Military Heavy

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Opinion is very unified
At noon, everyone eats together.

The number of people is not small. People from the military, experts participating in the review, people from the design unit, and people from related units, a total of four to fifty people, sitting at five tables.

Yang Fan, Li Zhengjun, and Kuang Wei sat together, all in a good mood, talking and laughing, and most of the other people at the same table greeted Yang Fan.

"Master Yang, your design is really good."

"I never thought that our 054 ship could be so beautifully designed!"

"Master Yang, your level is so high that it opened my eyes."


Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Yang Fan responded one by one, answering a few words with a smile, or standing up and shaking hands with each other.

Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei looked at each other quietly again, thinking in their hearts, Chief Master Yang is arrogant, what a shame, everyone greeted him proactively.

Not far from the next door, Luo Jianguo and others were sitting there.

Obviously, that table was the absolute center. Except for Luo Jianguo, the others were all military officers, and the lowest rank was lieutenant colonel.

There are ten people at a table, and there is still one vacant seat at that table. Luo Jianguo looked at the vacant seat, and then at Yang Fan who was not far away. He really wanted to wave loudly, Mr. Yang, come and sit at this table .

But in the end, I gave up this idea, because the final result has not yet come out. If I call Yang Fan over and sit at this table now, what will Shen Changhai from the Northern Ship Design Institute think.

Shen Jianguo looked at Shen Changhai again.

It was found that including Shen Changhai, the people in the Northern Ship Design Institute seemed to be in a low mood, and there was no joy on their faces.

Perhaps, they also know that the chances of winning are not high, so they are more depressed.

The meal is very rich, just because the meeting will continue in the afternoon, there is no alcohol, only tea and drinks.

After dinner.

Everyone either goes back to the room to rest, or finds a place to sit and chat together.Yang Fan took Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei back to the room and rested separately.

What about Luo Jianguo?

After eating, he sat with some people from the military. They didn't have the habit of taking a lunch break. They drank tea and chatted about the design of the 054 ship.

"Everyone, what do you think of these two designs?" Luo Jianguo asked.

Immediately someone said: "The contrast is very sharp. If I had to choose, I would definitely choose the design plan of Donghai Institute."

"I am the same, and I prefer the proposal of the East China Sea Institute. The Type 054 guided missile frigate they designed is too good. If it is really built, it will definitely be among the world's first-class."

"Yes, in comparison, the design of the Northern Ship Design Institute is too conservative and standard. Although the design risk is relatively small, the technical and tactical indicators can only be regarded as unsatisfactory, barely meeting our requirements."


While drinking tea and chatting like this, several people's opinions were almost one-sided. They were all willing to adopt the design of the East China Sea Institute, but no one liked the plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute.

In fact, the plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute is not bad.

There is also a missile vertical system, a phased array control radar, and a more fashionable diesel-fuel combined power system.

If there is no design plan like Yang Fan, their plan is undoubtedly good, but it will be much inferior in comparison.

Both Shengyu and He Shengliang!

While Shen Changhai was depressed, he might have such emotion in his heart.

After chatting for a while, a military leader asked: "Lao Luo, what's your opinion, which design plan do you like more?"

At this time, everyone realized that after chatting for so long, Luo Jianguo hadn't expressed any opinions. He had always listened more and talked less.

Everyone looked at him.

In the eyes of everyone, Luo Jianguo smiled, "If it's my personal opinion, of course I value the design plan of the Donghai Institute more, but everything depends on the opinions of the experts, and everything depends on the discussion of the expert group in the afternoon."

This is true.

This expert review meeting was held to hear the opinions of experts. If the military wanted to make a decision directly, there would be no such meeting.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting continued.

Everyone sat in this conference room one by one. Luo Jianguo still presided over the meeting. There was only one topic in the afternoon, and that was the opinion of the expert group.

Luo Jianguo glanced lightly over the members of the experts, as well as Yang Fan and Shen Changhai, and nodded slightly.

Yang Fan looked calm, very calm.In contrast, Shen Changhai lacked confidence and his face was much more serious.

"Everyone, after the meeting in the morning, I believe that everyone is very familiar with the two design schemes." Luo Jianguo's voice was very loud and clear to everyone's ears.

"Evaluators can express their own opinions, and finally there will be a concluding speech by the leader of the expert group. Our military will adopt the opinions of the experts and finally decide which design plan to adopt."

The sound fell.

There was a slight noise in the meeting room, and many people were talking sideways in low voices. After a while, an expert stood up.

The somewhat noisy conference room gradually quieted down. To everyone's surprise, the expert did not express his opinions and opinions, but asked.

"Chief Designer Yang, I want to ask, the design risk of your design plan must be very high."

Design risk!

This is something that a lot of people care about.

In terms of design, the more new technologies are adopted, the more advanced the design scheme, the greater the design risk. When the design risk reaches a certain level, the final design may fail, and all previous efforts will be wasted, and all efforts will be in vain.

Faced with such a question, Yang Fan smiled.

There is a sense of confidence exuding from all over the body, which is basically copying the design of the future Type 054A guided missile frigate, where there will be any design risks.

Yang Fan said: "If I say that there is no design risk, everyone may not believe it, but I can guarantee that the design risk of our design is extremely small. If the military is not at ease, I can issue a military order."

A military order can be issued!

What a confidence this is!
How sure is this!

Many people looked at Yang Fan differently. They deeply felt Yang Fan's self-confidence, and they were basically sure that such a design was not risky.

Luo Jianguo said, "There is absolutely no need for a military order. Commander Yang has this confidence. We are very pleased and relieved."

Next, several experts spoke.

No one continued to ask Yang Fan any more, but mainly commented on the design plan of the Donghai Institute, and there were many words of praise in the words.

Careful people will find that Shen Changhai's expression darkened again.

The speeches of these experts basically centered on the design plan of the East China Sea Institute, and rarely mentioned the plan of the Northern Ship Design Institute.

It was so unified.

After the experts have finished their speeches, they will enter the discussion session of the expert group.

The dozen or so experts who participated in the review temporarily left under the leadership of the expert team leader and went to the lounge next door, where they exchanged opinions.

About half an hour later, the experts walked into the meeting room and sat down again. At this time, almost all eyes were on an old man with white hair and reading glasses.

He is the leader of the expert group!

The old man walked to the speaking seat and spoke into the microphone, his voice spread throughout the conference room, "Leaders, experts, comrades, after our discussions and exchanges, the expert group unanimously advocated that the military adopt the design plan of the Donghai Institute."

"This design scheme has low design risk and advanced technology, and the designed Type 054 guided missile frigate has low construction cost"

After the old man finished speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room.

Especially the military people, a personal applause, they seem to see that in the near future, an advanced guided missile frigate will be designed and then built.

The applause died down.

Luo Jianguo said loudly: "We congratulate Donghai Institute and Comrade Yang Fan. We also hope that Donghai Institute can design the Type 054 guided missile frigate as soon as possible."

As soon as his voice fell, there was another warm applause in the conference room.

Including Li Jun and Kuang Wei, they were excited and applauded vigorously, their faces were full of joy.

Yang Fan seems relatively calm, but if you look closely, you will find a smile on the corner of his mouth, which shows that Yang Fan is also in a happy mood at the moment.

Not far away, Shen Changhai sighed, lowered his head, never been so depressed.

He failed.

In this competition, the defeat was complete.

The opinions of the experts are very unified, basically unanimously recommending the adoption of the design of the East China Sea Institute, and almost no expert advocates the use of the design scheme of the Northern Ship Design Institute.


Total failure!
Shen Changhai sighed again, and Wan Xiang beside him also sighed there.

They knew that nothing would happen to them in the future, and the design of the future 054 ship basically had nothing to do with them. Apart from being frustrated, they also looked enviously at the energetic Yang Fan.

I'm jealous!
Such an important task fell to Yang Fan.

It is certain that Yang Fan will take the initiative to leave a strong mark on the ship design of the Republic!
The applause ceased, and Luo Jianguo announced the end of the meeting.

Some people walked out of the conference room, such as Shen Changhai and the others, who didn't want to stay here any longer, but more people did not leave in a hurry.

They happily gathered around, with Yang Fan as the center, they stretched out their hands to express their congratulations.

"Comrade Yang Fan, congratulations!"

"Chief Designer Yang, congratulations."

"Master Yang, I really look forward to your early completion of the comprehensive design."

In the face of everyone's warm congratulations, Yang Fan happily shook hands with everyone and politely thanked everyone for their congratulations.

The scene was very lively.

There was a military colonel, after he shook hands with Yang Fan to express his congratulations, he said hopefully, "Commander Yang, do you still have the color picture of the Type 054 guided missile frigate? Can you give me one."

I actually want a color rendering of the 054 ship.

Faced with such a request, Yang Fan hesitated a little. He did have one in his bag, but with so many people here, one might not be enough. Give it, or not?

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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