Military Heavy

Chapter 312 CAD in the 9th century

Chapter 312 CAD of the 90s
Of course Yang Fan still has requests.

Just having 100 486 computers is not enough, some matching items need to be bought back, especially some items need to be bought back first, and they need to be in place as soon as possible.

Liang Zhiquan said: "With 100 computers, the institute will find a way to meet your requirements as much as possible. Besides these computers, what else do we need to do?"

Yang Fan had thought about it a long time ago, and made a request: "I also need a workstation, that is, a workstation computer. In addition, there are one or two professionals who understand computers to cooperate with my work. The computers in our office need to be connected to the Internet. local area network."

This is immediate work.

After the local area network is established, the existing computers can be connected to the workstation first. Even if the 100 computers are not in place for the time being, it will not affect Yang Fan's work.

Donghai Institute currently has some computers, but there are not dozens, twenty, or thirty. It is enough for the training stage of computer-aided drawing.

According to the plan, Yang Fan did not fully carry out the design work of the 054 ship from the beginning, but first trained everyone, let some of them understand first, and finally became more proficient in using computer-aided drawing.

Yang Fan knew that although Liang Zhiquan, the top leader, agreed readily, it would take some time for the 100 computers to be in place, perhaps not until after the Lunar New Year.

Because it involves some links and a whole set of procedures. For example, Donghai Institute first needs to submit an application in a written report, and can only purchase it after the above-mentioned approval. It may take one or two months.

In one or two months, Yang Fan can spend a lot of time, instead of waiting for the arrival of these computers.

For example, establish a local area network first, and train everyone on computer-aided drawing as soon as possible. Let some people get started first, and then a small number of people drive the majority. Finally, all designers, no matter young or older, can use CAD drawing proficiently .

To buy a work computer, Donghai Institute can make decisions by itself, without reporting to the superiors for instructions, as long as you pay close attention, you can buy it back soon.

Yang Fan said: "Director Liang, the workstation computer must be in place as soon as possible, and a local area network must be established in our office as soon as possible."

Since the overall design of the 054 ship can be completed within three years, what is a workstation!
Liang Zhiquan readily agreed: "No problem, I will personally handle this matter, Comrade Yang Fan, during the design process of the 054 ship, if you have any questions, you can contact me at any time."

A joy in my heart!
It's great to have such support from Director Liang!
Yang Fan thanked and said: "Director Liang, I would like to thank you first. With your strong support, I think the future design work of the 054 ship will go very smoothly."

After chatting for a few words, everything about him was settled, and Yang Fan left happily.

in the office.

Liang Zhiquan, Pan Jinfu, and several deputy directors were no longer under any pressure. They were in a very good mood, and their hearts were completely relieved.

"Comrade Yang Fan is good!"

"Mr. Yang is young and promising, but we are all old!"

"I am completely relieved now, and I really look forward to the early completion of the comprehensive design of the 054 ship."


After everyone said this, Liang Zhiquan and Pan Jinfu smiled and exchanged glances, with gratified smiles on their faces.

There is a successor!
Their older generation of shipmen can rest assured.

Liang Zhiquan said: "I am now announcing a decision. During the design process of the 054 ship, we will try our best to meet all the requirements put forward by Yang Fan. All matters will make way for the design of the 054 ship. In the next three years, our most important work It is the design work of the 3 ship."

Such support!
Such heights!
If Yang Fan hadn't left the office yet, he would definitely be thankful again when he heard Director Liang's words.Director Liang has raised the design of the 054 ship to an unprecedented height.

The hearts of several deputy directors trembled.

Everyone knows that starting today, the design work of the 054 ship will be the top priority!

The military's design task book was sent to Donghai Institute. At the beginning, almost everyone in the institute was excited, and many people were excited.

The design work of the Type 054 guided missile frigate can begin immediately!
This is so exciting!

Many people know that this is a guided missile frigate that uses a lot of advanced technology and has excellent comprehensive performance. Participating in such a design work must be full of sense of accomplishment.

"I can't calm down, Chief Master Yang is about to lead us to start a comprehensive design!"

"I wish I had started sooner!"

"I'm going to retire in a few years. I didn't expect to catch such a last bus before I retire, and my career can be regarded as a successful conclusion."


Everyone is full of expectations and hopes to start the design of the Type 054 guided missile frigate as soon as possible, but gradually, everyone feels a little strange.

Why has there been no movement!

This is not right!

Logically speaking, once the design task book is issued, the design work must be started immediately. After all, time is very precious, and the design task must be completed within the specified time.

two days, three days.
It has been several days without any movement. It is not just the ordinary designers who are at a loss, many key designers, or the middle-level cadres of the East China Sea Institute, they are also very puzzled, do not understand what this is What's wrong.

Only a few careful people discovered that a computer was added as a workstation in the office, and two people who knew computers were installing network cables and preparing to establish a local area network.

But none of these things made a splash.

Everyone focused their attention on the design work of the 054 ship, and they were especially concerned about when the overall design work of the 054 ship would start. As for adding a computer as a workstation and establishing a local area network for the whole institute, it really did not attract much attention from everyone. interest.

Especially some people don't know much about computers, so they don't care about such things.

in the office.

Yang Fan is listening to the report. These two are specialized computer technicians invited from outside, who understand computers and the Internet.

In addition to being responsible for the installation and establishment of workstations, he is also responsible for the construction of the entire LAN.Yang Fan asked them to complete these tasks as soon as possible.

One of them reported: "Mr. Yang, the workstation has basically been debugged. Xiao He and I will install the other network cables. It is estimated that all these tasks will be completed in about a week."

Yang Fan nodded, and was quite satisfied with their progress. In just a few days, the workstation has been completed, and some computers have been connected to the Internet.

In the future, there will be at least hundreds, maybe even two or three hundred computers, which will form a local area network. In addition, output devices, such as various types of printers, will also be connected.

After listening to their report, Yang Fan asked: "The CAD on my computer has been connected to the workstation, can it be used now?"

"Okay, we're connected."

Hearing this, Yang Fan's mood was slightly agitated, and he felt eager to try, but it didn't show on his face.

This time I bought a genuine CAD, which cost a little money, but it is not expensive, and it is worth the money.

Yang Fan has never been in contact with CAD since his rebirth. He hasn't been in contact with CAD for so long. I don't know if he is a little rusty.

As the best ship designer in the Republic, before rebirth, Yang Fan basically used a computer for drawing, and was very proficient in various drawing software, such as CAD, UG and so on.

"Thank you, I'll try CAD first."

Try it yourself first.

The two thought they had heard it wrong. They speculated that Donghai Institute had never had CAD, and probably no one knew about it. They originally wanted to teach Yang Fan how to use it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan had no intention of letting them teach at all.

Seeing their surprise, Yang Fan smiled, "Don't worry, I can use CAD, there is no problem at all."

He really knows how to use it!
It's incredible!

There are still people in Donghai Institute who can use this thing!
And also a chief designer!

The two were so shocked that they didn't come back to their senses for a long time, and they didn't know how they got out of Yang Fan's office.

When they got outside the office, the two finally came to their senses. The young network technician said, "Mr. Cai, it's really beyond our expectations. Master Yang can use CAD."

The elder Cai Gong nodded, "Xiao He, I really didn't expect that there are people in Donghai City who know this thing. I haven't fully digested the news yet."

After recovering from their senses, the two were filled with emotion, and after chatting for a few words, they finally accepted this fact completely, and then left here to continue their work.

Watching the two leave, Yang Fan smiled softly.

I thought in my heart, although I haven't been exposed to CAD for many years, but the foundation is still there, I don't believe that your level is higher than mine.

It's almost like I'm here to train you.

It is estimated that many functions of CDA are not fully understood by you.

This is also the reason why Yang Fan does not plan to invite professionals to teach everyone how to use CAD.

Now it is only in 1993, and there are not many people in Donghai City who understand CDA. Among the limited people, it is estimated that few people are at a higher level than Yang Fan. Since the people invited here are not as good as myself, then why spend this money? .

Yang Fan is going to teach everyone how to use computer-aided drawing by himself.

Turn on his computer, and soon after entering the CAD system, Yang Fan is going to take a look at what the CAD of the 90s looks like, and how different it is from the CAD of ten or even twenty years later.

After entering CAD, Yang Fan has a familiar feeling, the interface is still the same interface, this feeling has not been there for many years.

Ten years after rebirth, I saw this interface again.

There is even a little trance in my heart, and I have a lot of feelings.

After a long time, after taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Yang Fan began to get familiar with the operation interface and the current CAD.

Soon, [-] mud horses galloped past in Yang Fan's heart
There are also 1 lying grass in my mind!

Is this the CAD of the 90s? ? ?
Today is the third update, and the second update will be delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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