Military Heavy

Chapter 309

Chapter 309
Soon, Yang Fan made a decision.

Do not give!

I only have such a picture, and each picture is drawn with hard work and time. If I give it to the colonel, I will have to spend time to draw it if I need it.

Furthermore, Yang Fan is not familiar with this colonel, but only met twice.

Therefore, Yang Fan apologized: "I'm really sorry, I don't have the color picture of the 054 ship in my hand, so I can't meet your request."

"That's it."

The colonel was slightly disappointed.

There were still many people waiting to shake hands with Yang Fan to congratulate him. No one cared about his disappointment, and soon someone held Yang Fan's hand tightly.

"Master Yang, you are so arrogant. You actually want to design such an excellent guided missile frigate. As a naval commander, we all dream of owning such a warship."

After the meeting ended, it took Yang Fan more than ten minutes to leave the conference room.

No way, everyone is so enthusiastic.

At the end of the review meeting, the military adopted the design plan of Donghai Institute. Many people who participated in the meeting began to leave the capital and return to their work units.

But Yang Fan can't leave for the time being. Tomorrow morning, Luo Jianguo will have an in-depth talk with Yang Fan about the Type 054 guided missile frigate.


Yang Fan treats guests and takes Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei to eat roast duck.

Kuang Wei said: "General Master Yang, today is like a dream. Our design plan has really been adopted by the military."

Yang Fan nodded, looked at the happy Kuang Wei, and said, "We might get busy soon."

Kuang Wei said: "We hope to get busy soon. Designing such a ship is worthwhile in my life. I will retire in a few years. I didn't expect to be able to participate in such a design before retirement. No regrets for a lifetime."

Yang Fan said: "It's too early to talk about retirement now. It seems that you still have eight or nine years to retire, and you can still work hard."

Kuang Wei said: "I'm old, already over 50, unlike our Director Li, who is in the prime of life."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Zhengjun enviously.

Li Zhengjun said: "Director Kuang, you are not old at all, people in their 50s look like they are only 40 years old."

Kuang Wei smiled happily, very happy.

The three of them chatted while eating, the atmosphere was relaxed, hearty laughter sounded from time to time.

Of course Yang Fan is also in a good mood, the design plan has been adopted by the navy, and he will lead everyone to start the overall design work of the 054 ship in a short time.

This is Yang Fan's dream!
This dream will become a reality!

In addition to being happy, Yang Fan also reminded: "You have to be mentally prepared. I estimate that the design time given by the military will not be too long, because the military's demand for the Type 054 guided missile frigate is very urgent."

The two nodded.

At the beginning, when the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was designed, the military gave 10 years, 5 years for design, and 5 years for the construction and testing of the first ship.

Even if Yang Fan doesn't remind, Li Jun and Kuang Wei also know that the military cannot give another 10 years, because the domestic economic development is gradually accelerating, and we will have interests all over the world, which require us to have enough military power to protect .

It's just that the two of them didn't expect that the military gave Donghai such a short period of time, which greatly exceeded their expectations. Even if they had some psychological preparations in advance, they were still surprised when they saw the official mission statement.

Of course, this is a later story, and it will take some time before the task book is officially issued.

The three ate for more than an hour and chatted for more than an hour.

The topic was basically all about the 054 ship, and the atmosphere was very good. Yang Fan specially ordered a bottle of wine, and each of them drank more than two or three.

It feels good to drink a little wine.

The place to eat is not very far from the hotel where they stayed, and the three of them did not take a car, but walked, chatting while walking, and walked for about two or three 10 minutes to the hotel.

The next day.

Yang Fan entered Luo Jianguo's office as scheduled.

Obviously, Luo Jianguo had been waiting for a long time, and enthusiastically made good tea in advance, and invited Yang Fan to sit down on the sofa.

"Colleague Yang Fan, the design task of the 054 ship will be entrusted to you. It will not take long before the official design task book will be issued to the East China Sea Institute."

Yang Fan said seriously: "It's not just me who can undertake such an important design task. I believe that all of us will feel extremely honored."

This is an extremely honorable task!

It is estimated that it is also a lifelong pursuit of a shipman!
Many people have taken part in this task as the pinnacle of their careers.

Half a year ago, when the military decided to design and build the Type 054 guided missile frigate, not only the Donghai Research Institute, but also the Northern Ship Design focused on this task, and they also tried their best to strive for it.

There is no reason for it, because it is too glorious.

Being able to undertake such a task, Yang Fan is the same. He is proud in his heart, feels extremely honored, and has a strong sense of mission.

Luo Jianguo glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, and reminded: "Comrade Yang Fan, we have an urgent need for Type 054 guided missile frigates. Let me remind you in advance that the design time given by the military will not be too long, probably only three years." about."

Before, Luo Jianguo specifically asked Yang Fan how long it would take to complete the design of the 054 ship, and Yang Fan replied that it would only take three years.

At that time, Luo Jianguo was surprised, but also very happy.

For the military, the shorter the design time, the better. They can't wait to complete the design immediately, start construction immediately, and put the Type 054 guided missile frigate into service as soon as possible.

Yang Fan said again: "Three years, I think it's enough."

In the future, when the design and development of the 054 ship is carried out, the real situation is that it only takes a little more than two years.

Yang Fan just moved the 054A guided missile frigate designed in the future, and made it ahead of schedule. A lot of verification and demonstration work was basically unnecessary. What detours and useless efforts he would take when designing at that time was even more clear. Chu.

Knowing this in advance, Yang Fan is confident that the overall design will definitely be completed in two years, but it is not such a big deal. It is conservative to say that three years is enough.

Really only three years!
Confirmed again!

Luo Jianguo was pleasantly surprised again, "Great, after three years, we will be able to start the construction of the first 054 ship."

When he was happy, he had an in-depth exchange with Yang Fan.

Mainly asking Yang Fan for some opinions.

This is also the purpose of calling Yang Fan over to talk, such as the start of the design work, what support is needed in the East China Sea, and what needs to be done by the military.

The most, the most, the most important thing is to ask Yang Fan which tasks need to be started in advance.

Yang Fan looked stern, and said truthfully: "The soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first, and some work really needs to be started immediately, such as the diesel engine that France authorized us to manufacture, and immediately choose a capable factory to manufacture; such as some weapons that the 054 ship will need in the future. , establish the project as soon as possible, and start the development”

Yang Fan spoke clearly, while Luo Jianguo quickly recorded in his notebook.

The things Yang Fan said are basically consistent with what he thought, but it seems that Yang Fan thought more clearly and in a longer term.

For example, the project research of various weapons, Yang Fan specifically proposed to develop more advanced anti-submarine missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, etc.

The Type 054 guided missile destroyer has high requirements for weapons. There are currently no advanced missiles, and other existing missiles can be temporarily replaced. After the new missiles are successfully developed, they will be replaced with new, more advanced missiles.

In terms of design, there is no doubt that Yang Fan will consider the compatibility of various missiles, and there will be no problem with the replacement of new missiles in the future.

We talked for almost an entire morning.

Luo Jianguo's notebook recorded several pages, densely written, and carefully recorded all the things that Yang Fan had written.


Someone knocked on the door and came in, reminding that there was a meeting at ten o'clock in the morning, but Luo Jianguo directly refused. He was listening with gusto, applauding secretly in his heart, how could he be willing to attend any meeting.

As noon approached, Luo Jianguo still felt that he still had more to say, but it was only due to time, so he could only go here for the time being.

He closed his notebook and said with great regret: "Time flies so fast, it feels like it's already noon, and I really want to listen to Master Yang continue to talk."

Yang Fan said: "In the future, there will be time and opportunities."

"Yes, there will be opportunities in the future." Luo Jianguo got up and said enthusiastically: "People are like iron, rice is steel, let's go, let's go to dinner, I'll treat you."

It was already evening when Yang Fan, Li Zhengjun and Kuang Wei returned to Donghai City, and they flew back from the capital in the afternoon.

Early the next morning, not long after Yang Fan went to work, he found that the news seemed to have spread in the institute.

Who says good things don't go out!
The Type 054 missile frigate was designed by Donghai Institute, and the good news quickly spread. Not only did almost everyone in Donghai Institute know about it, but even the people in Donghai Shipyard and Dongjiang Shipyard gradually learned about it.

Before nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Shaohua called. As soon as the call was connected, his voice came over, "Comrade Yang Fan, congratulations, you have successfully won the design task of the 054 ship."

Yang Fan said: "Mr. Chen, even you guys know about this."

Chen Shaohua said: "I have heard about it, not only me, but many people in Donghai Shipyard know about this great event."

"Old Chen, thank you for your congratulations. Maybe it won't be long before we start the overall design of the 054 ship. I think the time to build the 052 ship will be reduced."

The construction of the first ship of 052B has been fully started at Donghai Shipyard and is progressing smoothly.I heard that in the first half of next year, the construction of the No. 052 ship of the 2B ship will start at the Donghai Shipyard. Chen Shaohua is in a very good mood recently, and he can hear it from the tone of his speech.

After chatting for a few words and hanging up the phone, the smile on the corner of Yang Fan's mouth has not faded, thinking in his heart, the news spread so fast.

To Yang Fan's surprise, not long after, Sun Baoguo from Dongjiang Shipyard actually came over in person, and happily pushed open the door of Yang Fan's office.

Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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