "Dad, let's go and see the villa under construction."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Jiang Dahai immediately agreed that the place he is renting is not far from the villa, and it takes less than 10 minutes to walk. He will go there every day to take a look.

Originally, I thought he would be busy, such as looking at the construction, where it was not completed, where there was a quality problem, or to buy materials, such as bricks, cement, steel bars, etc.

How do you know, you don't have to worry about everything.

He has nothing to do, so he can only go and have a look every day. Seeing that the construction is very good, there is basically nothing to do with him, so he feels very relieved.

There was no need to drive. Under Jiang Dahai's leadership, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan arrived at the big villa. The construction here has been started for more than a month. The two big villas have been capped. It is estimated that they will be renovated inside and outside in a few days.

The two villas are three-story, each covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, and each building is more than ten meters apart, and they are not close together.

The front and back of the villa have been leveled. In the future, turf will be laid, flowers and trees will be planted, and roads will be paved with floor tiles.

Not bad, not bad!

Although the effect has not yet been fully reflected, Yang Fan is extremely satisfied when he sees the two villas that have been capped and the front and back are spacious and open.

"Dad, after everything is built here, you, mom, and Jiang Dan will live in the villa on the east side, and Jiang Yan and I will live in the villa on the west side."


Jiang Dahai replied with a smile.

Jiang Yan said: "Dad, Yang Fan said, I will buy you a small car when the time comes, so you don't have to drive that three-wheeled motorcycle."

This is simply too good!

Totally like a dream!
Jiang Dahai never dreamed that he would still be able to drive a car in his life. He originally thought that he would only be able to ride a motorcycle.

Immediately, I was so happy that I could not close my mouth from ear to ear, "Okay, then I will learn to get a driver's license, and then I will drive a car."

In the mid-to-early 90s, having a small car was definitely a very honorable thing, no wonder Jiang Dahai was so happy.

The family has been watching here for a long time, and they are a little bit reluctant to leave.

Yang Fan is full of hope for this place, thinking more than once in his heart what it will be like to live here after it is fully built.

Probably enjoy it very much.

This is life!

Early in the morning, Yang Fan walked into Donghai Office, sat down in the office, picked up the newspaper that was just delivered today, and looked at it.

There are not many things at hand for the time being. After reading the newspaper, Yang Fan thought in his heart, should he go to Donghai Shipyard or Dongjiang Shipyard today.

Donghai Shipyard is starting the construction of the first 052B ship. Yang Fan is very interested in this upgraded version of the 052 ship.

Although the Dongjiang Shipyard has not started the construction of the 054 ship, some preparatory work is already underway, and many of them are ready, such as the equipment needed for the future construction of the 054 ship, etc. Yang Fan also wants to go there and have a look.

Not long after, the phone on the desk rang.

As soon as the phone call was made, Luo Jianguo's voice came over, "Comrade Yang Fan, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock in the morning, we will conduct an expert review of the 2 ship design plan in the No. 054 conference room of the Navy Building. You need to come and participate. The review experts may ask you A series of questions, you need to prepare in advance."

So fast!
Yang Fan was slightly surprised.

Two days ago, Luo Jianguo called and said that in order to be fair and open, the military would organize experts to review the two design proposals. Unexpectedly, it was officially finalized in just two days.

Judging will be held tomorrow.

Yang Fan immediately replied: "Okay, I'll come right away."

After answering the call, Yang Fan dialed a number, called Li Zhengjun, director of the Model Office, and gave instructions.

If you want to buy a plane ticket to Beijing today, in addition, Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, will accompany you to Beijing to participate in the review.

high efficiency.

That afternoon, Yang Fan, Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei arrived in the capital, checked into the hotel prepared by the military, and got ready to participate in tomorrow's design review.

In the evening, the three of them found an old restaurant and gathered together to eat hot-boiled mutton.

In the middle of the table, the charcoal in the copper stove is red, and the hot air in the copper stove is bubbling, and the unique fragrance of mutton floats.

Kuang Wei said comfortably: "It's really a good feeling to sit around the stove and eat hot-boiled mutton in winter."

Li Zhengjun said: "Our Donghai City is warmer, but the weather in the north is really a bit cold."

While eating, chat casually like this.

I didn't drink, because I still have business tomorrow.

Gradually, we talked about tomorrow's review, Li Zhengjun said: "Mr. Yang, I heard that tomorrow, two design proposals will be reviewed one after the other. How sure are you that you will win?"

Not only Li Zhengjun was concerned about this point, but even Kuang Wei was the same.

The two looked at Yang Fan together.

Yang Fan smiled confidently, and said heartily: "If you want to say how sure you are, I personally think that it should be at least [-]% or more."


The two looked at Yang Fan with wide eyes, obviously very surprised!
More than [-]% sure!

Originally, I was still a little worried. If the plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute wins, it will be troublesome.

Now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

As expected of our Chief Designer Yang!

It's confidence!

Feeling this kind of confidence, the two of them smiled reassuringly, and felt a lot more relaxed. Li Zhengjun even said: "Mr. Yang, if you say it this way, I can sleep peacefully tonight and don't have to worry about anything."

The atmosphere is relaxed!

All three are in a good mood.

Talking and laughing, from time to time, hearty laughter will still ring out.

The next day.

After full preparation, about 10 minutes earlier, Yang Fan led Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei into the No. 2 conference room.

This is a large conference room that can accommodate 60 to [-] people. Some people came earlier and were already sitting there.

Among them were Shen Changhai and the others.

Seeing the three of Yang Fan walking in, everyone they knew smiled at Yang Fan and nodded as a greeting.

Yang Fan responded one by one, or waved to each other, or nodded and smiled, or said hello.Of course, Shen Changhai was also seen.

Yang Fan looked at them calmly, and said with a smile on his face, "Master Shen, you guys are really early!"

"Master Yang, hello."

Shen Changhai responded like this.

Yang Fan clearly felt that there seemed to be a pressure on Shen Changhai, and he didn't have that kind of self-confidence, maybe he was worried about their design plan.

The people who participated in the review meeting came in one after another. They were basically experts from the military, and there were also some people from other departments of the military.

Yang Fan noticed for a moment that everyone sitting here in military uniform was at least a major.Those who wear civilian clothes, then it is not known whether they have military ranks.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

Luo Jianguo and his group walked in, and the originally lively conference room fell silent, and everyone's eyes were almost focused on Luo Jianguo and the others.

The review meeting will be presided over by Luo Jianguo.

He said loudly: "Experts, leaders, and comrades, today we are holding a review meeting for the 054 ship design plan. In the principle of openness and fairness, we will choose one of the two design plans and choose the one that is more suitable. Our naval design."

With a loud voice, he introduced the purpose and principles of this review meeting, and also briefly introduced some experts who participated in the review, including the two chief designers Yang Fan and Shen Changhai.

After the introduction, Luo Jianguo said: "Although everyone has read these two design plans beforehand, it is still necessary to introduce them in more detail. Let Comrade Shen Changhai introduce their design plans first."

After the applause, Shen Changhai stood up.

They also prepared slides and displayed some materials in front of everyone in a way of zooming in on a projector. Shen Changhai personally introduced their design plans.

It is quite satisfactory.


It can be seen that the plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute is mainly to seek stability. On the basis of the current Type 053 guided missile frigate, it will be upgraded, and a large part of it will follow the design of the Type 053 ship.

This has an advantage, that is, there is a ready-made technical foundation, and the risk is relatively small.The disadvantage is that the improvement of technical and tactical indicators is limited, and it just meets the technical requirements put forward by the military.

After the introduction, several experts asked questions, and Shen Changhai answered them one by one.

After the inquiry was over, there was a buzzing sound in the conference room, and many people were talking sideways in low voices, some nodded in agreement, and some shook their heads slightly.

Obviously, many people think this design is good, but there are also a few people who think that there is more room for improvement.

Perhaps, in their conception, the new type of guided missile destroyer in the future should be better, and the technical and tactical indicators should be higher.

However, Shen Changhai also said just now that step by step, it is only in the initial stage, and it can be upgraded and improved in the future. After a few years, the 054 ship they designed will definitely reach the world-class level.

Luo Jianguo gave everyone enough time.

After letting everyone discuss freely for a few minutes, he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then looked at Yang Fan.

There are two updates today, the first one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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