Military Heavy

Chapter 311 Yang Fan Says Yes

Chapter 311 Yang Fan Says Yes

Yang Fan was a little surprised.

In the office, almost all the deputy directors are there.

so, what happened?
Hey, there seems to be a pressure in the air.

Seeing everyone looking at him in unison, Yang Fan became even more suspicious, "Director Liang, you are looking for me."

Liang Zhiquan nodded, and said solemnly: "You should have read the design task book issued by the military carefully."

"I've seen it."

Yang Fan still felt rather strange. As soon as he came in, Director Liang asked about the design task book that had just been issued by the military. He thought he would ask about the design of the 054 ship and what kind of support it needs.

Liang Zhiquan asked: "Comrade Yang Fan, after reading the design brief, don't you think there is a problem?"


Yang Fan was at a loss, thinking in his heart, is there any problem with the design task book?

Thinking of the content of the design task book, he roughly went through it in his mind, and after confirming that there was really no problem, Yang Fan's doubts became more intense.

What happened to the leaders?
One by one looked very stressed.

They were all in Director Liang's office, and they were probably discussing the design mission statement for the Type 054 guided missile frigate just now.

All of a sudden, Yang Fan thought a lot in his mind.

Finally, one of the deputy directors couldn't help but asked, "Master Yang, do you really think there is no problem with the design brief, for example, the design time required by the military."

Yang Fan pondered for a while, and replied seriously: "There is no problem, the design time requirement is normal!"

Is this normal too? ? ?
There are only 36 months, that is, the military has only given 3 years.

The deputy director really felt a little crazy. The main reason why everyone is sitting here under such a great pressure is that the military only gave 3 years to complete the overall design of the Type 36 guided missile frigate within 054 months.

Such a little time, how can it be enough!

The deputy director said anxiously: "There are only three years, don't you think this is too little time?"

Liang Zhiquan also reminded: "Comrade Yang Fan, there are only three years. Is this too short for a new generation of guided missile frigates with extremely high technical requirements?"

It turned out to be such a thing!

It turns out that everyone is worried about not having enough time!
After understanding what was going on, Yang Fan smiled relaxedly, "Director Liang, I think 3 years is enough time, not only is it not short at all, but it is quite sufficient."

No way!
How can there be plenty of time in such a short time.

Everyone, including Liang Quanzhi, was astonished. This was something they never thought of. They originally thought that Yang Fan would also feel that time was far from enough.

Who knows, Yang Fan said that there is plenty of time.

The deputy director just reminded: "Comrade Yang Fan, before this matter, you can't take the slightest joke. If you fail to complete the comprehensive design within three years, the military will hold you accountable. You and I will take care of it." Sorry."

Something big!

Can't tolerate the slightest joke!
Of course Yang Fan knew this, this was not a joke, and said sternly again: "I know, I'm definitely not joking, I think three years is enough."

Just so confident!
Others feel that 3 years is far from enough.

Yang Fan thinks that he is already very rich!
Feeling the self-confidence emanating from Yang Fan, Pan Jinfu smiled gratifiedly, and said loudly: "If you see it, I will say that Comrade Yang Fan has a solution. Sure enough, it is a task that others can't complete within 3 years." , he has no problem at all."

Feel relieved!
Liang Zhiquan felt that a hanging stone finally fell to the ground. Based on his understanding of Yang Fan, Yang Fan would not say such a thing if he was not fully sure.

That is to say, if the comprehensive design is completed within 3 years, there will be no problem at all.

The pressure on the deputy directors dissipated in an instant, and they all became happy and relaxed. The deputy director gave a thumbs up just now.

"Comrade Yang Fan, amazing, once again let us look at each other with admiration!"

"Yeah, I'm relieved now."

"It made us worry for nothing, Comrade Yang Fan, you have to treat us to make up for our worries just now."


There were bursts of hearty laughter in the office.

Yang Fan said that there is no problem in completing the comprehensive design within 3 years, which really surprised everyone, and everyone felt relaxed.

As the top leader, Liang Zhiquan said with concern while relaxing: "Comrade Yang Fan, if you have any requirements or difficulties, just ask them, and we will try our best to solve them in the institute."

There is really one thing that needs to be done by the leaders.

Yang Fan originally wanted to find an opportunity to mention it to Liang Zhiquan first, and then make a formal report. Now that the other party took the initiative to ask this question, it is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Such a good opportunity should not be wasted!
Yang Fan felt happy for a while, and immediately proposed, "Director Liang, the Type 054 missile frigate is about to be fully designed, and I want to buy a batch of computers."

Add a computer!

It doesn't seem like a big deal either.

It is no longer the 80s, and computers are no longer unfamiliar things, and Donghai Institute also has some computers.

Liang Zhiquan wanted to agree immediately, but after thinking about it for a while, he still felt that he should ask the quantity first, so he said, "How many computers do you need?"

Yang Fan said: "Let's buy one hundred more computers first, preferably 486 computers."

It wasn't just Liang Zhiquan who was stunned.

Several other deputy directors also showed astonishment on their faces.

One hundred 486 computers!
Not three or five, nor eight or ten, but one hundred at the first opening. This number is really scary.

Over the years, Donghai Institute has also successively purchased some computers, including 286 computers, 386 computers, and a few of the latest 486 computers.

But the quantity is not much. Three or five computers are added each time, and seven or eight computers are added at most. The number of computers purchased every year is in single digits.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan wanted to buy 100 more computers, and he also asked for 486 computers.

For ordinary people, buying one 486 computer is already very extravagant, a hundred sets is really unimaginable.

Liang Zhiquan was astonished, but also asked in a deep voice: "Comrade Yang Fan, is it really 100, not how many computers?"

"Yes, let's add 100 units first, and if it is not enough, we will consider adding more later."

Several deputy directors almost fell to the ground.


100 units is only the first batch, if not enough, we will buy more in the future.

Even Pan Jinfu was surprised, and asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, why are you buying so many computers all at once?"


This thing can't be eaten as a meal.

Besides, even if you really buy back 100 486 computers in one go, it is estimated that many people may not be able to use them.

What to do with these computers, Yang Fan has long thought about it.

Yang Fan was not in a hurry to answer this question, but asked: "It took us more than 052 years to design the 4 ship, and so much time wasted, which link is the most time-consuming? "

Pan Jinfu replied: "Of course it is the drawing of a large number of design drawings."

There is no doubt about this.

In the era of pure manual work, designers use the most primitive drawing tools, such as rulers, set squares, compasses, pencils, etc., to outline design drawings one by one, and it often takes several days for a design drawing.

The drawing of these drawings consumes a lot of time for everyone.

Yang Fan said: "If we can increase the efficiency of drawing drawings, such as increasing the efficiency by two or three times, or even four or five times, what will happen?"

Pan Jinfu said: "If the efficiency can be improved several times, the original design of the 052 ship will not take so much time. Not to mention shortening the time by doubling, it is still possible to save a year of time."

Yang Fan nodded.

He said loudly: "The reason I want to buy these computers is to improve the efficiency of drawing design drawings. In foreign countries, people use computer-aided drawing, which is very efficient. We can't be outdated, and we can't blindly use the most primitive tools to draw designs. drawings, but to keep pace with the times.”

Computer Aided Drafting!
Everyone's eyes lit up!
As the director and deputy director, everyone is not completely unfamiliar with this thing, and they have heard of it to some extent, and they also know that such drawing efficiency is indeed very high.

Just a little worried.

Liang Zhiquan reminded: "Even if we want to promote computer-aided drawing, but no one understands this thing, everyone will not."


Everyone will not!
Who will promote computer-aided drafting.

Just having a computer is useless.

Who knows, Yang Fan smiled easily and said confidently: "This is not a problem at all. I know computer-aided drawing, and I will teach you."

No way!
Do you even do this?
Where did you learn it, why don't we know!
Seeing the doubts and surprises in everyone's hearts, Yang Fan explained: "Actually, this thing is not difficult. I usually read books and think about it myself, and I gradually understand it."

That's it!

you are awesome!
Everyone admired Yang Fan a little bit, and Liang Zhiquan said in his heart, "I am old, I can't keep up with the pace of young people."

One hundred 486 computers.

It is a good way to distribute to designers for computer-aided drawing, which can greatly improve drawing efficiency.

Pan Jinfu was the first to agree: "Old Liang, although 100 computers cost a lot of money, we still have to support Comrade Yang Fan's work, don't you think so?"

After thinking for a while, Liang Zhiquan nodded and said, "Yes, I will find a way to buy these 100 486 computers as soon as possible."

As long as there is enough funds, the computer is not a problem.

It is no longer the 80s. After entering the 90s, personal computers began to appear slowly. After all, there are sufficient sources of goods in the domestic market, so there is no need to spend a lot of trouble importing from abroad.

Besides 100 486 computers, what other requirements does Yang Fan have?

Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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