Military Heavy

Chapter 307 So Amazing

Chapter 307 So Amazing
Everyone also looked at Yang Fan.

At the beginning, some of them may not have known Yang Fan, but now they know all of them, and Luo Jianguo has already introduced them.

Yang Fan's expression was calm, exuding faint confidence.

Compared with Shen Changhai's tension and pressure, there was a clear contrast.

Luo Jianguo said loudly: "Now I invite Comrade Yang Fan from Donghai Ship Design Institute to introduce their design plan. Everyone applauds and welcomes."

In the meeting room, there was a burst of applause.

Yang Fan stood up and bowed to everyone to express his thanks.

After the applause subsided, Li Zhengjun put the prepared slides on the projector and displayed the prepared materials in front of everyone by zooming in.

The first thing to show is the color rendering of the 054 ship.

Luo Jianguo is very familiar with this picture. Yang Fan once gave him a similar picture. This is a warship that everyone has never seen before. It is very beautiful and unique.

Luo Jianguo knew at a glance that this was the Type 054 missile frigate that Yang Fan was about to design, but no one else knew about it and had never seen it before.

Suddenly, there was commotion in the conference room.

"What is this? Could it be a French Lafayette-class frigate?"

"Not Lafayette Grand Cru, absolutely not."

"What a beautiful warship!"


Everyone was discussing so enthusiastically, each of them became eager, and they really wanted to know what it was, and someone asked loudly.

"Chief Designer Yang, could this be the 054 ship you are going to design?"

Yang Fan smiled and replied loudly: "Yes, this is the Type 054 guided missile destroyer I imagined, and it is also what we will design in the East China Sea."

This is the Type 054 guided missile frigate!

Oh my God!

It turns out that our 054 ship can be designed so beautifully!

Several exclamations actually sounded!
No way, the 054 ship displayed by Yang Fan is really amazing, and everyone exceeded everyone's expectations.

Seeing everything in the conference room and feeling this, Shen Changhai smiled wryly. He never expected that Yang Fan hadn't introduced his design plan to everyone, but with just a color picture, everyone's interest was aroused.

Shen Changhai couldn't think of such a method.

In fact, even if he also draws the 054 ship they designed into a color picture and shows it like this, it is estimated that it will not have much effect, because the 054 ship they designed has not yet got rid of the shadow of the 053 guided missile frigate, let alone adopts a stealth design .

Seeing that everyone responded so strongly, Luo Jianguo laughed, and then raised his hand to signal: "Everyone keep quiet first, and the chief designer Yang will introduce the design plan of the 054 ship to everyone."

Finally, the conference room fell silent again.

Yang Fan's voice was very loud and clear to everyone's ears, "Leaders, experts, good afternoon everyone, now I will introduce the design of the 054 ship to you."

"The design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate completely breaks away from the framework of the Jianghu class and Jiangwei class. Compared with the current Type 052 guided missile destroyer, its hull outline is more concise, and the overall appearance is simple and avant-garde."

"In terms of shape design, it pays great attention to stealth design, adopting a fortress-shaped ship building integrated with the ship's side, while Jianghu and Jiangwei class are designed with a central ship building, ship building, tower-shaped front mast and composite rear mast/ The chimney structure and so on are inclined to avoid sharp angles and complex structures, and some equipment on the ship, such as small boat cranes, are also shielded by bulwarks.”

Yang Fan first focused on the stealth design, including radar stealth, sonar stealth and so on.

After introducing these, Yang Fan said: "This is an 'invisible' warship, and its stealth design is one of its highlights."

"Invisible" battleships!
Many people were shocked!
As a soldier, of course everyone knows how important it is for the enemy to be invisible. We did not expect that our 054 ship can achieve the effect of "invisible" by the enemy.

The stealth design alone is awesome enough.

Yang Fan continued: "In addition to the stealth design, our 054 ship has many other design features, and I will introduce them to you in detail one by one."

"In terms of power system, the main engine is four diesel engines authorized by France, with a total power of about 27000 horsepower, and a dual-shaft propulsion system."

"Using a missile vertical launch system."

"Phase Array Control Radar"


Clear thinking!

Yang Fan introduced it for more than an hour, and everyone seemed to have completely forgotten the time. They were so engrossed in listening, they were completely absorbed in it, and they even forgot to ask questions.

No one interrupted the whole process, no one asked questions, and no one made any noise. The meeting room was completely quiet for more than an hour.

Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei exchanged glances quietly more than once, and the two said in their hearts more than once, ah, our Master Yang is so arrogant!
What about Shen Changhai?

The mentality has completely collapsed!
This is his second mental breakdown.

The first time I communicated with Yang Fan, when I learned about the design of the 054 ship, now it collapsed again, very frustrated, and thought discouraged, the result is self-evident, the Northern Ship Design Institute can withdraw early.

Yang Fan finished his introduction.

The conference room was still quiet. After several seconds, someone finally came to his senses and clapped vigorously to express his feelings.

As the first applause sounded, the warm applause lasted for a long time!

Such a 054 ship is amazing.

Unique stealth design, powerful firepower, excellent escort, anti-submarine, long-range security, and regional aviation capabilities are what the navy hopes and needs most.

The applause finally stopped.

Entering the inquiry time, it is estimated that many people want to ask Yang Fan, and want to know more about this type 054 guided missile frigate.

This is a naval colonel, and he was the first to ask, "Chief Designer Yang, you have shown us a very good guided missile frigate, far exceeding our expectations, much higher than our hoped value, the specific performance I won't ask any more questions, I just ask you one question."

It was very quiet.

Everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what question was going to be asked.

The colonel said: "Such an excellent guided missile frigate should not be cheap to build. Compared with the current 052 ship, what is its cost?"

Almost everyone looked at Yang Fan.

Especially those in the military, they all want to know how the cost will be.

It would be a pity if the cost of such an excellent guided missile frigate is too high.

Feeling their eyes, Yang Fan seemed to guess what they were thinking, smiled slightly, and said loudly: "Everyone's worries are unnecessary. In terms of design, we will fully consider the construction cost. I predict that such a ship will The Type 054 ship is only about half the cost of the Type 052 guided missile frigate."

Only half the cost of the 052 ship!

This, this, this is a little impossible!
Some even opened their eyes wide in surprise.

Yang Fan said: "You heard me right. It is indeed only about half the cost of the 052 ship. In the future, if we have sufficient financial resources, we can build large-scale construction. There is no problem at all in opening the dumpling mode. In terms of design, we will make full use of it. Consider the construction cost as well as the construction efficiency, and try to shorten the construction time of each ship as much as possible.”

Under dumpling mode!
This is really a very image!
Some soldiers were a little uncontrollably excited and couldn't calm down at all. How could they calm down thinking that there would be dozens or even more Type 054 guided missile frigates in the future.

Then, many people asked questions, and Yang Fan patiently answered them one by one.

Luo Jianguo has already raised his hand for the third time to check the time. He originally planned to end the morning meeting at 12:1 noon, but now it is almost [-]:[-] noon.

When another expert wanted to ask a question, Luo Jianguo raised his hand and said, "Old Hu, don't ask for now. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask Mr. Yang in private."

Everyone laughed in good faith.

Luo Jianguo waved his hand and said, "I'm here this morning. After the meeting is over, everyone will go to eat first, and then you can go back to your room to rest. At three o'clock in the afternoon, we will still hold an expert group discussion here."

"Okay, let's go!"

After the warm applause, everyone ended the meeting first, and Yang Fan did the same, getting up and preparing to leave the conference room.

Today's two updates, Chapter 2 is sent, today's update is here, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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